The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results

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50-59 yearsMODERNADeathsyncopal episode - arrested - CPR - death
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathPatient received COVID vaccination around 12:15pm. Patient was monitored for the appropriate amount of time by nursing staff. Patient passed away at 2:15pm.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathPatient received the 1st dose of Moderna and was found deceased in her home the next day.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeath51 year old M with h/o O2 dependent COPD, Severe pulmonary fibrosis became increasingly hypoxic around 1800hours 1/7/2021. He was transported to hospital for acute on chronic hypoxia respiratory failure. On 1/12/2021 he decompensated further, and after discussing with family and palliative care, He was changed to comfort care. He expired on 1/12/2021@2325 at medical center.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathPatient woke apx 0200 complaining of nausea to group home staff. Vitals were checked at that time and WNL. Patient went back to bed. When staff went to wake patient apx 0530, he was unresponsive and had no pulse. Chest compressions were started and EMS called.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathAt 04:30 on 1/22/2021, facility was notified of employee death at home.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathper recipient spouse - vaccine recipient became ill during the night of 1/21/21 or early morning of 1/22/21 and was deceased in the morning of 1/22/21.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeath"Client came to nursing station about 2pm to report she ""was not feeling well"". Nurses took vital signs, then referred her to the vaccination clinic that was onsite. She was observed by vaccination team for a period of time. She reported shoulder pain radiating into shoulder blade in arm vaccine was received. Vaccination team offered ice pack to her, observed for a period of time, and released back to work. About 10pm that evening, she sent a text to another coworker that her pain was ""off the charts"" and that she had pain covering her whole left side of her body. She did not come to work in the morning and did not contact work. Well being check was performed at approximately 9am on 2/2/2021 and she was found dead in her home. 911 was immediately called and authorities took over the scene."
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathPatient awake at 0300. When going into the room to get him ready for dialysis he was cold to touch, unresponsive other than to sound, and nonverbal. O2 sat was 67 via finger probe. Oxygen immediately initiated and a venturi mask retrieved and initiated. When unable to arouse him via sternal rub this RN called 911. Send to ED. Febrile 39.2 and hypotensive 58/43. Admitted. unknown after that as patient expired in hospital.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathThe patient, who was a pharmacist, developed fatigue and shortness of breath hours after receiving vaccine. Two days later, on 01/28/2021, the patient went to local urgent care for worsening shortness of breath and was referred to Hospital for worsening dyspnea and hypoxia. The patient was admitted to the hospital We was found to have bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and treated for pneumonia with Rocephin and azithromycin. He was tested for COVID-19 multiple times, but each of the results were negative. Despite the negative results, there was high clinical suspicion for COVID-19 and the patient was started on Remdesivir and Decadron. The patient's oxygen requirements continued to worsen and the patient was transferred to another facility for higher level of care. There his hypoxia worsened and he required mechanical ventilation. Patient then developed hypotension and required vasopressors for blood pressure support. Furthermore, patient developed acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis. Despite mechanical ventilation with FiO2 100%, and for vasopressors, patient clinically deteriorated and family decided to palliatively extubate on 02/05/2021.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathpatient 6 hours post vaccination
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathTwo days later passed away; difficulty breathing, shortness of breath; difficulty breathing, gurgling; Not feeling well; Achiness; Severe fever; Chills; A spontaneous report was received from a physician concerning a 56-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and developed fever, chills, achiness, shortness of breath, gurgling and unresponsive. The patient's medical history was not provided. Concomitant product use was not provided. On 19 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Lot 042L20A) intramuscularly in the left arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. After receiving the vaccine on 19 Jan 2021, the patient experienced fever, chills, shortness of breath, gurgling and achiness. On 21 Jan 2021, the patient was found unresponsive. Emergency medical services were called to perform life saving measures however, they were unsuccessful. No further treatment information was provided. The patient died on 21 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as unknown. An autopsy was planned.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 56-year-old, female, who experienced a serious event of death, with many other events after receiving second dose of mRNA-1273 (Lot# 042L20A). Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathSystemic: no issues during observation period-Severe, Additional Details: patient received moderna immunization during the morning of 2/17/2021. patient was found by facility staff at 2:38pm with no pulse CPR was started, aed was used and ems was called. time of death 3:15pm
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathunknown if related to vaccine. patient received 2nd vaccine at 0830, observed 15 minutes, discharged, arrested at 0915 upon entering her home. vaccine was administered by DOH at their community location. patient was pronounced lifeless in the ED.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathPt received second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination administered in left arm at her assisted living facility by Pharmacist at 1153 on 2/19/2021. Pt was monitored for vaccine reaction with no known adverse reaction. Approximately 18 hours post-vaccine, she was found deceased in her sleep at 0540 on 2/20/21. Per circumstances/pt history, it is presumed that the patient aspirated while sleeping, perhaps secondary to a seizure. Coroner was notified and declined as coroner's case. VAERS notification being made due to pt death within 24 hours of receiving a vaccine.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeathAbdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, acidosis, hypoglycemia, death. Onset of abdominal pain was 30 minutes after administration of the vaccine followed by 20+ episodes of vomiting and dry heaving.
50-59 yearsMODERNADeath"Agency contacted 2/19 In evening by employer representative- client Died Suddenly after work"""
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathVaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic, then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having difficulty breathing. She then collapsed, then when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeath"Staff member checked on her at 3am and patient stated that she felt like she couldn't breathe. 911 was called and taken to the hospital. While in the ambulance, patient coded. Patient was given CPR and ""brought back"". Once at the hospital, patient was placed on a ventilator and efforts were made to contact the guardian for end of life decisions. Two EEGs were given to determine that patient had no brain activity. Guardian, made the decision to end all life saving measures. Patient was taken off the ventilator on 1/9/2021 and passed away at 1:30am on 1/10/2021. The initial indication from the ICU doctor was the patient had a mucus plug that she couldn't clear."
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathhe passed away; not responsive; mind just seemed like it was racing; body was hyper dried; Restless; not feeling well; ate a bit but not much; kind of pale; Agitated; Vomiting; trouble in breathing; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (brother of the patient). A 54-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration, on 04Jan2021 (at the age of 54-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included diabetes and high blood pressure. Concomitant medications included metformin (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN) taken for diabetes, glimepiride (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN) taken for diabetes, lisinopril (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), and amlodipine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). The patient experienced not feeling well, ate a bit but not much, kind of pale, vomiting, trouble in breathing, and agitated on 04Jan2021; body was hyper dried and restless on 05Jan2021; mind just seemed like it was racing on 06Jan2021; and not responsive and he passed away on 06Jan2021 at 10:15 (reported as: around 10:15 AM). The clinical course was reported as follows: The patient received the vaccine on 04Jan2021, after which he started not feeling well. He went right home and went to bed. He woke up and ate a bit but not much and then was kind of pale. The patient then started to vomit, which continued throughout the night. He was having trouble in breathing. Emergency services were called, and they took his vitals and said that everything was okay, but he was very agitated; reported as not like this prior to the vaccine. The patient was taken to urgent care where they gave him an unspecified steroid shot and unspecified medication for vomiting. The patient was told he was probably having a reaction to the vaccine, but he was just dried up. The patient continued to vomit throughout the day and then he was very agitated again and would fall asleep for may be 15-20 minutes. When the patient woke up, he was very restless (reported as: his body was just amped up and could not calm down). The patient calmed down just a little bit in the evening. When the patient was awoken at 6:00 AM in the morning, he was still agitated. The patient stated that he couldn't breathe, and his mind was racing. The patient's other brother went to him and he was not responsive, and he passed away on 06Jan2021 around 10:15 AM. It was reported that none of the symptoms occurred until the patient received the vaccine. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of vomiting as aforementioned. The clinical outcome of all of the events was unknown; not responsive was not recovered, the patient died on 06Jan2021. The cause of death was unknown (reported as: not known by reporter). An autopsy was not performed. The batch/lot number for the vaccine, BNT162B2, was not provided and has been requested during follow up.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: not responsive and he passed away
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeath54 y/o M with PMH of HTN, HLD, Alcoholic Cirrhosis, Aortic Valve Stenosis, and angina BIBA as a Medical Alert for cardiac arrest noted PTA. Per EMS, the patient called because he was having constant, diffuse abdominal pain x 1 day that radiated to his chest. On scene, the patient had a witnessed arrest with EMS starting CPR. He was given 3 rounds of epi without ROSC. Pt had no associated shockable rhythm. Of note, pt's wife, had noted pt had received covid vaccine the prior day.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathCardiac arrest within 1 hour Patient had the second vaccine approximately 2 pm on Tuesday Jan 12th He works at the extended care community and was in good health that morning with no complaints. He waited 10-15 minutes at the vaccine admin site and then told them he felt fine and was ready to get back to work. He then was found unresponsive at 3 pm within an hour of the 2nd vaccine. EMS called immediately worked on him 30 minutes in field then 30 minutes at ER was able to put him on life support yet deemed Brain dead 1-14-21 and pronounced dead an hour or so later
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathDeath
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathResident received 1st on 1/11/21 at 12:10am (1/12/21) resident was found unresponsive. Code Blue, 911 called at 12:11am. FD and EMS arrived, resident pronounced at 12:51am.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathDeath 3 days after receiving 2nd dose of COVID vaccine, unknown if related to vaccine administration.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathSystemic: patient had no known medical history per supervisor
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient with inoperable pancreatic cancer received second Pfizer vaccine approximately 12:30 pm on 1/27/21. At approximataely 16:30, patient complained of abdominal pain and was given Levsin 0.125mg and morphine 5mg orally. At approximately 19:30 patient was found on the floor covered in a large amount of emesis, unresponsive without a pulse.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathAfter being observed for approximately 20 minutes and patient walked to her car without assistance I was called to assess the patient in the parking lot for troubles breathing. EMS was called as I made my way outside. Upon my arrival patient was leaning out of the car and stating that she could not breath. She was able to tell me that she was allergic to penicillin. Oxygen was immediately placed on the patient with minimal relief. Lung sounds were coarse throughout. She then began to vomit about every 20-30 seconds. Epipen was administered in the right leg with no relief. Patient continued to complain of troubles breathing and vomiting. A second epipen was administered in the patients right arm again with no relief. A few minutes later patient was given racemic epinephrine through the oxygen mask. There appeared to be mild improvement in her breathing as she appeared more comfortable, but still complaining of shortness of breath and vomiting. When EMS arrived patient was unable to transport herself to the stretcher. When EMS and clinical staff transferred patient to the stretcher she became unresponsive. She appeared to still be breathing. She did not respond to verbal stimuli. Per ED report large amount of fluid was suctioned from the patients lungs following intubation in the ambulance. When patient arrived to the ED she was extubated and re-intubated without difficulty and further fluid was suctioned. At that time patient was found to be in PEA, shock was delivered. Shortly thereafter no cardiac activity was found and patient pronounced dead.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathThe next morning after vaccine, patient ran a fever, vomited, and was very tired. Mom laid her down to sleep and when she checked later, patient had passed away.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathResident found unresponsive in room this am at approx. 9:30 am. Resident was observed eating breakfast around 8:45 am. Housekeeper reported seeing resident between breakfast and time found unresponsive. Resident had voiced no complaints. Code was initiated until EMS arrived and transported resident to hospital. Resident expired.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeath"Pt had 2nd vaccine, went home and started having ""cramping"" in all of her muscles. It became bad enough that she was taken to local ED where she then started coughing up blood, required intubation and about 6 hrs later, died."
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathCOVID 19 symptoms and a positive test was confirmed on 1/6, employee noted previous exposure to positive family members Narrative: Employee noted exposure to COVID prior to presenting for 1st dose of vaccine on 1/5/21. On 1/6/21 employee reported the onset of symptoms and was tested and was confirmed COVID positive that day. Positive result was reported to employee health on 1/8/21. Employee Health continued to track employees progress and was informed of the need for hospitalization on 1/14/21. Course of hospitalization noted the need for intubation and significant issue with comorbid condition (rheumatoid arthritis). Employee died on 2/9/2021. Unable to confirm a direct connection to Vaccine vs. COVID infection, but felt it should be reported.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathAssociate developed SOB on 2/12/21. Taken to Hospital on 2/13/21. Reported deceased 2/14/21.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeath"Patient expired 02/06/2021. COD as ruled by Coroner ""Hypertensive and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease."""
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathDeath within thirty days of vaccine. Multiple co-morbidities and placed on hospice 12/28/20.
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathSystemic: Brain aneurysm-Severe, Systemic: Headache-Severe
50-59 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathNausea, hot flashes, cleared by medic
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath1/1/2020: Residents was found unresponsive. Pronounced deceased at 6:02pm
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathThis person was found to be deceased on routine rounds during the night, 3am. No symptoms of reaction noted post vaccine. No injection site reaction. No reports of any allergic reaction.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathAround 00:50am on 01/15/21, C.N.A. reported that the resident looked different and not responding. Initiated Code Blue and started CPR. 911 arrived and pronounced resident dead at 1:01 am.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath"On 1/15/2021 at 1800, resident noted to be lethargic and shaking, stating ""I don't care."" repeatedly. C/O head and neck pain. T100.6. Given Tylenol with no relief of pain. Order received for Aleve and administered.. Assisted to bed as usual in evening. Monitored during night shift and noted to be resting comfortably/sleeping.. Noted agonal breathing at 4:10 AM 1/16/2021 , T 99.4, Absence of vital signs at 4:15AM 1/16/21 and death pronounced at 4:40AM 1/16/21."
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathpatient received the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine on 1/23/2021 around 5:45pm wife called management today and reported that he had collapsed and passed away today around noon
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathpatient received covid vaccine and had a heart attack the next day and died
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathPt likely presented to vaccine appt with asymptomatic/early infection of COVID-19, as he presented 2 days post-vaccination and tested positive for COVID-19 on rapid and PCR test. He was hospitalized where he eventually died of complications from COVID-19 while in ICU. Date of death was 1/15/2021.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathsudden cardiac arrest
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathLow Grade Temp, Persistent low back pain, Projectile Vomiting.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathPt. presented to the ER with abd pain and septic shock. Pt. reported to feel ill shortly after receiving the vaccine.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathAlmost immediate headache per wife. Developed fever around 4 pm. Headache all day. Took Tylenol at 4 and 10 pm. Gradual development of SOB and cough. Temp of 101.4 at 10 pm. pulse ox 92% at 10 pm. Went to sleep, woke up at 0050 with increasing SOB. Pulse ox 82%. Used albuterol inhaler, wife called emergency services at 0113. EMS arrived around 0130 to patient's home. pulse ox 86%, coughing, sob, hard time breathing. Walked to stretcher. Became unresponsive. Found to have no pulse, stopped breathing. CPR initiated at about 0140. King airway placed in field, I/O in left tibia. Patient from PEA to asystole, to vfib, to asystole. ACLS followed. Unrecoverable asystole and patient time of death 0213.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath"02/08/21--2 days after vaccine--Resident stated that she ""didn't feel good"" (She is developmentally delayed and less able to communicate how she feels than those in the community) and stopped eating most foods; also had fatigue. Vitals, coloring, & behavior were normal. 02/09/21--Belly was firm and mildly distended (although she stated it didn't hurt); she coded this evening and CPR was performed before EMT could transport her to the hospital. 02/10/21--Resident passed."
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathNo reported adverse reactions from 1st or 2nd vaccine doses Patient died on 2/6/2021 at Correctional facility- autopsy was performed at medical examiner's office. The COD was artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathVaccine given in clinic per protocol - patient monitored for 15 minutes, no adverse reactions noted at the time. Patient stated he felt fine following 15 minute monitoring time. Patient left facility- it was later reported that pt had a fall at home. Upon review of pt's medical record - Pt's wife had to initiate CPR and call EMS for transportation and life saving measures enroute to the Emergency Room. Pt was intubated as pt was in asystole upon arrival to the ER, ACLS was continued, pt was noted to have a traumatic brain injury from his fall at home, and pt was pronounced dead at 1620.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath"Patient called EMS approximately 1pm on 2/15 with complaints of generalized weakness. Upon arrival EMS found her to be diaphoretic and she had a witnessed syncopal episode with question of v-fib and seizures. She became unresponsive and had no pulse. CPR was begun and she was transported to ED. She remained asystole throughout. CPR was initially continued in the ED for approximately 30 minutes and then stopped with Time of Death noted at 13:27. ED notes noted ""suspect given history that patient experienced massive MI, PE or ruptured AAA"". Death certificate notes indicate ""signficant conditions contributing to death after cardiac arrest; ASCVD""."
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathPassed away; tired; nonresponsive; cold; difficulty breathing; swelling; sore arm; feeling weird and funny; A spontaneous report (United States) was received from a consumer concerning a 63 year old male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and the patient experienced limb discomfort, feeling abnormal, dyspnea, fatigue, swelling, unresponsive to stimuli, body temperature abnormal and the patient passed away . Medical history included treatment for tuberculosis and dialysis. Concomitant medication included calcium acetate, Renvela, glipizide, omeprazole, aspirin, vitamin D, losartan, furosemide, rifampin, and Sensipar. On 14 Jan 2021, the patient received the first of their first planned doses of mRNA-1273 (lot number 030L20A) for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 13 Jan2021, the patient tested negative for COVID-19). On 16 Jan 2021, the patient experienced a sore arm, and feeling weird/funny. On 17Jan2021, the patient experienced difficulty breathing and swelling. On 18 Jan 2021, the patient declined dialysis, was tired and wanted to lay down. At 8 am, the patient was found nonresponsive and cold and is believed to have passed away around 4 am. The coroner tested the deceased for COVID-19 and the test was positive. No autopsy was reported. No death certificate was issued at the time of the report but the reporter believes it will list cause of death as COVID complications. Action taken with the mRNA-1273 was not applicable. The outcome of the events of limb discomfort, feeling abnormal, dyspnea, fatigue, swelling, unresponsive to stimuli, body temperature abnormal, was fatal. On 18 Jan 2021, the patient was died. Cause of death was COVID-19. Autopsy details were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: The events developed on four days after first dose of mRNA-1372. Dyspnea, unresponsive to stimuli, and death were consistent with infection in pandemic set up confounded by age of patient and refusal of dialysis Cause of death was reported as COVID-19. Autopsy details were not provided. Based on reporter's causality the events are assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: COVID-19
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathNoted red blotchy areas 2 days post vaccination on bilateral inner thighs. Patient states he has yellow drainage if he expresses the areas. Has a photo of the rash. They are circular individual areas about 1 cm circumference. Each individual area is bright red with a open pinpoint area in the center. Some have a crusty area. He denies itching, burning. Denies rash in any additional areas post vaccination. Referred to see physician.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathPatient discovered unresponsive in cell, blue coloration to skin, vital signs, undetectable. CPR initiated, Ambulance summoned. Following EMS arrival with additional unsuccessful attempts to revive patient, patient was determined to have expired.
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath"Patient died on 2/25/21 in the AM after receiving his COVID-19 Moderna vaccine #1 at approximately 2:30P on 2/24/21. I do not have a time of death. I contacted the County Medical Examiner's office who stated that they received his body after he was determined to be deceased at the shelter. No autopsy was performed and his body was released to a funeral home on 2/26. The ME's office said that ""permit for burial/cremation is pending"" and no other information on COD was available. Per staff, he was also tested for COVID as part of shelter protocol on 2/24 and PCR was negative. He arrived to the shelter on 2/19/21."
60-64 yearsMODERNADeath1-25-2021- Phone call: pt had cold and cough prior to vaccine. cough worsened 1-28-2021 Phone call: pt requesting provider visit, cough is same and taking tessalon pearls 1-29-2021 Provider in office visit: pt complain of cough and SOB for 6 days. Getting worse. Temp 101.2, pulse ox 87%, BP 128/70. level of distress- leaning forward to breath. appeared ill. diffuse rales throughout both lung fields, more at bases. Diagnosis Pneumonia due to COVID 19 virus. Sent to ER
60-64 yearsMODERNADeathNo reported adverse effects after vaccine was administered. Someone reported to our clinic that patient was found dead at home on Sunday
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathcoughing up blood, significant hemoptysis -- > cardiac arrest. started day after vaccine but likely related to ongoing progression of lung cancer
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient died, I have a copy of his vaccination card
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathDifficulty breathing, death.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathShaking and then became unresponsive
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathapproximately 3 hours prior to expiring the patient was experiencing forceful emesis. later was found to have expired, patient was comfort care only.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient was was brought to the ED from facility which he received the vaccine via ambulance with BiPAP, hypoxia, and one dose of Epi of 0.3 mg. He then required intubation, and had struggled with hypoxia, even on increasing PEEP. CODE BLUE called in the ED for PEA. He was medicated for such (please see the code run sheet for details), and he came in and out of the code 5 times. After 95 minutes, with the wife at the bedside, and family conference by phone, the code was called, and he was pronounced at 18:20. He received in total 8 me of Epi, 3 shots of Atropine, 3 amps bicarb. He got lasix 40 mg, lovenox 60 mg subcutaneous once. He had a CVC into the right internal jugular, and levophed was started, then Epinephrine drip was started. Prior to the code he got steroids (solumedrol 125 mg, then later decadron 6 mg iv), benadryl iv, antibiotics (ceftraixone / zithromax), and lasix 40 mg. All this time while in the ED, the Rt was at the bedside, and lots of secretions from the lungs were aspirated, bloody color. á Code was the result of PEA secondary to hypoxia (
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathAll residents had been in isolation due to multiple cases of COVID in the facility. Resident voiced no health related complaints. He continued to visit with staff and required moderate assist with toileting. Resident had fall 0130 on 1-15-2021, which resulted in laceration with surgical repair. Resident was noted to change in mental status and respirations on morning of 1-16-2021 during morning blood sugar check. Resident had O2 @1.5l/m via n/c and respirations of 10 with periods of apnea and unresponsive to verbal stimuli. Blood sugar was 583. Resident deceased upon re-check after calling PCP to report status change.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathNote Text: Resident oxygen was going down to 74% during change of shift 3-11, oxygen initiated 3liters via nasal canula per standing order want up to 84-86% NP notified, ordered Prednisone 20mg stat, Rocephin 1gram IM stat administered, Per NP statement if pt's condition worsening sent him to ER, continue monitoring pt and his oxygen going to 82% increasing distress. Notified Nurses supervisor, 911 was called pt left building at 1819 to Hospital alert oriented. Vs bp. 165/60, temp. 98.3,m pulse 109, res 22, 02. 82%. Resident father notified.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeath"anxious, restless, weak, dizzy, felt ""horrible"". Continued to C/O symptoms,. At 01:15, patient lost consciousness , then stopped breathing and lost pulse. Narrative: Patient was first vaccinated for COVID 19 on 1/8/21. On 1/24/21: 61 year old presents to E.R. with CC of chest pain/sob, with multiple medical conditions including hypertension, atrial fibrillation on apixaban, cardiomyopathy with poor EF, dyslipidemia, COPD, CVA, lung CA s/p radiotherapy, PTSD, depression, Churg Strauss Syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome presented with chief complaint of chest pain or shortness of breath. He has been having worsening shortness of breath the past few days, also complains of cough productive of yellowish sputum, no hemoptysis. He complains of left upper chest pain with no radiation. There is no diaphoresis, palpitations or lightheadedness. He denies fever or chills. He complains of having fallen a few times recently, thus he passed out. Could not say if there were seizures activity. Admitted to 3D Tele. On 1/27, Pt advises he had episode of substernal CP this am. RN advises pt was in afib w/ RVR at a rate >140 at time of CP. Pt CP improved w/ prn NTG. Pt HR improved after daily medications. Pt sts his CP has resolved. Pt admits to continued dyspnea. Increased trop, transferred. 1/28, struggling with orthopnea and cough. He has no peripheral edema. He does have intermittent chest pain. Patient having periods of A-Fib RVR with non-sustained rates of 140's-150's 1/29 more chest pain at 04:00, relieved with NTG. HR = AF, with RVR 145. At about 08:00, Cardiology sees patient and signs off, ""shortness of breath and cough not due to heart failure as evidenced by orthostatic hypotension and no improvement in symptoms with diuresis. Consider underlying lung disease vs acute pulmonary disease."" No pulmonary consult noted. 1/29 Patient received 2nd dose COVID19 vaccine at about 3:30-4p. No notes from staff on this event. No notes from MD that this was discussed and still part of the plan. 1/29 nurse's note: At around 2240 Pt was able to rest briefly but is now restless and anxious again. Tachypneic, stating he feels so weak and dizzy and overall just feel horrible. Continuing to get up frequently to have small soft bowel movements with assistance. Pt also stated ever since he got ""that shot"" he hasn't felt well. When asked what shot pt replied ""COVID shot."" Pt did receive 2nd dose of COVID vaccine 1/29 at 1530. Around 2250 Spoke w MOD to relay above information and overall concern for pt, asked for MOD to come to bedside to evaluate pt. MOD states he's handing off to oncoming MOD and they will come to bedside to see pt. Around 2300 oncoming MOD called and all above and previous information discussed Around 2310 MOD came to bedside to see pt. Will continue to monitor closely. 01/30/2021 ADDENDUM Around 0115 pt called for help to use bedside commode to urinate and have BM. Assisted x2 to BSC. While sitting on BSC pt's eyes rolled back and pt made postures consistent with a seizure, body became very rigid. Pt was unresponsive still with pulse. Lifted patient back to bed with 3 staff assist. Pt stopped breathing and lost pulse. Chest compressions started immediately and Code Blue called at 0120. 1/30 Hospitalist note: Called for CODE BLUE AGAIN AT 4:53. While on Vent after s/p Code blue for reasons not clear patient went into Asystole and code called second time. Patient had a prolonged CPR and was actually called off at 5:17 but he started having pulse and agonal resp. he was placed on Levophed and D5NS. He got a total of 9 amps of epi, 3 amps od Bicarb and 1amp of D50. Trope bumped from 0.12 to 0.43 prior to this he already was on ASA, Apixiban for afib. Cards are on board for his CHF for his pulmonary edema Lasix ordered. Hid lactic acid is elevated. Blood cultures pending. Started Zosyn and is on Levophed. Continue to monitor. Updated patients Mom and she requested to do everything at this point. Coded again at 5:40, survived, but AOD writes a death note(?) Coded for the 4th time at 08:18. Family at beside, Mother asks for code to be stopped."
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient had sore arm on the day of vaccination. Per patient's nephew , the next morning patient experienced body pains, aches, headache . Onn Tuesday patient had fever. Patient's condition progressively got worse. He had difficulty breathing by Wednesday night. He had low oxygen levels at 80 per pulse ox reading. Patient was coughing up blood. Family took him to hospital on Thursday morning due to breathing difficulty and patient died 2.18.21 at 10 am
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathchest x-ray shows numerous bilateral patchy opacities; catastrophic brain bleed; Brainstem reflexes were lost; Patient died; shortness of breath; nausea; diarrhea; worsening shortness of breath/numerous bilateral patchy opacities; immunosuppressed status; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist and a contactable other health professional. A 61-year-old female patient (not pregnant) received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL9261), intramuscular at arm right on 28Jan2021 (at the age of 61 years) at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history included bilateral lung transplant on 23Jun2017, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, antibody mediated rejection of lung transplant , bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, grade 0P, major depressive disorder, RLS (restless legs syndrome), chronic insomnia, long term current use of systemic steroids OSA (obstructive sleep apnea), iron deficiency anemia, bilateral sciatica, hoarseness of voice, memory change, laryngeal stridor, pure hypercholesterolemia senile nuclear cataract, bilateral myopia of both eyes, osteoporosis without current pathological fracture, alopecia, immunosuppressed status, all from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medication included acyclovir (formulation: capsule, strength: 200 mg) oral at 200 mg twice daily, salbutamol (ALBUTEROL HFA) as needed (MCG/ACT inhaler take 2 puffs by inhalation every 4 hours as needed) for wheezing (shortness of breath), atorvastatin (LIPITOR, formulation: tablet) oral at 80 mg once a day, azithromycin (ZITHROMAX, formulation: tablet)oral at 250 mg (every Monday, Wednesday, Friday), bupropion hydrochloride (WELLBUTRIN XL, formulation: tablet, strength: 150 mg) oral at 150 mg once a day, calcium citrate/cholecalciferol (CALCIUM + VITAMIN D, formulation: tablet) oral at 2 dose form once a day (every morning), everolimus (ZORTRESS, formulation: tablet, strength: 1 mg) oral at 2 mg twice a day, fluticasone propionate/salmeterol xinafoate (ADVAIR, strength: 500 ug/ 20 ug) twice daily (1 puff by inhalation), gabapentin (NEURONTIN, formulation: capsule, strength:100 mg) oral at 300 mg daily (by mouth nightly), loratadine (CLARITIN, formulation: tablet, strength: 10 mg) oral at 10 mg as needed, metoprolol tartrate (LOPRESSOR, formulation: tablet, strength: 25 mg)oral at 50 mg twice daily, minoxidil (ROGAN, strength: 5%) topical apply 1 cap full every other day to affected area on scalp for alopecia, ondansetron (ZOFRAN, formulation: tablet, strength: 4 mg) oral at 4 mg as needed for nausea, pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate (PROTONIX, formulation: tablet, strength: 40 mg) oral at 40 mg once a day, prednisone (DELTASONE, formulation: tablet, strength: 5 mg) oral at 5 mg daily (every morning), sertraline hydrochloride (ZOLOFT, formulation: tablet, strength: 100 mg) oral at 100 mg twice a day (every morning), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (BACTRIM) 400-80 mg per tablet (1 tablet by mouth every Monday, Wednesday, Friday), tacrolimus (formulation: capsule) at 3 mg daily (2 mg every morning and 1 mg at night), salbutamol sulfate (PROVENTIL HFA) as needed for wheezing (shortness of breath), salbutamol sulfate (VENTOLIN HFA) as needed for wheezing (shortness of breath) , salbutamol sulfate (PROAIR HFA) as needed for wheezing (shortness of breath), ascorbic acid/ferrous fumarate/folic acid/ retinol (PRENATAL, formulation: tablet) oral daily. The patient previously took NSAIDs and voriconazole and experienced drug allergies. It was reported that the patient presented to emergency department (ED) on 04Feb2021 with chief complaint of worsening shortness of breath, nausea and diarrhea for past week since receiving since receiving COVID-19 vaccine. Full viral panel including COVID-19 was not detected. All blood cultures and respiratory cultures were negative. Patient chest x-ray shows numerous bilateral patchy opacities which is significantly different from her previous chest x-ray here. Empiric rejection treatment initiated including high dose methylprednisolone, plasmapheresis, IVIG, thymoglobulin. She continued to decline and ultimately required intubation, proning and paralyzing on 08Feb2021 and then VV ECMO cannulation on 13Feb2021. Acute pupil exam changes in the early am hours of 15Feb2021 prompted urgent head CT which revealed catastrophic brain bleed. Brainstem reflexes were lost soon after. Despite placing an EVD emergently at bedside, brain stem reflexes were not recovered. The events were all serious. The patient outcome of the events was fatal. The patient died on 15Feb2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed.; Sender's Comments: Based on available information, a possible contributory role of the subject product, BNT162B2 vaccine, cannot be excluded for the reported events due to temporal relationship. However, the reported event may possibly represent intercurrent medical conditions in this patient. There is limited information provided in this report. Additional information is needed to better assess the case, including complete medical history, diagnostics, counteractive treatment measures and concomitant medications. This case will be reassessed once additional information is available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Chest x-ray shows numerous bilateral patchy opacities; Catastrophic brain bleed; Brainstem reflexes were lost; shortness of breath; nausea; Diarrhea; Worsening shortness of breath/numerous bilateral patchy opacities
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient's daughter called to report that about 30 hours after receiving the vaccine he passed away at home. She said she didn't know the cause of death but she felt like she should let us know about it.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathThe recipient was feeling well immediately after the vaccination, all day on 2.8 and in the morning of 2.9. His daughter in law text him at 0930 and he did not respond to the text (atypical) and then he missed a morning meeting. His wife was downstairs in a meeting herself and after the meeting was over she called to him and he did not respond. She found him with no pulse and was not breathing. She called 911 and attempted CPR. They did not complete an autopsy, they stated that they believe the cause of death was either an embolism, Heart attack or aneurism. The wife stated that she does not believe the death was due to the vaccination; however, there were no tests completed to prove or disprove.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathOn date on second dose, 2/27/2021, the pt began have fatigue and diarrhea at around 10:30 am. This continued to the following day. On 2/28/2021, the patient was last seen around 4:20 pm by his wife in their residence. She found him unresponsive at 5:30 pm in their bedroom. EMS was called and the decedent was declared deceased. The pt had his first dose on 2/9/2021. Both doses were given at the hospital. Per family, the pt had no adverse affects following the first dose.
60-64 yearsPFIZER\BIONTECHDeathPatient remained at baseline until noted at 2130 unresponsive and abnormal VS. Sent to ED and patient passed away in ED
Note: Submitting a report to VAERS does not mean that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the adverse event (possible side effect).

VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to VAERS. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

The strengths of VAERS are that it is national in scope and can quickly provide an early warning of a safety problem with a vaccine. As part of CDC and FDA's multi-system approach to post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring, VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events, also known as "safety signals." If a safety signal is found in VAERS, further studies can be done in safety systems such as the CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) or the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) project. These systems do not have the same limitations as VAERS, and can better assess health risks and possible connections between adverse events and a vaccine.

Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:

  • Vaccine providers are encouraged to report any clinically significant health problem following vaccination to VAERS, whether or not they believe the vaccine was the cause.
  • Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.
  • The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.
  • VAERS data are limited to vaccine adverse event reports received between 1990 and the most recent date for which data are available.
  • VAERS data do not represent all known safety information for a vaccine and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information.

Some items may have more than 1 occurrence in any single event report, such as Symptoms, Vaccine Products, Manufacturers, and Event Categories. If data are grouped by any of these items, then the number in the Events Reported column may exceed the total number of unique events. If percentages are shown, then the associated percentage of total unique event reports will exceed 100% in such cases. For example, the number of Symptoms mentioned is likely to exceed the number of events reported, because many reports include more than 1 Symptom. When more then 1 Symptom occurs in a single report, then the percentage of Symptoms to unique events is more than 100%. More information.

Data contains VAERS reports processed as of 3/5/2021. The VAERS data in WONDER are updated weekly, yet the VAERS system receives continuous updates including revisions and new reports for preceding time periods. More information.

Values of Event Category field vary in their availability over time due to changes in the reporting form. The "Emergency Room/Office Visit" value was avaliable only for events reported using the VAERS-1 form, active 07/01/1990 to 06/29/2017. The "Congenital Anomaly/Birth Defect", "Emergency Room", and "Office Visit" values are available only for events reported using the VAERS 2.0 form, active 06/30/2017 to present. These changes must be considered when evaluating count of events for these categories.

Help:See The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Documentation for more information.
Query Date:Mar 15, 2021 7:33:58 AM
Suggested Citation:
United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1990 - 3/5/2021, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at on Mar 15, 2021 7:33:58 AM
Query Criteria:
Age:50-59 years; 60-64 years
Event Category:Death
Onset Interval:0 days; 1 day; 2 days
State / Territory:The United States/Territories/Unknown
Vaccine Products:COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)
Group By:Age; Vaccine Manufacturer; Event Category; VAERS ID
Show Totals:False
Show Zero Values:False
Content source: CDC WONDER