The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results

Covid19 Vaccines - Life Threatening

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COVID19 (COVID19 (MODERNA)) (1201)ABDOMINAL DISTENSION18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
ABDOMINAL PAIN30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE TEST POSITIVE18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had slow progression of kidney disease but since vaccine had unexpected acute kidney failure. He had to have dialysis and may need biopsy of kidney to confirm if he needs lifelong dialysis. He is still being hospitalized.High BP, diabetes, stage 3 kidney diseaseLantus, Humalog, metoprolol, lisinopril, pioglitazone, gabapentin, nifedipine, escitalopram, aspirin, bydureon, vitamin B, vitamin D, clopedigril, metformin, atorvastatin
ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021Chest pain, leading to STEMIRaynaud's, hypertension, hyperlipidemiaAspirin 81mg daily, ginseng, garlic, grapeseed
ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE30-39 yearsJan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
AGITATION40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
ALLERGY TO VACCINE40-49 yearsJan., 20211) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
ALOPECIA40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
AMNESIA65+ yearsJan., 20211-03-2021dose at 9:30 arm pain 6:00 pm went to bed 11:00 woke up around 5:00 with significant breathing problems. Did not improve with albuterol. called 911 and was taken to the hospital ER. Loss of memory for 4-5 hours. don't know what happenedCovid 10-21-2020tamsulosin, omeprazole, prednisone, quercitin, red yeast rice, antioxidant,
ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION18-29 yearsDec., 2020Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
Anaphylactic shock, my throat started to close and couldn?t breatheNo current illness for this event.Aderall, Omneprazoll
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Jan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
AnaphylaxisnoneOTC multi-vitamin
Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs first moderna dose. No prior episodes of anaphylaxis/allergic rxn. Treated with Benadryl 100mg PO (prior to arrival, pt administered), famotidine 20mg IV, Epinepherine 0.3mg IM. Monitored in ED, complete resolution of symptoms, discharged home.Nonecolchicine
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis/Angioedema Patient was given EpiPen 0.3 mg IM; Methylprednisolone 125 mg once; Diphenhydramine 25 mg IV push once; Famotidine 20 mg IV push once; Dexamethasone 10 mg IV push once Patient was intubated and put on propofol and midazolam drips for sedationNot knownCalcium 600 mg with D daily; Women's Multiple vitamin daily; Vitamin D3 5,000 units daily; Zyrtec 10 mg at bedtime PRN; Celebrex 200 mg daily; Gabapentin 300 mg (3 caps daily); Melatonin 9 mg daily PRN; Zanaflex 4 mg Daily
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
Jan., 2021Systemic: Anaphylaxis-Medium; symptoms lasted 1 dayNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
Systemic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Seizure-SevereNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Unresponsive to epinepherine, steroids. Patient required intubation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Patient started on high dose steroids, BID IV famotidine, nebulizer therapy, with improvement in symptoms. Pt still in ICU at time of this submission.NONENONE
Anaphylactic reaction, initially unresponsive to IM epinepherine, IV famotidine, IV steroids. Symptoms worsened, requiring intubation, mechanical ventilation, ICU admissionNONENONE
1/22/21: Patient received vaccine at a local town hall. Patient first got blurry vision, then hives, then tongue swelling leading to onsite administration of an epi-pen. patient was brought to Hospital via ambulance and was given 2 more doses of epi-pen which were ineffective. Patient got intubated in the ED and was started on epinephrine continuous infusion and remained on an epi infusion for 4 days. Patient was extubated on 1/23. The diagnosis was anaphylaxis to the Moderna covid vaccine.No current illness for this event.- Cyanocobalamin 1000mcg/mL subq every 2 weeks - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units every 2 weeks
1/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021anaphylaxis, dyspneaunknownNo other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 2021Systemic: Anaphylaxis-Severe; symptoms lasted 1 dayNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK18-29 yearsJan., 2021Anaphylactic shock, my throat started to close and couldn?t breatheNo current illness for this event.Aderall, Omneprazoll
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
ANGIOEDEMA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis/Angioedema Patient was given EpiPen 0.3 mg IM; Methylprednisolone 125 mg once; Diphenhydramine 25 mg IV push once; Famotidine 20 mg IV push once; Dexamethasone 10 mg IV push once Patient was intubated and put on propofol and midazolam drips for sedationNot knownCalcium 600 mg with D daily; Women's Multiple vitamin daily; Vitamin D3 5,000 units daily; Zyrtec 10 mg at bedtime PRN; Celebrex 200 mg daily; Gabapentin 300 mg (3 caps daily); Melatonin 9 mg daily PRN; Zanaflex 4 mg Daily
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Unresponsive to epinepherine, steroids. Patient required intubation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Patient started on high dose steroids, BID IV famotidine, nebulizer therapy, with improvement in symptoms. Pt still in ICU at time of this submission.NONENONE
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
Jan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
ANGIOGRAM40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
65+ yearsJan., 2021COVID-19 VaccineRemoval of sebaceous cyst,Lantis, Novolog, ferrous sulfate, metformin, juardance, eloquis,tamulosin, vitamin D3, Metropolol, lisinopril, atorvastatin,omeprazole, finesteride, potassium , centrum 50+
ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY ABNORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANION GAP DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODY POSITIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODIES50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
ANXIETY30-39 yearsJan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Client received vaccine at approximately 3:50pm, waited in observational area x30min. Left with husband, stated that she got a few miles down the road and starting experiencing tightness in her chest and flushing. She took 50 mg of Benadryl, 30mg of prednisone and two puffs on her inhaler. She returned to the clinic, upon assessment from nursing she looked extremely flushed and anxious, she stated that she still felt tightness and that she had a history of anaphylaxis once before and had used an epi pen in the past. She had an epi pen with her and questioned whether or not she should give it to herself. BP was 190/68, pulse was normal, respirations normal, she continued to experience tightness and ""not able to catch my breath"", encouraged to use epi pen. She administered epi pen to right thigh at approximately 4:45PM, 911 called. Within a few minutes, she stated she was feeling better, less tightness in the chest, flushing was subsiding. BP at 190/70 at 4:52. EMS on scene at 5:03pm. Vitals normal , EKG normal. Client decided not to transport with EMS."No reported illness at time of vaccine, unknown for month priorunknown
APHASIA50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
APPENDICECTOMY30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
APPENDICITIS18-29 yearsDec., 2020Acute appendicitis, onset morning of 1/1/2021 (Reporting this because Pfizer covid vaccine had 3-4x higher risk of appendicitis, although data not reported for Moderna covid vaccine)No current illness for this event.Synthroid
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
ARTERIOGRAM CAROTID50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
ARTERIOGRAM CAROTID NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ARTHRALGIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
ARTHRITIS BACTERIAL60-64 yearsDec., 2020Patient developed a septic knee (history of arthroplasty) need for immediate surgery, hospitalization and months to years of antibiotics in his future now.noneNo other medications for this event.
ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
ASPIRATIONUnknownUnknown DateON Jan 16 complained of lightheadedness then felt better after supper and nap. Next day ok On Jan 22 did not get up, had stroke, taken by ambulance to hospital and transferred to medical facility.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ASTHENIA30-39 yearsJan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
Jan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ASTHMA40-49 yearsJan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
ASYMPTOMATIC COVID-1950-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt. with dizziness, then Afib with RVR, then massive cerebral hemorrhage Pt. non oriented & unable to give history - History provided by S.O and daughterNo Acute only chronicMultiple
a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
65+ yearsDec., 2020One week after first Covid vaccine I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Needed treatment. Four hours after second Covid vaccine atrial fibrillation recurredNoneAtorvastatin, vitamin D, multivitamins,
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM IMBALANCE50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
BACK PAIN40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
BAND NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE INCREASED18-29 yearsDec., 2020Acute appendicitis, onset morning of 1/1/2021 (Reporting this because Pfizer covid vaccine had 3-4x higher risk of appendicitis, although data not reported for Moderna covid vaccine)No current illness for this event.Synthroid
BASE EXCESS30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
BASOPHIL COUNT DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
BASOPHIL COUNT NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BASOPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE65+ yearsJan., 2021Developed hypercapnic respiratory failure, CHF exacerbation - readmitted to Hospital. In ICU with BIPAPAdvanced diastolic heart failure and CKD. Returned from hospitalization one week prior for CHF exacerbation treated with BIPAP, IV diuresisAlbuterol, metoprolol, fish oil, apixiban, insulin
BILIRUBIN CONJUGATED60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLISTERUnknownUnknown Date1day after vaccine,developed severe headache & later blister in head officially Shingle . Then decreased platelet count fatally to 29(ITP).now hospitalized getting treatment.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BLOOD ALBUMIN NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BLOOD BICARBONATE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
BLOOD BILIRUBIN NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD CALCIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD CHLORIDE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD CHOLESTEROL INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
BLOOD CREATINE PHOSPHOKINASE NORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
BLOOD CREATININE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
BLOOD CULTURE18-29 yearsJan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
BLOOD GASES50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
BLOOD GLUCOSE INCREASED40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD HOMOCYSTEINE50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
BLOOD LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE INCREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
BLOOD MAGNESIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BLOOD PH INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
BLOOD POTASSIUM DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BLOOD POTASSIUM NORMAL60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD PRESSURE INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Jan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient presented to receive COVID-19 vaccine, received vaccine at approximately 10 am. Patient waited 15 minutes for observation and left observation area without complaining of any sx. Patient returned a few minutes after reporting tongue tingling which eventually got to her lips. . No difficulty breathing or any other sx. No history of allergies. NP/RN administered PO Benadryl 25 mg. As of report of this iReport no additional symptoms or intervention needed. Last vitals: 131/83 75spo2. BP higher than usual per patient, sp02 normal.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Pt started having dizziness, increased HR, extremities became pale, BP increased to 170/94, HR 144 30 mins after injection. Pt tolerated first vaccine s difficulty, sxs continued and BP and HR fluctuated off and on for 1hr. Pt was given an EPI pen, Solumedrol 125mg, Zyrtec (refused benadryl) , and Pepcid 20mg during the episode. HR and BP continued to increase - EMS was called and pt was take to the ED and released ~10pm at night to home.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
The patient received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine at the Health Department. The patient experienced a rapid onset of a dry mouth and throat, followed by a restricted airway and elevated blood pressure. The patient was given 2 x 25 mg pf Benadryl, however, due to rapid restriction of the airway .05 of epinephrine was administered by injection. The symptoms subsided slightly. A second injection of .05 mg was administered. The patient was observed and released with instructions to contact his primary care physician.NoneMetoprolol Tartrate 25mg, Losartan Potassium 25 mg
65+ yearsDec., 2020Reported sensation of tongue swelling during post-vaccination observation at 10 minutes. Epinephrine was refused and she was taken to ED for observation where she was given oral dose of Benadryl and Pepcid. Discharged with instructions to return PRN and follow up with PCP. Elevated BP noted.No current illness for this event.Lipitor, Maxide-25, Cymbalta, ASA
Jan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
BLOOD SMEAR TEST ABNORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD TEST30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
12 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
65+ yearsDec., 2020One week after first Covid vaccine I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Needed treatment. Four hours after second Covid vaccine atrial fibrillation recurredNoneAtorvastatin, vitamin D, multivitamins,
Jan., 2021Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
BLOOD TEST ABNORMAL60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
BLOOD TEST NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BLOOD THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
BLOOD UREA NITROGEN/CREATININE RATIO30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
BLOOD UREA NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BLOOD URINE PRESENT40-49 yearsDec., 2020mild DRESS syndrome, rash, blood in urine. note it may have bene the doycycline, as simialr symptoms recurred later with a dose of doxy on jan 2nd, not hospitalized. pt is a MDnonenaprosyn, doxycycline
BODY TEMPERATURE INCREASED40-49 yearsJan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
BREATH SOUNDS ABNORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
BRONCHOSPASM40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient experienced bronchospasm with coughing and tongue itching approximately 10 minutes after the injection.noPrescription: atenolol, omeprazole, simvastatin, primidone, levothyroxine, escitalopram, albuterol inhaler
C-REACTIVE PROTEIN INCREASED65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
CARBON DIOXIDE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
CARBON DIOXIDE INCREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
CARBON DIOXIDE NORMAL60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
CARDIAC ABLATION65+ yearsDec., 2020One week after first Covid vaccine I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Needed treatment. Four hours after second Covid vaccine atrial fibrillation recurredNoneAtorvastatin, vitamin D, multivitamins,
CARDIAC ARREST65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
Ventricular tachycardia resulting in cardiac arrestNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
24 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE65+ yearsJan., 2021Developed hypercapnic respiratory failure, CHF exacerbation - readmitted to Hospital. In ICU with BIPAPAdvanced diastolic heart failure and CKD. Returned from hospitalization one week prior for CHF exacerbation treated with BIPAP, IV diuresisAlbuterol, metoprolol, fish oil, apixiban, insulin
CARDIAC FUNCTION TEST18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
CARDIAC STRESS TEST NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CARDIAC VENTRICULOGRAM LEFT NORMAL18-29 yearsJan., 2021Patient presented to ED with complaint of chest pain, radiating down left arm, not relieved with Tums. Symptoms started at 0530 1/12/2020. Patient presented to ED b/c of strong family history of CAD, with father having MI in his 50s.No current illness for this event.MVI, Desvenlafaxine, Desogestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol
CARDIOVASCULAR EVALUATION40-49 yearsJan., 2021Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
CARDIOVERSION65+ yearsDec., 2020One week after first Covid vaccine I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Needed treatment. Four hours after second Covid vaccine atrial fibrillation recurredNoneAtorvastatin, vitamin D, multivitamins,
Jan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
CATHETERISATION CARDIAC50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
CATHETERISATION CARDIAC ABNORMAL65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
CATHETERISATION CARDIAC NORMAL18-29 yearsJan., 2021Patient presented to ED with complaint of chest pain, radiating down left arm, not relieved with Tums. Symptoms started at 0530 1/12/2020. Patient presented to ED b/c of strong family history of CAD, with father having MI in his 50s.No current illness for this event.MVI, Desvenlafaxine, Desogestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
CELLULITIS18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
CEREBELLAR STROKE50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
CEREBRAL ARTERY EMBOLISM30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
CEREBRAL DISORDER30-39 yearsJan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt. with dizziness, then Afib with RVR, then massive cerebral hemorrhage Pt. non oriented & unable to give history - History provided by S.O and daughterNo Acute only chronicMultiple
65+ yearsJan., 2021cerebral hemorrhage and left sided paralysis of the bodyDiabetes, Coronary Artery disease post Bypass,Dyslipidemia ,Aortic valve TAVER,controlled hypertension.Synhroid,Trajenta,Glucophage,Glucotrpl,Preservision,Plavix,Aspirin,Ferrous Sulpfate,Bcomplex,Pravastatin,Actose,Lisinopril,Lansoprazol,
CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
UnknownUnknown DateON Jan 16 complained of lightheadedness then felt better after supper and nap. Next day ok On Jan 22 did not get up, had stroke, taken by ambulance to hospital and transferred to medical facility.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHEILITIS40-49 yearsJan., 20211) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
CHEST DISCOMFORT18-29 yearsDec., 2020Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Jan., 2021Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
Jan., 2021Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine at 0956 and reported symptoms of itchy face and chest pressure at approximately 1008 during observation period. Pt vital signs were 133/86, HR 130 and oxygen saturation 100% on room air. Pt reported worsening symptoms of chest pressure and itchiness to face. Provider instructed Epi Pen be given and pt to be transported to ED for further evaluation. EKG obtained and showed sinus tachycardia. Nonrebreather oxygen mask applied with 2L/min and oxygen saturation remained at 100%. Pt was transported via ambulance to at 1038 and pt reported feeling improved symptoms prior to leaving the clinic at approximately 1034. Pt stable at time of transfer.NoneTopamax, Amitriptyline, Odansetron, Losartan, Bisacodyl,advair, EpiPen, Prednisone, Ubrogepant, Galcanezbumab injection monthly, benadryl
Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Client received vaccine at approximately 3:50pm, waited in observational area x30min. Left with husband, stated that she got a few miles down the road and starting experiencing tightness in her chest and flushing. She took 50 mg of Benadryl, 30mg of prednisone and two puffs on her inhaler. She returned to the clinic, upon assessment from nursing she looked extremely flushed and anxious, she stated that she still felt tightness and that she had a history of anaphylaxis once before and had used an epi pen in the past. She had an epi pen with her and questioned whether or not she should give it to herself. BP was 190/68, pulse was normal, respirations normal, she continued to experience tightness and ""not able to catch my breath"", encouraged to use epi pen. She administered epi pen to right thigh at approximately 4:45PM, 911 called. Within a few minutes, she stated she was feeling better, less tightness in the chest, flushing was subsiding. BP at 190/70 at 4:52. EMS on scene at 5:03pm. Vitals normal , EKG normal. Client decided not to transport with EMS."No reported illness at time of vaccine, unknown for month priorunknown
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Jan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHEST PAIN18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021Patient presented to ED with complaint of chest pain, radiating down left arm, not relieved with Tums. Symptoms started at 0530 1/12/2020. Patient presented to ED b/c of strong family history of CAD, with father having MI in his 50s.No current illness for this event.MVI, Desvenlafaxine, Desogestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
Chest pain, leading to STEMIRaynaud's, hypertension, hyperlipidemiaAspirin 81mg daily, ginseng, garlic, grapeseed
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
CHEST X-RAY40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
60-64 yearsJan., 2021SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
Jan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
CHEST X-RAY NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHILLS30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Jan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 202101/06/21 at 6 pm, body aches, and chills 01/07/21 at 12am T102.2, SPO2 62% on room air. Was sent to ER and returned. 01/08/21 at SPO@ less then 60% on room air, non responsive to verbal tactile stimuli. Responsive to sternal rub only. Was sent to ER and admitted to ICU.NoTylenol, Atenolol, LIpitor, Clonidine, mutlivitamin, Lasix, Gabapentin, Losartan, Maalox, Miralax, Zofran, Vitamin D2.
about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Jan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHOLECYSTECTOMY30-39 yearsDec., 2020Gallbladder removed, septic, 11mm axillary lymph node.UnknownUnknown
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE65+ yearsJan., 2021Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
COAGULATION TEST18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
COAGULATION TIME50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
65+ yearsJan., 2021COVID-19 VaccineRemoval of sebaceous cyst,Lantis, Novolog, ferrous sulfate, metformin, juardance, eloquis,tamulosin, vitamin D3, Metropolol, lisinopril, atorvastatin,omeprazole, finesteride, potassium , centrum 50+
Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD65+ yearsJan., 2021cerebral hemorrhage and left sided paralysis of the bodyDiabetes, Coronary Artery disease post Bypass,Dyslipidemia ,Aortic valve TAVER,controlled hypertension.Synhroid,Trajenta,Glucophage,Glucotrpl,Preservision,Plavix,Aspirin,Ferrous Sulpfate,Bcomplex,Pravastatin,Actose,Lisinopril,Lansoprazol,
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL30-39 yearsJan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD NORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM NORMAL50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM PELVIS30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM SPINE65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX NORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
CONDITION AGGRAVATED40-49 yearsJan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 2021DVT in right leg 4 days after injection, severe pain in thigh/calf, difficulty walking Placed on Xarelto 15mg 2X daily for 21 days and then 20mg daily for 9 days. Next Doctor visit is 1/26/2021 at 9:00am Next scheduled Covid 19 vaccine is scheduled for 2/5/2021 at 7:15amNoneValsartan 160mg daily Alfuzosin 10mg daily Aspirin 81mg daily
Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
65+ yearsDec., 2020nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
Jan., 2021Developed hypercapnic respiratory failure, CHF exacerbation - readmitted to Hospital. In ICU with BIPAPAdvanced diastolic heart failure and CKD. Returned from hospitalization one week prior for CHF exacerbation treated with BIPAP, IV diuresisAlbuterol, metoprolol, fish oil, apixiban, insulin
On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
Patient had slow progression of kidney disease but since vaccine had unexpected acute kidney failure. He had to have dialysis and may need biopsy of kidney to confirm if he needs lifelong dialysis. He is still being hospitalized.High BP, diabetes, stage 3 kidney diseaseLantus, Humalog, metoprolol, lisinopril, pioglitazone, gabapentin, nifedipine, escitalopram, aspirin, bydureon, vitamin B, vitamin D, clopedigril, metformin, atorvastatin
admitted with pancreatitis.No current illness for this event.No current facility-administered medications on file prior to encounter. Current Outpatient Medications on File Prior to Encounter Medication Sig Dispense Refill ? albuterol sulfate HFA (PROVENTIL HFA) 108 (90 Base) mcg/act inhaler Inhale
Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
CONFUSIONAL STATE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
CONSCIOUSNESS FLUCTUATING50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
CONSTIPATION18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
CONTUSION18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
CORONARY ARTERIAL STENT INSERTION65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
Jan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
CORONARY ARTERY STENOSIS65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
COUGH30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient experienced bronchospasm with coughing and tongue itching approximately 10 minutes after the injection.noPrescription: atenolol, omeprazole, simvastatin, primidone, levothyroxine, escitalopram, albuterol inhaler
Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
COVID-19 PNEUMONIA50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
CRANIOTOMY50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
Jan., 20211/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
CRITICAL ILLNESS50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
CULTURE URINE NEGATIVE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
CULTURE WOUND POSITIVE60-64 yearsDec., 2020Patient developed a septic knee (history of arthroplasty) need for immediate surgery, hospitalization and months to years of antibiotics in his future now.noneNo other medications for this event.
CYANOSIS18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
27-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
CYTOKINE STORM60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
DEATH65+ yearsJan., 2021Worsening respiratory failure 1/20/2021 death 1/27/2021Chf, CKDEliquis, Lasix, metoprolol
DECREASED APPETITE65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
60-64 yearsJan., 2021DVT in right leg 4 days after injection, severe pain in thigh/calf, difficulty walking Placed on Xarelto 15mg 2X daily for 21 days and then 20mg daily for 9 days. Next Doctor visit is 1/26/2021 at 9:00am Next scheduled Covid 19 vaccine is scheduled for 2/5/2021 at 7:15amNoneValsartan 160mg daily Alfuzosin 10mg daily Aspirin 81mg daily
DEHYDRATION60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
DEPRESSED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
65+ yearsDec., 2020nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
DIALYSIS65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had slow progression of kidney disease but since vaccine had unexpected acute kidney failure. He had to have dialysis and may need biopsy of kidney to confirm if he needs lifelong dialysis. He is still being hospitalized.High BP, diabetes, stage 3 kidney diseaseLantus, Humalog, metoprolol, lisinopril, pioglitazone, gabapentin, nifedipine, escitalopram, aspirin, bydureon, vitamin B, vitamin D, clopedigril, metformin, atorvastatin
DIARRHOEA18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
30-39 yearsJan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
DIFFERENTIAL WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
DISORIENTATION50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt. with dizziness, then Afib with RVR, then massive cerebral hemorrhage Pt. non oriented & unable to give history - History provided by S.O and daughterNo Acute only chronicMultiple
DIZZINESS18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
Pt started having dizziness, increased HR, extremities became pale, BP increased to 170/94, HR 144 30 mins after injection. Pt tolerated first vaccine s difficulty, sxs continued and BP and HR fluctuated off and on for 1hr. Pt was given an EPI pen, Solumedrol 125mg, Zyrtec (refused benadryl) , and Pepcid 20mg during the episode. HR and BP continued to increase - EMS was called and pt was take to the ED and released ~10pm at night to home.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
Pt. with dizziness, then Afib with RVR, then massive cerebral hemorrhage Pt. non oriented & unable to give history - History provided by S.O and daughterNo Acute only chronicMultiple
Dizzyness Flushed face and neck Swollen tongue Minor facial swelling around eyes Epi Pen and 50mg of Benedryl, bp remained normal, patient remained fully conscious. 911 called and transport to Emergency DeptNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
UnknownUnknown DateON Jan 16 complained of lightheadedness then felt better after supper and nap. Next day ok On Jan 22 did not get up, had stroke, taken by ambulance to hospital and transferred to medical facility.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
DRUG REACTION WITH EOSINOPHILIA AND SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS40-49 yearsDec., 2020mild DRESS syndrome, rash, blood in urine. note it may have bene the doycycline, as simialr symptoms recurred later with a dose of doxy on jan 2nd, not hospitalized. pt is a MDnonenaprosyn, doxycycline
DRY MOUTH50-59 yearsJan., 2021The patient received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine at the Health Department. The patient experienced a rapid onset of a dry mouth and throat, followed by a restricted airway and elevated blood pressure. The patient was given 2 x 25 mg pf Benadryl, however, due to rapid restriction of the airway .05 of epinephrine was administered by injection. The symptoms subsided slightly. A second injection of .05 mg was administered. The patient was observed and released with instructions to contact his primary care physician.NoneMetoprolol Tartrate 25mg, Losartan Potassium 25 mg
DRY THROAT40-49 yearsDec., 2020Within 3 minutes of vaccination patient became fully flushed head and neck, with rapid heart rate (112), and feeling like her airways were tightening.. Nurse immediately called for response, administered Epipen, when response arrived applied oxygen and transported to ED. Solumedrol 125 mg, Bendadryl 25 mg, and Famotidine 20 mg, she responded well and was released home with Rx Prednisone 40 mg x 3 days. Only residual effect was a dry/sore throat.NoneExcedrin Migraine at 9:00 PM on 12/28/2020
50-59 yearsJan., 2021The patient received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine at the Health Department. The patient experienced a rapid onset of a dry mouth and throat, followed by a restricted airway and elevated blood pressure. The patient was given 2 x 25 mg pf Benadryl, however, due to rapid restriction of the airway .05 of epinephrine was administered by injection. The symptoms subsided slightly. A second injection of .05 mg was administered. The patient was observed and released with instructions to contact his primary care physician.NoneMetoprolol Tartrate 25mg, Losartan Potassium 25 mg
DYSARTHRIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
DYSGEUSIA40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
DYSKINESIA65+ yearsJan., 2021Result type: ED Note Result date: February 13, 2019 20:29 PST Result status: Auth (Verified) Result Title/Subject: ED Note Performed By/Author: MD on February 13, 2019 20:37 PST Verified By: MD on February 13, 2019 20:37 PST Patient Age: 72 Years Gender: Female Date/Time: 02/06/19 13:25 Time of my initial contact with patient: Patient was seen at 1327 Mode of Arrival: POV/Walk-in Triage Narrative: PT BROUGHT TO ED FROM PT SESSION VIA GURNEY WITH C/O SPASTIC MOVEMENTS OF ARMS LEGS. PER EMPLOYEE IN PT; THIS EPISODE LASTED 1 HR 15 MINUTES.. PT'S SPOUSE AT BEDSIDE. SEIZURE PADS PLACED ON BED RAILS, PT AWAKE, ALERT, ORIENTED, DR AT BEDSIDE. PT STATES SHE HAD A COLONOSCOPY YESTERDAY. Chief Complaint: Involuntary movement History of Present Illness: This is a 72-year-old unfortunate female who has been suffering a series of episodes of movement disorder like choreoathetoid spastic events she was being evaluated in the hospital and started having 1 of these episodes and was brought into the emergency room with concerns of a possible seizure certainly patient was quite awake and alert knowing that she could not inhibit these upper and lower extremity spastic type of movements she can that the rectum patient did not seem to be too upset by them and seemed to be some events that she has suffered through multiple times her husband is at the bedside patient has already been evaluated by neuro neurology and has been referred to a motor disorder department. Both the patient and his and her husband do not want to initiate a complete workup has been done several times in the emergency room just wanted to see if we could help her with some Ativan and they are already pending a scheduled appointment this is a sick specifically patient denies any headache any chest pain any palpitations no history of trauma or fever Problem List & Past Medical/Surgical History: Acid reflux Asthma Brain aneurysm Chronic pain Ex-smoker Movement disorder Thyroid disease Family History: Family history is significant for the absence of any motor disorders Social History: Patient states no history of tobacco use Patient specifically denies any previous use ofDrugs or previous trauma Allergies: Dilantin (Rash) codeine (Acute vomiting, Rash, ITCHING) fentaNYL (Shortness of breath) morphine (vomiting, itching) opioid-like analgesics (Rash) tetanus toxoids (Edema, fever) traMADol (itchy) Medications: Available Med List Reviewed Review of Systems: All other systems reviewed and are negative except per HPI Physical Exam: Vital Signs BP: 177/85 mmHg Temp (Temporal): 36.3 DegC ( 97.3 DegF) HR: 80 bpm Resp: 18 br/min SpO2: 100 % [Patient is alert, cooperative, no acute distress] Vital signs as noted HEENT: [Normocephalic, atraumatic, pupils were equal and reactive to light, extraocular movements movements are intact, neck is supple, no thyromegaly] RESP: [Respiratory rate normal is noted, patient is breathing comfortably in no acute distress, with no adventitious breath sounds. specifically no wheezing no rhonchi no rales] CV: [Regular rate and heart rate noted, patient has no S3, no gallop, perfusion confirmed normal] GI: [Patient's abdomen is soft nontender, no rebound, no guarding] Neuro: [GCS of 15, mentation is normal, thought content and processes intact, motor and sensory both upper and lower extremities normal.] Skin: [Good color and normall capillary refill, no rash] MS:[Patient exhibits a spastic type of upper and lower extremity movements which seem to be having no rhythmical sequence she continues being alert and oriented throughout these episodes they seem to subside after a few minutes and with no obvious precipitant begin again Test Results: Labs Results Laboratory and workup and imaging was refused by the patient as they have had that several times Diagnostic Results Imaging Studies Reviewed Emergency Department Course and Procedures: Medications, IV's and Blood Products Ordered LORazepam (Ativan) 1 mg = 1 tab once PO Critical care patient underwent a critical care observation irrespective of any procedures during her stay in the emergency room a total duration of approximately 42 minutes with concerns of her safety and her neurological status to protected from injury and to monitor her cardiovascular respiratory and neurological organs Medical Decision Making: And reexaminations patient spastic events seem to subside only slightly this is a 72-year-old female presents with a motor disorder of unclear etiology already extensive ER and internal medicine workups has already seen neurology I did speak with the neurologist of the patient tonight to ascertain if there was anything other than Ativan that I could attempt and to also ascertain that she did have a follow-up with her referral motor disorder specialist Impression: Choreoathetotic movements of unclear etiology Plan: Discharge Discharge Follow Up Follow up with primary care provider Within: 3-5 days Comments: Return to ER for any concern Referral for suspected pre-hypertension or hypertension was given. MD Please note: Unless specifically stated, all procedures mentioned, tests done and medications given were performed/interpreted by the emergency physician, or were under the direct supervision of the emergency physician.Choreoathetoid movement disorder, GERD, Asthma, hypothyroidSingulair 10mg/d, allegra, qnasal, estrogen patch, reglan prn
DYSPHAGIA18-29 yearsJan., 2021After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Jan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
DYSPHONIA30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient developed a hoarsenss of voice and tightness of throat and flushed feeling immediately following vaccination. Epi Pen was administered and 50 mg Benadryl given p.o., EMS transport to ED after administration of solumedrol 125 mg - received Pepcid and Zofran and NS IV in the ED. Discharged from ED with prednisone 40 mg daily x 4 day with Epi Pen prescription.Not currently illNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
1) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
DYSPNOEA18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
27-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
Anaphylactic shock, my throat started to close and couldn?t breatheNo current illness for this event.Aderall, Omneprazoll
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Jan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs first moderna dose. No prior episodes of anaphylaxis/allergic rxn. Treated with Benadryl 100mg PO (prior to arrival, pt administered), famotidine 20mg IV, Epinepherine 0.3mg IM. Monitored in ED, complete resolution of symptoms, discharged home.Nonecolchicine
"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
anaphylaxis, dyspneaunknownNo other medications for this event.
patient immediately got short of breath and hypoxic requiring intubationnonenone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Client received vaccine at approximately 3:50pm, waited in observational area x30min. Left with husband, stated that she got a few miles down the road and starting experiencing tightness in her chest and flushing. She took 50 mg of Benadryl, 30mg of prednisone and two puffs on her inhaler. She returned to the clinic, upon assessment from nursing she looked extremely flushed and anxious, she stated that she still felt tightness and that she had a history of anaphylaxis once before and had used an epi pen in the past. She had an epi pen with her and questioned whether or not she should give it to herself. BP was 190/68, pulse was normal, respirations normal, she continued to experience tightness and ""not able to catch my breath"", encouraged to use epi pen. She administered epi pen to right thigh at approximately 4:45PM, 911 called. Within a few minutes, she stated she was feeling better, less tightness in the chest, flushing was subsiding. BP at 190/70 at 4:52. EMS on scene at 5:03pm. Vitals normal , EKG normal. Client decided not to transport with EMS."No reported illness at time of vaccine, unknown for month priorunknown
SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
1-03-2021dose at 9:30 arm pain 6:00 pm went to bed 11:00 woke up around 5:00 with significant breathing problems. Did not improve with albuterol. called 911 and was taken to the hospital ER. Loss of memory for 4-5 hours. don't know what happenedCovid 10-21-2020tamsulosin, omeprazole, prednisone, quercitin, red yeast rice, antioxidant,
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
DYSPNOEA EXERTIONAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
DYSSTASIA50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
65+ yearsJan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
EAR PAIN40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
ECHOCARDIOGRAM40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
ECHOCARDIOGRAM NORMAL50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
EJECTION FRACTION DECREASED65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Itchy throat, red eyes after 30 minutes. EMS on site gave IV Benadryl, epi pen shot and took to ER for monitoring. Vitals were good so he was discharged.NoneLialda for colitis
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
65+ yearsDec., 2020nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
One week after first Covid vaccine I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Needed treatment. Four hours after second Covid vaccine atrial fibrillation recurredNoneAtorvastatin, vitamin D, multivitamins,
Jan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
Jan., 2021Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine at 0956 and reported symptoms of itchy face and chest pressure at approximately 1008 during observation period. Pt vital signs were 133/86, HR 130 and oxygen saturation 100% on room air. Pt reported worsening symptoms of chest pressure and itchiness to face. Provider instructed Epi Pen be given and pt to be transported to ED for further evaluation. EKG obtained and showed sinus tachycardia. Nonrebreather oxygen mask applied with 2L/min and oxygen saturation remained at 100%. Pt was transported via ambulance to at 1038 and pt reported feeling improved symptoms prior to leaving the clinic at approximately 1034. Pt stable at time of transfer.NoneTopamax, Amitriptyline, Odansetron, Losartan, Bisacodyl,advair, EpiPen, Prednisone, Ubrogepant, Galcanezbumab injection monthly, benadryl
50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsJan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Client received vaccine at approximately 3:50pm, waited in observational area x30min. Left with husband, stated that she got a few miles down the road and starting experiencing tightness in her chest and flushing. She took 50 mg of Benadryl, 30mg of prednisone and two puffs on her inhaler. She returned to the clinic, upon assessment from nursing she looked extremely flushed and anxious, she stated that she still felt tightness and that she had a history of anaphylaxis once before and had used an epi pen in the past. She had an epi pen with her and questioned whether or not she should give it to herself. BP was 190/68, pulse was normal, respirations normal, she continued to experience tightness and ""not able to catch my breath"", encouraged to use epi pen. She administered epi pen to right thigh at approximately 4:45PM, 911 called. Within a few minutes, she stated she was feeling better, less tightness in the chest, flushing was subsiding. BP at 190/70 at 4:52. EMS on scene at 5:03pm. Vitals normal , EKG normal. Client decided not to transport with EMS."No reported illness at time of vaccine, unknown for month priorunknown
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM PR SHORTENED18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM T WAVE ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
EMBOLISM65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
ENDOCARDITIS65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION30-39 yearsJan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis/Angioedema Patient was given EpiPen 0.3 mg IM; Methylprednisolone 125 mg once; Diphenhydramine 25 mg IV push once; Famotidine 20 mg IV push once; Dexamethasone 10 mg IV push once Patient was intubated and put on propofol and midazolam drips for sedationNot knownCalcium 600 mg with D daily; Women's Multiple vitamin daily; Vitamin D3 5,000 units daily; Zyrtec 10 mg at bedtime PRN; Celebrex 200 mg daily; Gabapentin 300 mg (3 caps daily); Melatonin 9 mg daily PRN; Zanaflex 4 mg Daily
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Unresponsive to epinepherine, steroids. Patient required intubation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Patient started on high dose steroids, BID IV famotidine, nebulizer therapy, with improvement in symptoms. Pt still in ICU at time of this submission.NONENONE
Anaphylactic reaction, initially unresponsive to IM epinepherine, IV famotidine, IV steroids. Symptoms worsened, requiring intubation, mechanical ventilation, ICU admissionNONENONE
1/22/21: Patient received vaccine at a local town hall. Patient first got blurry vision, then hives, then tongue swelling leading to onsite administration of an epi-pen. patient was brought to Hospital via ambulance and was given 2 more doses of epi-pen which were ineffective. Patient got intubated in the ED and was started on epinephrine continuous infusion and remained on an epi infusion for 4 days. Patient was extubated on 1/23. The diagnosis was anaphylaxis to the Moderna covid vaccine.No current illness for this event.- Cyanocobalamin 1000mcg/mL subq every 2 weeks - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units every 2 weeks
1/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021hypoxia to 30%, only improved to 82% on Nonrebreather at 100%, intubated for hypoxic respiratory failureAsthmaNo other medications for this event.
patient immediately got short of breath and hypoxic requiring intubationnonenone
1/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
ENLARGED UVULA30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
EOSINOPHIL COUNT40-49 yearsDec., 2020mild DRESS syndrome, rash, blood in urine. note it may have bene the doycycline, as simialr symptoms recurred later with a dose of doxy on jan 2nd, not hospitalized. pt is a MDnonenaprosyn, doxycycline
EOSINOPHIL COUNT DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
EOSINOPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
EPISTAXIS40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
ERYTHEMA18-29 yearsJan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
EXPOSURE DURING PREGNANCY18-29 yearsJan., 2021I was pregnant and my baby died two days after I took it and I got really sickNoNone
EXPOSURE TO SARS-COV-250-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
EYE PAIN30-39 yearsJan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
EYE SWELLING40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
FACIAL PARALYSIS30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
FAECALOMA18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
FALL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
FATIGUE40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
FEAR65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
FEELING ABNORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020"Patient was monitored for >15 minutes after vaccination. Patient told a nurse that her knees felt weak. Patient then fainted and was laying on the floor when i arrived. Patient reported she felt like she was ""floating"" and she did not want to ""fall"". She was also nausea and wanted to vomit and did not end up vomiting anything up. Patient fainted several more times. Her BP was around 143/80 and unsure about the pulse. Patient then become unresponsive for 20-30 seconds."MigrainesUnknown
Jan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
30-39 yearsJan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
FEELING COLD50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
FEELING HOT18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
30-39 yearsUnknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
FEELING JITTERY30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
FIBRIN D DIMER INCREASED40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
Jan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
FLANK PAIN18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Within 3 minutes of receiving vaccine felt flush and throat swelling, responded to Epi Pen and Benadryl p.o. EMS took him to ED where he remained several hours receiving 1 liter NS 125 mg solumedrol IV, discharge with 4 days of prednisone 40 mg daily and a prescription for an Epi Pen. As of 1.12 he is totally okay with no after effects.None knownNone
Patient developed a hoarsenss of voice and tightness of throat and flushed feeling immediately following vaccination. Epi Pen was administered and 50 mg Benadryl given p.o., EMS transport to ED after administration of solumedrol 125 mg - received Pepcid and Zofran and NS IV in the ED. Discharged from ED with prednisone 40 mg daily x 4 day with Epi Pen prescription.Not currently illNone
Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Within 3 minutes of vaccination patient became fully flushed head and neck, with rapid heart rate (112), and feeling like her airways were tightening.. Nurse immediately called for response, administered Epipen, when response arrived applied oxygen and transported to ED. Solumedrol 125 mg, Bendadryl 25 mg, and Famotidine 20 mg, she responded well and was released home with Rx Prednisone 40 mg x 3 days. Only residual effect was a dry/sore throat.NoneExcedrin Migraine at 9:00 PM on 12/28/2020
Jan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Dizzyness Flushed face and neck Swollen tongue Minor facial swelling around eyes Epi Pen and 50mg of Benedryl, bp remained normal, patient remained fully conscious. 911 called and transport to Emergency DeptNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Client received vaccine at approximately 3:50pm, waited in observational area x30min. Left with husband, stated that she got a few miles down the road and starting experiencing tightness in her chest and flushing. She took 50 mg of Benadryl, 30mg of prednisone and two puffs on her inhaler. She returned to the clinic, upon assessment from nursing she looked extremely flushed and anxious, she stated that she still felt tightness and that she had a history of anaphylaxis once before and had used an epi pen in the past. She had an epi pen with her and questioned whether or not she should give it to herself. BP was 190/68, pulse was normal, respirations normal, she continued to experience tightness and ""not able to catch my breath"", encouraged to use epi pen. She administered epi pen to right thigh at approximately 4:45PM, 911 called. Within a few minutes, she stated she was feeling better, less tightness in the chest, flushing was subsiding. BP at 190/70 at 4:52. EMS on scene at 5:03pm. Vitals normal , EKG normal. Client decided not to transport with EMS."No reported illness at time of vaccine, unknown for month priorunknown
FOAMING AT MOUTH50-59 yearsJan., 20211/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
FOETAL DEATH18-29 yearsJan., 2021I was pregnant and my baby died two days after I took it and I got really sickNoNone
FULL BLOOD COUNT18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Jan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
60-64 yearsJan., 2021admitted to shady grove hospital for ITP(immune mediated thrombocytopenia) plts were 1 on admission have not responded to typical ITP therapies, platelets still 4 today after 4 days in hospital workup shows ITP no other risk factors or history of itp or autoimmunitynonerosuvatatin 10mg po daily lisinopril 10mg po daily metformin 750 mg po bid centrum MVI asa 81mg po daily
FULL BLOOD COUNT NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Jan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
GAIT DISTURBANCE50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021DVT in right leg 4 days after injection, severe pain in thigh/calf, difficulty walking Placed on Xarelto 15mg 2X daily for 21 days and then 20mg daily for 9 days. Next Doctor visit is 1/26/2021 at 9:00am Next scheduled Covid 19 vaccine is scheduled for 2/5/2021 at 7:15amNoneValsartan 160mg daily Alfuzosin 10mg daily Aspirin 81mg daily
GAIT INABILITY60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
GENERALISED TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURE50-59 yearsJan., 20211/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
GRANULOCYTE COUNT30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
GRANULOCYTE PERCENTAGE30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
HAEMATOCRIT DECREASED40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
HAEMATOCRIT NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
HAEMOGLOBIN NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Sever thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.NoneOmeprazole
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
admitted to shady grove hospital for ITP(immune mediated thrombocytopenia) plts were 1 on admission have not responded to typical ITP therapies, platelets still 4 today after 4 days in hospital workup shows ITP no other risk factors or history of itp or autoimmunitynonerosuvatatin 10mg po daily lisinopril 10mg po daily metformin 750 mg po bid centrum MVI asa 81mg po daily
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Jan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
HAEMOPTYSIS65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
HEAD INJURY65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
HEADACHE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
Jan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
12 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
UnknownUnknown Date1day after vaccine,developed severe headache & later blister in head officially Shingle . Then decreased platelet count fatally to 29(ITP).now hospitalized getting treatment.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
HEART RATE INCREASED18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Jan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Within 3 minutes of vaccination patient became fully flushed head and neck, with rapid heart rate (112), and feeling like her airways were tightening.. Nurse immediately called for response, administered Epipen, when response arrived applied oxygen and transported to ED. Solumedrol 125 mg, Bendadryl 25 mg, and Famotidine 20 mg, she responded well and was released home with Rx Prednisone 40 mg x 3 days. Only residual effect was a dry/sore throat.NoneExcedrin Migraine at 9:00 PM on 12/28/2020
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Pt started having dizziness, increased HR, extremities became pale, BP increased to 170/94, HR 144 30 mins after injection. Pt tolerated first vaccine s difficulty, sxs continued and BP and HR fluctuated off and on for 1hr. Pt was given an EPI pen, Solumedrol 125mg, Zyrtec (refused benadryl) , and Pepcid 20mg during the episode. HR and BP continued to increase - EMS was called and pt was take to the ED and released ~10pm at night to home.NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
HEART RATE IRREGULARUnknownUnknown DateON Jan 16 complained of lightheadedness then felt better after supper and nap. Next day ok On Jan 22 did not get up, had stroke, taken by ambulance to hospital and transferred to medical facility.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
HEMIANOPIA40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
HEMIPARESIS30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
HEMIPLEGIA65+ yearsJan., 2021cerebral hemorrhage and left sided paralysis of the bodyDiabetes, Coronary Artery disease post Bypass,Dyslipidemia ,Aortic valve TAVER,controlled hypertension.Synhroid,Trajenta,Glucophage,Glucotrpl,Preservision,Plavix,Aspirin,Ferrous Sulpfate,Bcomplex,Pravastatin,Actose,Lisinopril,Lansoprazol,
HEPATIC EMBOLISATION65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
HEPATITIS B TEST NEGATIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
HEPATITIS C TEST NEGATIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
HERPES ZOSTER30-39 yearsJan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
UnknownUnknown Date1day after vaccine,developed severe headache & later blister in head officially Shingle . Then decreased platelet count fatally to 29(ITP).now hospitalized getting treatment.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
HIV TEST NEGATIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
HOT FLUSH18-29 yearsJan., 2021After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsJan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
HYPERCOAGULATION40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
HYPERGLYCAEMIA40-49 yearsJan., 2021Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
HYPERHIDROSIS18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
HYPERSENSITIVITY18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsJan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
HYPERTENSION40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
HYPERTENSIVE EMERGENCY18-29 yearsJan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
HYPOAESTHESIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
HYPOKINESIA65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
HYPONATRAEMIA65+ yearsJan., 2021Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
HYPOTENSION30-39 yearsJan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
HYPOTONIA65+ yearsJan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
HYPOXIA50-59 yearsJan., 2021hypoxia to 30%, only improved to 82% on Nonrebreather at 100%, intubated for hypoxic respiratory failureAsthmaNo other medications for this event.
patient immediately got short of breath and hypoxic requiring intubationnonenone
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
IMMATURE GRANULOCYTE COUNT INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
IMMATURE GRANULOCYTE PERCENTAGE INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
30-39 yearsJan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
Patient developed a hoarsenss of voice and tightness of throat and flushed feeling immediately following vaccination. Epi Pen was administered and 50 mg Benadryl given p.o., EMS transport to ED after administration of solumedrol 125 mg - received Pepcid and Zofran and NS IV in the ED. Discharged from ED with prednisone 40 mg daily x 4 day with Epi Pen prescription.Not currently illNone
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA30-39 yearsJan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Sever thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.NoneOmeprazole
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
60-64 yearsJan., 2021admitted to shady grove hospital for ITP(immune mediated thrombocytopenia) plts were 1 on admission have not responded to typical ITP therapies, platelets still 4 today after 4 days in hospital workup shows ITP no other risk factors or history of itp or autoimmunitynonerosuvatatin 10mg po daily lisinopril 10mg po daily metformin 750 mg po bid centrum MVI asa 81mg po daily
UnknownUnknown Date1day after vaccine,developed severe headache & later blister in head officially Shingle . Then decreased platelet count fatally to 29(ITP).now hospitalized getting treatment.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
IMMUNOGLOBULIN THERAPY18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
IMPAIRED WORK ABILITY18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Fever of 100.3 x 3 days, systemic hives daily and continues as of today 1/21/21. Used an Epipen over the weekend due to face and mouth swelling. Been to Dr several times since 12/24/20. Prednisone and antihistamines given with minimal relief. Patient has missed several days of work due to systemic swelling and hives covering her entire body.Noneunknown
INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
INFLUENZA VIRUS TEST65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
INFLUENZA VIRUS TEST NEGATIVE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
INJECTION SITE ERYTHEMA30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
INJECTION SITE HYPOAESTHESIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
INJECTION SITE PAIN18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
INJECTION SITE PRURITUS18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
INJECTION SITE REACTION18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
INJECTION SITE SWELLING40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
Jan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
INJECTION SITE WARMTH18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
INSOMNIA40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
60-64 yearsJan., 2021SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
INTENSIVE CARE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Unresponsive to epinepherine, steroids. Patient required intubation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Patient started on high dose steroids, BID IV famotidine, nebulizer therapy, with improvement in symptoms. Pt still in ICU at time of this submission.NONENONE
Anaphylactic reaction, initially unresponsive to IM epinepherine, IV famotidine, IV steroids. Symptoms worsened, requiring intubation, mechanical ventilation, ICU admissionNONENONE
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
1/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
60-64 yearsJan., 202101/06/21 at 6 pm, body aches, and chills 01/07/21 at 12am T102.2, SPO2 62% on room air. Was sent to ER and returned. 01/08/21 at SPO@ less then 60% on room air, non responsive to verbal tactile stimuli. Responsive to sternal rub only. Was sent to ER and admitted to ICU.NoTylenol, Atenolol, LIpitor, Clonidine, mutlivitamin, Lasix, Gabapentin, Losartan, Maalox, Miralax, Zofran, Vitamin D2.
Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
Developed hypercapnic respiratory failure, CHF exacerbation - readmitted to Hospital. In ICU with BIPAPAdvanced diastolic heart failure and CKD. Returned from hospitalization one week prior for CHF exacerbation treated with BIPAP, IV diuresisAlbuterol, metoprolol, fish oil, apixiban, insulin
INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE65+ yearsJan., 2021high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
ISCHAEMIC STROKE40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
LABORATORY TEST18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
1) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt. with dizziness, then Afib with RVR, then massive cerebral hemorrhage Pt. non oriented & unable to give history - History provided by S.O and daughterNo Acute only chronicMultiple
a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 202101/06/21 at 6 pm, body aches, and chills 01/07/21 at 12am T102.2, SPO2 62% on room air. Was sent to ER and returned. 01/08/21 at SPO@ less then 60% on room air, non responsive to verbal tactile stimuli. Responsive to sternal rub only. Was sent to ER and admitted to ICU.NoTylenol, Atenolol, LIpitor, Clonidine, mutlivitamin, Lasix, Gabapentin, Losartan, Maalox, Miralax, Zofran, Vitamin D2.
SOB, Sleeplessness,Diarrhea and Gastric issues but not COVID relatedMetoprolol, Sertraline, irbesartan pantoprazole Vit B shot monthly Vit D2
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
LARYNGOSCOPY NORMAL30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
LEFT VENTRICULAR END-DIASTOLIC PRESSURE INCREASED65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
LETHARGY18-29 yearsJan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
LIFE SUPPORT50-59 yearsJan., 20211/22/2021 this resident was found on his kitchen floor having severe Grand Mal seizures and was profusely foaming from the mouth. RN (writer) responded to the emergency. Resident had 8 seizures between the time of calling 911 and them arriving. They had been IV pushing Ativan and Versed. The seizures did not stop. He was rushed to Hospital, intubated, placed on life support and admitted to the ICU. Resident had an emergency craniotomy and they did not find any infection or cause of the seizures. Many other tests were done and nothing was determined to be the cause at this time. Reported to ICU nurse on 1/23/2021 that resident had received the Moderna vaccine a couple days prior.NoTylenol, Clonidine, Melatonin. Nicotine patch , and Senna PRN
LIP SWELLING18-29 yearsDec., 2020Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Jan., 2021Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
40-49 yearsJan., 20211/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
Jan., 2021Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
LIPASE INCREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021admitted with pancreatitis.No current illness for this event.No current facility-administered medications on file prior to encounter. Current Outpatient Medications on File Prior to Encounter Medication Sig Dispense Refill ? albuterol sulfate HFA (PROVENTIL HFA) 108 (90 Base) mcg/act inhaler Inhale
LIVER FUNCTION TEST30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
LIVER FUNCTION TEST INCREASED40-49 yearsDec., 2020mild DRESS syndrome, rash, blood in urine. note it may have bene the doycycline, as simialr symptoms recurred later with a dose of doxy on jan 2nd, not hospitalized. pt is a MDnonenaprosyn, doxycycline
LIVER FUNCTION TEST NORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS18-29 yearsJan., 2021Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
65+ yearsJan., 2021Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
LOSS OF PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE IN DAILY ACTIVITIES65+ yearsJan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
LUMBAR PUNCTURE50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
LUNG OPACITY65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
LYMPHADENOPATHY18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Gallbladder removed, septic, 11mm axillary lymph node.UnknownUnknown
Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
LYMPHOCYTE COUNT DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
LYMPHOCYTE COUNT INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
LYMPHOCYTE PERCENTAGE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MAGNETIC RESONANCE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY65+ yearsJan., 2021admitted with pancreatitis.No current illness for this event.No current facility-administered medications on file prior to encounter. Current Outpatient Medications on File Prior to Encounter Medication Sig Dispense Refill ? albuterol sulfate HFA (PROVENTIL HFA) 108 (90 Base) mcg/act inhaler Inhale
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
Jan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
50-59 yearsJan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
65+ yearsJan., 2021COVID-19 VaccineRemoval of sebaceous cyst,Lantis, Novolog, ferrous sulfate, metformin, juardance, eloquis,tamulosin, vitamin D3, Metropolol, lisinopril, atorvastatin,omeprazole, finesteride, potassium , centrum 50+
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING BRAIN40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING BRAIN ABNORMAL30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING BRAIN NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING NECK40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
MALAISE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
I was pregnant and my baby died two days after I took it and I got really sickNoNone
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
MAY-THURNER SYNDROME18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
MEAN CELL HAEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MEAN CELL HAEMOGLOBIN NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MEAN CELL VOLUME NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
MEAN PLATELET VOLUME NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MECHANICAL VENTILATION40-49 yearsJan., 2021Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Unresponsive to epinepherine, steroids. Patient required intubation, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Patient started on high dose steroids, BID IV famotidine, nebulizer therapy, with improvement in symptoms. Pt still in ICU at time of this submission.NONENONE
Anaphylactic reaction, initially unresponsive to IM epinepherine, IV famotidine, IV steroids. Symptoms worsened, requiring intubation, mechanical ventilation, ICU admissionNONENONE
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
MENTAL IMPAIRMENT40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Jan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Jan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
MIGRAINE40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
MOBILITY DECREASED40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
65+ yearsJan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
MONOCYTE COUNT NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MONOCYTE PERCENTAGE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
MOUTH HAEMORRHAGE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
MOUTH SWELLING30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Fever of 100.3 x 3 days, systemic hives daily and continues as of today 1/21/21. Used an Epipen over the weekend due to face and mouth swelling. Been to Dr several times since 12/24/20. Prednisone and antihistamines given with minimal relief. Patient has missed several days of work due to systemic swelling and hives covering her entire body.Noneunknown
MUSCLE FATIGUE18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
MUSCLE RIGIDITY30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
MUSCLE TIGHTNESS40-49 yearsDec., 2020Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
MUSCLE TWITCHING50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
MUSCULAR WEAKNESS18-29 yearsDec., 2020"Patient was monitored for >15 minutes after vaccination. Patient told a nurse that her knees felt weak. Patient then fainted and was laying on the floor when i arrived. Patient reported she felt like she was ""floating"" and she did not want to ""fall"". She was also nausea and wanted to vomit and did not end up vomiting anything up. Patient fainted several more times. Her BP was around 143/80 and unsure about the pulse. Patient then become unresponsive for 20-30 seconds."MigrainesUnknown
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
MYALGIA30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Jan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER NORMAL50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
MYOCARDITIS50-59 yearsJan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
NAUSEA18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
"Patient was monitored for >15 minutes after vaccination. Patient told a nurse that her knees felt weak. Patient then fainted and was laying on the floor when i arrived. Patient reported she felt like she was ""floating"" and she did not want to ""fall"". She was also nausea and wanted to vomit and did not end up vomiting anything up. Patient fainted several more times. Her BP was around 143/80 and unsure about the pulse. Patient then become unresponsive for 20-30 seconds."MigrainesUnknown
"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
Began itching and wheezing approximately 5 minutes after the injection. Gave first epi dose. Throat started tightening, and nausea presented. Gave second epi 5 min after the first. Gave third epi 5 min after the second. EMS arrived, gave 4th epi in ambulance. ER treated with breathing treatment, IV steroids, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid and IV zofran. Was observed for 6.5 hours.NoneBupropion, tizanadine, ketorlac, Benadryl, multivitamin, epipen, albuterol
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
Jan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
Pulmonary Edema, fever, nausea, vomitingnoneNot known
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
NECK INJURY65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
NECK PAIN40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
NEURALGIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION30-39 yearsDec., 2020Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
NEUTROPHIL COUNT INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Within 3 minutes of vaccination patient became fully flushed head and neck, with rapid heart rate (112), and feeling like her airways were tightening.. Nurse immediately called for response, administered Epipen, when response arrived applied oxygen and transported to ED. Solumedrol 125 mg, Bendadryl 25 mg, and Famotidine 20 mg, she responded well and was released home with Rx Prednisone 40 mg x 3 days. Only residual effect was a dry/sore throat.NoneExcedrin Migraine at 9:00 PM on 12/28/2020
Jan., 20211) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021The patient received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine at the Health Department. The patient experienced a rapid onset of a dry mouth and throat, followed by a restricted airway and elevated blood pressure. The patient was given 2 x 25 mg pf Benadryl, however, due to rapid restriction of the airway .05 of epinephrine was administered by injection. The symptoms subsided slightly. A second injection of .05 mg was administered. The patient was observed and released with instructions to contact his primary care physician.NoneMetoprolol Tartrate 25mg, Losartan Potassium 25 mg
OCULAR HYPERAEMIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Itchy throat, red eyes after 30 minutes. EMS on site gave IV Benadryl, epi pen shot and took to ER for monitoring. Vitals were good so he was discharged.NoneLialda for colitis
OEDEMA65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
OEDEMA PERIPHERAL18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
OPISTHOTONUS30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
ORAL PRURITUS30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
OROPHARYNGEAL DISCOMFORT30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
OROPHARYNGEAL PAIN40-49 yearsDec., 2020Within 3 minutes of vaccination patient became fully flushed head and neck, with rapid heart rate (112), and feeling like her airways were tightening.. Nurse immediately called for response, administered Epipen, when response arrived applied oxygen and transported to ED. Solumedrol 125 mg, Bendadryl 25 mg, and Famotidine 20 mg, she responded well and was released home with Rx Prednisone 40 mg x 3 days. Only residual effect was a dry/sore throat.NoneExcedrin Migraine at 9:00 PM on 12/28/2020
OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
Jan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
PAIN18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
30-39 yearsJan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsJan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
60-64 yearsJan., 202101/06/21 at 6 pm, body aches, and chills 01/07/21 at 12am T102.2, SPO2 62% on room air. Was sent to ER and returned. 01/08/21 at SPO@ less then 60% on room air, non responsive to verbal tactile stimuli. Responsive to sternal rub only. Was sent to ER and admitted to ICU.NoTylenol, Atenolol, LIpitor, Clonidine, mutlivitamin, Lasix, Gabapentin, Losartan, Maalox, Miralax, Zofran, Vitamin D2.
Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
PAIN IN EXTREMITY18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
60-64 yearsJan., 2021DVT in right leg 4 days after injection, severe pain in thigh/calf, difficulty walking Placed on Xarelto 15mg 2X daily for 21 days and then 20mg daily for 9 days. Next Doctor visit is 1/26/2021 at 9:00am Next scheduled Covid 19 vaccine is scheduled for 2/5/2021 at 7:15amNoneValsartan 160mg daily Alfuzosin 10mg daily Aspirin 81mg daily
65+ yearsJan., 20211-03-2021dose at 9:30 arm pain 6:00 pm went to bed 11:00 woke up around 5:00 with significant breathing problems. Did not improve with albuterol. called 911 and was taken to the hospital ER. Loss of memory for 4-5 hours. don't know what happenedCovid 10-21-2020tamsulosin, omeprazole, prednisone, quercitin, red yeast rice, antioxidant,
PALLOR18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Pt started having dizziness, increased HR, extremities became pale, BP increased to 170/94, HR 144 30 mins after injection. Pt tolerated first vaccine s difficulty, sxs continued and BP and HR fluctuated off and on for 1hr. Pt was given an EPI pen, Solumedrol 125mg, Zyrtec (refused benadryl) , and Pepcid 20mg during the episode. HR and BP continued to increase - EMS was called and pt was take to the ED and released ~10pm at night to home.NoneNone
PALPITATIONS18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
Unknown DateImmediate warm rush to my head and body. Heart was beating out of my chest and difficultly breathing. Heart rate spiked to 150 (normal around 55). Hand, legs, and mouth started to go numb. Eventually settled down after about 1 hr. Have not felt normal since which has been 3 days.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Woke up on 1/6/2021 with hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness and heart racing. Went to urgent care and they did an EKG which showed A-Fib, so I was sent to the ER and from there, I was transferred to an ICU at a different facility . I stayed until 1/8/2021. No cause was found and no history of A-Fib or family history.NoneZyrtec
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
PANCREATITIS65+ yearsJan., 2021admitted with pancreatitis.No current illness for this event.No current facility-administered medications on file prior to encounter. Current Outpatient Medications on File Prior to Encounter Medication Sig Dispense Refill ? albuterol sulfate HFA (PROVENTIL HFA) 108 (90 Base) mcg/act inhaler Inhale
PANIC ATTACK40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
PARAESTHESIA18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021Tingling and throat swelling to Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUANo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Guillain Barre syndrome/AIDP event. Paresthesia and nerve pain developed in bilateral legs 4 hours after shot and progressed slowly for 4 days in intensity and area involved. Symptoms progressed distally to superior. On the 5th day symptoms progressed rapidly and involved bilateral legs up to the groin, left arm up to lateral shoulder, and right hand. I went to the hospital and was admitted to start IVIG treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome/AIDP.NoneNone
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
PARAESTHESIA ORAL18-29 yearsJan., 2021After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Patient presented to receive COVID-19 vaccine, received vaccine at approximately 10 am. Patient waited 15 minutes for observation and left observation area without complaining of any sx. Patient returned a few minutes after reporting tongue tingling which eventually got to her lips. . No difficulty breathing or any other sx. No history of allergies. NP/RN administered PO Benadryl 25 mg. As of report of this iReport no additional symptoms or intervention needed. Last vitals: 131/83 75spo2. BP higher than usual per patient, sp02 normal.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
PCO2 DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
PERIORBITAL SWELLING50-59 yearsJan., 2021Dizzyness Flushed face and neck Swollen tongue Minor facial swelling around eyes Epi Pen and 50mg of Benedryl, bp remained normal, patient remained fully conscious. 911 called and transport to Emergency DeptNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
PERIPHERAL SWELLING40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
PETECHIAE30-39 yearsJan., 2021Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsJan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
PHARYNGEAL OEDEMA65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
PHARYNGEAL SWELLING18-29 yearsDec., 2020throat swelling, SVTChronic Tonsilitis DysmenorrheaNuvaring
O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
Jan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Tingling and throat swelling to Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUANo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
Within 3 minutes of receiving vaccine felt flush and throat swelling, responded to Epi Pen and Benadryl p.o. EMS took him to ED where he remained several hours receiving 1 liter NS 125 mg solumedrol IV, discharge with 4 days of prednisone 40 mg daily and a prescription for an Epi Pen. As of 1.12 he is totally okay with no after effects.None knownNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Vaccination given 1314 and sent to waiting room for monitoring. Began to have itching at 1325. PO benadryl administered. Then with throat swelling. Epinephrine administered by EMS/Fire at 1:32pm: 0.5mg IM right arm. 1342 improving 1350 itching/throat swelling returning while EMS/Fire on phone with medical director. 1352 second dose of epinephrine administered by De Pere EMS/Fire: 0.5mg IM left arm Medical Director on site for evaluation. Client given option to transport to hospital or stay for monitoring with EMS/Dr. Condition improving, chose to stay for monitoring. Client improved and up walking halls 1513 Client cleared to be released home via private transportnobirth control
8 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
PLATELET COUNT DECREASED18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Severe thrombocytopenia platelet count of 1.NoneLamotrigine Levetiracetam Ibuprofen PRN last dose 1 week ago
Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Sever thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.NoneOmeprazole
The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
60-64 yearsJan., 2021admitted to shady grove hospital for ITP(immune mediated thrombocytopenia) plts were 1 on admission have not responded to typical ITP therapies, platelets still 4 today after 4 days in hospital workup shows ITP no other risk factors or history of itp or autoimmunitynonerosuvatatin 10mg po daily lisinopril 10mg po daily metformin 750 mg po bid centrum MVI asa 81mg po daily
65+ yearsJan., 2021Severe rash. Platelets drop to almost needing transfusionNoneLipitor Synthroid Vit C D zinc
UnknownUnknown Date1day after vaccine,developed severe headache & later blister in head officially Shingle . Then decreased platelet count fatally to 29(ITP).now hospitalized getting treatment.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
PLATELET COUNT NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
PLATELET TRANSFUSION40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
PNEUMONIA40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Jan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
PO2 DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
PROCALCITONIN NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
PROTEIN TOTAL NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
PROTHROMBIN LEVEL INCREASED18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
PRURITUS18-29 yearsDec., 2020Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Began itching and wheezing approximately 5 minutes after the injection. Gave first epi dose. Throat started tightening, and nausea presented. Gave second epi 5 min after the first. Gave third epi 5 min after the second. EMS arrived, gave 4th epi in ambulance. ER treated with breathing treatment, IV steroids, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid and IV zofran. Was observed for 6.5 hours.NoneBupropion, tizanadine, ketorlac, Benadryl, multivitamin, epipen, albuterol
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Jan., 2021Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine at 0956 and reported symptoms of itchy face and chest pressure at approximately 1008 during observation period. Pt vital signs were 133/86, HR 130 and oxygen saturation 100% on room air. Pt reported worsening symptoms of chest pressure and itchiness to face. Provider instructed Epi Pen be given and pt to be transported to ED for further evaluation. EKG obtained and showed sinus tachycardia. Nonrebreather oxygen mask applied with 2L/min and oxygen saturation remained at 100%. Pt was transported via ambulance to at 1038 and pt reported feeling improved symptoms prior to leaving the clinic at approximately 1034. Pt stable at time of transfer.NoneTopamax, Amitriptyline, Odansetron, Losartan, Bisacodyl,advair, EpiPen, Prednisone, Ubrogepant, Galcanezbumab injection monthly, benadryl
Vaccination given 1314 and sent to waiting room for monitoring. Began to have itching at 1325. PO benadryl administered. Then with throat swelling. Epinephrine administered by EMS/Fire at 1:32pm: 0.5mg IM right arm. 1342 improving 1350 itching/throat swelling returning while EMS/Fire on phone with medical director. 1352 second dose of epinephrine administered by De Pere EMS/Fire: 0.5mg IM left arm Medical Director on site for evaluation. Client given option to transport to hospital or stay for monitoring with EMS/Dr. Condition improving, chose to stay for monitoring. Client improved and up walking halls 1513 Client cleared to be released home via private transportnobirth control
Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
"PT shared that she had a history of allergic reaction to multiple antibiotics. PT denied that she had had an anaphylactic response and stated she did not carry an epi-pen. PT confirmed reading the fact sheet and review of the pre-vaccination questionnaire prior to coming to the clinic. At 5-10 min, RN checked with Patient. She stated she was feeling okay. She was reassured by RN that EMT staff were on site if she had any concerns. Pt stated ""Yes, I work at the police department. They are the reason I came here for the vaccine."" Within 20 min. of admin. she reported hives and itchy. Pt was imm. moved to the paramedic team, emergency care was initiated. Transfered to Hosp. ED"Reported she was feeling wellDenied
50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
PULMONARY EMBOLISM40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
PULMONARY OEDEMA65+ yearsJan., 2021Pulmonary Edema, fever, nausea, vomitingnoneNot known
PYREXIA18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
Jan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Fever of 100.3 x 3 days, systemic hives daily and continues as of today 1/21/21. Used an Epipen over the weekend due to face and mouth swelling. Been to Dr several times since 12/24/20. Prednisone and antihistamines given with minimal relief. Patient has missed several days of work due to systemic swelling and hives covering her entire body.Noneunknown
Jan., 202112 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. She works in ER as housekeeper 7pm-7am. The day she received the vaccine she became ill with fever chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31 she developed hemianopia. She went to ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. She is currently in medical center. In Trauma.No current illness for this event.Valacyclovir 1gm daily Spirinolactone 100mg TID Januva 100mg 1 daily Glimepiride 2mg BID Elmiron 100mg TID Lisinopril 20mg once daily Escitalopram 10mg once daily
Jan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
Jan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
Fevers as high as 105.1F , severe chills, headaches, body aches, nausea, severe fatigueN/aLyrics, tacrolimus, xaralto, albuteral, magnesium, albuteral, VitD, folic acid, amlodipine, nexium
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pulmonary Edema, fever, nausea, vomitingnoneNot known
Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
24 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
QUARANTINE50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
RASH18-29 yearsDec., 2020Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
Jan., 2021After about 1 hour and 15 minutes, I began to feel my throat swelling, difficulty to swallow, nausea, hot flashes, my heart racing, a rash on my chest, and my tongue tingly.N/ABirth Control pill: Yaz Women's multivitamin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Jan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
12 hours after vaccination began experiencing fever, chills, body aches, slight head ache - lasted around 12 hours Had slight pain above eye prior to getting vaccination Saw PCP on 01/08/2021 due to eye pain - had CT scan for possible aneurysm, found 2 spots on brain, thought patient had shingles On 01/10/2021 shingles rash appearedNoneNone
Received second COVID vaccine Moderna on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Later that night, I was a little light-headed and achey, but went to bed. On thursday, my legs and arms were extremely achy. I took Tylenol and Motrin in the morning. It seemed to help some, but continued to feel very achy in my legs. I left work early (I am a pediatrician) on Thursday and went home and just sat and rested. I felt terrible, but had talked to other colleagues who felt very bad that first day after the shot. Friday morning, I woke up still achy but feeling better overall. I took motrin and Tylenol again on Friday morning. I worked the whole day seeing patients. Was tired, but got thru the workday. At around 6pm, I noticed petechiae rash on my lower legs. The rash started spreading thru the night- up my legs and to my arms. I went to ER. They did order CBC, CMP. Platelets were undetectable- 1 platelet was seen under microscope. CMP was normal. I was told to go to bigger hospital. I went, My platelets read as 4. I was admitted for two nights. Two doses of IVIG were given and I was put on Decadron 40mg PO daily for 4 days. I had tylenol, benadryl, zofran before the IVIG and after. I will see Hematology next week for follow up. Platelets yesterday at discharge were 60. Will be checked frequently for the next few months. ITP= diagnosis. COVID shot was trigger.Received first COVID vaccine on December 23, 2020 Second COVID vaccine Jan 20, 2020 MODERNA brand1) Zoloft 25mg PO daily 2) Sprinolactone 150mg PO daily 3) Vitamin D 10,000 units daily PO 4) vitamin B12 5,000 daily PO 5) Tylenol 650mg every 4 hrs prn 6) Advil 800mg every 8-12 hours prn
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Anaphylaxis. Immediately experienced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and rash. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency department. Had went down to the temporary vaccine station to receive my vaccine, immediately returned to the ER and began to experience symptoms of anaphylaxis. Was immediately placed in a treatment room and received treatment by the ER physician, which included oxygen, intravenous Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Normal Saline. Was observed for several hours and then eventually sent home with prescription for Prednisone and Pepcid. I do have a allergy to shellfish, was never asked about my allergies and nothing on the paperwork I was given prior to the injection noted a concern for shellfish allergies.NoneNone
mild DRESS syndrome, rash, blood in urine. note it may have bene the doycycline, as simialr symptoms recurred later with a dose of doxy on jan 2nd, not hospitalized. pt is a MDnonenaprosyn, doxycycline
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
1) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
Jan., 2021Severe rash. Platelets drop to almost needing transfusionNoneLipitor Synthroid Vit C D zinc
RASH ERYTHEMATOUS30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
Jan., 2021right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
RASH MACULAR30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
RASH PAPULAR30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
RASH PRURITIC30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT DECREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
RED BLOOD CELL NUCLEATED MORPHOLOGY30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
RED BLOOD CELL SEDIMENTATION RATE INCREASED65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
RENAL EMBOLISM65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and within 72 hrs developed a stroke. Low platelet count. Endocarditis. Emboli to liver, spleen, kidney.DVT R LE, stent x 2 L groin, PNeumoniaUnknown- please contact pt center for up to date list
RENAL FUNCTION TEST50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
RESPIRATORY DISTRESS40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
RESPIRATORY FAILURE40-49 yearsJan., 2021Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021hypoxia to 30%, only improved to 82% on Nonrebreather at 100%, intubated for hypoxic respiratory failureAsthmaNo other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 2021Developed hypercapnic respiratory failure, CHF exacerbation - readmitted to Hospital. In ICU with BIPAPAdvanced diastolic heart failure and CKD. Returned from hospitalization one week prior for CHF exacerbation treated with BIPAP, IV diuresisAlbuterol, metoprolol, fish oil, apixiban, insulin
Worsening respiratory failure 1/20/2021 death 1/27/2021Chf, CKDEliquis, Lasix, metoprolol
RESUSCITATION65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
RETCHING18-29 yearsJan., 2021Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
RHINORRHOEA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
SARS-COV-2 ANTIBODY TEST18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
SARS-COV-2 ANTIBODY TEST NEGATIVE50-59 yearsJan., 2021immediate tingling of lips, followed by fullness of posterior oropharynx, hoarseness and pruritusviral symtpoms 1 week before-fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, myalgias, COVID test (roche) negative antibodies to covid drawn in ED after reaction-negativeallegra 180mg po qd, welbutrin xl 300mg po qam, fluoxetine 40mg po qam, synthroid 0.125mg po qam, lasix 40mg po qam, kcl 20mEq po qam, flonase 2sprays each nostril daily, dulera 2 puffs qd-bid, vitamin D 50000IU q week
SARS-COV-2 TEST18-29 yearsJan., 2021I was pregnant and my baby died two days after I took it and I got really sickNoNone
65+ yearsJan., 2021Throbbing head ache, difficulty breathing, lips numbness, chest discomfort, upper back, lower legs, fingers tingling/numbness, high blood pressure 148/83, underarm sweating, feels weaknonealler-tec --allergy over the counter medication
SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
Jan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I was short of breath and went to emergency room on 1/5/2021. I was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was Covid negative and had no other symptoms.NoneNone
On January 14, 2021, I noticed generalized petechiae all over my body. I went to seek medical care and was found to have platelet count of 2. I was hospitalized for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purapura. I was given platelets which increased my platelets to 4. Next day, given IVIG dose. Also receiving 4 doses of decadron. Day after IVIG, platelets to 20. I am still in the hospital getting treatment today.NoneLopressor 50 mg PO daily
Jan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE40-49 yearsJan., 20211) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
SCAN MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
SCAN WITH CONTRAST40-49 yearsDec., 20207 day after site itching, hot swelling. Unsure if related 9 day after suffered CVA and have hyper coagulationNoneNone
SCAN WITH CONTRAST NORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021"Within 20 minutes I experienced extreme shortness of breath that continued throughout the weekend and into the following week. Within 36 hours I developed a ""rash"" that was later diagnosed as petechiae. Labs were ordered immediately and my platelet level was 66,000. The hematologist that was consulted with had me report to the emergency room for further tests. I was informed not to injure myself in anyway with a count that low or I could hemorrhage and die."No current illness for this event.Losartan, chlorthalidone, tizanidine, Tylenol,
50-59 yearsJan., 2021"1/6/21 5:30 pm Client was as her patients house and stood up to leave and was ""walking like I was drunk."" Felt like her leg was asleep. Got to her car and drove to next patients house. Noticed Rt. sided weakness and knee buckling. Drove herself home and went to bed. 1/7/21 Woke up to increased symptoms, Rt hand and Rt. leg weak, slurring speech. hospital by rescue. Admitted X 7 days. CT SCAN with and without contrast showed no bleed. Telemed Visit, MD ordered MRI to rule out Cerebellum Stroke. MRI showed cerebellum stroke. Transferred to A Rehabilitation X 7 days. Has regained most of her normal functions, continues outpatient therapy."None X 1 mo. Covid positive in April 2020... 21 days of Fever headache and backache DVT ...attributed to Covid in August 2020 Eliquis startedCrestor, Lisinopril, Glimepiride, Eliquis, Metformin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
SEIZURE40-49 yearsJan., 2021Systemic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Seizure-SevereNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
SEIZURE LIKE PHENOMENA50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
SENSATION OF FOREIGN BODY30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
SENSORY DISTURBANCE30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
SEPSIS30-39 yearsDec., 2020Gallbladder removed, septic, 11mm axillary lymph node.UnknownUnknown
65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
SINUS TACHYCARDIA40-49 yearsJan., 2021Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine at 0956 and reported symptoms of itchy face and chest pressure at approximately 1008 during observation period. Pt vital signs were 133/86, HR 130 and oxygen saturation 100% on room air. Pt reported worsening symptoms of chest pressure and itchiness to face. Provider instructed Epi Pen be given and pt to be transported to ED for further evaluation. EKG obtained and showed sinus tachycardia. Nonrebreather oxygen mask applied with 2L/min and oxygen saturation remained at 100%. Pt was transported via ambulance to at 1038 and pt reported feeling improved symptoms prior to leaving the clinic at approximately 1034. Pt stable at time of transfer.NoneTopamax, Amitriptyline, Odansetron, Losartan, Bisacodyl,advair, EpiPen, Prednisone, Ubrogepant, Galcanezbumab injection monthly, benadryl
SKIN DISCOLOURATION18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
SKIN DISCOMFORT18-29 yearsDec., 2020Employee received COVID 19 vaccination at 9:45am on 12/30/20. ~15 min. later she developed a rash down her left arm, then down her Rt. arm. about 4 hours later she decided to go to the emergency room for Hearty Palpitations, Fever, Chest discomfort and feeling of generalized sunburn. Later developed severe headache..unknownunknown
SKIN WARM30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
SLEEP DISORDER40-49 yearsJan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
SOMNOLENCE18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
SPEECH DISORDER50-59 yearsJan., 2021a couple hours after the vaccine, I experienced a bit of rapid heart rate, which resolved after a few minutes. The following day around 3 pm I began to have chills and felt like I had the raid heart rate again. By 5 pm I was beginning to feel really bad, I was freezing, chills and my heart rate was now extremely fast, I was having trouble speaking complete sentences, my husband drove me to the emergency department. I had a very high heart rate and high fever, I was admitted and in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. The diagnosis was pneumonia, I don't really believe this, as I felt fine and had no symptoms prior to the onset of the fever.NoneNo medications
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
65+ yearsJan., 2021On 1/12/20 resident woke up and was not able to stand in the E-Z stand. E-Z lift was needed. In addition he needed assistance with eating. At that time VS were stable, equal hand grasp noted, and no further concerns. Around 3pm resident became flaccid on the left side of his face and speech became mumbled. Hand grasp was equal at that time and VS were stable, but B/P was elevated compared to previous recordings earlier in the day. Family did not want him sent to the hospital and asked for comfort cares. Hospice referral obtained and he will be admitted to hospice in the near future. Resident's left side of face has improved within the last 48 hours. He remains total assist with all cares.Resident has slowly been declining over the past several months. Physically he went from being able to walk, to needing the E-Z stand to transfer and most recently has become total assist with all ADL cares.Systane drops, Lipitor, Mirtazapine, Digoxin, Lasix, Aspirin, Cymbalta, Trazodone, Levothyroxine, Depakote, Biofreeze, Senna, Neurontin, Risperidone, Flovent HFA,
STREPTOCOCCUS TEST NEGATIVE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Day 1-3 after the dose flu like symptoms Day 3-7 swelling in lymph nodes on left side of body (baseball sized) took ibuprofen and Tylenol Day 8 angioedema, anaphylaxis. Received epi subq, IVP 50mg Benadryl, Pepcid 20mg IVP, liter of NS Day 9 raised red rash all over body and face still going on Day 16- present: severe joint pain and fever, unable to obtain any reliefUpper respiratory infection 2 weeks priorAmbien, metformin, spironolactone, zyrtec, adderall, birth control
STRESS CARDIOMYOPATHY50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
STRIDOR40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA18-29 yearsDec., 2020throat swelling, SVTChronic Tonsilitis DysmenorrheaNuvaring
65+ yearsDec., 2020nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
SURGERY18-29 yearsDec., 2020Acute appendicitis, onset morning of 1/1/2021 (Reporting this because Pfizer covid vaccine had 3-4x higher risk of appendicitis, although data not reported for Moderna covid vaccine)No current illness for this event.Synthroid
SWELLING18-29 yearsJan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
SWELLING FACE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Fever of 100.3 x 3 days, systemic hives daily and continues as of today 1/21/21. Used an Epipen over the weekend due to face and mouth swelling. Been to Dr several times since 12/24/20. Prednisone and antihistamines given with minimal relief. Patient has missed several days of work due to systemic swelling and hives covering her entire body.Noneunknown
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 20218 hours after vaccine severe injection site pain/swelling, severe body aches, 101.0 temp. 16 hours after vaccine woke up from sleeping with flushed skin, facial swelling, and throat swelling. I immediately took 100mg of Benadryl and went to hospital emergency room. Approximately 30-40 minutes later symptoms started to lessen. Once at the ER, at the same time symptoms began to resolve, I was given PO Solumedrol and Pepcid. I was monitored and then discharged with RX for prednisone, and EPIPEN (to use if needed). No other issues with allergic reaction. Mild injection site soreness, mild body aches, 99.3 temp persist at 36 hours post injection.NoneNature Thyroid, HCTZ, Vitamin D, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Turmeric, CO Q10
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
Jan., 2021Facial (cheek) numbness and swelling with slight face droop Swelling continued on 1/7/2021 On 1/8/2021, lip swelling and numbness and tongue numbness By 1/9/2021 4pm, swelling and numbness resolved but chills and muscle aches beganNoneNone
65+ yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic reaction, Severe edema and raised red rash entire body, Severe itching ,Soft tissue edema of throat. Swelling of, eyes, lips, face. Multiple trips to ER, treated with steroids, Benadryl, prevacid. , CURRENTLY IN ICU ON EPINEPHRINE DRIP, STEROIDS, MULTIPLE MEDSnoneMetformin, Lisinopril, Simvastatin, Ozempic , pantopazol
SWELLING OF EYELID30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
Jan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
SWOLLEN TONGUE18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
Jan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs first moderna dose. No prior episodes of anaphylaxis/allergic rxn. Treated with Benadryl 100mg PO (prior to arrival, pt administered), famotidine 20mg IV, Epinepherine 0.3mg IM. Monitored in ED, complete resolution of symptoms, discharged home.Nonecolchicine
Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
40-49 yearsJan., 20211/22/21: Patient received vaccine at a local town hall. Patient first got blurry vision, then hives, then tongue swelling leading to onsite administration of an epi-pen. patient was brought to Hospital via ambulance and was given 2 more doses of epi-pen which were ineffective. Patient got intubated in the ED and was started on epinephrine continuous infusion and remained on an epi infusion for 4 days. Patient was extubated on 1/23. The diagnosis was anaphylaxis to the Moderna covid vaccine.No current illness for this event.- Cyanocobalamin 1000mcg/mL subq every 2 weeks - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units every 2 weeks
1/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Per summary of primary hospitalist. Pt admitted for acute hypoxic respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to angioedema from Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Pt presented with a chief complaint of tongue and facial swelling approximately 10 minutes after receiving first dose of the vaccination. She did not respond to Benadryl or IM epinephrine. She was admitted to ICU and intubated. She was started on IVsteroids, famotidine and diphenhydramine. Swelling gradually improved and she was successfully extubated. Her hospital course was complicated by steroid-induced hyperglycemia requiring insulin.NonePhenergan; Trileptal; Nortriptyline; Melatonin; Voltaren
50-59 yearsJan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
Dizzyness Flushed face and neck Swollen tongue Minor facial swelling around eyes Epi Pen and 50mg of Benedryl, bp remained normal, patient remained fully conscious. 911 called and transport to Emergency DeptNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Reported sensation of tongue swelling during post-vaccination observation at 10 minutes. Epinephrine was refused and she was taken to ED for observation where she was given oral dose of Benadryl and Pepcid. Discharged with instructions to return PRN and follow up with PCP. Elevated BP noted.No current illness for this event.Lipitor, Maxide-25, Cymbalta, ASA
Jan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
SYNCOPE18-29 yearsDec., 2020"Patient was monitored for >15 minutes after vaccination. Patient told a nurse that her knees felt weak. Patient then fainted and was laying on the floor when i arrived. Patient reported she felt like she was ""floating"" and she did not want to ""fall"". She was also nausea and wanted to vomit and did not end up vomiting anything up. Patient fainted several more times. Her BP was around 143/80 and unsure about the pulse. Patient then become unresponsive for 20-30 seconds."MigrainesUnknown
Jan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Developed dizziness and nausea within 90minutes of vaccine; then developed tingling, and flushing of my skin. Then rapid heart rate and chest tightness by 2.5hrs post vaccine. I went to urgent Care and they thought it was an allergic reaction (BP 182/90, HR 82) and gave me 125mg solumedrol and Benadryl intramuscularly which caused worsened dizziness and a racing heart which caused me to collapse and they gave me a epi pen and called 911. I was transferred to ER and they completed EKG which was normal and monitored vitals for a few hours and I was released. I continue to remain extremely dizzy and nauseated 2days after the vaccine.NoneHumalog, metformin, levothyroxine
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
TACHYCARDIA18-29 yearsJan., 202127-year-old female with past medical history of anxiety, allergic to shellfish, presented for COVID-19 vaccination, developed shortness of breath after COVID-19 Moderna injection, felt lightheadedness and noted with cyanosis as per nursing, received epinephrine injection and transferred to ED. In ED she received solumedrol, benadryl and pepcid. Vitals in the ER Revealed tachycardia HR 95-105 , Sat 96% on room air not in distress. Patient was admitted for further observationNo current illness for this event.Ativan, Paxil, Birth control pills
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Rash, Itching and swelling of left arm. Progressed to tachycardia in the 150's, hypertension 200/114. Tingling of lips, dizzinessNoneNone
Jan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsJan., 20212 minutes after vaccine was administered, noticed swelling back of tongue, progressed to posterior 2/3 of tongue, tachycardia, elevated BP. Progressive angioedema involving larynx, cough, shortness of breath. No wheezing. Physical exam did do show any obvious swelling. O2 sat decreased to 80, 1st epinephrine IM administered, 50mg benadryl IV and Famotidine administered. some improvement in symptoms. In 30mins, reoccurrence of angioedema and second epinephrine vaccine administered. Monitored for 2 hours without reoccurrence of symptoms and discharged from ER.noneBupropion 300mg Vit D3 2000IU B complex Claritin Flonase nasal spray Levonobunolol eye drops
60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
TACHYPNOEA30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
TASTE DISORDER30-39 yearsDec., 2020Less than 5 minutes after vaccine, nose drained, weird taste in mouth, tingle in nose and on tongue. Throat and tongue swelled, couldn?t speak. Dizzy and slurring speech. Was taken to ambulance outside, BP was 191/101. Given beta blockade. Confused and dizzy for next 2 hours in ER. Evaluated for stroke and given a 12-lead ECG. Given benedryl and prednisone. Felt better after 3 1/2 hours. Continued steroids for 5 days and had to take benedryl every 4 hours for 3 days or swelling/itching/bad taste in mouth would return. Sore arm on day 3.NoneZoloft, prenatal vitamins, DHA
THIRST65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
THROAT CLEARING40-49 yearsJan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
THROAT IRRITATION30-39 yearsDec., 2020Itchy throat, red eyes after 30 minutes. EMS on site gave IV Benadryl, epi pen shot and took to ER for monitoring. Vitals were good so he was discharged.NoneLialda for colitis
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
THROAT TIGHTNESS18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
Jan., 2021Anaphylactic shock, my throat started to close and couldn?t breatheNo current illness for this event.Aderall, Omneprazoll
30-39 yearsDec., 2020The vaccine was received at 1:12 PM, and I felt fairly fine, aside from injection site pain and some tingling in my left arm until I had sudden significant elevation of heart rate, with shortness of breath, and throat swelling/tightening at approximately 1:26PM. I cold compress was applied to my forehead and I was put in a reclining position & then received Epinephrine at 1:28PM. EMS (present onsite) arrived for transport at 1:31PM. 4L of oxygen was applied after O2 sat of 89% noted by EMS. Blood pressure was elevated to >200/100 initially by EMS. Symptoms improved quickly following epinephrine, with some residual feelings of very mild throat fullness, and I developed chills which improved over time. I was transported to emergency department where I was evaluated (symptoms mostly resolved at that time, but ED physician noted a little swelling remaining in my uvula), then IV Benadryl and Decadron were given. Later acetaminophen was also given for headache that developed during my ED stay. My vitals were monitored throughout and observation occurred until I was discharged at approximately 5:00PM, as symptoms had not recurred.Nonefexofenadine, famotidine, hydroxychloroquine,
Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
Jan., 2021Patient developed a hoarsenss of voice and tightness of throat and flushed feeling immediately following vaccination. Epi Pen was administered and 50 mg Benadryl given p.o., EMS transport to ED after administration of solumedrol 125 mg - received Pepcid and Zofran and NS IV in the ED. Discharged from ED with prednisone 40 mg daily x 4 day with Epi Pen prescription.Not currently illNone
Began itching and wheezing approximately 5 minutes after the injection. Gave first epi dose. Throat started tightening, and nausea presented. Gave second epi 5 min after the first. Gave third epi 5 min after the second. EMS arrived, gave 4th epi in ambulance. ER treated with breathing treatment, IV steroids, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid and IV zofran. Was observed for 6.5 hours.NoneBupropion, tizanadine, ketorlac, Benadryl, multivitamin, epipen, albuterol
Patient experienced lip and tongue swelling within 30 minutes of receiving vaccine. Given 25 mg diphenhydramine with no improvement, began having tightening of throat and worsened tongue swelling. Received 3 total doses of IM epinephrine before admission to hospital. Received another dose of IM epinephrine in the ED in addition to methylprednisolone 125 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved, no airway edema observed on laryngoscopy. Admitted to medical ICU for observation overnight. Around 12:00 PM the following day, patient again experienced what she described as tongue swelling and lip tingling. Given another dose of IM epinephrine, dexamethasone 10 mg, famotidine, and diphenhydramine. Symptoms resolved.nonefluoxetine 20 mg daily sertraline 25 mg daily
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
50-59 yearsDec., 202012/30 9:30 am developed angioedema. Swelling of face, lips, tight throat. Also had bright red rash over body trunk and arms. Both palms were red, hot and painful.Was covid negative 12/23. Tested covid positive 12/26. No symptoms of covid. (Husband has work exposure and had tested positive 12/23) we have quarentined since 12/23Metformin, lisinopril. HCTZ, zetia, atorvastatin, KCL, baby aspirin, vitamin D, melatonin, B12, Nexium, vitamin E, ceterizine
Jan., 2021Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
THROMBECTOMY18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Patient states he started having sudden onset of left facial droop, left-sided arm and leg 15 minutes prior to arrival on 1/23 while driving. Pt got the Moderna vaccine second dose 2 days ago (1/21). Patient denies any history of stroke, DVT, PE. tPA was administered. Found to have clot in the Right MCA territory and taken for mechanical thrombectomy to remove the clot. Patient remains hospitalized and further workup is going.None knowndesogestreL-ethinyl estradioL (Enskyce) 0.15-0.03 mg per tablet, escitalopram (LEXAPRO) 20 MG tablet, spironolactone (ALDACTONE) 100 MG tablet
THROMBOCYTOPENIA18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Severe thrombocytopenia platelet count of 1.NoneLamotrigine Levetiracetam Ibuprofen PRN last dose 1 week ago
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Sever thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.NoneOmeprazole
THROMBOLYSIS40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
THROMBOSIS40-49 yearsJan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
THROMBOTIC STROKE50-59 yearsDec., 2020thrombotic stroke -necessitating hospitalization; and craniotomy; required mechanical ventilator for 2 days. Patient now extubated, breathing on her own. Patient remains hospitalized with marked deficits (aphasic)PMH- Lupus; HTN; marked hyperlipidemiaPlaquenil Fioricet Midrin
TONGUE DISCOMFORT40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
TONGUE DISORDER40-49 yearsJan., 2021at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
TONGUE PRURITUS40-49 yearsDec., 2020Patient experienced bronchospasm with coughing and tongue itching approximately 10 minutes after the injection.noPrescription: atenolol, omeprazole, simvastatin, primidone, levothyroxine, escitalopram, albuterol inhaler
Jan., 2021Throat closing Pruritic throat and tongue Tingling lips and tongue Throat clearing Hoarse voiceCovid-19 on December 23, 2020Synthroid 75 mcg Bystolic 10 mg
65+ yearsJan., 20215 minutes after injection, my feet and palms itched and I was lightheaded but I tried to shake it off and it faded over the next 10 minutes. I did report it and stayed longer and was ok. Then i went straight home and layed down because i did not sleep well night before (was on call ) i awoke 1 hour post injection dry heaving, very nauseated, mild headache, achy, itchy over different parts of my body and weak. Sat up and my face was getting itchier, lips started to swell, tongue started to swell and itch, throat felt like someone was strangling me, had trouble swallowing and trouble breathing. took 2 benadryls immediately and went out into cold air, thought about calling 911 but got better in 10-15 minutes. never have had a reaction like this in my life. have had hives though in the past. If I would have had an epi pen I would have used it (never have had an epi pen) I was frightened but the benadryl worked and I slept due to the benadryl for 5 hours, when I woke up the benadryl wore off and it started again. took more benadryl, and it improved. before bedtime, the benadryl wore off and I had a hard time swallowing my night time meds like my throat was swollen. Took 2 more benadryls, today I am weak and nauseated and ate very little and feel like my face is still red and itchy. I told my sister and she said she is allergic to PEG which i later noted was in the vaccine. i am very disappointed that I had this reaction- I have desparately wanted this vaccine as a medical worker with a lot of covid patients- I onlu hopr this one shot will protect me enough because it is clear to me that i cannot take this vaccine again.noneatenolol 25 mg per day, claritin 10 mg per day, evamist one spray per day, pepcid 20 mg per day, vit b12 3000 mcg per day, vit d 5000 units per day, prenatal gummy vitamin one per day,tylenol 500 mg per day, benadryl 50 mg per day
TOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
TREATMENT NONCOMPLIANCE65+ yearsJan., 2021Two days following dose one of Moderna vaccine, patient loss consciousness due to buildup of CO2. Upon arrival at ED, it was discovered that patient was taking antibiotics for UTI, and was nonadherent with antibiotic regimen or breathing treatment for underlying COPD. Patient was intubated but has since recovered.UTINo other medications for this event.
TREMOR30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
Jan., 2021"Patient called this nurse stating she had an allergic reaction to COVID vaccination given on Friday 1/15/21. States she felt fine for the 15 minutes post immunization, was on her way home and started feeling dizzy, short of breath, chest heavy, throat felt full ""like a ball in it"". She came back to clinic which was closed but sat in the parking lot for a while. While in parking lot trying to figure out what to do, her symptoms lessened. She got home safely but started to feel jittery/shaky and her BP was very high (couldnt remember exact number). She then went to urgent care where they told her she was having an allergic reaction and given a pill of something and steroid for 6 days. Went home from urgent care and BP still high but got better at bedtime. Saturday she had a ""really bad headache and just layed around all day. I was not able to function at all."" Sunday she still had a headache and added muscle aches. Monday she started feeling ""a lot better"" until 8 PM when she was walking around doing her nightly routine and started to feel a wave of dizziness, throat felt funny so she sat down and took her BP with result of 207/131. Says this reaction felt worse than Friday's reaction so she went to ER where she was again told she was having an allergic reaction and the steroid given to her at Urgent Care was not helping and to stop taking them. Given Benadryl in the waiting room, had labs and EKG which came back ""normal"", and given a different med Vistaril to take with any future symptoms. Was also told to NOT take the second dose of COVID vaccination. Says she has not had to take the Vistaril yet and has not had any sign of reaction today so far. Said she did report the initial headache on the V-safe app."None per patientCholecalciferol, hydroxychloroquine, propranolol, norethindrone/ethinyl est/fe, folic acid.
40-49 yearsJan., 20211) Skin rash over 80% of my body including, face and lips; started to change my voice sound and started to compromise my airways. 2) Uncontrollable shakes, but not sure if this was related to Covid-19 itself. Was given steroids via injection into my blood stream, within minutes the shakes stopped and within 2 hours the rash was gone.I had Covid 19 at the time the vaccine was administered, I tested positive that same night.VITAMIN D, C, AND ZINC
Fainting, dizziness and weakness, trembling, BP 168/129. HR 145NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Resident had the COVID vaccine 12/30/2020. 12/31/20, resident has been in bed all shift. Staff became concerned when resident was not easily aroused. Resident displayed signs of tremors, twitching, confusion, in and out of consciousness, low O2 sats, elevated pulse and fever, fatigue and weakness. Writer called NP. NP stated this is most likely a reaction d/t the COVID vaccine. She gave orders for Benadryl 25mg IM x1 now and Tylenol 1000 mg now. NP also stated resident will not be getting the second dose of vaccine. Will continue to monitor and update NP if worsening symptoms. After receiving Benadryl and Tylenol at 145pm, resident began to appear as though she was feeling better and was talking to talk, fever had gone down. Tonight resident is not easily aroused, lethargic, continues to have tremors and twitches, almost appearing as convulsions. When asked if she knows where she is or what day it is, resident can properly answer. Resident denies SOB but staff has noted loud squeals while breathing. NP was updated and gave new orders to give Benadryl 25 mg IM x1 if needed and Ok to send resident to ED. Resident currently refuses to go to the hospital. Will continue to monitor. BP 152/112, P 116, T 99.1, O2 87-91. Resident's O2 at 1205am was 80% on 3LPM. Resident unable to be aroused from sleep by writer. NAR called to assist. NAR could not arouse resident. Writer and NAR attempted to reposition resident and resident's breathing became more labored. Resident turned back to previous position and writer called on call MD at approx. 1220am. MD returned call approx. 1235am with orders to send resident to ED. 911 called and ambulance arrived about 1245am. History of present condition given to EMTs and they stated resident would be going to Hospital. Writer has attempted to contact Hospital ED x3 but have been unable to get through. An EMT did just call to clarify when vaccine was given, what symptoms have been present and when they started. She said she has everything she should need and she will let Hospital ED staff know to call if they need anything else. Writer will again attempt to contact them though. Resident's temp was 97.5 and BG 128. When EMTs arrived they got an O2 reading of 60%. Resident did open her eyes a couple times during transfer from bed to stretcher and while stretcher was going outside but no responses from resident were made.No current illness for this event.gabapentin, asa, oxycodone, fentanyl, flexiril, requip, omeprazole, keflex, symbicort, restasis, spiriva, synthroid, tylenol, simvastatin, lasix, aldactone
Jan., 2021Swelling of lips & tongue, tightening of throat. Quivering of arms & legs. Tightening of chest. Dizzyness lightheaded.nonelevothyroxine - estrogen - Ambien progesterone - baby aspirin
TROPONIN50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
TROPONIN I NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
TROPONIN INCREASED18-29 yearsDec., 2020Tactile fever ,arm pain, headache and malaise in 24 hrs following injection Next day generalized achiness ,retrosternal chest pain and bilateral forearm tingly pain similar to Nov 2019 and went to Hospital UC,CXR and EKG normal but with short PR interval on EKG ,elevated troponin 3.5 Transferred to hospital troponin 12.1 ng/ml IVIG given SARS IGG positive on admission PCR negativeCOVID 19 Positive sept 82020 Few days of malaise headache ,no respiratory symptoms or chest pain Seen By cardiology at College no ECHO or Troponins as no symptoms of chest pain or SOBNone
Jan., 2021Patient presented to ED with complaint of chest pain, radiating down left arm, not relieved with Tums. Symptoms started at 0530 1/12/2020. Patient presented to ED b/c of strong family history of CAD, with father having MI in his 50s.No current illness for this event.MVI, Desvenlafaxine, Desogestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Developed chest tightness around right side of chest into back and SOB 50.5 hours after vaccination. Went to local ER and found to have a right lower lobe pulmonary embolism. Treated with Xarelto and sent home with outpatient follow up.NoneTrintellix, Protonix, Singulair, Zyxal, Pulmicort, Trazodone, Melatonin
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Patient tolerated the vaccine well with no apparent side effects. Ten days later awoke 12:30 AM with severe chest and upper back pain, presented to Med Center where he was found to have an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Transferred to Medical Center where he underwent successful PCI with two drug eluting stents for a 99% mid-LAD stenosisAdjustment disorder/grief reactionPrilosec 20 mg qd Lipitor 20 mg qd Levothyroxine 100 mcg/d (incr from 88 for TSH 4.78 8/26/20) Ativan 0.5-1 mg hs prn 10-15/month EC ASA 2 x 81 mg qd
TROPONIN NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
ULTRASOUND DOPPLER50-59 yearsJan., 20216 episodes of syncope two days after vaccination resulting in hospital admission for what may be an autonomic dysfunctionNoneTylenol
ULTRASOUND DOPPLER ABNORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020Onset of shortness of breath and cough on 1/3 that progressively got worse. Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia without fever was made, patient started azithromycin on 1/5 and albuterol treatments every 4-6 hrs. Initially he improved, but then worsened. chest xray on 1/6 was negative for pneumonia, PCR covid test was negative, albuterol treatment did not bring much relief. He started respiratory distress on 1/10 and was taken by car to the local ER where another covid test was negative and chest CT revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. The leg US revealed blood clots in both of his legs. He had an emergency catheter-delivered thrombolysis and was discharged home from the ICU on 1/12 on oral anticoagulants. He is gradually improving, but very weak. He tires easily and gets a drop in oxygen to 90- 93%, as well as an increase in the heart rate to 120 when walking less than half a mile. He runs out of breath with exertion.Sinus infection at the beginning of December treated with augmentinlexothyroxine, vitamin D, montelukast, manesium citrate
ULTRASOUND SCAN40-49 yearsJan., 2021Started with severe chills, body aches and feverish. The. Slight leg pain which worsened with time , swelling on the right leg calf, warm to touch and difficulty breathing. Got hospitalized on 1/16 21 with multiple clots in my right leg and clot in the lung. Still in the hospital now.NoneMvi and vitamin C
60-64 yearsJan., 2021DVT in right leg 4 days after injection, severe pain in thigh/calf, difficulty walking Placed on Xarelto 15mg 2X daily for 21 days and then 20mg daily for 9 days. Next Doctor visit is 1/26/2021 at 9:00am Next scheduled Covid 19 vaccine is scheduled for 2/5/2021 at 7:15amNoneValsartan 160mg daily Alfuzosin 10mg daily Aspirin 81mg daily
UNEVALUABLE EVENT65+ yearsJan., 2021COVID-19 VaccineRemoval of sebaceous cyst,Lantis, Novolog, ferrous sulfate, metformin, juardance, eloquis,tamulosin, vitamin D3, Metropolol, lisinopril, atorvastatin,omeprazole, finesteride, potassium , centrum 50+
UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI18-29 yearsDec., 2020"Patient was monitored for >15 minutes after vaccination. Patient told a nurse that her knees felt weak. Patient then fainted and was laying on the floor when i arrived. Patient reported she felt like she was ""floating"" and she did not want to ""fall"". She was also nausea and wanted to vomit and did not end up vomiting anything up. Patient fainted several more times. Her BP was around 143/80 and unsure about the pulse. Patient then become unresponsive for 20-30 seconds."MigrainesUnknown
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
60-64 yearsJan., 202101/06/21 at 6 pm, body aches, and chills 01/07/21 at 12am T102.2, SPO2 62% on room air. Was sent to ER and returned. 01/08/21 at SPO@ less then 60% on room air, non responsive to verbal tactile stimuli. Responsive to sternal rub only. Was sent to ER and admitted to ICU.NoTylenol, Atenolol, LIpitor, Clonidine, mutlivitamin, Lasix, Gabapentin, Losartan, Maalox, Miralax, Zofran, Vitamin D2.
URINARY RETENTION18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
URINARY TRACT INFECTION65+ yearsJan., 202124 hours after presentation patient had developed high fevers 104. He presented to the emergency department with symptoms of severe sepsis and respiratory distress. He was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation, requiring vasopressors.None known prior to vaccinationASPIRIN 81 MG CHEWABLE TABLET Chew 1 tablet (81 mg total) daily. á ATORVASTATIN (LIPITOR) 80 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (80 mg total) by mouth every evening. á CLOPIDOGREL (PLAVIX) 75 MG TABLET Take 1 tablet (75 mg total) by mouth da
URINE ANALYSIS18-29 yearsJan., 2021Extreme headache, fever of 102-103 degrees farenheight, dizziness, syncopal episode at work, transferred to ER, heart rate 160s-180s, hypertensive emergency blood pressures 160s/90s. Today 1/20/2021 approx 1700.NoneMetoprolol, sertraline, omeprazole, nortriptyline. Been taking these medications for 4-6 years, no problems.
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Sever abdominal pain that started 1/21 at 9pm. Persisted overnight. Went to ER at 930am on 1/22. Diagnosed with appendicitis. Appendectomy surgery performed around 7pm on 1/22/21.NoneLow estrin Vitamin E B-complex
URTICARIA18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
Pt developed anaphylaxis, was given IM Benadryl, and was sent to the ED. Pt spent 1 night in the hospital, went home, and has come back and is in the ICU. Pt had hives, itching, chest tightness, swollen lips.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
Jan., 2021Swelling of throat and tongue, anaphylaxis, hives, redness, swellingNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Fever of 100.3 x 3 days, systemic hives daily and continues as of today 1/21/21. Used an Epipen over the weekend due to face and mouth swelling. Been to Dr several times since 12/24/20. Prednisone and antihistamines given with minimal relief. Patient has missed several days of work due to systemic swelling and hives covering her entire body.Noneunknown
Jan., 2021Nausea, hives, anaphylactic shock, throat swelling, hypotension, headache, dizziness, weakness . The symptoms returned at 1:25pm the best day as well. I?ve now had two anaphylactic reactionsNoneZoloft
right after vaccine was given i got a head to toe hot flush. i thought it was just anxiety. within 2 minutes i had expolsive diarrhea, felt dizzy. looked in the mirror and saw my neck and chest covered in red rash and hives. felt hot flush again. dr came in noticed hives all over both my arms as well. felt sob and if someone was holding my neck with their hand. given benadryl and epi taken to local er.nazyrtec 10mg ----- other daily meds not taken this day vitamin d otc lysine otc adderall xr 25 valacylovir 500 cymbalta 30mg spirolactone 100mg
Anaphylaxis (urticaria, tongue swelling, subjective difficulty breathing) starting approx. 24hrs first moderna dose. No prior episodes of anaphylaxis/allergic rxn. Treated with Benadryl 100mg PO (prior to arrival, pt administered), famotidine 20mg IV, Epinepherine 0.3mg IM. Monitored in ED, complete resolution of symptoms, discharged home.Nonecolchicine
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain at site of injection, eyes, throat, face swelling. Unclear thinking, hoarse speech, headache, hives, swelling. Intervention taken immediately. Ongoing 11 days: SOB, headaches, nose bleeds, coughing, blood sugars triple, hair falling out, major swelling, dizziness.Sinus infectionNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021"PT shared that she had a history of allergic reaction to multiple antibiotics. PT denied that she had had an anaphylactic response and stated she did not carry an epi-pen. PT confirmed reading the fact sheet and review of the pre-vaccination questionnaire prior to coming to the clinic. At 5-10 min, RN checked with Patient. She stated she was feeling okay. She was reassured by RN that EMT staff were on site if she had any concerns. Pt stated ""Yes, I work at the police department. They are the reason I came here for the vaccine."" Within 20 min. of admin. she reported hives and itchy. Pt was imm. moved to the paramedic team, emergency care was initiated. Transfered to Hosp. ED"Reported she was feeling wellDenied
1/22/21: Patient received vaccine at a local town hall. Patient first got blurry vision, then hives, then tongue swelling leading to onsite administration of an epi-pen. patient was brought to Hospital via ambulance and was given 2 more doses of epi-pen which were ineffective. Patient got intubated in the ED and was started on epinephrine continuous infusion and remained on an epi infusion for 4 days. Patient was extubated on 1/23. The diagnosis was anaphylaxis to the Moderna covid vaccine.No current illness for this event.- Cyanocobalamin 1000mcg/mL subq every 2 weeks - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units every 2 weeks
1/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
VAGINAL HAEMORRHAGE40-49 yearsJan., 2021The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
VASCULAR TEST18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
VENOGRAM18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
VENOUS STENT INSERTION18-29 yearsJan., 2021One week after the shot (1-14-2021) Patient (19 y.o.)reported side pain and appeared constipated, Laxatives given along with Tylenol, on further assessment Patient was noted to have left leg redness and abdominal fullness. Dr. was updated and we had orders for close monitoring, the next day when she got up, her leg appeared better, and she had passed a small BM, but by lunch she had developed significant pain and edema in her left leg, and the color of her leg was reddened again. She was sent to the emergency room with her symptoms. She was admitted back to our facility yesterday, her diagnoses included Acute provoked left external illiac, femoral, popliteal, and peroneal DVT. Elevated Factor II levels, Elevated APC resistant, May-Thurner Syndrome, history of developmental disabilities, fecal impaction and urinary retention - suspected related to her fecal impaction. Vascular surgery was consulted, and pt. was started on a heparin drip, and mechanical thrombectomy was needed for both legs due to multiple clots. She was started on Eliquis and Plavix, and thigh high compression stockings were ordered, ace wraps being used until these are supplied. Her Fecal impaction was addressed also and the urinary retention resolved.Patient was actively being treated for Bipolar disorder with most recent episode depression, Anxiety disorder, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a history of Pseudo-seizures, and insomnia. She has Alopecia Areata, and allergic rhinitis, and constipation. She has a history of left eye strabismus and uses glasses. She has not been acutely ill prior to vaccination.Benztropine Mesylate 1 mg. by mouth twice daily clozapine 50 mg. by mouth daily at 0700 and 1600, 100 mg. daily by mouth at 8 p.m. (200 mg. total daily) Junel 1-20, one tablet by mouth once daily Ativan 0.5 mg. by mouth three times daily
VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIA60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
VENTRICULAR HYPOKINESIA65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA60-64 yearsJan., 2021about 14 hours after vaccination I experienced what appeared to be a severe case of Cytokine storm. I had a moderate case of COVID in May 2020 and had positive IgG AB in August. The symptoms started with heavy shaking chills, lasting 1 1/2 hours , fever and most concerning sustained tachycardia with heart rate of 180' to 200' over hours, which then destabilized into runs of Vtach and complex ventricular dysrythmia, low BP, profound weaklness, head aches and joint and muscle pains ( similar to the experienced COVID symptoms )noVitamin D, C, Zinc, Selenium, Tamsolusin, Rosuvastatin, Aspirin
65+ yearsJan., 2021Ventricular tachycardia resulting in cardiac arrestNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
VERTIGO18-29 yearsDec., 2020"12/23/2020: 2 hr after injection, patient noted swollen lymph nodes, nausea, room spinning (motion sickness-like) sx. Stayed home from work that day and slept. 12/24/2020: ""typical injection site pain"" 12/30/2020: injection site hot, itchy, welts 12/31/2020: area of welts doubled in size to entire upper left arm; throat starting to close up"nonebupropion, sertraline, loestrin BCP, clonapin, tizanidine, Vivanse, Adderal
VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY50-59 yearsJan., 2021viral cardiomyopathy, myopericarditis, weakness, chest painsNoneNone
VISION BLURRED18-29 yearsJan., 2021Blurred vision, difficulty breathing (pale skin/blue lips), profuse sweating, muscle fatigue, headache. This lasted about 15 minutes. Until severity went down. Followed by 20 minutes of profuse sweating and headache. I thought I was going to dieN/AN/A
40-49 yearsJan., 20211/22/21: Patient received vaccine at a local town hall. Patient first got blurry vision, then hives, then tongue swelling leading to onsite administration of an epi-pen. patient was brought to Hospital via ambulance and was given 2 more doses of epi-pen which were ineffective. Patient got intubated in the ED and was started on epinephrine continuous infusion and remained on an epi infusion for 4 days. Patient was extubated on 1/23. The diagnosis was anaphylaxis to the Moderna covid vaccine.No current illness for this event.- Cyanocobalamin 1000mcg/mL subq every 2 weeks - Ergocalciferol 50,000 units every 2 weeks
1/21/21: patient got moderna vaccine, within 2 minutes blurry vision, facial hives, tongue and lip swelling. Epi-pen given, brought to ED via EMS, 2 more doses of epi given which was inadequate. Patient eventually was intubated for 2 days, extubated on 1/23. Placed on epinephrine continuous infusion for 4 days. Diagnosis: anaphylaxis.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
VISUAL IMPAIRMENT30-39 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine at 1:30 pm yesterday, noted onset of symptoms at 8:45 pm. Numbness and tingling to mouth and bilateral upper and lower extremities, mild vision change, feeling of some swelling to bilateral eyelids. Also swelling to lips. She also did take zinc gluconate 50 mg last night and this morning. Has never taken zinc 50 mg, but has taken zinc as component of multivitamin/pre-natal vitamins. Patient was prescribed Pepcid 20 mg BID, Medrol 4 mg dose pack 21 pill taper until complete. Also given Benadryl 25 mg - 50 mg every 4 - 6 hours for allergy symptoms. And provided with an Epi-Pen for home.NoneZinc 50 mg daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily Trazodone 50 mg daily Melatonin 5 mg daily
VOMITING18-29 yearsDec., 2020O had the vaccine at 9 am this morning waited 15 mins after vaccine before leaving while driving I had a pounding heart rate and hot I rolled down the window felt better. 1 hour later while at home.e started with nausea diarrhea rapid heart rate headed to medical office while in care tongue swelled I called 911 pulled over when the ambulance got to me my throat swelled and I had hives on chest they took me emergency while there I had sever pounding heart and vomiting treated with meds sent home with medication and benadrylNoneNone
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis by lethargy, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, funny feeling in chest, swollen lipsnoneunknown
Patient became nauseated at 11pm 1/20/21 and fever of 101, passed out in bathroom dry heaving and woke up at 4am, Heartrate 182, short of breath, continuous vomiting, called EMS, was given zofran on route to ER, upon arrival to ER heartrate reduced to 130's, patient reports being given toradol and IV Fluids, and was released. Patient reports fever range of 101-103.Covid-19 3.5 weeks priorUnknown
30-39 yearsJan., 20211/6/21 Pt received vaccine and complained of difficulty swallowing and rapid heart rate. Pt received methylprednisolone 125mg IVP, diphenhydramine 25mg IVP, & famotidine 20mg IVP. Pt reported improvement and was discharged. Sent home on diphenhydramine and oral prednisone. 1/7/21 Pt unable to swallow her own secretions and experienced eyelid swelling. Pt vomitted. Pt received epinephrine and Benadryl X 1 dose each. Pt then transported to hospital via ambulance. Reason for admission - acute respiratory failure secondary to anaphylactic reaction. Decision was made to emergently intubate the patient for airway protection despite aggressive intervention. Pt successfully extubated 1/8/21. Plan to discharge home and start Medrol Dose Pack 1/9/21.No current illness for this event.Escitalopram 10mg 1 po Qday Gabapentin 300mg po three times a day
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
at 15 mins post injection started to get extremely hot from Right side to left. Then like half of my body was cut head to toe in half and the left side of my body went numb and tingly. I could barely move my extremeties. Tounge began to burn like a 9volt battery was being held on it. I was taken to the ER and was told I had a rash on my chest neck and chin. I was treated with Epi IM, Benedryl, famotdine, then had epi again because my tounge felt fat and like a 9volt battery again. Epi went IV second does and had extreme pain with that. Had IV tylenol . Along with IV fluids. For the next 5 days I have had pain in my right harm , shoulder , neck into my head to the tip of my nose. The first 4 days were so bad that I could barely move and would get nauseated and throw up if I moved just right. each day the pains in my right arm,shoulder, neck and head did get better by about 25 percent each day. You could feel it getting better with each day I woke up. I was also having ear pain that seemed to be worse on 1/19/21. A PA checked my ears and said they were clear.Today, 1/22/21 is the first day I have been able to turn my head without being so sore and feeling nauseated. I was also very fatigued until today, 1/22/21. My hips and lower body are sore today and upper body seems to be less sore by 75%. I still am numb at times in my feet and fingers but can turn my head a lot better today.NonePropanolol 80mg every night, Topriamate every night, cyclobenzoprine 10mg at night , Gummy Probiotic, One a day vitamin.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020The patient received her first Moderna COVID-19 vaccination on 12/29/2020. However the patient was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test on January 4, 2021. Patient complained of nausea, vomiting, back pain, and sharp chest pain. On January 13, the patient presented to the emergency department again with shortness of breath and sharp, stabbing left-sided chest pain radiating to her back and right side. Initial work up ruled out cardiac etiologies. CTA chest demonstrated COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient complained of bilateral lower extremity weakness which had been progressing since her COVID-19 vaccination, per patient report. However, during her hospitalization the patient's bilateral lower extremity weakness began to accelerate. On the 13th, the patient was able to ambulate to and from the bathroom herself. Then on January 14 the patient required maximum assistance. Neurology was consulted and work up initiated for suspected possible Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS) secondary to recent COVID-19 infection. On January 15, 2021, the patient became obtunded and unable to protect airway. She was emergently intubated for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to GBS. Neurology started GBS treatment with IVIG. Patient also developed NSTEMI and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patient remains critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation.No current illness for this event.atorvastatin (LIPITOR) 10 MG tablet glipiZIDE (GLUCOTROL XL) 10 MG 24 hr tablet losartan (COZAAR) 25 MG tablet metformin (GLUCOPHAGE) 1000 mg tablet pantoprazole (PROTONIX) 40 mg tablets
Jan., 2021Pt found unresponsive at home, respiratory distress. Had reported nausea and vointing for two days prior to admit which started 1/15. Acute metabolic encephalopathy and acute renal failure Currently at time of this report still in critical carediabetesJardiance Metformin Novolog scale Ozempic
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Severe headaches, vomiting, dehydration, shortness of breath ... led to trip to Emergency Room at Hospital on 1/16/21 at 10:45 am; diagnosis for treatment was Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); patient was admitted to ICU to address critical fluid and electrolyte imbalances , headaches, body aches, dehydration, nausea, shortness of breath. DKA is medical emergency.NoneProbiotic Culturelle; Centrum Silver vitamins; Vitamin D3 x 2; Farxiga 10; Melatonin 5mg as needed; aspirin 81mg; Atorvastatin 20 mg; Omerprazole 40mg; Tresiba 7 units daily; Ozempic 50 units weekly; Fiasp 5 units as needed with meals
65+ yearsDec., 2020nausea and vomiting possible cause of diabetic ketoacidosis and svtNo current illness for this event.amaryl. Lasix. metformin. Mirapex. Toprol-xl. victoza. tresiba. amiodarone. eliquis. dilacor. crestor.
Jan., 2021Pulmonary Edema, fever, nausea, vomitingnoneNot known
Vomiting /headache/numbNess and tingling in all four extremities/ hyponatremiaNoneLamictal,bystolic,lisinopril,tylenol,aleve,trazodone,,methylphenidate, wellbutrin,atorvastatin,levothyorine cytomel
Following are my symptoms and severe side effects and events after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. 1- Receive COVID 19 vaccine at 4.00 PM on 01/15/21. 2- Stay about 20 minutes after Vaccination and observe no reactions and symptoms. Dive back home. take dinner and sleep well whole night. 3- Next day morning when I wake up feel till bit of Nausea/Vomiting. 4- Take breakfast at about 10.00 AM and after that feeling of Nausea got increased and i also start feeling weakness. These symptoms remains all day. 5- At about 5.15 PM I went to take Shower. After about 2 minutes during shower, i feel shortness of Breath,pressure on chest and Dizziness 6- These Symptoms was for about 4 to 5 second and goes off. 7- After about one minute I feel second time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. It was bit intensive and for a longer period for about 10 second. 8- At this point I realized that this is something serious happening to me. 9- I came out from the Vertical Shower and called my wife that I am not feeling well. She was at this time at first floor. 10- I think it is about 1 minute after when I came from shower, I feel third time shortness of Breath, pressure on chest and Dizziness. I was very severe and within a second or so I passed out and fell down into the Jacuzzi which is beside the Vertical Shower. 11- Within a minute, my wife and my son came to the scene. At this time my wife finds me unconscious with my eyes open. 12- She shouted my name and then I came into my senses and told them to get me out of Jacuzzi. 12- My wife and my son get me out and carried over to the bedroom. I was feeling no shortness of Breath and Dizziness but mild pressure on chest, shivering and chill. 13- Thanks GOD I did not get any body injury except little bit of hit at my Neck and back of the Head. 14- My wife immediately called to my Primary Care Nurse and then I talk to her explain the whole situation and then asking for advise. 15- She advise me to go to any near Hospital Emergency for any urgent Medical care. 16-A about 6.00 PM I went to Emergency. At this time I was feeling Nausea and Shortness of breath. 17- The Nurse immediately check my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen and pulse. These all was normal. Nurse also provide me IV medicine for Nausea. 18- During my stay at Emergency, I again feeling mild tightness/pressure in chest beside shortness of breath and shivering, therefore Emergency Doctor advise me that will admit to the hospital and do the complete check of any stroke and heart attack. 19- I was in the Hospital for 2 nights. During this stay I was under care of: -Attending Physicism: -Cardiology Physician 20- They have carried out Multiple Blood and Radiology Test as stated below. As per Doctors, all of my Test results are Normal, and they did not find any sign of Stoke and Heart Attack. -Multiple Blood Lab test. -XR CHEST 1 V -CT C-SPINE WO CONT. -CT HEAD-BRAIN WO CONT. -CT ANGIO HEAD W&WO CONT. -CT ANGIO NECK W&WO CONT. -CTA CHEST FOR PE -MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST . -STRESS TEST. 21- I was discharge from the Hospital on 01/18/21 at 17.34.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
high fever, severe pain, dizziness, vomitting, internal bleeding, stroke, sepsisNoneelquis
WHEEZING30-39 yearsJan., 2021Began itching and wheezing approximately 5 minutes after the injection. Gave first epi dose. Throat started tightening, and nausea presented. Gave second epi 5 min after the first. Gave third epi 5 min after the second. EMS arrived, gave 4th epi in ambulance. ER treated with breathing treatment, IV steroids, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid and IV zofran. Was observed for 6.5 hours.NoneBupropion, tizanadine, ketorlac, Benadryl, multivitamin, epipen, albuterol
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Anaphylaxis- throat tightness , nausea , rash , pruritis , chest tightness, wheezing . 9-11 called epinephrine x 2 , decade on , IV Benadryl , duo-nebs, famotidine, admission to icu high dose prednisone , nebulizers , zofran , duo-neb nebulizersNoneAlbuterol HFA TRELEGY ELLIPTA nexium 40mg Lexapro 20mg
Dizziness, Headache, Myalgia, Tachypnea, CoughWheeze, NauseaVomiting, Palpitations & Tachycardia & Narrative: Patient stated that after receiving injection on 01/06/2021, tasted metal in her mouth. No reaction noted in clinic after vaccine administered. Patient states that after returning home, she began to have chills, headache, and muscle aches. Could not sleep. On 01/07/2021. Patient continued to experience above symptoms. Approx. 13:50 on 01/07/2021. Patient presented with respiratory difficult, tachypnea stridor, and stated she felt as if her airway was closing. Patient was vomiting and was tachycardic. Epi-pen administered via left lateral thigh. Patient administered 50mg of PO Benadryl, and 2 puffs of albuterol inhaler. Continuous V/S initiated. Patient began to experience relief of symptoms. HR and blood pressure remained elevated, but this was expected side effect of epi. SpO2 stabilized around 99% on room air. Patient was monitored for 60 minutes. Transportation home was arranged and family was present to observe overnight.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
started having asthma attacks (chest pain and Shortness of breath with wheezing) on friday 01/15/2021 Didnt get any better over weekend. was taking inhaler every 3-4 hours. Monday was tested for covid which was negative. body aches and fatigue began over weekend. asthma progressively got worse. On 01/20 had to visit dr office, my neck was swollen on both sides, injection site had a raised large area that extended from my shoulder to my elbow. Up until yesterday, you could not even tell where I had the shot. Now there is still a raised area and you can tell exactly where i recieved it.No current illness for this event.Vitamin D Busbar klonipin
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED18-29 yearsDec., 2020Acute appendicitis, onset morning of 1/1/2021 (Reporting this because Pfizer covid vaccine had 3-4x higher risk of appendicitis, although data not reported for Moderna covid vaccine)No current illness for this event.Synthroid
30-39 yearsDec., 2020"15-20 mins after receiving the vaccine she reported she had difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing and was ?shaking."" a PA wrote in her note that when she ran in to help, she found the patient to be tachypneic, diaphoretic, warm with some red blotchy patches on face, chest & neck. Able to speak easily c/o trouble breathing & sensation of throat swelling & extremities feeling abnormal. No stridor. No facial edema noted by that clinician. Administered epi-pen 0.3mg - IV started , Benadryl 50mg IVP and solumedrol 125mg IVP. Patient reports she subsequently arched her back and had rigidity of her arms/legs and tremors. Clinic PA reports that while she was there, pt was never hypotensive. Initially hypertensive after epi as expected with some favorable response after 10-15 min Staff there gave her IM epinephrine, IV Solu-Medrol and 50 mg IV Benadryl. EMS was contacted and transported to the emergency room. She arrived at the ER, was monitored for 2 hours, was started on pepcid and benadryl and discharged from the ER. She had a diffuse itchy rash. The following day she again developed recurrence of throat swelling. Went back to a different ER. Developed dyspnea immediately prior to arrival at ER. There was again given solumedrol and benadryl and pepcid and developed muscle rigidity and arched back for 10 minutes. Symptoms of SOB and dyspnea resolved with epinephrine. Was discharged from the ER with prednisone after being monitored for 5 hours. Is continuing to take prednisone and benadryl. Rash is still present but improving with scheduled benadryl. Has new redness at injection site today. Continues to feel some throat swelling but no tightness today. This information was gathered from talking with pt today for a phone appt and also from her medical chart regarding her vaccination visit and two ER visits."Did have nasal congestion in November briefly and then again in early December. Did get covid tests each time which were negative. Was feeling fine at the time of her vaccine.iron 65 mg BID, super B-complex once daily, flax seed oil 1,000 mg daily, vitamin C 500 mg BID, vitamin D3 2,000 IU daily, Zyrtec 10 mg daily for nasal congestion seasonal allergies acyclovir, buspirone, Wellbutrin, hydroxyzine 10 mg prn a
65+ yearsJan., 2021Pt had vaccination at city site. Waitied 15 min after shot and was cleared to go. Reported to wife that he was very thristy, so they stopped at a convenience store on the way home. While there, he felt worse and asked to go to the Emergency room. They chose Methodist to enter. Pt went to triage and while at triage, had syncopal episode, then full arrest. After short course of CPR and defib, he had ROSC. Was taken to cath lab for intervention (stents) and is now in ICU.NoneNone
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL18-29 yearsDec., 2020Severe thrombocytopenia (plts 3k/uL), oral mucosal bleeding, bruisingNoneZoloft (sertraline), vitamin D, cetirizine (zyrtec)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Presented to the ED after developing chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and throat closing sensation. She received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of presentation. Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine she developed pain and numbness, starting at the injection site traveling down the ulnar aspect of her arm, and nausea. Over the next several hours she continued to develop worsening nausea, chest tightness, cough, lightheadedness, and the sensation that her throat closing. She took PO Benadryl 25mg; however, her symptoms were not alleviated. She was subsequently evaluated in the ED. á Received PO Benadryl 25mg, IV Benadryl 25mg, Epinephrine 0.3mg x 2, IV Famotidine 20mg, IV Solumedrol 125mg & 60mg, DuoNebs x 3, Racepinephrine x 1.No current illness for this event.Amitriptyline 25 mg PO QHS Bupropion XL 150 mg PO Daily Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO once weekly Ferrous sulfate DR 324 mg PO Daily Levothyroxine 100 mcg PO Daily Methocarbamol 500 mg PO TID prn muscle spasms Scopolamine 1.5 mg patch transder
40-49 yearsJan., 2021Sever thrombocytopenia (platelet count 2,000) 8 days following Moderna COVID vaccine. Clinically suspicious for ITP.NoneOmeprazole
The patient was seen in my office on 1/19/21 with complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding. A CBC was obtained which revealed an H/H of 12.2/36.1 and a platelet count of 1 (not 1K, but 1 platelet!) and this was confirmed on smear review. She was immediately sent to the Hospital ED and repeat CBC confirmed the critically low platelet count. She is currently hospitalized and she has received platelet transfusions but her platelet count is still critically low. She is also receiving steroids and immunoglobulin and is under the care of MD (Heme/Onc)NoneLosartin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Resident became lethargic, general weakness outside baseline, unable to walk, bumbled speech. Elevated HR and Temp of 105.2FUTI, was taking CiproVitamin B1 1000MG PO DAILY, Vitamin D3 2000 UI PO Daily, Levothyroxine 50mcg PO Daily, Trazodone 50MG Po HS daily, Tamsulosin 0.4MG PO DAILY, Ramipril cap 2.5mg daily, Quetiapine 150mg Po twice a day, Melatonin 5mg Po at HS. Olanzapine 10m
admitted to shady grove hospital for ITP(immune mediated thrombocytopenia) plts were 1 on admission have not responded to typical ITP therapies, platelets still 4 today after 4 days in hospital workup shows ITP no other risk factors or history of itp or autoimmunitynonerosuvatatin 10mg po daily lisinopril 10mg po daily metformin 750 mg po bid centrum MVI asa 81mg po daily
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient started having myalgia, chills, nausea on the next day of the vaccination. on 2nd day (12/29) patient had chest pressure which made her present to Hospital ED. She had troponin elevation to 1.14. Cardiac Catheterization was done which was negative. On Trans Thoracic Echocardiogram, patient was found to have hypokinesis of the mid and distal segment with some sparing of apex proving Takotsubo (stress induced) cardiomyopathy. Patient did not have any underlying emotional or physical stress going on in her life or family. Till now extensive infectious as well as inflammatory work up is done to rule out any secondary causes of cardiomyopathy which till date have remained negative. As a diagnosis of exclusion, her presentation seems to be COVID-19 vaccine induced Takotsubo CardiomyopathynoneVitamin D3, omega-3, Vitamin A/C, psyllium
Jan., 2021Patient had COVID diagnosed and treated as outpatient on 12/24. She developed SOB with the infection and this persisted afterwards and did not resolve. She received first dose of Moderna vaccine and next day had fevers, myalgias, shortness of breath and hypoxia. She is now admitted to our facility with bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities and is severly hypoxic on high flow nasal cannula. She also has hemoptysis. procalcitonin is negative; BNP is normal; troponin normal.COVID diagnosis on 12/24. She was treated as outpatient and had no prior radiographic imaging. She developed shortness of breath at the time of infection that persisted after recovery.ASA 81mg, lipitor, teassalon pearls, cardizem, lisinopri-HCTZ, toprol XL, omega 3 fish oil, KCL
X-RAY40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pain in left arm. Several days later, chest pain, pain on left side of back. Left wrist pain. All would come and go. January 7, bottom lip began tingling and left side of face went numb. Taken to medical center and admitted.NoneProzac, Norvasc, Elderberry, Vitamin C, D3, Turmuric, Multivitamin, Vyvanse
Jan., 2021Shortness of breath panic attacks dizzy diarrhea pneumonia. Tingling in fingers and toes . Agitated muscle pain burning in the muscle of where the shot was located in my left side brace and chestHigh blood pressure Migraines obesity asthma social distancing disorderNo other medications for this event.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORTUnknownJan., 2021Patient suffered cardiac arrest, though most likely result of illicit substance use; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; Patient suffered cardiac arrest, though most likely result of illicit substance use; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 33-years-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2, lot unknown), intramuscular on 14Jan2021 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was not reported. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient suffered cardiac arrest 17Jan2021 11:15, though most likely result of illicit substance use since Jan2021, though patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort on 15Jan2021 23:15 after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to his arrest. The events were serious due to Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event) and Disability or permanent damage. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination. COVID test type post vaccination=Nasal Swab on16Jan2021, test result was Negative. COVID test name post vaccination=Roche Cobas. The event outcome was not recovered. No treatment was received to events. No follow-up attempts are possible; information on lot/batch number cannot be obtained.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between bnt162b2 and the events cardiac arrest, substance abuse, abdominal discomfort, malaise and nausea cannot be excluded. The information available in this report is limited and does not allow a medically meaningful assessment. This case will be reassessed once additional information becomes available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ABDOMINAL DISTENSION30-39 yearsDec., 2020Began medication (follitropin 200 units) for assisted reproductive technology on evening of 01/02/21. Added ganirelix injections on 01/06/21. Trigger injection with leuprolide administered at 20:00 on 01/11/21. Immediately prior to oocyte retrieval on 01/13/21, given 1L IVF and ampicillin (dose unknown) at approx. 07:30am. Retrieval at 08:00am was uneventful, but notable for 17 oocytes retrieved and only 10 were mature. Post-procedure vitals were WNL. Discharged home from facility (Family Health Center) at approx. 09:30am. At approx. 12:00pm, noted increasing abdominal girth. At approx. 14:00, noted mild shortness of breath. Abdominal distention and shortness of breath continued to worsen. Unable to recline even moderately due to difficulty breathing.No current illness for this event.prenatal vitamin
ABDOMINAL LYMPHADENOPATHY30-39 yearsJan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
ABDOMINAL PAIN40-49 yearsJan., 2021The day after receiving the second vaccination, I began to have mild intermittent abdominal pain2-3/10. The pain gradually increased, became more intense, and more constant. Mild fever and chills started happening, and I took Ibuprofen. By about 4 days after the vaccine, the abdominal pain was severe enough that I had some difficulty walking and I couldn?t sleep at night. Pain was 6-8/10. I went to the ER, and CT scan with IV contrast showed 18 mm appendicitis. I underwent laparoscopic surgery and it was found to be perforated. It was removed. I am currently recovering in the hospital. I received the vaccine as a health care provider at my hospital, specifically I am a practicing pediatrician physician for over 10 years.Strep throat about a week prior to vaccinationNone
I was vaccinated at 3:30pm . At 5:27pm while driving home i felt a cold sensation in the back of my neck and back of my throat which began spreading to the back of my head . My heart felt as if I was startled by something. I looked at my smart watch and my heart rate was 145. I began trembling and having abdominal cramping . The back of my head felt like I had swelling or collection of fluid. I opened my windows and began taking slow deep breaths to bring down my heart rate . It took quite a while to get it below 100. I felt as if I was going to pass out. After deep breathing for what felt like atleasr 15 to 20 minutes , my pulse came down and I closed my windows . As soon as my body warmed back up in the car , the symptoms returned and my heart rate went back up to 130s , 140s . I had to keep my windows down and deep breathe the entire way home which took an hour . My body was trembling. When I got home I felt as if I was too week to get out of the car . I still felt that startled feeling in my heart and was afraid of what could happen next . My lips and face were swollen. My lips were also slightly itchy. I called 911 for help . By the time they arrived my vital signs had stabilized but I still had swelling in my face and lips . My EKG , vital signs and oxygen levels checked out normal so I did not go to the ER. That night I took benadryl and Tylenol. Day 2 post vaccine the collection of fluid or swelling in the back of my head had now spread to the top . That night I had the feeling that my throat was swelling do I took benadryl and Tylenol and my face and lips were still slightly swollen . Day 3 post vaccine I woke up with slightly blurry vision. The swelling in my head now feels like it has encompassed my entire head and have a slight headache. I went to the urgent care requesting an MRI of the head and an epi pen . I was given Medrol dose pack , an RX for epi pen for emergencies and advised to continue benadryl and Tylenol. Day 4 post vaccine, slight headache continues. Slightly blurry visionNoneNone
Day 1. Fatigue. Sleepiness. Loss of appetite Day 2. Muscle aches. Headache. Chills. Loss of appetite. Episode of severe abdominal pain, chest pain, right shoulder pain, shortness of breath, syncope, diaphoresis, vomiting Day 3. Fatigue. Headache. Chest pain.NoneSertraline Nexium Vitamin D Melatonin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
60-64 yearsJan., 20216-7 hours after the vaccine she developed arm pain, fever and chills. About an hour later she started to have abdominal pain which worsened over the course of the day to excruciating. She went to the Emergency Room where a CT scan revealed a perforation of her sigmoid colon and had a resection of the area of the colon and a diverting colostomy surgery done the evening of 1/3/2021.No current illness for this event.Tylenol 350 mg as needed Valium 5 mg as needed
ABDOMINAL PAIN LOWER30-39 yearsJan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 202012/23- began to experience intermittent right lower quadrant pain in the morning, fever of 100.4 F in the evening which subsided with ibuprofen. 12/24- no fever noted but intermittent right lower quadrant pain continued, seen at the Health Clinic, sent to Hospital ER for CT scan, diagnosed with appendicitis, appendectomy performed.NoneNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Severe right lower quadrant pain, anorexia over 12 hours. Went to the emergency department. Lab results showed elevated WBC and CT scan showed acute appendicitis. Admitted for urgent surgery: laparoscopic appendectomy. Was hospitalized from 12/26/20-12/28/20.NoneValtrex Wellbutrin Abilify Fish Oil Multi-Vitamin Biotin
I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
ABDOMINAL PAIN UPPER30-39 yearsJan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine around 10:40 am, by 10:50 started to feel dizzy, eyes felt full, dry, tingly, swollen, voice became raspy and throat itched. Received 25 mg Benadryl PO at around 10:55. Face, arms, chest and abdomen developed a fine red itchy rash, tongue swollen and itchy, lips tingling, wheezing, blood pressure elevated, pulse thready given 25 mg PO Benadryl, taken to the Emergency Room, symptoms persisted, stomach hurt became nauseated, received IV solumedrol, Pepcid, IV fluids, nebulized albuterol. Sent home once stable after 3 hours, with instruction to take Benadryl every 4-6 hours fir the next 2 days, albuterol as needed, and prednisone for the next 5 days.NoneVitamin D, Claritin, magnesium, Zoloft
ABDOMINAL X-RAY50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcsNo acute illness. H/O Diverticulosis August 2020Diltiazem 120 mg bid, Metoprolol 25 mg qd, Lisinopril 10 qd, Clopidogrel 30 qd, ASA 81 mg qd, Metformin 500 mg bid, Pioglitazone 30 mg qd, L thyroxine 88 mcg qd, Ezetimibe 10 mg qd, Silodosin 4 mg qd; Centrum Silver Multivitamin 1 qd, and
ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME PROLONGED30-39 yearsDec., 2020Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME SHORTENED30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
ACUTE CARDIAC EVENT30-39 yearsJan., 2021Cardiac event; Paralysis; Fever; Numbness; Chest Pains; Dizziness; Weakness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 30-years-old female patient started to receive first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in Left arm on 15Jan2021 14:15 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient was not pregnant. Medical history included tachycardia, Pre-ventricular contractions, allergies to Latex, covid-19 (reported as covid prior vaccination: Yes). Concomitant medication included metoprolol and multivitamin. No other vaccine received in four weeks. On 15Jan2021 14:30, the patient experienced chest pains, dizziness, weakness. On 15Jan2021 18:20, the patient experienced cardiac event, paralysis, fever, numbness, chest pains. The events resulted in: [Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event)]. Treatment received for the events. No covid tested post vaccination. The outcome of the events was recovering. Information on batch/lot number was requested.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY50-59 yearsJan., 2021Acute liver injury requiring transplant evaluation and acute kidney injuryNoneBactrim Acetaminophen
ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION40-49 yearsJan., 2021Chest pains, trouble breathing . Diagnosis: Non ST segment elevation myocardial infarctionNoneTums, Pepcid AC
coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Acute NSTEMI with symptom onset 4 days after vaccinationNoneBupropion
Jan., 2021On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
1/4/21- Patient stated she had tenderness on the back of her left lower leg with redness then 1/8/21 started to have shortness of breath and made a doctor's appointment for 1/13/21. Seen by provider on 1/13/21 and was sent to ED and admitted to the hospital [ICU] with NSTEMI, acute deep, occlusive venous thrombosis left femoral vein and saddle embolus of pulmonary artery. Transferred to another acute care hospital for removal of thrombosis. Patient started on Eliqus and no intervention for removal of the thrombosis.Hip surgery 10/20Eliques; Cholecaleiferol; Ascorbic Acid; Calcium-Carbonate-Vitamin D; Coenzyme Q10; Ferrous Sulfate; Lisinopril; Magnesium Oxide; OxyCodone-Acetaminophen; Pantoprazole EC; Simvastatin; Vilazodone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pt admitted with a STEMI three days after vaccination with pzifer COVID-19 vaccine. Short time (<2hr) between symptoms onset and medical care. PCI on 1/14. Acute subtotal occlusion of proximal LAD and severe diffuse disease extending to distal LAD. Two DES to LAD (99% occluded) but RCA 50% and OMI1 60-65% also stenosed. Echo cardiogram 1/15. Pt noted to have severe wall motion abnormalities (severe hypokinesis of anterolateral and anteroseptal wall; akinesis of mid to distal anterior wall extending to the apex and distal inferior wall ) on echo. EF 30-35%. Received life vest on discharge.None notedCandesartan 4mg daily
ACUTE PULMONARY OEDEMA65+ yearsJan., 2021Cardiac Arrest Acute pulmonary edemaNone knownPepcid Xanax Insulin
Resident experienced flash pulmonary edema at 2300 on 01/25/2021 with SOA, Overt coarse crackles to all lung fields, hypoxia on room air requiring 5LPM via NC, Hypertension (190/102). Resident was sent to Hospital where she was admitted for pulmonary edema.NAAcetaminophen, Carb/Levo Tab 25-100mg, Polyethylene Glycol, Vitamin D3, Systane eye drops, Oxybutynin, Elequis, Guaifenesin DM, Metoprolol Succinate, Levothyroxine, Furosemide
ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE6-17 yearsJan., 2021Administered first dose of COVID19 vaccine at 1:29pm on 1/4/21. At approximately 11:00pm resident exhibited acute respiratory decompensation with very limited air entry and hypoxemia. Patient received Benadryl, steroids, epinephrine, and Duoneb without improvement. Resident was referred to the emergency room and found to be COVID positive. No fever or rash were reported.Right lung atelectasis/infiltrate with right mediastinal shift on chest x-ray (12/25) that was treated with steroids and antibioticsacetaminophen 160 mg/5 mL (5 mL) oral solution albuterol sulfate 2.5 mg/3 mL (0.083 %) solution for nebulization budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL suspension for nebulization Certavite-Antioxidant 18 mg-400 mcg tablet ClearLax 17 gram/dose oral powder
AGITATION50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS30-39 yearsUnknown Date38-year-old female who is healthcare worker and received first dose of COVID vaccine (Pfizer). Immediately after receiving the vaccine, patient developed lightheadedness, flushing, hives, wheezing and throat swelling. Patient was treated in an emergency department with epinephrine, gradually improved and was able to be sent home with an EpiPen, prednisone, hydroxyzine, and famotidine. The next day, patient again developed shortness of breath and her husband administered the EpiPen. EMS arrived and gave another dose of IM epinephrine and IV diphenhydramine. On arrival to the emergency department, the patient was altered, diaphoretic, tachypneic, tachycardic, and stridulous. Patient was given multiple doses of IM epinephrine and started on epinephrine drip. Stridor continued and was unresponsive to nebulized albuterol. Patient was then intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation. Other treatments included solumedrol, pepcid, magnesium sulfate, nebulized epinephrine, and IV fluids. admitted to the intensive care unit, weaned off epinephrine drip, and extubated the next day. Patient was monitored on hospital floor for one additional day and was then discharged with no residual symptoms.No current illness for this event.Imitrex, Effexor XR, COVID-19 Vaccine (Pfizer)
AMNESIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose covid vaccine; Brain damage; confused; suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician (patient). This 39-year-old female patient received the 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) intramuscular on 18Dec2020 14:30 at single dose (lot number: EJ1685) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were unknown. The patient experienced internal brain bleeding and brain damage on 30Dec2020 07:30 after 1st dose covid vaccine. Brain surgery received on 29Dec2020. Events were still recovering. Patient was confused and suffering memory loss on 30Dec2020 07:30. Events resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization, Prolongation of existing hospitalization (vaccine received during existing hospitalization), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability or permanent damage. Days for hospitalization was 16. The patient received treatment for events as brain surgery due to internal brain bleeding. The patient was not pregnant. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination, no COVID tested post vaccination. Outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported internal brain bleeding and brain damage with confused and memory loss more likely represented intercurrent disease, and less likely causally related to 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE). The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANAL INCONTINENCE65+ yearsJan., 2021patient began with vomiting and diarrhea the day after administration, leading to bowel and urine incontinence. patient was hospitalized on 01/16/20 with sepsis. no origin discovered yet. still waiting on blood/urine/stool cultures.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION18-29 yearsDec., 2020Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine I began to get very itchy and blotchy with a hoarse voice. The paramedic downstairs walked me up to the emergency room. I was treated with medications to help calm the itching and burning feeling. By 940 I went anaphylactic and had several doses of epinephrine to help calm this. I continued to have rashes and the feeling of my throat closing. I was transferred by ambulance to medical center in the ICU. I am still here and have had two toner anaphylactic episodes since. I have been on a epi drip, steroids, famotidine, Ativan and Benadryl. I also had a picc like placed.NoneWomen?s gummy vitamin Biotin Vitamin d
Anaphylaxis. The COVID shot was given, no reaction then. After 7 minutes, congestion, severe cough, vomiting phlegm, feeling like throat closing started happening. Code was called, Benadryl was immediately given intramuscular in the left arm, blood pressure, pulse ox was taken, and then was taken to the Emergency Department. In the ED, I was given prednisone, one EPI, anti-nausea medication all through I.V. and many more medications given to me via I.V. that I don't sincerely remember. I was under observation for 4 hours. I was discharged after all symptoms dissipated and was given Prednisone 20 MG (3 tabs a day) to take to help my lungs. Management followed up almost immediately, everyone from the moment I had the anaphylactic reaction was quick and prepared.NONEESCITALOPRAM 20 MG TAB VITAMIN D3 5000 IU (125 MCG)
Jan., 2021Approx 3 -5 minutes after vaccine -redness and hives on both arms, chest, and face. Approximately 10 minutes after vaccine- cough, shortness of breath, tongue itchy, lips swelling. Epi pen in L thigh, 50 mg benedryl IM in R deltoid. Brought to emergency room, 1 liter normal saline, pepcid, solu-medrol, 25mg benadryl IV. D/c to home around noon. 1/22/2020- secondary anaphylactic reaction at 945am. Epi pen to r thigh, 50mg PO benadryl, 20mg prednisone. Drove to hospital ER received 1 liter of normal saline, pepcid, 25mg benadryl IV, 40mg prednisone. D/C at 3pm on prednisone taper.Anaphylaxis 12/22/2020, 12/23/2020, 12/24/2020- new onset nut allergySingulair Synthroid
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Not all or limited to: anaphylactic reaction: Feeling lump in throat, tongue feeling funny with numbness, feeling of hard to swallow, throat tightness, shortness of breath, tachycardia, tachypnea, pressure, tingling, and numbness from head to toe, dizziness/lightheartedness, cough, voice changes.None notedLevoxyl
Anaphalaxis reaction, stridor an unable to breathe. Happened in 30 secondsNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylactic reaction 6 days post vaccine 24Dec2020; I had severe chest tightness; SOB; throat soreness; hoarse voice; mouth swelling; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician, the patient. A 34-year-old non-pregnant female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: EL0140), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 18Dec2020 at 15:30 (at the age of 34-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included severe dust mite allergy (based on skin test). Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Concomitant medications included cetirizine hydrochloride (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol (NORCO), ibuprofen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), and ondansetron (ZOFRAN); all for unspecified indications from unknown dates and unknown if ongoing. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. On 24Dec2020 at 10:00, 6 days post vaccination, the patient experienced anaphylactic reaction, severe chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling; all reported as life threatening. The events led to an emergency room visit and she was given epinephrine (EPI-PEN), methylprednisolone (SOLUMEDROL), and diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) as treatment. The patient stated that she developed the reactions 45 minutes after she took premedications for a dilatation and curettage procedure. The premedications included ibuprofen, hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol, ondansetron. She stated she had taken these medications several times before and this was the first time she had this reaction. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. The clinical outcomes of the anaphylactic reaction, severe chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling were recovered on unknown dates.; Sender's Comments: Anaphylactic reactions presented as chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling, developed 45 minutes after premedications including included ibuprofen, hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol, ondansetron for a dilatation and curettage procedure and 6 days post vaccination with BNT162B2, the event therefore is most likely attributed to these premedications unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.CETRIZINE; NORCO; ; ZOFRAN [ONDANSETRON]
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis within 5 minutes of dose given. Tachycardia 130-140s, hot body temperature, trouble swallowing, lightheaded/dizzy, ekg changes, feeling like I was going to pass out even when in bed. IV fluids, benedryl, soul-medrol, famotadine and IM epi given.NoNo change from dose #1
-0715 vaccine administered. -0735 started to feel dizzy/off and right side of tongue felt like it was mildly swelling and itchy. -0735 asked to have blood pressure taken as know when I am having anaphylaxis my blood pressure escalates. -0740 took blood pressure and it was 141/86 in right arm. Normal is 110s/60s-70s. No anxiety feelings. -0740 throat started to have increased mucous production. Had the tickle and tightness in throat. Asked and received 25mg Benadryl with cup of water. -0742 started clearing throat frequently and slight cough. Knew it was anaphylaxis and told the team I need to go to the ER. Asked for additional 25mg Benadryl. Also took 20mg Famotidine and 2 puffs Albuterol inhaler--this is my prescribed anaphylaxis routine. Had Epipens on standby. -0743 put on O2 saturation monitor and watched O2 drop into 90-92 range. Asked for epipen on standby as I know when I need to start it. Didn't want to take that when I knew I was about to get it in the ER and knowing self hadn't progressed that far. Felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. Voice started becoming hoarse. -0800 EMS arrived (delay as team didn't know if they were supposed to call 911 or a Code--they chose EMS even though in hospital). Then staff at COVID vaccine clinic kept emphasizing need to go in ambulance while EMS and self fought to go through hospital (much quicker route). Finally cleared to go through hospital to ER. To get some air via breathing in had to sit up leaning forward. Voice completely hoarse by this time. -About 0817 arrived to ER bay. At this time, frequently coughing and cough started to sound stridorous. Difficulty getting breaths in. Had chest pain near heart. Greeted by MD, 2 RNS, and technician. -0819 received IM epinephrine. Attached to 5 lead EKG monitoring and O2 monitoring. Blood pressure done again. Higher than previous. -About 0821 had working IV (previous two attempts failed as veins were constricting). Given IV Solumderol. Started bolus of 1L Normal Saline. -Not sure how long after by cough subsided, increased mucous production subsided, as well as hoarseness decreased. -Held for observation for 2hours (would be longer if not resolved). - Discharged around 1015. At this time, hoarseness almost all gone. Minimal throat clearing. Cough resolved. -Prescribed epipen inhalers (mine expired) and Prednisone. Prednisone is PRN for mild breathing difficulties if it starts again tomorrow 1/13/21. -At 1400 took 50mg Benadryl and 20mg Famotidine as previously prescribed for anaphylaxis maintenance. Will continue this as previously prescribed every 6hours until symptoms stay resolved. -Made follow up appointment with Primary Care Physician per protocolSeasonal allergiesLexapro, Synthroid, One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins, Culturelle Women's Health probiotic, Flonase, Tylenol.
Started to feel lightheaded, weak, faint like I was going to pass out, heart rate increased, confusion, trouble speaking, brought to the ED, throat started to swell and started having thick spit and clearing my throat excessively. Diagnosed as anaphylaxis.NoneMontelukast 10mg, magnesium 200mg
Anaphylaxis less than two hours after vaccination. I had no symptoms immediately after vaccine however did develop symptoms within one minute of completing a run. Developed b/l hand swelling and tingling, diffuse hives and itching, tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, lips tingling and swelling which required emergency room visit and EpiPen, IV fluids, Benadryl and IV steroids. This is similar to previous reactions I have had to running previously. Symptoms resolved within one hour after treatment in ED.NoneTri-sprintec (oral birth control), Epi-pen (prn anaphylaxis)
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis; throat closing; tongue swelling; Peripheral shutdown; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician and pharmacist received from the Agency. The regulatory authority report number is GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209083957 and ADR 24541453-001 and ADR 24541453-002. A 49-year-old female patient (healthcare worker) received BNT162b2 vaccine (Batch/lot: EJ0553) on 08Dec2020, via an unspecified route of administration route at single dose for COVID-19 immunization.The patient had a pertinent medical history of food allergy (Lemon/lime, egg and meringue cheesecake) with no known previous reaction to vaccines. Concomitant medications included progestogen orally and an unspecified medication topically, both for menopause and Vitamin B12 orally for vitamin B12 deficiency. On 08Dec2020 during post-vaccination observation the patient developed within minutes throat closing, tongue swelling, peripheral shutdown, no wheeze, chest clear. These events were reported as anaphylaxis, and required hospitalization. Vaccinated at hospital and received vaccine as she is patient facing employee. Otherwise fit and healthy, no cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal or neurological disease. No history of allergy to medicines. History of a similar allergic reaction to lemon/lime and meringue cheesecake. After 3 mouthfuls of cheesecake, onset of reaction. Required adrenaline, ambulance and treatment as inpatient. Allergy blood tests and skin tests inconclusive (unknown what tested for). Carries Epi Pen but never used. Has remained on a gluten and dairy free diet since the reaction. On the day of vaccination, her presenting anxiety was possible allergy to eggs. Within approximately 8 minutes of vaccination, she started to cough and became hypertensive (peak 175mmHg systolic), with a heart rate (HR) of 110 beats per minute (bpm) - pulse oximetry, no trace. No wheeze, no erythema of oral mucosa, no swelling. Started clawing at her neck and described feeling of itching internally. It was reported the patient carried an adrenalin autoinjector (EPIPEN). The patient was treated with IM adrenaline, IM chlorphenamine maleate (PIRITON), IM hydrocortisone given with minimal improvement and given two nebulised adrenaline (adrenaline nebulizers) which resulted in rapid resolution of symptoms (15 minutes elapsed between administration of IM adrenaline and nebulised adrenaline). Around 20 minutes later her symptoms returned. Given nebulised adrenaline with rapid recovery. Admitted to short stay unit (emergency department (ED)) for observation and discharged around 19:30 on 08Dec2020. No tryptase testing performed, no other blood tests. There was no reaction at the injection site. On 09Dec2020 the patient was at home and reported feeling tired, with heavy limbs. She is apyrexial with no ongoing signs of allergy. Lab tests on 08Dec2020 includes: Blood pressure systolic: 175mmHg, Heart rate: 110bpm and Pulse oximetry: No trace. The patient had recovered from the events in Dec2020. The events were considered serious medically significant, for hospitalization and for being life threatening. The patient has not had symptoms associated with COVID-19. Patient has not been tested or has had an inconclusive test for COVID-19 (as reported). Patient is not enrolled in clinical trial. The vaccine was given by hospital staff member. Follow up (10Dec2020): New information received from GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209083957 and ADR 24541453-002 includes: patient history, concomitant medications, lab tests, clinical course and the only event reported was anaphylaxis.; Sender's Comments: The reported information is limited. Based on the close temporal relationship, the subject's signs and symptoms, being, at least in part, suggestive of anaphylaxis and the past medical history of allergy, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine.No current illness for this event.VITAMIN B12 [VITAMIN B12 NOS]
right after the vaccine she felt light headed felt better in observation after about 7 minutes employee c/o heart racing,Chest pressure, feeling light headed, throat scratchy and tight. allergy to MRI contrast dye only - Gadolinium. Has had lots of vaccines in the past without problems. Taken to ED via W/C was talking all the way not SOB admitted to ED. 12-28 States she was admitted to the hospital overnight for anaphalaxis on a second trip to ED. She will not be able to get her second dose of the vaccine. this should be entered into the VAERS reporting system. She is till using the benedryl.noneThryoid 250 mg qd, Benedryl 25 mg q 6 hours, prednisone 40 mg daily, ibuprophen 200 mg prn for chest pressure,
Pt. began to feel weak with palpitations about 8-10 minutes after vaccination, her pulse was extremely fast, she then began to complain of lower mid-esophageal burningdeniedunknown
Patient had an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine the day after it was given and went to the nearest ER.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
Started itching within (left arm) 15 minutes. THey said I was fine and to go back to work. About an hour later, I started breaking out in hives and whole body itching. I went back in and they gave me to full strength Benadryl and it was not helping and my BP was 190/140 (stroke level) and they tried to bring that down. About 10:15 my face was starting to swell and I was short of breath and 10:30 they took me to ER - and gave me Cortisol shot. And IV fluids. And I was in ER for two hours. They wrote me a prescription for six days for 2 prednisone for every day for one week. The PA saw me at the ER and he prescribed. I went home but couldn't drive home because I couldn't see straight so got a ride home. They tested my O2 levels before they left me. Oxygen was 96. My blood pressure was down to 140/95 - so it was down but still elevated. I still had facial swelling for 3 days. But after three or four days it resolved the face swelling. Had a weakness from the shot and still itching but nothing like it was that day still after the four days. Dr. told me I couldn't get second dose. It was an anaphalactic reaction. Dr - prescribed me an EpiPen in case I have another bad reaction to anything.noZoloft; Migravent; Namenda; Full Strength aspirin; Prilosec - off brand; Bustar; Zyrtec - took it that morning only before shot as dr directed
Jan., 2021Anaphylactic reaction ( swelling and redness of face and torso, shortness of breath, constriction of airway and dizziness)High cholesterol Frequent UTIsNone
Anaphylactic reaction; Flushed; Diaphoretic; redness and rash; hives on chest; Tachycardia; shortness of breath; Chest tightness; Dizziness; Headache; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse, the patient. A 47-year-old female patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: EL1283), via an unspecified route of administration on 08Jan2021 at 08:49 (at the age of 47-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. There were no known medical history or concomitant medications. The patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2 on 18Dec2020 (Lot Number: EK5730) for COVID-19 immunization and experienced nausea, headache, and fatigue. On 08Jan2021, about 5-10 minutes after the second dose, the patient experienced anaphylactic reaction, flushed, diaphoretic, redness and rash, hives on chest, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, reported as life-threatening. She reported that these events occurred within less than 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine. She went to the emergency room and was treated with methylprednisolone (SOLUMEDROL), diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL), famotidine (PEPCID), and epinephrine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). She was sent home and prescribed methylprednisolone and epinephrine (EPI-PEN). Later on 08Jan2021, she experienced dizziness and headache, which were consistent. She stated she would most likely take ibuprofen (MOTRIN) as treatment (not specified if taken). The clinical outcomes of the flushed, diaphoretic, redness and rash, hives on chest, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and chest tightness were recovered on 08Jan2021; while the outcomes of the dizziness and headache were not recovered and that of the anaphylaxis was reported as recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported information is limited. Based on the close temporal relationship and the description of the events, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
first day after shot, nausea, body aches, 2nd day Sunday headache, Monday 5 am woke up itching, then 9 am hives everywhere, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis, went to ER, got epi X 2, solumedrol, benadryl, pepcid, then still with hives, tachycardia, dyspnea, iv fluids were influsing and epi drip started, went to ICUnon systemic vasculitis bilat feetmg, vit b complex, calicum with vit D, zyrtec, singulair, klonopin, omeprazole, prednisone
About 10 minutes after getting my vaccine I noticed the roof of my mouth itching as well as my tongue and back of my throat. I waited to see if it would go away and then a couple minutes later noticed my lips started itching and swelling and from there it just got worse. I told the nurse practitioner that I think I was having a reaction, she had me take a seat told her my entire mouth throat & lips felt swollen and itching and she looked and said it was full blown anaphylaxis reaction. Administered EpiPen, benadryl and called ambulance where they took me to medial emergency department.No current illness for this event.Armour thyroid 120mg, seasonal birth control, Allegra 180mg, Singulair 10mg, Protonix 40mg, Midodrine 2.5mg, Trokendi XR 200mg, Gabapentin 300mg, Benadryl 50mg, Vitamin B121ML/week, B6 50mg daily, D3 5,000 daily, apple cider vinegar gummies
I had a full anaphylactic reaction, epi-pen administered, benadryl 50mg IM, ambulance called. ER more meds and was there for several hours. Missed work the next day; still having itching day after; raw mouth and throat; raw mouth and throat; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). This 41-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) (Lot number: EJ1686), via an unspecified route of administration on 13Jan2021 14:30 at single dose on the left arm for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hashimotos/hypothyroid, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), migraines and known allergies: Sulfa meds, tree nuts. Patient took other medications in two weeks. No other vaccine received in four weeks. Patient was not pregnant. Facility type vaccine was workplace clinic. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient hasn't been tested for COVID-19. Patient had a full anaphylactic reaction on 13Jan2021 14:45, epinephrine (EPIPEN) administered, diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) 50 mg IM, ambulance called. ER more meds and was there for several hours. Patient missed work the next day and still having itching day after and raw mouth and throat in Jan2021. Patient had to call PCP for a follow up and steroids. Itching, raw mouth and throat resulted in: Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care; anaphylactic reaction resulted in life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event). Outcome of the events was recovering.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
chest tightness, cough, runny nose, nausea, dizzy, red chest, high pitch voice, difficulty speaking. anaphylaxis EKG monitoring, IVF, IM Epinephrine, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid, Albuterol dual neb, CXR, Labs sent home after 6 1/2 hours of treatment and monitoring. Sent home with Epi penfelt fine at the time of vaccination. Had a mild cold Dec 15-18. runny nose, scratchy throat, mild cough. COVID test negative.allegra, Xolair, pulmicort, prozac, singular, trazadone. dexilant, gabapentin, allergy shots
Jan., 2021Anaphylactic reactionNoneAlbuteral, Loratadine, Fmotidine, Prednisone, Levothyroxine, Epipen (prn)
anaphylaxis; throat tightening; throat tightening/tingling; throat tightening/tingling/soreness; dry wheezy cough a little dizziness; dizziness; tachycardia; Itching; chills; numb R foot; Low grade temp; h/a today; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse (patient). A 51-years-old female patient (no pregnant) started to receive bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number el3248), via an unspecified route of administration on 06Jan2021 11:00 at the first single dose at left arm for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included supraventricular tachycardia, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypermobility syndrome, developmental hip. Concomitant medication included hydrocortisone, trazodone, levothyroxine sodium (LEVOTHROID), bupropion hydrochloride (WELLBUTRIN). The patient previously took erythromycin, morphine and experienced drug hypersensitivity. The patient experienced anaphylaxis, throat tightening/tingling/soreness, dry wheezy cough a little dizziness and tachycardia. Itching, numb R foot, Low grade temp and chills and headache on 06Jan2021 11:15. Seriousness criteria reported as life threatening. Taken to ER had IV benadryl, solumedrol, pepcid for anaphylaxis. Placed on O2 and given albuterol nebulizer. Had IV fluid bolus. Now on benadryl and 5 days of prednisone. The patient felt completely fine prior to vaccine. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included sars-cov-2 test: negative on 06Jan2021. The outcome of events was recovering. No other vaccine in four weeks; No covid prior vaccination.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset of anaphylaxis presented as throat tightening/tingling/soreness, dry wheezy cough a little dizziness and tachycardia. Itching, numb R foot, Low grade temp and chills and headache cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The underlying predisposing condition of drug allergies may put the patient at high risk of anaphylactic reactions. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.; ; LEVOTHROID; WELLBUTRIN
We (myself and 2 other pharmacists) were conducting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic. The patient is on staff at the clinic and came in for her 1st dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine. 10 minutes post-vaccination, patient started experiencing SOB, tingling fingers and face, and swelling of her lips and tongue. She moved herself outside to cooler air and then sent someone back inside to ask us for help. I ran outside with an EpiPen and immediately noted her pulse of 158 on her watch and she appeared to be experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. Patient stated she did not want to use the EpiPen but wanted to try chewing Benadryl instead first. I asked the staff for a blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter. The 1st readings, approximately 12 minutes after vaccination, were HR 158, BP 155/105, and pulse ox 97%. Patient stated the Benadryl was working and her swelling was decreasing. The patient was not having trouble breathing at the time. I continued monitoring vitals and talking with the patient and approximately 20 minutes post-vaccination, she was improving (BP down to 134/80 and HR 120) but agreed we should call 911. She decided she wanted to move inside and lie down. I escorted her with support to a bed. Her vitals then increased again to BP 152/95 and HR 133 and her lips and tongue started swelling again. The patient appeared to be more labored in breathing then but still refused the EpiPen. Roughly 5 minutes after lying down, the medics showed up and took over and I went back to the vaccination area. I learned later that the patient refused to go to the hospital and after more observation was eventually allowed to leave with a friend/coworker driving her home.No current illness for this event.Metoprolol ER succinate 50mg
60-64 yearsDec., 2020Throat closure (angioedema/anaphylaxis) requiring ambulance transport to Hospital emergency room and stay IV infusion of Benedryl, solumedrol, and Pepcid with excellent results. Observed twelve hours, then discharged.NoneRosuvastatin, meloxicam, omeprazole, vitamin D
Jan., 2021Pounding headache, heart racing to over 145 bps, chest burning and tightness and hard to breath. I was taken to the Emergency Room at Hospital immediately. Reaction occurred within 30 minutes of the injection. An EKG was administered. I was prescribed prednisone and Benadryl. I was diagnosed with Anaphylaxis.NoneVitamin C and D
UnknownDec., 2020Anaphylaxis; Persistent cough; This is a literature report were authors reported 21 cases listed in table 1. This is the 20th of the 21 patients. This report summarizes the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of case reports of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis and nonanaphylaxis allergic reactions, after receipt of the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine during December 14-23, 2020, in the United States. As of 23Dec2020, a reported 1,893,360 first doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine had been administered and reports of 4,393 (0.2%) adverse events after receipt of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine had been submitted to the Reporting System. Among these, 175 case reports were identified for further review as possible cases of severe allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that does occur rarely after vaccination, with onset typically within minutes to hours. Twenty-one cases were determined to be anaphylaxis (a rate of 11.1 per million doses administered), including 17 in persons with a documented history of allergies or allergic reactions, seven of whom had a history of anaphylaxis. The median interval from vaccine receipt to symptom onset was 13 minutes (range = 2-150 minutes). Among 20 persons with follow-up information available, all had recovered or been discharged home. A 29-year-old female patient who received the 1st dose of the bnt162b2 (BNT162B2 vaccine, unknown lot number) at single dose in Dec2020 for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included allergy to sulfa drugs. The patient had no prior history of anaphylaxis. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced anaphylaxis (signs and symptoms: generalized urticaria) and persistent cough, 54 min after vaccination, in Dec2020. It was determined to be Brighton level 2 of diagnosis. The patient received treatment at emergency department and received treatment with epinephrine. At the time of the report, the outcome of the events was recovered. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: A possible contributory role of the suspect products cannot be excluded for the reported event anaphylaxis based on the known safety profile and temporal association ,Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021043915 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043908 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043909 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043916 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043911 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043910 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043912 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043913 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043914 same article/drug, different patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021043597 same article/drug, different patientNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer Sponsored Program from a contactable pharmacist. A female patient of an unspecified age received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine, lot number: EK4176), via an unspecified route of administration on 09Jan2021 at 0.3 mL, single (standard like 0.3ml by injection once to deltoid, side unknown) to prevent from getting COVID. The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis on 09Jan2021. Clinical course: The patient got the vaccine while waiting to go into the watch room, to be watched for a few minutes, and she experienced anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis, she went down, they gave her an Epinephrine, she didn't respond to the first dose, a second dose was given in the arm where the vaccine was given, then she was picked up by an ambulance. Agent stated the caller has been on hold for almost an hour. Caller clarifies dose was given in the arm, it occurred on Saturday with the same lot. Saturday and it went away on Saturday, the patient was worried about it coming back, thus why she asked about Epinephrine pen, the patient was taken to the hospital, and given Epinephrine a couple more times, and it resolved eventually, the patient was not admitted, she went to the Emergency Department. It could have required hospitalization but would most likely say life threatening had she not been treated. Reporter seriousness for anaphylaxis is life threatening. The outcome of event was recovered on 09Jan2021. Relatedness of bnt162b2 to reaction anaphylaxis is related for primary source.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Unknown Dateanaphylaxis; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician reporting on behalf of patient. A patient of unspecified age and gender received single dose of BNT162B2 (batch/lot number and exp date not reported), via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date for immunisation. The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. On an unspecified date, the patient experienced anaphylaxis with a very protracted course requiring an epi dose for 4.5 days and was still in the ICU (date/s unspecified) following administration of the COVID vaccine. The physician would like to use a drop of leftover vaccine from one of the vials to do a future skin test after the patient is stable. They were unsure if they needed permission as this was standard practice in allergy to test afterwards but wanted to check in with the company. The outcome of event was unknown. Information about batch/lot number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset of anaphylaxis cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylaxis Allergic reaction COVID-19 vaccine: dizziness, vomiting and shortness of breath. Received vaccine and about 5/10 minutes later developed symptoms of chest tightness shortness of breath wheezing. Arrived to ED at 1156 and discharged at 1507. Given epi IM Solu-Medrol, Pepcid, Benadryl, albuterol.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK40-49 yearsJan., 2021Allergic reaction that occurred 7 days after receiving the first vaccination. Treated for anaphylactic shock at local ER and released. Anaphylactic shock returned within 24 hours causing second visit to the ER. I was then transported to hospital for ICU admission. Body broke out with hives rash for several days followed by severe joint swelling. Remained in ICU 3 days and was released to see Allergist.noneInsulin, aspirin, advil
50-59 yearsJan., 2021anaphalactic shock reaction, epi injection by hospital emergency staff at vaccine site, emergency room admission . We were very lucky vaccine site was Hospital was concerned that this might happen as patient had a previous anaphalactic shock by antibiotic injection few years agononenone
UnknownNov., 1983Received Vaccine on 1/8/2021. Reported on 1/19/2021 that on 1/16/2021 developed hives, heart racing, dizziness. Called 911. had an anaphylactic shock. had o2 and steroid treatment. She feels better now and would like to return to work.No current illness for this event.albuterol Fexofenadine fluticasone-salmeterol Levetriacetam monelukast pantoprazole zonisamide
ANAPHYLACTOID REACTION40-49 yearsJan., 2021Patient developed one singular area of urticaria approximately one hour after the vaccination and then developed an anaphylactoid reaction 3 days later including widespread urticaria and chest tightness. She took OTC antihistamines and recovered 6 days after the vaccine.NoneNone
ANEURYSM50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
ANGIOEDEMA18-29 yearsDec., 2020Swelling of hands follwed by angioedemaNoneNo
Angioedema, hives, tachycardia, shortness of breathnonenone
Jan., 2021Acute Angioedema. Treated with multiple rounds of epinephrine, solumedrol, diphenhydramine, famotidine. Admitted to the ICU for continued monitoring and treatment. ICU time 42 hours.nonenone
30-39 yearsJan., 2021within 1 hr post-vaccine on 1/7 I had a mild headache that resolved with Tylenol. At about 12 hours post-vaccine I developed nausea, fever (100.4) and chills and secondary to this had poor sleep. The next day I took scheduled alternating Tylenol & ibuprofen during the day and then overnight 1 episode of chills that woke me up. no events Saturday or Sunday. Then Monday 1/11 in the early morning I started to develop a rash on my b/l elbow and right foot 3rd toe. I applied mometasone topical cream to these locations. while at work the rash extended down both forearms then by 5pm it was on both hips and extending along both legs. I applied Benadryl cream to the most irritated sites and took PO Benadryl 50mg at bedtime and again at 1am when the itching woke me up. I repeated Benadryl 25mg at 8am. The rash seems to be getting better on the arms but then by noon I had a new breakout on my neck and face. I took Benadryl 50mg at 1pm. The rash continued to have a rapid progression over the next hour and resulted in angioedema with my throat swelling, lips puffed and numb and eye swelling. I was injected with an epi pen and sent to the ED where I received PO prednisone, famotidine, and Benadryl. The face/neck rash then greatly improved and I was sent home on prednisone 40mg daily for 3 days.nonemetformin, Ocelle (cOCP), vit d, women's multivitamin, cholestyramine
40-49 yearsJan., 2021severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (reporting for herself). A 41-year-old non-pregnant female patient received two doses of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), both via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm, the first dose on 16Dec2020 09:00 (lot number: EH9899) and the second dose on 08Jan2021 07:15 (lot number: EL0140), both at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included ongoing anxiety, from an unspecified date. The patient had no known allergies. Concomitant medication included escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO), acetaminophen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), naproxen sodium (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), ibuprofen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination, has not been tested for COVID-19. On 09Jan2021 at 01:30 AM, the patient experienced severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath, all of which were reported as being life-threatening. The patient went to the Emergency room due to the events. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of the events and included: methylprednisolone sodium succinate (SOLUMEDROL) 125 mg, famotidine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN) 20 mg and diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) 50 mg. The clinical outcome of severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath was recovering.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.AnxietyLEXAPRO; ACETAMINOPHEN; ;
60-64 yearsDec., 2020Throat closure (angioedema/anaphylaxis) requiring ambulance transport to Hospital emergency room and stay IV infusion of Benedryl, solumedrol, and Pepcid with excellent results. Observed twelve hours, then discharged.NoneRosuvastatin, meloxicam, omeprazole, vitamin D
65+ yearsJan., 2021severe angioedema resulting in intubation to protect his airway and ICU admission. pt recieved the 2nd dose at 0755 am, woke up from a nap at 2200 the same night with tongue swelling.nonelantus, gabapentin, regular insulin, sertraline, sevelamar, cinacalcet, bumetadine, calcium acetate, vitiman E, atovorstatin
ANGIOGRAM50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and developed HA with left hemianopsia, left upper ext and left lower ext weakness. Stroke Code activated at clinic where she works CT head neg TPA administered, transferred to ED for CTA and stroke care CTA neg MRI pending but clinically improvednonesynthroid
65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute ischemic stroke, basilar occlusionNo current illness for this event.amlodipine, atorvastatin, esomeprazole, metoprolol, omega-3, ticagrelor, cyanocobalamin
ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL30-39 yearsJan., 2021The patient presented with left eye peripheral visual loss, left upper and lower extremity and facial numbness sensation and weakness. This started 1 hour after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at her place of employment. Pt was brought to CRMC via EMS.nonewith past 24 hours prior to vxn pt reports taking: One a day women's vitamin, Benadryl, Allegra
50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient came into the emergency department on 1/8/21 with an acute ischemic stroke with complete occlusion of her left MCA. She had acute and complete flaccid paresis of her right face, arm, and leg, complete aphasia, and neglect of the right side of her body. NIHSS of 27. Onset of deficit was between 6:30pm-7:10pm. She recieved her 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose that morning at 10:31am.Hypertension, hypothyroidismNo other medications for this event.
ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL ABNORMAL60-64 yearsDec., 2020She got the vaccine on Dec 23, and then on Jan 4 she had a mild stroke with left sided arm and face weakness. She did recover fully. She already has known CAD and risk factors for CVD. It is possible, but by no means certain, that the vaccine was an indirect cause of the event. Since the vaccine provoked an immune response, as it was supposed to, it is possible that this inflammation may have set up a metabolic predisposition that may have contributed to the event, which was 12 days later.No current illness for this event.Aspirin, atorvastatin, citalopram, metoprolol, vitamin D.
ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL NORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020I am not sure if related on not. This event was 13 days after my COVID-19 1/2 immunization. Otherwise, I am a very healthy physician, normal BMI, I have also been tested 5-6 times negative for COVID. I do get exposed in my job, but wear proper PPE. Viral infection in FEB that was like COVID-19 sx, I did AB test as soon as it was available, and negative. ---The Event: Monday morning (1/4/21), after getting out of shower, I was talking to my husband (who is MD)and started having BROCA's aphasia sx (could not get words out coherently), then fell into bed and started right wrist and right foot posturing. This lasted 10 min. I have non-memory of it, but my MD husband witnessed it. After 10 minutes, I was back to normal, except shaky and some word finding difficulties. After 30 min, totally back to normal.none.xyzal 10mg 1/day, Sudafed 12 hour XR 1 po qAM, Nasonex nasal spray 2 puffs q AM, Emgality 120mg once a month (last 12/17), carisoprodol 350mg q 6 hours, prn; norco q 6 hours, prn; zanaflex 8 mg qhs, prn. DID take a diflucan the prior nigh
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient is a 71-year-old female with PMH of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cataracts, glaucoma who was transferred from Medical Center as a stroke code after she presented there for right-sided weakness, facial droop and visual changes. Patient was given TPA in the past she was within window and she was then transferred here for further management. Patient's symptoms continue to resolve. She was admitted in the ICU and managed by neuro critical care and neurology. Further imaging including CTA head and neck, MRI brain did not reveal any stroke. An assessment of small vessel disease was made which likely resolved after TPA was given. Patient was assessed by PMR and PT/OT and deemed safe to go home with family care and no restrictions. Echo, telemetry and EKG showed no signs of cardiac involvement. Patient was started Plavix x21 days and chronic baby aspirin. She was also started on Crestor 20 mg daily. Patient is to follow-up with neurology in 3 months as she got TPA. She will also follow-up with her PCP on discharge.Pt had strep throat that was treated on January 4, 2021amlodipine, simvastatin, metformin, losartan, omeprazole
ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY ABNORMAL30-39 yearsOct., 1982I am a registered nurse at hospital. On 12/25, seven days after receiving the shot I started to get right lower leg pain and I kept complaining about it till New Years Day. I had no symptoms of a DVT. I triaged on 1/1/21 and the doctors ordered labs/imaging and the results were as followed: D-Dimer biomarker (+) , Ultrasound of the Rt lower leg ( - ) , CTA showed a PE (segmental right upper lobe pulmonary artery consistent with pulmonary embolus). I was discharged on Xarelto and advised to follow up with a hematologist. On 1/5/2021, I went to hematology and they did a whole bunch of labs. I was sent to get a ultrasound of the leg because the pain persist and they found a clot hidden by my soleus. The plan is to continue on the Xarelto for 6 months. Come back in 3 weeks to scan my leg again and get my lab results. On 1/12/2021, I received the 2nd shot of the Pfizer vaccination.N/AVitamin D, Zinc, Descovy
65+ yearsDec., 20201840 NSG staff notified that resident had fallen and was unable to get up. Upon arrival to resident, resident was lying on her right side outside of her room. Resident was severely diaphoretic and unable to state what had occurred. Resident had a blue tinge to her lips, wheezing bilaterally, equal strength bilaterally and very weak. BP 143/74, HR 66, 02 80%, temperature unable to read temporally due to diaphoresis. respirations equal and labored at 22 breaths per minute. EMS called. RN and CNA staff stayed with resident while waiting for arrival of EMS. During this time, son called resident's phone and he was updated of the situation. Upon EMS arrival at 1700, resident was regaining orientation and was no longer diaphoretic. EMS bs was 143. 02 placed on resident by EMS with 12 lead to be done on transport. EMS left with resident at approximately 1907. SJH ED called and given report to RN. DON notified.NAHctz 25mg Po Daily Vitamin D3 1000IU PO Daily Potassium Chloride ER 20 meq PO daily Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg PO daily Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Q6 hrs PRN pain Aspirin 81 mg PO Daily Symbicort 80-4.5mcg/act 1 puff BID Rosuvastatin Calciu
ANGIOPLASTY40-49 yearsDec., 2020I had a myocardial infarction on December 27, 2020. I had received my first vaccination for COVID-19 on December 22, 2020. Not sure if these are related but I felt I should report it.NonePropranolol, Pepcid,cetrizine, losartan
ANION GAP30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
ANTI-NMDA ANTIBODY NEGATIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020"Per husband, was in usual state of health on the AM of 1/10/20, AOx3 able to perform all I/ADLs. At around 2:30pm that day was complaining of chills and generalized malaise. Then at ~9:30pm when husband returned home from work found patient diaphoretic, confused (stating things like ""not now, I want to go to lake""), and complaining of chills and weakness. Unable to provide any additional hx regarding other sx. Initially presented to ED, where mental status had deteriorated to AOx0, unable to respond to verbal commands. Initial vitals notable for T102.6F (unclear other vitals). Patient is now AOx0 most concerning for encephalopathy."No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODY NEGATIVE50-59 yearsDec., 2020Acute Pericarditis. Patient was admitted from 12/27-12/28/2020 at hospital by cardiology team who strongly felt the acute pericarditis was due to the Pfizer Vaccine (Dr. was senior cardiologist).No illness one month prior to or at time of vaccinationAspirin daily
ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODIES POSITIVE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
ANXIETY18-29 yearsJan., 2021Received shot Wednesday night, developed arm soreness and mild flu like symptoms on left side of my body and facial paresthesias on the left side of my face. Twelve hours later, after waking up those same symptoms were only on the right side of my body. Friday morning, mostly normal physically just with some overall fatigue. Friday afternoon I started to get hives on my chest and overnight into Saturday they were on my lower back, sides, and legs. I took 50 mg of Benadryl every 6-12 hours until Monday mid-day when Benadryl was not helping reduce the hives and so I had full body hives. I did try an drugstore cortisone cream which did not help. Sought treatment at an urgent care as I was feeling anxious and could not control the itching. I and was diagnosed with likely allergic reaction to the covid-19 vaccine.ADD, gastric sleeve surgery, chronic sinusitisAdderall 15 mg xr
30-39 yearsJan., 2021"Pt is 33 yo female with h/o multiple drug allergies , including allergy to benadryl. She has received first dose of COVID vaccine made by Phfizer at 3:45. She reports about 10 minutes after the vaccination she started feeling tingling in her lips, throat and prickly sensation on her chest and feeling ""off"". Felt dizzy, developed small hives on her chest. She was attended to immediately at the vaccine site and our team was called to white code. Pt was sitting on the floor, alert , breathing comfortably. Her BP was 151/84, HR 90, O2 Sats 100%. Her lungs were clear the whole time, no wheezing, no difficulty swallowing or talking. Patient received 125 mg of IV solumedrol and 20 mg of pepcid in vaccination room, she felt the same, still breathing comfotably, speaking full sentences, hives faiding away. She was transported to Urgent Care clinic on wheelchair. Pt kept her EpiPen by her site the whole time but refused to used it, states she is afraid to use it and wants to hold off or get it in ER if necessary. About 16:30 patient reported her tingling, prickly sensation In her chest is getting worse, developed sensation of lump in her throat, able to swallow and breath without problems, lungs exam clear. Again recommended to give Epipen but patient again refused as she feels very anxious about getting new medicine. She was able to speak full sentences and breathing well, O2 Sats 100% the whole time, she repetitively refused EpiPen. EMS called and patient transported to ER, ER notified. Pt left in stable condition."Dairy product intolerance Mast cell disorder Granuloma annulare GoiterDIETARY SUPPLEMENT ORAL LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS (PROBIOTIC ORAL) cetirizine (ZYRTEC) 10 mg tablet ranitidine (ZANTAC) 150 mg tablet epiNEPHrine (EPIPEN) 0.3 mg/0.3 mL injection
"Felt tachycardia immediately, thought she was anxious. After 35-45 minutes she felt like she was having a hard time swallowing which progressed to tongue swelling, all taste buds popped up and sore, hives on face & neck, reddened face. Itchy neck and face. Took double dose of Atarax and went to bed. Felt extremely fatigued unsure if double dose of Atarax. Woke with swelling all over body. Woke up feeling heaviness as if she had ""sumo wrestler"" on her body. 24 hours post vaccine heaviness started to lift but felt as if she had a vise on her lungs. Continuing to take Atarax every 6 hours per MD order."No current illness for this event.IBU, plaquenil stopped approximately 3 weeks prior to vaccine.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis; throat closing; tongue swelling; Peripheral shutdown; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician and pharmacist received from the Agency. The regulatory authority report number is GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209083957 and ADR 24541453-001 and ADR 24541453-002. A 49-year-old female patient (healthcare worker) received BNT162b2 vaccine (Batch/lot: EJ0553) on 08Dec2020, via an unspecified route of administration route at single dose for COVID-19 immunization.The patient had a pertinent medical history of food allergy (Lemon/lime, egg and meringue cheesecake) with no known previous reaction to vaccines. Concomitant medications included progestogen orally and an unspecified medication topically, both for menopause and Vitamin B12 orally for vitamin B12 deficiency. On 08Dec2020 during post-vaccination observation the patient developed within minutes throat closing, tongue swelling, peripheral shutdown, no wheeze, chest clear. These events were reported as anaphylaxis, and required hospitalization. Vaccinated at hospital and received vaccine as she is patient facing employee. Otherwise fit and healthy, no cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal or neurological disease. No history of allergy to medicines. History of a similar allergic reaction to lemon/lime and meringue cheesecake. After 3 mouthfuls of cheesecake, onset of reaction. Required adrenaline, ambulance and treatment as inpatient. Allergy blood tests and skin tests inconclusive (unknown what tested for). Carries Epi Pen but never used. Has remained on a gluten and dairy free diet since the reaction. On the day of vaccination, her presenting anxiety was possible allergy to eggs. Within approximately 8 minutes of vaccination, she started to cough and became hypertensive (peak 175mmHg systolic), with a heart rate (HR) of 110 beats per minute (bpm) - pulse oximetry, no trace. No wheeze, no erythema of oral mucosa, no swelling. Started clawing at her neck and described feeling of itching internally. It was reported the patient carried an adrenalin autoinjector (EPIPEN). The patient was treated with IM adrenaline, IM chlorphenamine maleate (PIRITON), IM hydrocortisone given with minimal improvement and given two nebulised adrenaline (adrenaline nebulizers) which resulted in rapid resolution of symptoms (15 minutes elapsed between administration of IM adrenaline and nebulised adrenaline). Around 20 minutes later her symptoms returned. Given nebulised adrenaline with rapid recovery. Admitted to short stay unit (emergency department (ED)) for observation and discharged around 19:30 on 08Dec2020. No tryptase testing performed, no other blood tests. There was no reaction at the injection site. On 09Dec2020 the patient was at home and reported feeling tired, with heavy limbs. She is apyrexial with no ongoing signs of allergy. Lab tests on 08Dec2020 includes: Blood pressure systolic: 175mmHg, Heart rate: 110bpm and Pulse oximetry: No trace. The patient had recovered from the events in Dec2020. The events were considered serious medically significant, for hospitalization and for being life threatening. The patient has not had symptoms associated with COVID-19. Patient has not been tested or has had an inconclusive test for COVID-19 (as reported). Patient is not enrolled in clinical trial. The vaccine was given by hospital staff member. Follow up (10Dec2020): New information received from GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209083957 and ADR 24541453-002 includes: patient history, concomitant medications, lab tests, clinical course and the only event reported was anaphylaxis.; Sender's Comments: The reported information is limited. Based on the close temporal relationship, the subject's signs and symptoms, being, at least in part, suggestive of anaphylaxis and the past medical history of allergy, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine.No current illness for this event.VITAMIN B12 [VITAMIN B12 NOS]
anxiety, tachycardia, flushing, diaphoresis, HTN, SOBPt later reported new diagnosis of lupusunknown
Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
Jan., 20212230 feeling of unease, body aches, site arm tingling, general mild aches 0220 awoke from sleep choking, having difficulty breathing, felt very SOB, worse with exertion or trying to speak, great difficulty swallowing and speaking even in brief words. Took 50mg of Benadryl PO and went to the ED, about a 15 minute car ride. Had tingling and numbness of the tongue and back of throat by arrival but still able to breath with focus. Exertion of just walking into the ED greatly increased the SOB. Was triaged, Benadryl starting to help, was able to speak a little better, 3-4 words without too much SOB caused. Was walked to a room, SOB milder with that exertion. Seen by Dr. Given IV Sol-u-Medrol and 50mg Benadryl. Was observed on cardiac monitor/Q15VS for a few hours and discharged home around 5:30. Given Rx of Prednisone 20mg -3tabs x2 days, 2tabs x5 days all once a days and told to take 50mg of Benadryl Q4H for the next 24 hours at least and to return prn. I did need to stay on Benadryl, as the Sol-u-Medrol wore off some of the swelling in thr throat did return but not severe, Benadryl did help, along with taking my Asthmnex I already had. I also continued my normal HS antihistamines. I had SOB on exertion, progressively better from the 6th-10th with it mostly resolved to yesterday. Body aches have continued but also progressively better. Yeasterday1/12/21 the Rx of prednisone was completed and I did have some mild swelling /tingling in the throat/face/mouth return in the evening, took Benadryl 50mg again and inhaler used. I have an appointment today to seek further care at my primary doctor's office. Asthmnax used again this morning as well, only mild tightness in the throat currently with mild body aches this whole time.n/aZyrtec 10 mg at HS Omeprazole 20mg at HS Estrodol 2mg at HS Multi Vit. GNC energy+metabolism x1 tab HS Asmanex HFA-2puffs swallowed PRN esophageal swelling /reflux-last used 2 plus months prior to vaccination
Was feeling anxious right after vaccine given. Laid in cot for a short time, then stated her throat felt like it was closing.UnknownUnknown
UnknownJan., 2021anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer Sponsored Program from a contactable pharmacist. A female patient of an unspecified age received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine, lot number: EK4176), via an unspecified route of administration on 09Jan2021 at 0.3 mL, single (standard like 0.3ml by injection once to deltoid, side unknown) to prevent from getting COVID. The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis on 09Jan2021. Clinical course: The patient got the vaccine while waiting to go into the watch room, to be watched for a few minutes, and she experienced anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis, she went down, they gave her an Epinephrine, she didn't respond to the first dose, a second dose was given in the arm where the vaccine was given, then she was picked up by an ambulance. Agent stated the caller has been on hold for almost an hour. Caller clarifies dose was given in the arm, it occurred on Saturday with the same lot. Saturday and it went away on Saturday, the patient was worried about it coming back, thus why she asked about Epinephrine pen, the patient was taken to the hospital, and given Epinephrine a couple more times, and it resolved eventually, the patient was not admitted, she went to the Emergency Department. It could have required hospitalization but would most likely say life threatening had she not been treated. Reporter seriousness for anaphylaxis is life threatening. The outcome of event was recovered on 09Jan2021. Relatedness of bnt162b2 to reaction anaphylaxis is related for primary source.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset anaphylactic reaction/anaphylaxis cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
APHASIA40-49 yearsDec., 2020I am not sure if related on not. This event was 13 days after my COVID-19 1/2 immunization. Otherwise, I am a very healthy physician, normal BMI, I have also been tested 5-6 times negative for COVID. I do get exposed in my job, but wear proper PPE. Viral infection in FEB that was like COVID-19 sx, I did AB test as soon as it was available, and negative. ---The Event: Monday morning (1/4/21), after getting out of shower, I was talking to my husband (who is MD)and started having BROCA's aphasia sx (could not get words out coherently), then fell into bed and started right wrist and right foot posturing. This lasted 10 min. I have non-memory of it, but my MD husband witnessed it. After 10 minutes, I was back to normal, except shaky and some word finding difficulties. After 30 min, totally back to normal.none.xyzal 10mg 1/day, Sudafed 12 hour XR 1 po qAM, Nasonex nasal spray 2 puffs q AM, Emgality 120mg once a month (last 12/17), carisoprodol 350mg q 6 hours, prn; norco q 6 hours, prn; zanaflex 8 mg qhs, prn. DID take a diflucan the prior nigh
Jan., 20211/16/21, Covid vaccine injection at 12:09 PM Minute 1: dizzy and light headed (like drinking a beer on an empty stomach) Minute 10: Nausea Minutes 23-25: Neck tightness (like doing unsupported crunches and holding my head up) Minute 27: Inability to swallow and inability to speak EMS on site administered EpiPen auto-injection to left thigh, immediate improvement in symptoms Transport to hospital via ambulance Hospital monitored me for several hours and discharged same dayNoneTestosterone, Anastrozole, Crestor, Lisinopril, Aspirin, Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zetia
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient came into the emergency department on 1/8/21 with an acute ischemic stroke with complete occlusion of her left MCA. She had acute and complete flaccid paresis of her right face, arm, and leg, complete aphasia, and neglect of the right side of her body. NIHSS of 27. Onset of deficit was between 6:30pm-7:10pm. She recieved her 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose that morning at 10:31am.Hypertension, hypothyroidismNo other medications for this event.
APPENDICECTOMY30-39 yearsJan., 2021Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis.; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 34-year-old female patient (pregnant: No) received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) via intramuscular (lot number: EL1283) on left arm on 08Jan2021 at 6:30 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The relevant medical history included celiac, anemia, known allergies: Sulfa and Gluten. Concomitant medications were not reported. The patient received first dose of BNT162B2 via intramuscular (lot number: Ek5730) on left leg on 18Dec2020 at 11:00 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient previously took Codeine, fish oil and experienced allergies. Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat. On Saturday the patient had sweating, chills, headache, nausea. On Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis. Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash. It was also reported that the adverse event started on 08Jan2021 at 03: 15 PM (as reported). The patient had 1-day hospitalization. The patient received treatment for the events. The adverse events resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The events were reported as serious due to life threatening and hospitalization. The most recent COVID-19 vaccine was administered at hospital. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: A causal association between BNT162B2 and the reported events cannot be excluded based on a compatible temporal relation between vaccination and onset of events. Medications administered during appendectomy may confound reactions experienced post-surgery. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to RAs, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
40-49 yearsDec., 202012/23- began to experience intermittent right lower quadrant pain in the morning, fever of 100.4 F in the evening which subsided with ibuprofen. 12/24- no fever noted but intermittent right lower quadrant pain continued, seen at the Health Clinic, sent to Hospital ER for CT scan, diagnosed with appendicitis, appendectomy performed.NoneNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021The day after receiving the second vaccination, I began to have mild intermittent abdominal pain2-3/10. The pain gradually increased, became more intense, and more constant. Mild fever and chills started happening, and I took Ibuprofen. By about 4 days after the vaccine, the abdominal pain was severe enough that I had some difficulty walking and I couldn?t sleep at night. Pain was 6-8/10. I went to the ER, and CT scan with IV contrast showed 18 mm appendicitis. I underwent laparoscopic surgery and it was found to be perforated. It was removed. I am currently recovering in the hospital. I received the vaccine as a health care provider at my hospital, specifically I am a practicing pediatrician physician for over 10 years.Strep throat about a week prior to vaccinationNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Severe right lower quadrant pain, anorexia over 12 hours. Went to the emergency department. Lab results showed elevated WBC and CT scan showed acute appendicitis. Admitted for urgent surgery: laparoscopic appendectomy. Was hospitalized from 12/26/20-12/28/20.NoneValtrex Wellbutrin Abilify Fish Oil Multi-Vitamin Biotin
I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
APPENDICITIS30-39 yearsJan., 2021Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis.; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 34-year-old female patient (pregnant: No) received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) via intramuscular (lot number: EL1283) on left arm on 08Jan2021 at 6:30 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The relevant medical history included celiac, anemia, known allergies: Sulfa and Gluten. Concomitant medications were not reported. The patient received first dose of BNT162B2 via intramuscular (lot number: Ek5730) on left leg on 18Dec2020 at 11:00 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient previously took Codeine, fish oil and experienced allergies. Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat. On Saturday the patient had sweating, chills, headache, nausea. On Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis. Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash. It was also reported that the adverse event started on 08Jan2021 at 03: 15 PM (as reported). The patient had 1-day hospitalization. The patient received treatment for the events. The adverse events resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The events were reported as serious due to life threatening and hospitalization. The most recent COVID-19 vaccine was administered at hospital. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: A causal association between BNT162B2 and the reported events cannot be excluded based on a compatible temporal relation between vaccination and onset of events. Medications administered during appendectomy may confound reactions experienced post-surgery. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to RAs, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsDec., 202012/23- began to experience intermittent right lower quadrant pain in the morning, fever of 100.4 F in the evening which subsided with ibuprofen. 12/24- no fever noted but intermittent right lower quadrant pain continued, seen at the Health Clinic, sent to Hospital ER for CT scan, diagnosed with appendicitis, appendectomy performed.NoneNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Severe right lower quadrant pain, anorexia over 12 hours. Went to the emergency department. Lab results showed elevated WBC and CT scan showed acute appendicitis. Admitted for urgent surgery: laparoscopic appendectomy. Was hospitalized from 12/26/20-12/28/20.NoneValtrex Wellbutrin Abilify Fish Oil Multi-Vitamin Biotin
60-64 yearsDec., 2020AppendicitisNonePhenytoin olmesartan, sinvastarin
APPENDICITIS PERFORATED30-39 yearsJan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
40-49 yearsJan., 2021The day after receiving the second vaccination, I began to have mild intermittent abdominal pain2-3/10. The pain gradually increased, became more intense, and more constant. Mild fever and chills started happening, and I took Ibuprofen. By about 4 days after the vaccine, the abdominal pain was severe enough that I had some difficulty walking and I couldn?t sleep at night. Pain was 6-8/10. I went to the ER, and CT scan with IV contrast showed 18 mm appendicitis. I underwent laparoscopic surgery and it was found to be perforated. It was removed. I am currently recovering in the hospital. I received the vaccine as a health care provider at my hospital, specifically I am a practicing pediatrician physician for over 10 years.Strep throat about a week prior to vaccinationNone
AREFLEXIA30-39 yearsDec., 2020Patient presented to the emergency department with sensory loss and loss of reflexes, evaluated by neurology and diagnosed with Guillain- Barre Syndrome thought to be secondary to the Pfizer Covid Vaccinen/an/a
ARTERIAL CATHETERISATION65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcsNo acute illness. H/O Diverticulosis August 2020Diltiazem 120 mg bid, Metoprolol 25 mg qd, Lisinopril 10 qd, Clopidogrel 30 qd, ASA 81 mg qd, Metformin 500 mg bid, Pioglitazone 30 mg qd, L thyroxine 88 mcg qd, Ezetimibe 10 mg qd, Silodosin 4 mg qd; Centrum Silver Multivitamin 1 qd, and
ARTERIOGRAM CAROTID30-39 yearsJan., 2021The patient presented with left eye peripheral visual loss, left upper and lower extremity and facial numbness sensation and weakness. This started 1 hour after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at her place of employment. Pt was brought to CRMC via EMS.nonewith past 24 hours prior to vxn pt reports taking: One a day women's vitamin, Benadryl, Allegra
50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient came into the emergency department on 1/8/21 with an acute ischemic stroke with complete occlusion of her left MCA. She had acute and complete flaccid paresis of her right face, arm, and leg, complete aphasia, and neglect of the right side of her body. NIHSS of 27. Onset of deficit was between 6:30pm-7:10pm. She recieved her 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose that morning at 10:31am.Hypertension, hypothyroidismNo other medications for this event.
ARTERIOGRAM CAROTID NORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020I am not sure if related on not. This event was 13 days after my COVID-19 1/2 immunization. Otherwise, I am a very healthy physician, normal BMI, I have also been tested 5-6 times negative for COVID. I do get exposed in my job, but wear proper PPE. Viral infection in FEB that was like COVID-19 sx, I did AB test as soon as it was available, and negative. ---The Event: Monday morning (1/4/21), after getting out of shower, I was talking to my husband (who is MD)and started having BROCA's aphasia sx (could not get words out coherently), then fell into bed and started right wrist and right foot posturing. This lasted 10 min. I have non-memory of it, but my MD husband witnessed it. After 10 minutes, I was back to normal, except shaky and some word finding difficulties. After 30 min, totally back to normal.none.xyzal 10mg 1/day, Sudafed 12 hour XR 1 po qAM, Nasonex nasal spray 2 puffs q AM, Emgality 120mg once a month (last 12/17), carisoprodol 350mg q 6 hours, prn; norco q 6 hours, prn; zanaflex 8 mg qhs, prn. DID take a diflucan the prior nigh
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient is a 71-year-old female with PMH of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cataracts, glaucoma who was transferred from Medical Center as a stroke code after she presented there for right-sided weakness, facial droop and visual changes. Patient was given TPA in the past she was within window and she was then transferred here for further management. Patient's symptoms continue to resolve. She was admitted in the ICU and managed by neuro critical care and neurology. Further imaging including CTA head and neck, MRI brain did not reveal any stroke. An assessment of small vessel disease was made which likely resolved after TPA was given. Patient was assessed by PMR and PT/OT and deemed safe to go home with family care and no restrictions. Echo, telemetry and EKG showed no signs of cardiac involvement. Patient was started Plavix x21 days and chronic baby aspirin. She was also started on Crestor 20 mg daily. Patient is to follow-up with neurology in 3 months as she got TPA. She will also follow-up with her PCP on discharge.Pt had strep throat that was treated on January 4, 2021amlodipine, simvastatin, metformin, losartan, omeprazole
ARTERIOGRAM CORONARY ABNORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021At 6 days after my second COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine (first dose given 12/17/20), I had acute onset of chest pain and shortness of breath prompting a trip to the Emergency Department. A chest CT Angio to rule out pulmonary embolus was done and negative for pulmonary embolus. My EKG showed some mild ST changes and a troponin I level was elevated at 0.08 (normal 0.04). Subsequent troponin levels 90 minutes apart showed a rising troponin at 0.18 and 0.38. An echocardiogram was performed which showed regional wall motion abnormalities consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and an ejection fraction of 45%. I was then taken to cardiac catheterization lab for coronary angiograms which were normal. My LV angiogram was consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and my LVEDP was elevated. I was started on a beta blocker and sent home the following day.noneEthinol Estradiol Levothyroxine
ARTERIOSPASM CORONARY40-49 yearsJan., 2021coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
ARTHRALGIA40-49 yearsJan., 2021Shortness of breath, cough, rash on face and neck, arthralgiaCurrently being tested for autoimmune diseasesLiothyronine, levothyroxine,losartan,escitalopram, buspirone, gabapentin, vitamin d, iron, multivitamin
Day 1. Fatigue. Sleepiness. Loss of appetite Day 2. Muscle aches. Headache. Chills. Loss of appetite. Episode of severe abdominal pain, chest pain, right shoulder pain, shortness of breath, syncope, diaphoresis, vomiting Day 3. Fatigue. Headache. Chest pain.NoneSertraline Nexium Vitamin D Melatonin
coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Chills Hip painNoneSertraline 25mg, Aspirin 81 mg, Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3, Multivitamin with Iron, Hair Skin & Nails soft gel, Probiotic, Cetirizine
Jan., 2021Within 5 minutes, throat closing and generalized itchiness, tongue swelling, joint ache, skin on fire, short of breath. 2 doses of PO Benadryl at clinic, transferred to ED where she received epinephrine and 4 days of prednisone and allergy consult. Nausea began evening of 1/21/21 with headache. Fever 100.6 began 1/22/21. Headache and nausea still remain, not fully recovered.NoneCalcium, magnesium, vitamin E, multi-vitamin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
ASCITES50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
ASPIRATION JOINT50-59 yearsDec., 2020Chills Hip painNoneSertraline 25mg, Aspirin 81 mg, Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3, Multivitamin with Iron, Hair Skin & Nails soft gel, Probiotic, Cetirizine
ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY30-39 yearsDec., 2020Began medication (follitropin 200 units) for assisted reproductive technology on evening of 01/02/21. Added ganirelix injections on 01/06/21. Trigger injection with leuprolide administered at 20:00 on 01/11/21. Immediately prior to oocyte retrieval on 01/13/21, given 1L IVF and ampicillin (dose unknown) at approx. 07:30am. Retrieval at 08:00am was uneventful, but notable for 17 oocytes retrieved and only 10 were mature. Post-procedure vitals were WNL. Discharged home from facility (Family Health Center) at approx. 09:30am. At approx. 12:00pm, noted increasing abdominal girth. At approx. 14:00, noted mild shortness of breath. Abdominal distention and shortness of breath continued to worsen. Unable to recline even moderately due to difficulty breathing.No current illness for this event.prenatal vitamin
ASTHENIA30-39 yearsJan., 2021Started to feel lightheaded, weak, faint like I was going to pass out, heart rate increased, confusion, trouble speaking, brought to the ED, throat started to swell and started having thick spit and clearing my throat excessively. Diagnosed as anaphylaxis.NoneMontelukast 10mg, magnesium 200mg
Cardiac event; Paralysis; Fever; Numbness; Chest Pains; Dizziness; Weakness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 30-years-old female patient started to receive first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in Left arm on 15Jan2021 14:15 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient was not pregnant. Medical history included tachycardia, Pre-ventricular contractions, allergies to Latex, covid-19 (reported as covid prior vaccination: Yes). Concomitant medication included metoprolol and multivitamin. No other vaccine received in four weeks. On 15Jan2021 14:30, the patient experienced chest pains, dizziness, weakness. On 15Jan2021 18:20, the patient experienced cardiac event, paralysis, fever, numbness, chest pains. The events resulted in: [Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event)]. Treatment received for the events. No covid tested post vaccination. The outcome of the events was recovering. Information on batch/lot number was requested.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Pt. began to feel weak with palpitations about 8-10 minutes after vaccination, her pulse was extremely fast, she then began to complain of lower mid-esophageal burningdeniedunknown
Started itching within (left arm) 15 minutes. THey said I was fine and to go back to work. About an hour later, I started breaking out in hives and whole body itching. I went back in and they gave me to full strength Benadryl and it was not helping and my BP was 190/140 (stroke level) and they tried to bring that down. About 10:15 my face was starting to swell and I was short of breath and 10:30 they took me to ER - and gave me Cortisol shot. And IV fluids. And I was in ER for two hours. They wrote me a prescription for six days for 2 prednisone for every day for one week. The PA saw me at the ER and he prescribed. I went home but couldn't drive home because I couldn't see straight so got a ride home. They tested my O2 levels before they left me. Oxygen was 96. My blood pressure was down to 140/95 - so it was down but still elevated. I still had facial swelling for 3 days. But after three or four days it resolved the face swelling. Had a weakness from the shot and still itching but nothing like it was that day still after the four days. Dr. told me I couldn't get second dose. It was an anaphalactic reaction. Dr - prescribed me an EpiPen in case I have another bad reaction to anything.noZoloft; Migravent; Namenda; Full Strength aspirin; Prilosec - off brand; Bustar; Zyrtec - took it that morning only before shot as dr directed
Jan., 2021I was vaccinated at 3:30pm . At 5:27pm while driving home i felt a cold sensation in the back of my neck and back of my throat which began spreading to the back of my head . My heart felt as if I was startled by something. I looked at my smart watch and my heart rate was 145. I began trembling and having abdominal cramping . The back of my head felt like I had swelling or collection of fluid. I opened my windows and began taking slow deep breaths to bring down my heart rate . It took quite a while to get it below 100. I felt as if I was going to pass out. After deep breathing for what felt like atleasr 15 to 20 minutes , my pulse came down and I closed my windows . As soon as my body warmed back up in the car , the symptoms returned and my heart rate went back up to 130s , 140s . I had to keep my windows down and deep breathe the entire way home which took an hour . My body was trembling. When I got home I felt as if I was too week to get out of the car . I still felt that startled feeling in my heart and was afraid of what could happen next . My lips and face were swollen. My lips were also slightly itchy. I called 911 for help . By the time they arrived my vital signs had stabilized but I still had swelling in my face and lips . My EKG , vital signs and oxygen levels checked out normal so I did not go to the ER. That night I took benadryl and Tylenol. Day 2 post vaccine the collection of fluid or swelling in the back of my head had now spread to the top . That night I had the feeling that my throat was swelling do I took benadryl and Tylenol and my face and lips were still slightly swollen . Day 3 post vaccine I woke up with slightly blurry vision. The swelling in my head now feels like it has encompassed my entire head and have a slight headache. I went to the urgent care requesting an MRI of the head and an epi pen . I was given Medrol dose pack , an RX for epi pen for emergencies and advised to continue benadryl and Tylenol. Day 4 post vaccine, slight headache continues. Slightly blurry visionNoneNone
Tachycardia, Shortness of breath, headache, dizzyness, weakness, chills, nausea, feverN/AN/A
Elevated blood pressure (180/116 highest recorded); dizziness; weakness lasting several hours; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 44-years-old male patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 20Jan2021 14:15 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation at Public Health Clinic/Veterans Administration facility. The patient medical history was not reported. Concomitant medication included atorvastatin (LIPITOR), 40 mg daily, butalbital, caffeine, paracetamol (FIORICET). The patient experienced elevated blood pressure (180/116 highest recorded), dizziness and weakness lasting several hours on 20Jan2021 14:30 with outcome of recovering. The events were considered life-threating (immediate risk of death from the event) and resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care visit. No treatment was performed. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.No current illness for this event.LIPITOR [ATORVASTATIN]; FIORICET
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Pt. developed tachycardia, hypertension and felt weak with decreased verbal responsiveness, alert but lethargic. She complained of dry throat, took a sip of water then began persistent coughing and wretching also C/O itching of her throat. She denied difficulty breathing, there were no cutaneous signs of edema, tongue enlargement, etc.unknownunknown
"Per husband, was in usual state of health on the AM of 1/10/20, AOx3 able to perform all I/ADLs. At around 2:30pm that day was complaining of chills and generalized malaise. Then at ~9:30pm when husband returned home from work found patient diaphoretic, confused (stating things like ""not now, I want to go to lake""), and complaining of chills and weakness. Unable to provide any additional hx regarding other sx. Initially presented to ED, where mental status had deteriorated to AOx0, unable to respond to verbal commands. Initial vitals notable for T102.6F (unclear other vitals). Patient is now AOx0 most concerning for encephalopathy."No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Rapid heart rate, shakiness, headache, rash, scratchy throat, raspy voice, dizziness, extreme weaknessMuscular DystrophyFish oil Vitamin D3 CQ10 Wellbutrin Multivitamin Magnesium Emergent C gummies
65+ yearsDec., 20201840 NSG staff notified that resident had fallen and was unable to get up. Upon arrival to resident, resident was lying on her right side outside of her room. Resident was severely diaphoretic and unable to state what had occurred. Resident had a blue tinge to her lips, wheezing bilaterally, equal strength bilaterally and very weak. BP 143/74, HR 66, 02 80%, temperature unable to read temporally due to diaphoresis. respirations equal and labored at 22 breaths per minute. EMS called. RN and CNA staff stayed with resident while waiting for arrival of EMS. During this time, son called resident's phone and he was updated of the situation. Upon EMS arrival at 1700, resident was regaining orientation and was no longer diaphoretic. EMS bs was 143. 02 placed on resident by EMS with 12 lead to be done on transport. EMS left with resident at approximately 1907. SJH ED called and given report to RN. DON notified.NAHctz 25mg Po Daily Vitamin D3 1000IU PO Daily Potassium Chloride ER 20 meq PO daily Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg PO daily Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Q6 hrs PRN pain Aspirin 81 mg PO Daily Symbicort 80-4.5mcg/act 1 puff BID Rosuvastatin Calciu
Jan., 2021Patient is a 99yr old female who got a covid vaccine in the afternoon of 1/10/21 and woke up in the morning of 1/11/21 with altered mental status, weakness, and dysarthria. She was taken from her assisted living facility to the hospital and MRI showed a small stroke in the right medial thalamus. She was also found to have new onset atrial fibrillation. She was treated appropriately for both conditions and discharged to a skilled nursing facility on 1/13/21.NoneLevothyroxine
I became weak and thought I was going to faint. I called the medical professional over and they brought me into a staged area for triage. My blood pressure was 171/ 104 or 114. I had chest pain. The EMT did and EKG, listened to my heart, and started an IV. The ambulance was called and I was transported by ambulance to the hospital. At the hospital another EKG was taken, blood pressure and blood work. Repeated blood work was taken. I was admitted to the hospital due to elevation of tyoponin level and chest pain. The following day 1/22/21 I saw my PCP and he thought it was related to the vaccine and recommended a cardiologist for the increased levels of tyoponin and chest pain. The cardiologist performed another EKG< more blood work and performed a cardiac catheterization and a ECO. Both were normal. Prior to that I was given a nitro pill as my chest pain was between a 7 and a 8; a few minutes later the nurse asked about my pain level and it was a 3-4. I was given another nitro pill and shortly after I felt extremely faint and my blood pressure was 56/32. I was immediately given a bolus of saline IV . The chest pain continued through the day. The following day, I had no further chest pain, my tyoponin levels returned to normal and I was released from the hospital.Malignant melanoma; pernicious anemia; hypothyroidism;Opdivo; Citalopram; clonazepam; levothyroxine; predisone; lysine; biotin; calcium with vitamin D; Vitamin c; magnesium, Vitamin B shot
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness, presyncope, which led to New onset atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response and required synchronized cardioversion and hospitalization. Discharged on anticoagulation and beta-blocker.No current illness for this event.metformin, Jardiance, Losartan, HCTZ
50-59 yearsJan., 2021I developed a sudden onset of heart palpitations and went to the ER to find I was in Atrial Fib with RVR. Heart rate 166 upon arrival to the ED.NoLevothyroxine 125mg QD, HTCZ 50 mg QD, Vit D3 5000IU daily, Hair and nail supplement
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient is a 99yr old female who got a covid vaccine in the afternoon of 1/10/21 and woke up in the morning of 1/11/21 with altered mental status, weakness, and dysarthria. She was taken from her assisted living facility to the hospital and MRI showed a small stroke in the right medial thalamus. She was also found to have new onset atrial fibrillation. She was treated appropriately for both conditions and discharged to a skilled nursing facility on 1/13/21.NoneLevothyroxine
BACK PAIN18-29 yearsDec., 2020started with left sided lower back pain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse (patient). A 22-year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (lot number: EH9899), via an unspecified route of administration at left arm on 16Dec2020 13:45 at single dose for covid-19 immunization. Medical history included allergies for All fish. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient had the first covid vaccine on 16Dec2020 and on 20Dec2020 started with left sided lower back pain. The event resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization (2 days), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event). The patient received the Heparin drip and xarelto at home for the event. The patient was not pregnant. The patient received the covid test post vaccination on 09Jan2021. Test type was Nasal Swab. The result was negative. The outcome of the event was recovered with sequel on unspecified date.; Sender's Comments: From the information provided it is unclear what is the nature of the reported event and what are the reasons that have put the subject at immediate risk of death. The event is considered possibly related to the suspect product based on the positive temporal association.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020At the time of the injection sharp pain across my back , then at about 5 mins after feelings of light headedness, progressing pain across my back, trouble feeling like I could get enough air in with breathing and dizziness and I tried to get to the floor to sit or lay down but passed out. Then the next event I recall was a sharp pain in my thigh(apparently administered Eli pen) . I regained consciousness and was gasping andI was told I had been given a shot of epi.Some nasal congestionSynthroid and lo loestrin fe
BACTERAEMIA60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fever to 103.7F, respiratory rate 36. Was transferred from facility to hospital. Since then has been found to have gram-negative rod bacteremia, although urinalysis was negative, urine culture pending. Patient has since defervesced after receiving 1 dose of cefepime. Overall the most likely cause of fever seems to be urosepsis w/ bacteremia, pending confirmation with urine & blood cultures.noneHCTZ, losartan, carvedilol, aspirin
BALANCE DISORDERUnknownDec., 2020Acute allergic reaction; Unsteadiness; Confused; Dizziness; Exhaustion; Feeling drunk; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician manually downloaded from the database: GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201211215403, Safety Report Unique Identifier GB-MHRA-ADR 24542614. An adult female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 11Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was reported without any specified term but with precise dates from 16Mar2020 to 28Mar2020, other history included depression, gastrooesophageal reflux disease and anxiety. Concomitant medication included influenza vaccine (INFLUENZA VIRUS) in Oct2020 for influenza immunisation, lofepramine hydrochloride for depression, omeprazole for gastrooesophageal reflux disease, propranolol for anxiety. The patient experienced unsteadiness, confused, dizziness, exhaustion, feeling drunk, acute allergic reaction on 11Dec2020. All events were reported as serious (medically significant, life threatening). Outcome of dizziness was recovered in Dec2020, outcome of exhaustion was not recovered, and outcome of other events were recovering. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.No current illness for this event.; ;
BAND NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
BASAL GANGLIA HAEMORRHAGE50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BASE EXCESS65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BASILAR ARTERY OCCLUSION65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute ischemic stroke, basilar occlusionNo current illness for this event.amlodipine, atorvastatin, esomeprazole, metoprolol, omega-3, ticagrelor, cyanocobalamin
BASOPHIL COUNT NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BASOPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BETA-2 GLYCOPROTEIN ANTIBODY NEGATIVE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
BLOOD ALBUMIN NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
BLOOD BICARBONATE INCREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED65+ yearsDec., 202012/18/2020: COVID19 vaccine received. 12/19/2020: Patient noticed petechiae/bruising on arms, legs and face. Worsened over next 48 hours. 12/21/2020: Patient had blood drawn (CMP, PT/INR, CBC) at lab. 12/22/2020: Labs resulted; CMP and PT/INR WNL (exceptions: SCr 1.24, TBil 1.7); CBC with platelet count of 1,000 resulting in patient admission to Hospital. At admission he received 80 mg of prednisone, 40 g of IV Ig and a unit of platelets. 12/23/2020: Continued hospitalization. Patient's platelets improved to 20,000 and he received another 35g of IV Ig. 12/24/2020: Patient discharged with platelets of 38,000.Vague symptoms (anorexia, fatigue) 11/29/2020 - 12/6/2020; Received high-dose influenza vaccination on 11/25/2020 at employee health department. On 11/29/2020 patient began having generalized fatigue, anorexia, and occasional chills. Presented to Urgent care on 12/4/2020 and reported same symptoms for past 5 days with 10-12 lb weight loss and worsening fatigue. Pfizer rapid PCR COVID test negative. Patient's symptoms improved and he returned to normal activities of daily living until 12/19/2020, 1 day after COVID19 vaccination.Comprehensive list displayed in additional information below. ascorbic acid daily, atorvastatin 40mg daily, cholecalciferol daily, docusate 100mg daily, levothyroxine 100mcg daily, losartan 100mg daily, zinc 50mg daily
Patient presented with signs and symptoms of sepsis, developing over 12 to 24 hours 6 days after vaccination. was hypotensive and confused (beyond baseline)UTILevothyroxine, vitamin D, Naproxen, Namenda, Aricept
BLOOD BILIRUBIN NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD CALCIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD CHLORIDE DECREASED60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
BLOOD CHLORIDE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
65+ yearsDec., 202012/18/2020: COVID19 vaccine received. 12/19/2020: Patient noticed petechiae/bruising on arms, legs and face. Worsened over next 48 hours. 12/21/2020: Patient had blood drawn (CMP, PT/INR, CBC) at lab. 12/22/2020: Labs resulted; CMP and PT/INR WNL (exceptions: SCr 1.24, TBil 1.7); CBC with platelet count of 1,000 resulting in patient admission to Hospital. At admission he received 80 mg of prednisone, 40 g of IV Ig and a unit of platelets. 12/23/2020: Continued hospitalization. Patient's platelets improved to 20,000 and he received another 35g of IV Ig. 12/24/2020: Patient discharged with platelets of 38,000.Vague symptoms (anorexia, fatigue) 11/29/2020 - 12/6/2020; Received high-dose influenza vaccination on 11/25/2020 at employee health department. On 11/29/2020 patient began having generalized fatigue, anorexia, and occasional chills. Presented to Urgent care on 12/4/2020 and reported same symptoms for past 5 days with 10-12 lb weight loss and worsening fatigue. Pfizer rapid PCR COVID test negative. Patient's symptoms improved and he returned to normal activities of daily living until 12/19/2020, 1 day after COVID19 vaccination.Comprehensive list displayed in additional information below. ascorbic acid daily, atorvastatin 40mg daily, cholecalciferol daily, docusate 100mg daily, levothyroxine 100mcg daily, losartan 100mg daily, zinc 50mg daily
Patient presented with signs and symptoms of sepsis, developing over 12 to 24 hours 6 days after vaccination. was hypotensive and confused (beyond baseline)UTILevothyroxine, vitamin D, Naproxen, Namenda, Aricept
BLOOD CREATININE NORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
BLOOD CULTURE50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fever to 103.7F, respiratory rate 36. Was transferred from facility to hospital. Since then has been found to have gram-negative rod bacteremia, although urinalysis was negative, urine culture pending. Patient has since defervesced after receiving 1 dose of cefepime. Overall the most likely cause of fever seems to be urosepsis w/ bacteremia, pending confirmation with urine & blood cultures.noneHCTZ, losartan, carvedilol, aspirin
65+ yearsJan., 2021patient began with vomiting and diarrhea the day after administration, leading to bowel and urine incontinence. patient was hospitalized on 01/16/20 with sepsis. no origin discovered yet. still waiting on blood/urine/stool cultures.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
BLOOD GLUCOSE30-39 yearsJan., 2021Started to feel lightheaded, weak, faint like I was going to pass out, heart rate increased, confusion, trouble speaking, brought to the ED, throat started to swell and started having thick spit and clearing my throat excessively. Diagnosed as anaphylaxis.NoneMontelukast 10mg, magnesium 200mg
BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
Rapid onset of hoarseness, throat tingling and tightnessNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 202030YO F ICU nurse obesity (BMI 35) COVID 19 on Dec 2 symptoms, Dec 3 tested positive for COVID-19. never hospitalized, outpatient only. 12/12 completed isolation 12/21 received vaccine 12/7 developed Fever chills diarrhea SOB cough Urgent care visit. RLL consolidation on CXR given doxycycline 100 mg po bid worse, fever 40 targetoid lesions to LE (started before doxy) WBC 22K tachycardic tachypneic admitted requiring 2-4L oxygen CT angio without clot, diffuse ground glass and RML dense infiltrate DDimer 7.8 LDH 599 CRP 41 procal 0.67 ferritin 500 Viral respiratory PCR negative Sputum cx with oral flora (pending) COVID ag testing neg COVID PCR 1/3 targets positive (called as indeterminate).COVID-19 Dec 2 Not hospitalized, mild symptomscyclobenzaprine 10mg po tid mirena 52mg IUD
BLOOD LACTIC ACID60-64 yearsJan., 2021Fever to 103.7F, respiratory rate 36. Was transferred from facility to hospital. Since then has been found to have gram-negative rod bacteremia, although urinalysis was negative, urine culture pending. Patient has since defervesced after receiving 1 dose of cefepime. Overall the most likely cause of fever seems to be urosepsis w/ bacteremia, pending confirmation with urine & blood cultures.noneHCTZ, losartan, carvedilol, aspirin
65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD LACTIC ACID DECREASED40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient presented with signs and symptoms of sepsis, developing over 12 to 24 hours 6 days after vaccination. was hypotensive and confused (beyond baseline)UTILevothyroxine, vitamin D, Naproxen, Namenda, Aricept
BLOOD LACTIC ACID INCREASED65+ yearsDec., 20201840 NSG staff notified that resident had fallen and was unable to get up. Upon arrival to resident, resident was lying on her right side outside of her room. Resident was severely diaphoretic and unable to state what had occurred. Resident had a blue tinge to her lips, wheezing bilaterally, equal strength bilaterally and very weak. BP 143/74, HR 66, 02 80%, temperature unable to read temporally due to diaphoresis. respirations equal and labored at 22 breaths per minute. EMS called. RN and CNA staff stayed with resident while waiting for arrival of EMS. During this time, son called resident's phone and he was updated of the situation. Upon EMS arrival at 1700, resident was regaining orientation and was no longer diaphoretic. EMS bs was 143. 02 placed on resident by EMS with 12 lead to be done on transport. EMS left with resident at approximately 1907. SJH ED called and given report to RN. DON notified.NAHctz 25mg Po Daily Vitamin D3 1000IU PO Daily Potassium Chloride ER 20 meq PO daily Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg PO daily Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Q6 hrs PRN pain Aspirin 81 mg PO Daily Symbicort 80-4.5mcg/act 1 puff BID Rosuvastatin Calciu
BLOOD MAGNESIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
40-49 yearsJan., 2021first day after shot, nausea, body aches, 2nd day Sunday headache, Monday 5 am woke up itching, then 9 am hives everywhere, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis, went to ER, got epi X 2, solumedrol, benadryl, pepcid, then still with hives, tachycardia, dyspnea, iv fluids were influsing and epi drip started, went to ICUnon systemic vasculitis bilat feetmg, vit b complex, calicum with vit D, zyrtec, singulair, klonopin, omeprazole, prednisone
BLOOD OSMOLARITY DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD PH DECREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD PH INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020altered mental status, hypoxic, fever 39.3, agitatedhx CKD, DM, HTN lymphedema, bipolar d/o, previous covid infection dx 11/21 now admitted 12/29 with altered mental status, hyopxemic resp failuremetoprolol amlodipine hydralazine omeprazole
BLOOD POTASSIUM DECREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
Jan., 2021Anaphylaxis within 5 minutes of dose given. Tachycardia 130-140s, hot body temperature, trouble swallowing, lightheaded/dizzy, ekg changes, feeling like I was going to pass out even when in bed. IV fluids, benedryl, soul-medrol, famotadine and IM epi given.NoNo change from dose #1
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
Jan., 2021first day after shot, nausea, body aches, 2nd day Sunday headache, Monday 5 am woke up itching, then 9 am hives everywhere, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis, went to ER, got epi X 2, solumedrol, benadryl, pepcid, then still with hives, tachycardia, dyspnea, iv fluids were influsing and epi drip started, went to ICUnon systemic vasculitis bilat feetmg, vit b complex, calicum with vit D, zyrtec, singulair, klonopin, omeprazole, prednisone
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
BLOOD PRESSURE DECREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021she was dying as her blood pressure dropped to 70/40 and to come for a last visit; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 100-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 02Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included COVID in Dec2020, urinary tract infection (UTI), dehydration and Covid sickness (vomiting) (was treated earlier in month for UTI and dehydration from the Covid sickness (vomiting)). Known allergies: no. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. After testing positive in mid December to COVID and being declared Covid free on 30Dec by the nursing staff and in good health, with normal vitals and oxygen levels, the patient was given a vaccination on 02Jan2021. In the early evening the patient's blood pressure dropped to 70/40 and the reporter was told to come for a last visit. The patient was sleeping comfortably. She did not wake up when spoke with her. No one expected her to make it through the night. The next morning she work up, ate breakfast, watched TV, got IVs and oxygen and her vitals improved significantly. Lab tests and procedures included blood pressure: 70/40 on 02Jan2021, oxygen levels: normal, COVID test: positive in Dec2020 (testing positive in mid December to COVID and being declare Covid free on 30Dec), vitals: normal; improved significantly. Facility where the most recent COVID-19 vaccine was administered: Nursing Home/Senior Living Facility. If the patient received any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine: No. Prior to vaccination, was the patient diagnosed with COVID-19: Yes. Since the vaccination, has the patient been tested for COVID-19: No. AE resulted in: Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event). Serious: Yes. Seriousness criteria-Results in death: No. Seriousness criteria-Life threatening: Yes. Seriousness criteria-Caused/prolonged hospitalization: No. Seriousness criteria-Disabling/Incapacitating: No. Seriousness criteria-Congenital anomaly/birth defect: No. Information about lot/batch number has been requested.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
At approximately 4pm on Jan 11, 2021, I began to have hard chills and fever that reached 104.9. I was admitted to ICU at the Hospital. My blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels. I was diagnosed with sepsis and the doctors determined it was caused by the vaccine.DiarrheaLomotil, Pantoprazole, Trametinib, Alprazolam, hydrocortisone cream, doxycycline, immodium, clindamycin, multivitamin,
BLOOD PRESSURE DIASTOLIC INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020Flushing, sweating, increased heart rate proceeded to feel difficulty swallowing and clearing my throat. I was taken to the ER. The symptoms progressed to feeling dizziness, difficulty speaking, and chest pressure with increased SBP/DBP. General nausea and feeling very unwell.No current illness for this event.Estradiol, topiramate, Emgality, sumatriptan, multivitamin
BLOOD PRESSURE INCREASED30-39 yearsJan., 2021-0715 vaccine administered. -0735 started to feel dizzy/off and right side of tongue felt like it was mildly swelling and itchy. -0735 asked to have blood pressure taken as know when I am having anaphylaxis my blood pressure escalates. -0740 took blood pressure and it was 141/86 in right arm. Normal is 110s/60s-70s. No anxiety feelings. -0740 throat started to have increased mucous production. Had the tickle and tightness in throat. Asked and received 25mg Benadryl with cup of water. -0742 started clearing throat frequently and slight cough. Knew it was anaphylaxis and told the team I need to go to the ER. Asked for additional 25mg Benadryl. Also took 20mg Famotidine and 2 puffs Albuterol inhaler--this is my prescribed anaphylaxis routine. Had Epipens on standby. -0743 put on O2 saturation monitor and watched O2 drop into 90-92 range. Asked for epipen on standby as I know when I need to start it. Didn't want to take that when I knew I was about to get it in the ER and knowing self hadn't progressed that far. Felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. Voice started becoming hoarse. -0800 EMS arrived (delay as team didn't know if they were supposed to call 911 or a Code--they chose EMS even though in hospital). Then staff at COVID vaccine clinic kept emphasizing need to go in ambulance while EMS and self fought to go through hospital (much quicker route). Finally cleared to go through hospital to ER. To get some air via breathing in had to sit up leaning forward. Voice completely hoarse by this time. -About 0817 arrived to ER bay. At this time, frequently coughing and cough started to sound stridorous. Difficulty getting breaths in. Had chest pain near heart. Greeted by MD, 2 RNS, and technician. -0819 received IM epinephrine. Attached to 5 lead EKG monitoring and O2 monitoring. Blood pressure done again. Higher than previous. -About 0821 had working IV (previous two attempts failed as veins were constricting). Given IV Solumderol. Started bolus of 1L Normal Saline. -Not sure how long after by cough subsided, increased mucous production subsided, as well as hoarseness decreased. -Held for observation for 2hours (would be longer if not resolved). - Discharged around 1015. At this time, hoarseness almost all gone. Minimal throat clearing. Cough resolved. -Prescribed epipen inhalers (mine expired) and Prednisone. Prednisone is PRN for mild breathing difficulties if it starts again tomorrow 1/13/21. -At 1400 took 50mg Benadryl and 20mg Famotidine as previously prescribed for anaphylaxis maintenance. Will continue this as previously prescribed every 6hours until symptoms stay resolved. -Made follow up appointment with Primary Care Physician per protocolSeasonal allergiesLexapro, Synthroid, One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins, Culturelle Women's Health probiotic, Flonase, Tylenol.
Anaphylaxis less than two hours after vaccination. I had no symptoms immediately after vaccine however did develop symptoms within one minute of completing a run. Developed b/l hand swelling and tingling, diffuse hives and itching, tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, lips tingling and swelling which required emergency room visit and EpiPen, IV fluids, Benadryl and IV steroids. This is similar to previous reactions I have had to running previously. Symptoms resolved within one hour after treatment in ED.NoneTri-sprintec (oral birth control), Epi-pen (prn anaphylaxis)
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Received vaccine around 10:40 am, by 10:50 started to feel dizzy, eyes felt full, dry, tingly, swollen, voice became raspy and throat itched. Received 25 mg Benadryl PO at around 10:55. Face, arms, chest and abdomen developed a fine red itchy rash, tongue swollen and itchy, lips tingling, wheezing, blood pressure elevated, pulse thready given 25 mg PO Benadryl, taken to the Emergency Room, symptoms persisted, stomach hurt became nauseated, received IV solumedrol, Pepcid, IV fluids, nebulized albuterol. Sent home once stable after 3 hours, with instruction to take Benadryl every 4-6 hours fir the next 2 days, albuterol as needed, and prednisone for the next 5 days.NoneVitamin D, Claritin, magnesium, Zoloft
Started itching within (left arm) 15 minutes. THey said I was fine and to go back to work. About an hour later, I started breaking out in hives and whole body itching. I went back in and they gave me to full strength Benadryl and it was not helping and my BP was 190/140 (stroke level) and they tried to bring that down. About 10:15 my face was starting to swell and I was short of breath and 10:30 they took me to ER - and gave me Cortisol shot. And IV fluids. And I was in ER for two hours. They wrote me a prescription for six days for 2 prednisone for every day for one week. The PA saw me at the ER and he prescribed. I went home but couldn't drive home because I couldn't see straight so got a ride home. They tested my O2 levels before they left me. Oxygen was 96. My blood pressure was down to 140/95 - so it was down but still elevated. I still had facial swelling for 3 days. But after three or four days it resolved the face swelling. Had a weakness from the shot and still itching but nothing like it was that day still after the four days. Dr. told me I couldn't get second dose. It was an anaphalactic reaction. Dr - prescribed me an EpiPen in case I have another bad reaction to anything.noZoloft; Migravent; Namenda; Full Strength aspirin; Prilosec - off brand; Bustar; Zyrtec - took it that morning only before shot as dr directed
Jan., 2021Elevated blood pressure (180/116 highest recorded); dizziness; weakness lasting several hours; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 44-years-old male patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 20Jan2021 14:15 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation at Public Health Clinic/Veterans Administration facility. The patient medical history was not reported. Concomitant medication included atorvastatin (LIPITOR), 40 mg daily, butalbital, caffeine, paracetamol (FIORICET). The patient experienced elevated blood pressure (180/116 highest recorded), dizziness and weakness lasting several hours on 20Jan2021 14:30 with outcome of recovering. The events were considered life-threating (immediate risk of death from the event) and resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care visit. No treatment was performed. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.No current illness for this event.LIPITOR [ATORVASTATIN]; FIORICET
50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021We (myself and 2 other pharmacists) were conducting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic. The patient is on staff at the clinic and came in for her 1st dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine. 10 minutes post-vaccination, patient started experiencing SOB, tingling fingers and face, and swelling of her lips and tongue. She moved herself outside to cooler air and then sent someone back inside to ask us for help. I ran outside with an EpiPen and immediately noted her pulse of 158 on her watch and she appeared to be experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. Patient stated she did not want to use the EpiPen but wanted to try chewing Benadryl instead first. I asked the staff for a blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter. The 1st readings, approximately 12 minutes after vaccination, were HR 158, BP 155/105, and pulse ox 97%. Patient stated the Benadryl was working and her swelling was decreasing. The patient was not having trouble breathing at the time. I continued monitoring vitals and talking with the patient and approximately 20 minutes post-vaccination, she was improving (BP down to 134/80 and HR 120) but agreed we should call 911. She decided she wanted to move inside and lie down. I escorted her with support to a bed. Her vitals then increased again to BP 152/95 and HR 133 and her lips and tongue started swelling again. The patient appeared to be more labored in breathing then but still refused the EpiPen. Roughly 5 minutes after lying down, the medics showed up and took over and I went back to the vaccination area. I learned later that the patient refused to go to the hospital and after more observation was eventually allowed to leave with a friend/coworker driving her home.No current illness for this event.Metoprolol ER succinate 50mg
fever/102.3 temperature; headache; achy all over; Within 3 minutes had tingling pins in mouth tongue and throat; Within 3 minutes had tingling pins in mouth tongue and throat; had hard time breathing; O2 sat were at 91; i had High BP 148/92; severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Other HCP (patient). This 52-year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) (lot number=EJ1686), via an unspecified route of administration on 05Jan2021 07:00 at single dose on the left arm for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), asthma, depression, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), known allergies included bacitracin, penicillin, levofloxacin (LEVAQUIN), metronidazole (FLAGYL), oseltamivir phosphate (TAMIFLU), Bees, Hornets. Patient took other medications in two weeks. No other vaccine received in four weeks. Patient was not pregnant. Facility type vaccine was hospital. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient hasn't been tested for COVID-19. On 05Jan2021 07:03, within 3 minutes patient had tingling pins in mouth tongue and throat, had hard time breathing. The nurses gave her 50 mg of diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL). The doctors checked her O2 sat were at 91, and she had High BP 148/92. After 40 minutes (05Jan2021 07:43) after the medication her symptoms seem to go away and she could breath better. She went home and went to bed because she work night shift. She got the vaccine when she got off work, then about six hours later (05Jan2021 13:00) she had bad headache and achy all over, 12 hours later (05Jan2021 19:00) she had 102.3 temperature and took paracetamol (TYLENOL) every 4 hours and fever finally broke 26 hours later (06Jan2021 21:00). She continued to have a headache for about 5 days and severe fatigue. Adverse event resulted in life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event). Patient was recovered with lasting effects.; Sender's Comments: The Company cannot completely exclude the possible causality between the reported life threatening events including tingling pins in mouth tongue and throat, had hard time breathing, PO2 decreased, blood pressure increased, bad headache, achy all over, fever, and severe fatigue, and the administration of the COVID 19 vaccine, BNT162B2, considering the plausible temporal association. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to RA, IEC, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Low grade Fever, headache needing admission Intracranial hemorrhage with hypertension Medical management for hypertensive emergency Received surgical evacuation admitted in Intensive care,HypertensionNot on medications
BLOOD PRESSURE SYSTOLIC INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020Flushing, sweating, increased heart rate proceeded to feel difficulty swallowing and clearing my throat. I was taken to the ER. The symptoms progressed to feeling dizziness, difficulty speaking, and chest pressure with increased SBP/DBP. General nausea and feeling very unwell.No current illness for this event.Estradiol, topiramate, Emgality, sumatriptan, multivitamin
BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
BLOOD SODIUM INCREASED65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD TEST18-29 yearsDec., 2020Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine I began to get very itchy and blotchy with a hoarse voice. The paramedic downstairs walked me up to the emergency room. I was treated with medications to help calm the itching and burning feeling. By 940 I went anaphylactic and had several doses of epinephrine to help calm this. I continued to have rashes and the feeling of my throat closing. I was transferred by ambulance to medical center in the ICU. I am still here and have had two toner anaphylactic episodes since. I have been on a epi drip, steroids, famotidine, Ativan and Benadryl. I also had a picc like placed.NoneWomen?s gummy vitamin Biotin Vitamin d
30-39 yearsJan., 2021Swollen tongue and sob with decreased swallowBronchitisPamalor, bentl, motrin, wellbutrin, iron, vit. D
40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021Rapid heart rate, shakiness, headache, rash, scratchy throat, raspy voice, dizziness, extreme weaknessMuscular DystrophyFish oil Vitamin D3 CQ10 Wellbutrin Multivitamin Magnesium Emergent C gummies
BLOOD UREA NITROGEN/CREATININE RATIO30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD UREA NORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
BLOOD URINE PRESENT65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
BODY TEMPERATURE INCREASED50-59 yearsDec., 2020"Per husband, was in usual state of health on the AM of 1/10/20, AOx3 able to perform all I/ADLs. At around 2:30pm that day was complaining of chills and generalized malaise. Then at ~9:30pm when husband returned home from work found patient diaphoretic, confused (stating things like ""not now, I want to go to lake""), and complaining of chills and weakness. Unable to provide any additional hx regarding other sx. Initially presented to ED, where mental status had deteriorated to AOx0, unable to respond to verbal commands. Initial vitals notable for T102.6F (unclear other vitals). Patient is now AOx0 most concerning for encephalopathy."No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Decompensation and temp 103.6.N/AMucus Relief Tablet 400 MG (GuaiFENesin) Give 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours as needed for congestion Prescriber Entered Active01/02/202101/04/2021 Omeprazole Capsule Delayed Release 40 MG Give 1 capsule by mouth in the morning for GERD Ph
Jan., 2021Resident had been monitored and had shown no signs or symptoms of any kind until 2 pm on 1/14/2021. Resident was found in the floor of her room. She had fallen and was having a seizure, temperature was 99.7F and Oxygen saturation was 82%.NoneAlendronate Sodium 70 mg, Diltiazem CD 120 MG daily, Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, Loratadine 10 mg daily, Multi Vitamin Daily, Pantoprazole SOD 40 mg Daily, Trazadone 50 mg at bedtime, CalCarb 600+D Daily, Fiber Lax tablets twice daily
BRAIN HERNIATION65+ yearsDec., 2020Low grade Fever, headache needing admission Intracranial hemorrhage with hypertension Medical management for hypertensive emergency Received surgical evacuation admitted in Intensive care,HypertensionNot on medications
BRAIN INJURY30-39 yearsDec., 2020Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose covid vaccine; Brain damage; confused; suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician (patient). This 39-year-old female patient received the 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) intramuscular on 18Dec2020 14:30 at single dose (lot number: EJ1685) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were unknown. The patient experienced internal brain bleeding and brain damage on 30Dec2020 07:30 after 1st dose covid vaccine. Brain surgery received on 29Dec2020. Events were still recovering. Patient was confused and suffering memory loss on 30Dec2020 07:30. Events resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization, Prolongation of existing hospitalization (vaccine received during existing hospitalization), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability or permanent damage. Days for hospitalization was 16. The patient received treatment for events as brain surgery due to internal brain bleeding. The patient was not pregnant. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination, no COVID tested post vaccination. Outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported internal brain bleeding and brain damage with confused and memory loss more likely represented intercurrent disease, and less likely causally related to 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE). The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BRAIN OEDEMA50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BRAIN OPERATION30-39 yearsDec., 2020Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose covid vaccine; Brain damage; confused; suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician (patient). This 39-year-old female patient received the 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) intramuscular on 18Dec2020 14:30 at single dose (lot number: EJ1685) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were unknown. The patient experienced internal brain bleeding and brain damage on 30Dec2020 07:30 after 1st dose covid vaccine. Brain surgery received on 29Dec2020. Events were still recovering. Patient was confused and suffering memory loss on 30Dec2020 07:30. Events resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization, Prolongation of existing hospitalization (vaccine received during existing hospitalization), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability or permanent damage. Days for hospitalization was 16. The patient received treatment for events as brain surgery due to internal brain bleeding. The patient was not pregnant. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination, no COVID tested post vaccination. Outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported internal brain bleeding and brain damage with confused and memory loss more likely represented intercurrent disease, and less likely causally related to 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE). The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot. When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation. The outcome of the event thrombocytopenia was recovered with sequel on 06Jan2021; for the event stroke was recovered with sequel on 30Dec2020; while for bleed in the brain was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events thrombocytopenia, bleed in the brain and stroke. Additional information regarding relevant medical history, underlying conditions and concomitant medications will aid in comprehensive assessment of the case. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
BULLOUS HAEMORRHAGIC DERMATOSIS50-59 yearsJan., 2021Onset of hemmoragic oral bullae after eating very hot cheese toast 1-20-2021 Widely scattered petechiae lower and upper extremeties 1-21-2021 Extensive petechaie lower extremities and a few on trunk face 1-22-2021 CBC in ER showed severe thrombocytomenia with platelets less than 2000 1-22-2021 Admitteed and treated with Decadron 40 mg IV, and IVIG infusions once daily Jan. 23rd and 24th 2021 Hepatiitis pannel negative EBV negative, COVID Nasopharengeal negative, splenic U/S upper limit of normal but unchanged on comparison with old imaging. With treatment platlets increased to 65,000, Discharged from hospital. IVIG discontinued Oral decadron 40mg will continue for 2 days with CBC hematology f/u in 36 hoursCrohn's Disease, Hypertension, GERD, prediabetesStelara 90 mg SQ q 8 weeks last dose 12-12-2020 More dont fit
BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK RIGHT50-59 yearsDec., 2020On Dec. 20, 2020 around 11:30 PM, 2 days after patient received her COVID-19 vaccination, she was found on the bathroom floor , obtunded, very pale, diaphoretic, nauseous, and complaining of severe chest pain. Paramedics was called and patient was transported to the nearest emergency room. According to paramedics, on the way to the ER while patient was in the ambulance,she was noted with a sudden drop in heart rate about 19 beats/minute and have to be given Atropine IV Push, oxygen and was connected to transcutaneous pacing which improves her heart rate. In the ER patient continued to have chest pain and she was given Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. IM had an EKG which showed Sinus Bradycardia with a Right Bundle Branch Block. She had serial ekgs, a chest x-ray, laboratory testing which included Troponin. Her first Troponin level came back elevated prompting her hospital admission to Telemetry. Her next 2 Troponin level improved and return to normal range and her chest pain has resolved.. She underwent a Stress Test which came back negative. Patient was admitted for a total of 20 hours in the Telemetry unit with Cardiology consultation before being discharged home last . She was re-evaluated by the cardiologist yesterday which diagnosed her a chest pain of unknown origin.noneAmlodipine 10 mg daily
BURNING SENSATION18-29 yearsDec., 2020Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine I began to get very itchy and blotchy with a hoarse voice. The paramedic downstairs walked me up to the emergency room. I was treated with medications to help calm the itching and burning feeling. By 940 I went anaphylactic and had several doses of epinephrine to help calm this. I continued to have rashes and the feeling of my throat closing. I was transferred by ambulance to medical center in the ICU. I am still here and have had two toner anaphylactic episodes since. I have been on a epi drip, steroids, famotidine, Ativan and Benadryl. I also had a picc like placed.NoneWomen?s gummy vitamin Biotin Vitamin d
40-49 yearsDec., 202015 min after receiving Covid 19 vaccine patient started to feel like her heart was racing / felt faint. Burning feeling in upper thigh and pelvic area. BP 180/100 HR 130. Rapid Response called / transported to ER. Admitted for 24 hr observation.. Solu -medrol, Benadryl and Ativan given in ER. Released home the next day. 72 hrs later patient states she has numbness and tingling in hands and feet. 12/24/2020 patient reports she is feeling better today / no symptoms noted.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
Jan., 2021coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
C-REACTIVE PROTEIN INCREASED30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
30YO F ICU nurse obesity (BMI 35) COVID 19 on Dec 2 symptoms, Dec 3 tested positive for COVID-19. never hospitalized, outpatient only. 12/12 completed isolation 12/21 received vaccine 12/7 developed Fever chills diarrhea SOB cough Urgent care visit. RLL consolidation on CXR given doxycycline 100 mg po bid worse, fever 40 targetoid lesions to LE (started before doxy) WBC 22K tachycardic tachypneic admitted requiring 2-4L oxygen CT angio without clot, diffuse ground glass and RML dense infiltrate DDimer 7.8 LDH 599 CRP 41 procal 0.67 ferritin 500 Viral respiratory PCR negative Sputum cx with oral flora (pending) COVID ag testing neg COVID PCR 1/3 targets positive (called as indeterminate).COVID-19 Dec 2 Not hospitalized, mild symptomscyclobenzaprine 10mg po tid mirena 52mg IUD
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Acute Pericarditis. Patient was admitted from 12/27-12/28/2020 at hospital by cardiology team who strongly felt the acute pericarditis was due to the Pfizer Vaccine (Dr. was senior cardiologist).No illness one month prior to or at time of vaccinationAspirin daily
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient presented with signs and symptoms of sepsis, developing over 12 to 24 hours 6 days after vaccination. was hypotensive and confused (beyond baseline)UTILevothyroxine, vitamin D, Naproxen, Namenda, Aricept
CARBON DIOXIDE NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
CARDIAC ARREST65+ yearsDec., 2020Rushed to ER. Has now been tubed and put into the ICU and has had full-cardiac arrest less than 24 hours after receiving the vaccine.COVID-19 positive on 12/4/2020. Was still symptomatic at last checkNo other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Cardiac Arrest Acute pulmonary edemaNone knownPepcid Xanax Insulin
UnknownJan., 2021Patient suffered cardiac arrest, though most likely result of illicit substance use; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to; Patient suffered cardiac arrest, though most likely result of illicit substance use; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 33-years-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2, lot unknown), intramuscular on 14Jan2021 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was not reported. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient suffered cardiac arrest 17Jan2021 11:15, though most likely result of illicit substance use since Jan2021, though patient had been feeling unwell with nausea and GI discomfort on 15Jan2021 23:15 after receiving the vaccine 36 hours prior to his arrest. The events were serious due to Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event) and Disability or permanent damage. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination. COVID test type post vaccination=Nasal Swab on16Jan2021, test result was Negative. COVID test name post vaccination=Roche Cobas. The event outcome was not recovered. No treatment was received to events. No follow-up attempts are possible; information on lot/batch number cannot be obtained.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between bnt162b2 and the events cardiac arrest, substance abuse, abdominal discomfort, malaise and nausea cannot be excluded. The information available in this report is limited and does not allow a medically meaningful assessment. This case will be reassessed once additional information becomes available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CARDIAC FAILURE65+ yearsDec., 2020Decompensation and temp 103.6.N/AMucus Relief Tablet 400 MG (GuaiFENesin) Give 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours as needed for congestion Prescriber Entered Active01/02/202101/04/2021 Omeprazole Capsule Delayed Release 40 MG Give 1 capsule by mouth in the morning for GERD Ph
CARDIAC STRESS TEST NORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020On Dec. 20, 2020 around 11:30 PM, 2 days after patient received her COVID-19 vaccination, she was found on the bathroom floor , obtunded, very pale, diaphoretic, nauseous, and complaining of severe chest pain. Paramedics was called and patient was transported to the nearest emergency room. According to paramedics, on the way to the ER while patient was in the ambulance,she was noted with a sudden drop in heart rate about 19 beats/minute and have to be given Atropine IV Push, oxygen and was connected to transcutaneous pacing which improves her heart rate. In the ER patient continued to have chest pain and she was given Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. IM had an EKG which showed Sinus Bradycardia with a Right Bundle Branch Block. She had serial ekgs, a chest x-ray, laboratory testing which included Troponin. Her first Troponin level came back elevated prompting her hospital admission to Telemetry. Her next 2 Troponin level improved and return to normal range and her chest pain has resolved.. She underwent a Stress Test which came back negative. Patient was admitted for a total of 20 hours in the Telemetry unit with Cardiology consultation before being discharged home last . She was re-evaluated by the cardiologist yesterday which diagnosed her a chest pain of unknown origin.noneAmlodipine 10 mg daily
CARDIAC TELEMETRY ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020PVCs with compensatory pauses, postural orthostatic hypotension associated with chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and blurry visionNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CARDIAC TELEMETRY NORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient is a 71-year-old female with PMH of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cataracts, glaucoma who was transferred from Medical Center as a stroke code after she presented there for right-sided weakness, facial droop and visual changes. Patient was given TPA in the past she was within window and she was then transferred here for further management. Patient's symptoms continue to resolve. She was admitted in the ICU and managed by neuro critical care and neurology. Further imaging including CTA head and neck, MRI brain did not reveal any stroke. An assessment of small vessel disease was made which likely resolved after TPA was given. Patient was assessed by PMR and PT/OT and deemed safe to go home with family care and no restrictions. Echo, telemetry and EKG showed no signs of cardiac involvement. Patient was started Plavix x21 days and chronic baby aspirin. She was also started on Crestor 20 mg daily. Patient is to follow-up with neurology in 3 months as she got TPA. She will also follow-up with her PCP on discharge.Pt had strep throat that was treated on January 4, 2021amlodipine, simvastatin, metformin, losartan, omeprazole
CARDIAC VENTRICULOGRAM LEFT60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
CARDIOGENIC SHOCK60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pt had 3 vessel CABG on 1/14/21 after presenting to ED with chest pain on 1/9/21. Pt is critically ill following OR after cardiogenic shock, bleeding. Requiring inotropes and Impella.12/1/20 head congestion, double ear aches, post nasal drip. SARS-CoV-2 NAAT test 12/3/20; result not detected.Allopurinol 100mg BID; Adderall XR 30mg 1 capsule po BID is how pt takes--prescribed as 60mg po daily; Adderall 20mg po daily at noon; aspirin EC 81mg po daily; clopidogrel 75mg po daily; Lisinopril 20mg po BID; metoprolol XL 25mg po BID;
CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODY NEGATIVE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
CARDIOVERSION40-49 yearsDec., 2020Ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillator paced me out of rhythm. I have had my ICD for 3 years. This is the first abnormal rhythm I have had where it delivered a therapy to abort it.Covid-19 in NovemberMetformin Levothyroxine Fenofibrate Fish oil Aspirin Losartan Lantus Trulicity
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness, presyncope, which led to New onset atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response and required synchronized cardioversion and hospitalization. Discharged on anticoagulation and beta-blocker.No current illness for this event.metformin, Jardiance, Losartan, HCTZ
CATHETER PLACEMENT30-39 yearsDec., 2020I was having episodes of dyspnea and non productive cough starting from 1/1/2021. On 1/13/2021 I experienced severe dyspnea and had loss of consciousness for 5 seconds and was found down. I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolus (about 9) which was treated with direct TPA via catheterization. I then recovered in the ICU and transitioned to oral anticoagulation and discharged home on 1/15/2021.NoneMultivitamin
CATHETERISATION CARDIAC ABNORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020Acute NSTEMI with symptom onset 4 days after vaccinationNoneBupropion
Jan., 2021On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
CATHETERISATION CARDIAC NORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
65+ yearsJan., 2021I became weak and thought I was going to faint. I called the medical professional over and they brought me into a staged area for triage. My blood pressure was 171/ 104 or 114. I had chest pain. The EMT did and EKG, listened to my heart, and started an IV. The ambulance was called and I was transported by ambulance to the hospital. At the hospital another EKG was taken, blood pressure and blood work. Repeated blood work was taken. I was admitted to the hospital due to elevation of tyoponin level and chest pain. The following day 1/22/21 I saw my PCP and he thought it was related to the vaccine and recommended a cardiologist for the increased levels of tyoponin and chest pain. The cardiologist performed another EKG< more blood work and performed a cardiac catheterization and a ECO. Both were normal. Prior to that I was given a nitro pill as my chest pain was between a 7 and a 8; a few minutes later the nurse asked about my pain level and it was a 3-4. I was given another nitro pill and shortly after I felt extremely faint and my blood pressure was 56/32. I was immediately given a bolus of saline IV . The chest pain continued through the day. The following day, I had no further chest pain, my tyoponin levels returned to normal and I was released from the hospital.Malignant melanoma; pernicious anemia; hypothyroidism;Opdivo; Citalopram; clonazepam; levothyroxine; predisone; lysine; biotin; calcium with vitamin D; Vitamin c; magnesium, Vitamin B shot
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM LESION40-49 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERISATION18-29 yearsDec., 2020Within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine I began to get very itchy and blotchy with a hoarse voice. The paramedic downstairs walked me up to the emergency room. I was treated with medications to help calm the itching and burning feeling. By 940 I went anaphylactic and had several doses of epinephrine to help calm this. I continued to have rashes and the feeling of my throat closing. I was transferred by ambulance to medical center in the ICU. I am still here and have had two toner anaphylactic episodes since. I have been on a epi drip, steroids, famotidine, Ativan and Benadryl. I also had a picc like placed.NoneWomen?s gummy vitamin Biotin Vitamin d
CEREBELLAR HAEMORRHAGE50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient came into the emergency department on 1/8/21 with an acute ischemic stroke with complete occlusion of her left MCA. She had acute and complete flaccid paresis of her right face, arm, and leg, complete aphasia, and neglect of the right side of her body. NIHSS of 27. Onset of deficit was between 6:30pm-7:10pm. She recieved her 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose that morning at 10:31am.Hypertension, hypothyroidismNo other medications for this event.
CEREBRAL ARTERY STENOSIS60-64 yearsDec., 2020She got the vaccine on Dec 23, and then on Jan 4 she had a mild stroke with left sided arm and face weakness. She did recover fully. She already has known CAD and risk factors for CVD. It is possible, but by no means certain, that the vaccine was an indirect cause of the event. Since the vaccine provoked an immune response, as it was supposed to, it is possible that this inflammation may have set up a metabolic predisposition that may have contributed to the event, which was 12 days later.No current illness for this event.Aspirin, atorvastatin, citalopram, metoprolol, vitamin D.
CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose covid vaccine; Brain damage; confused; suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician (patient). This 39-year-old female patient received the 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) intramuscular on 18Dec2020 14:30 at single dose (lot number: EJ1685) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were unknown. The patient experienced internal brain bleeding and brain damage on 30Dec2020 07:30 after 1st dose covid vaccine. Brain surgery received on 29Dec2020. Events were still recovering. Patient was confused and suffering memory loss on 30Dec2020 07:30. Events resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization, Prolongation of existing hospitalization (vaccine received during existing hospitalization), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability or permanent damage. Days for hospitalization was 16. The patient received treatment for events as brain surgery due to internal brain bleeding. The patient was not pregnant. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination, no COVID tested post vaccination. Outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported internal brain bleeding and brain damage with confused and memory loss more likely represented intercurrent disease, and less likely causally related to 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE). The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot. When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation. The outcome of the event thrombocytopenia was recovered with sequel on 06Jan2021; for the event stroke was recovered with sequel on 30Dec2020; while for bleed in the brain was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events thrombocytopenia, bleed in the brain and stroke. Additional information regarding relevant medical history, underlying conditions and concomitant medications will aid in comprehensive assessment of the case. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 2021~2 weeks after 1st dose, patient suffered cerebral hemorrhage. Was also on Eliquis. Received KCentra.No current illness for this event.Gabapentin, tamulosin, atorvastatin, isosorbide, KCl, shingrix (4/23/20), twinrx (4/23/20), synthroid, omeprazole, eliquis
CEREBRAL INFARCTION60-64 yearsDec., 2020She got the vaccine on Dec 23, and then on Jan 4 she had a mild stroke with left sided arm and face weakness. She did recover fully. She already has known CAD and risk factors for CVD. It is possible, but by no means certain, that the vaccine was an indirect cause of the event. Since the vaccine provoked an immune response, as it was supposed to, it is possible that this inflammation may have set up a metabolic predisposition that may have contributed to the event, which was 12 days later.No current illness for this event.Aspirin, atorvastatin, citalopram, metoprolol, vitamin D.
CEREBRAL SMALL VESSEL ISCHAEMIC DISEASE65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient is a 71-year-old female with PMH of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cataracts, glaucoma who was transferred from Medical Center as a stroke code after she presented there for right-sided weakness, facial droop and visual changes. Patient was given TPA in the past she was within window and she was then transferred here for further management. Patient's symptoms continue to resolve. She was admitted in the ICU and managed by neuro critical care and neurology. Further imaging including CTA head and neck, MRI brain did not reveal any stroke. An assessment of small vessel disease was made which likely resolved after TPA was given. Patient was assessed by PMR and PT/OT and deemed safe to go home with family care and no restrictions. Echo, telemetry and EKG showed no signs of cardiac involvement. Patient was started Plavix x21 days and chronic baby aspirin. She was also started on Crestor 20 mg daily. Patient is to follow-up with neurology in 3 months as she got TPA. She will also follow-up with her PCP on discharge.Pt had strep throat that was treated on January 4, 2021amlodipine, simvastatin, metformin, losartan, omeprazole
CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT30-39 yearsDec., 2020thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot. When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation. The outcome of the event thrombocytopenia was recovered with sequel on 06Jan2021; for the event stroke was recovered with sequel on 30Dec2020; while for bleed in the brain was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events thrombocytopenia, bleed in the brain and stroke. Additional information regarding relevant medical history, underlying conditions and concomitant medications will aid in comprehensive assessment of the case. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
Pt received vaccine and developed HA with left hemianopsia, left upper ext and left lower ext weakness. Stroke Code activated at clinic where she works CT head neg TPA administered, transferred to ED for CTA and stroke care CTA neg MRI pending but clinically improvednonesynthroid
60-64 yearsDec., 2020She got the vaccine on Dec 23, and then on Jan 4 she had a mild stroke with left sided arm and face weakness. She did recover fully. She already has known CAD and risk factors for CVD. It is possible, but by no means certain, that the vaccine was an indirect cause of the event. Since the vaccine provoked an immune response, as it was supposed to, it is possible that this inflammation may have set up a metabolic predisposition that may have contributed to the event, which was 12 days later.No current illness for this event.Aspirin, atorvastatin, citalopram, metoprolol, vitamin D.
65+ yearsJan., 2020He had a stroke later that night after receiving vaccine.NaNo other medications for this event.
Dec., 2020Patient received vaccine and 2 days later suffered a CVANo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHEST DISCOMFORT30-39 yearsDec., 2020About 5 minutes after the vaccine developed chest tightness, increased work of breathing, palpitations and severe dizzyness. Transferred to the ED where i received oxygen, IV benadryl, IV fluids and monitoring. Released after about 4 hours and continue to take benadryl 50 mg PO q 4 hours. Also developed red facial rash (unknown time) Pain at injection site began the morning after the injection.noneEliquis, Bumetanide
15 minutes after getting the vaccine began itching that quickly developed into rash/hives to face, neck, chest, abdomen. At 20 minutes post vaccine developed severe leg weakness with lightheadedness, chest tightness, and SOB. 22 minutes out collapsed to the floor unable to bear weight due to leg weakness and had severe cramping and tingling in legs, still unable to move them. Was rushed to the ER from employee health and arrived approximately 30 minutes post vaccine administration at that time there was significant mottling to arms and hands with polar nail beds. Vital signs were stable, no strider. Given Solumedrol, Benadryl, and Pepcid STAT. Rash/hives and SOB improved, but legs weakness/tingling, cramping did not and noted purple feet with cyanotic nail beds and mottling to hands/ arms that would come and go. Rash/hives reappeared much worse 2 horse post meds to face, neck, and upper chest. Was given another series of Solumedrol and Benadryl and admitted to the hospital. I am now 19 hours post vaccine with improved but persistent leg weakness, now able to bear my own weight independently and walk a few steps, but still having legs cramps and intermittent tingling to feet. Color has improved with resolved mottling/cyanosis. I continue to have hives reappear with scheduled Benadryl, Solumedrol, and Pepcid.NoneTopamax 50mg daily, Celexa 10mg daily, Imitrex 100mg PRN
Anaphylactic reaction 6 days post vaccine 24Dec2020; I had severe chest tightness; SOB; throat soreness; hoarse voice; mouth swelling; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician, the patient. A 34-year-old non-pregnant female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: EL0140), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 18Dec2020 at 15:30 (at the age of 34-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included severe dust mite allergy (based on skin test). Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Concomitant medications included cetirizine hydrochloride (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol (NORCO), ibuprofen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), and ondansetron (ZOFRAN); all for unspecified indications from unknown dates and unknown if ongoing. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. On 24Dec2020 at 10:00, 6 days post vaccination, the patient experienced anaphylactic reaction, severe chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling; all reported as life threatening. The events led to an emergency room visit and she was given epinephrine (EPI-PEN), methylprednisolone (SOLUMEDROL), and diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) as treatment. The patient stated that she developed the reactions 45 minutes after she took premedications for a dilatation and curettage procedure. The premedications included ibuprofen, hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol, ondansetron. She stated she had taken these medications several times before and this was the first time she had this reaction. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. The clinical outcomes of the anaphylactic reaction, severe chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling were recovered on unknown dates.; Sender's Comments: Anaphylactic reactions presented as chest tightness, shortness of breath, throat soreness, hoarse voice, and mouth swelling, developed 45 minutes after premedications including included ibuprofen, hydrocodone bitartrate/paracetamol, ondansetron for a dilatation and curettage procedure and 6 days post vaccination with BNT162B2, the event therefore is most likely attributed to these premedications unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.CETRIZINE; NORCO; ; ZOFRAN [ONDANSETRON]
PVCs with compensatory pauses, postural orthostatic hypotension associated with chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and blurry visionNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021-0715 vaccine administered. -0735 started to feel dizzy/off and right side of tongue felt like it was mildly swelling and itchy. -0735 asked to have blood pressure taken as know when I am having anaphylaxis my blood pressure escalates. -0740 took blood pressure and it was 141/86 in right arm. Normal is 110s/60s-70s. No anxiety feelings. -0740 throat started to have increased mucous production. Had the tickle and tightness in throat. Asked and received 25mg Benadryl with cup of water. -0742 started clearing throat frequently and slight cough. Knew it was anaphylaxis and told the team I need to go to the ER. Asked for additional 25mg Benadryl. Also took 20mg Famotidine and 2 puffs Albuterol inhaler--this is my prescribed anaphylaxis routine. Had Epipens on standby. -0743 put on O2 saturation monitor and watched O2 drop into 90-92 range. Asked for epipen on standby as I know when I need to start it. Didn't want to take that when I knew I was about to get it in the ER and knowing self hadn't progressed that far. Felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. Voice started becoming hoarse. -0800 EMS arrived (delay as team didn't know if they were supposed to call 911 or a Code--they chose EMS even though in hospital). Then staff at COVID vaccine clinic kept emphasizing need to go in ambulance while EMS and self fought to go through hospital (much quicker route). Finally cleared to go through hospital to ER. To get some air via breathing in had to sit up leaning forward. Voice completely hoarse by this time. -About 0817 arrived to ER bay. At this time, frequently coughing and cough started to sound stridorous. Difficulty getting breaths in. Had chest pain near heart. Greeted by MD, 2 RNS, and technician. -0819 received IM epinephrine. Attached to 5 lead EKG monitoring and O2 monitoring. Blood pressure done again. Higher than previous. -About 0821 had working IV (previous two attempts failed as veins were constricting). Given IV Solumderol. Started bolus of 1L Normal Saline. -Not sure how long after by cough subsided, increased mucous production subsided, as well as hoarseness decreased. -Held for observation for 2hours (would be longer if not resolved). - Discharged around 1015. At this time, hoarseness almost all gone. Minimal throat clearing. Cough resolved. -Prescribed epipen inhalers (mine expired) and Prednisone. Prednisone is PRN for mild breathing difficulties if it starts again tomorrow 1/13/21. -At 1400 took 50mg Benadryl and 20mg Famotidine as previously prescribed for anaphylaxis maintenance. Will continue this as previously prescribed every 6hours until symptoms stay resolved. -Made follow up appointment with Primary Care Physician per protocolSeasonal allergiesLexapro, Synthroid, One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins, Culturelle Women's Health probiotic, Flonase, Tylenol.
"Felt tachycardia immediately, thought she was anxious. After 35-45 minutes she felt like she was having a hard time swallowing which progressed to tongue swelling, all taste buds popped up and sore, hives on face & neck, reddened face. Itchy neck and face. Took double dose of Atarax and went to bed. Felt extremely fatigued unsure if double dose of Atarax. Woke with swelling all over body. Woke up feeling heaviness as if she had ""sumo wrestler"" on her body. 24 hours post vaccine heaviness started to lift but felt as if she had a vise on her lungs. Continuing to take Atarax every 6 hours per MD order."No current illness for this event.IBU, plaquenil stopped approximately 3 weeks prior to vaccine.
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness, presyncope, which led to New onset atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response and required synchronized cardioversion and hospitalization. Discharged on anticoagulation and beta-blocker.No current illness for this event.metformin, Jardiance, Losartan, HCTZ
right after the vaccine she felt light headed felt better in observation after about 7 minutes employee c/o heart racing,Chest pressure, feeling light headed, throat scratchy and tight. allergy to MRI contrast dye only - Gadolinium. Has had lots of vaccines in the past without problems. Taken to ED via W/C was talking all the way not SOB admitted to ED. 12-28 States she was admitted to the hospital overnight for anaphalaxis on a second trip to ED. She will not be able to get her second dose of the vaccine. this should be entered into the VAERS reporting system. She is till using the benedryl.noneThryoid 250 mg qd, Benedryl 25 mg q 6 hours, prednisone 40 mg daily, ibuprophen 200 mg prn for chest pressure,
Jan., 2021Anaphylactic reaction; Flushed; Diaphoretic; redness and rash; hives on chest; Tachycardia; shortness of breath; Chest tightness; Dizziness; Headache; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse, the patient. A 47-year-old female patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: EL1283), via an unspecified route of administration on 08Jan2021 at 08:49 (at the age of 47-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. There were no known medical history or concomitant medications. The patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2 on 18Dec2020 (Lot Number: EK5730) for COVID-19 immunization and experienced nausea, headache, and fatigue. On 08Jan2021, about 5-10 minutes after the second dose, the patient experienced anaphylactic reaction, flushed, diaphoretic, redness and rash, hives on chest, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, reported as life-threatening. She reported that these events occurred within less than 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine. She went to the emergency room and was treated with methylprednisolone (SOLUMEDROL), diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL), famotidine (PEPCID), and epinephrine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). She was sent home and prescribed methylprednisolone and epinephrine (EPI-PEN). Later on 08Jan2021, she experienced dizziness and headache, which were consistent. She stated she would most likely take ibuprofen (MOTRIN) as treatment (not specified if taken). The clinical outcomes of the flushed, diaphoretic, redness and rash, hives on chest, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and chest tightness were recovered on 08Jan2021; while the outcomes of the dizziness and headache were not recovered and that of the anaphylaxis was reported as recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported information is limited. Based on the close temporal relationship and the description of the events, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath.; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath; severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (reporting for herself). A 41-year-old non-pregnant female patient received two doses of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), both via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm, the first dose on 16Dec2020 09:00 (lot number: EH9899) and the second dose on 08Jan2021 07:15 (lot number: EL0140), both at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included ongoing anxiety, from an unspecified date. The patient had no known allergies. Concomitant medication included escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO), acetaminophen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), naproxen sodium (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), ibuprofen (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination, has not been tested for COVID-19. On 09Jan2021 at 01:30 AM, the patient experienced severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath, all of which were reported as being life-threatening. The patient went to the Emergency room due to the events. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of the events and included: methylprednisolone sodium succinate (SOLUMEDROL) 125 mg, famotidine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN) 20 mg and diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) 50 mg. The clinical outcome of severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath was recovering.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset severe angioedema, hives, tachycardia, hypertension, pruritus, chest tightness and shortness of breath cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.AnxietyLEXAPRO; ACETAMINOPHEN; ;
Patient developed one singular area of urticaria approximately one hour after the vaccination and then developed an anaphylactoid reaction 3 days later including widespread urticaria and chest tightness. She took OTC antihistamines and recovered 6 days after the vaccine.NoneNone
chest tightness, cough, runny nose, nausea, dizzy, red chest, high pitch voice, difficulty speaking. anaphylaxis EKG monitoring, IVF, IM Epinephrine, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid, Albuterol dual neb, CXR, Labs sent home after 6 1/2 hours of treatment and monitoring. Sent home with Epi penfelt fine at the time of vaccination. Had a mild cold Dec 15-18. runny nose, scratchy throat, mild cough. COVID test negative.allegra, Xolair, pulmicort, prozac, singular, trazadone. dexilant, gabapentin, allergy shots
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Flushing, sweating, increased heart rate proceeded to feel difficulty swallowing and clearing my throat. I was taken to the ER. The symptoms progressed to feeling dizziness, difficulty speaking, and chest pressure with increased SBP/DBP. General nausea and feeling very unwell.No current illness for this event.Estradiol, topiramate, Emgality, sumatriptan, multivitamin
Jan., 20210900 IM Covid 19 vaccine 0905 Sore throat 0920 Dizzy episode followed by headache 0945 Stridor upon deep breath 1000 Facial tingling, top lip and eye swelling 1015 Present to Emergency Services 1040 IV benadryl - Tingling throughout body, stridor worsening, , visible facial swelling 1045 IV Decadron - Throat swelling worsening, chest heaviness, wheezing 1050 IM Epinephrine 1055 Racemic Epi nebulizer treatment 1100 Facial and throat Swelling reducing, breathing easier, 1105 Breathing back to normal 1430 Discharged from Emergency Services with prescription for Dexamethasone 4Mg for 3 days, 2 allegra 2x daily, famotidine 2 x dailyNo current illness for this event.Synthroid, Prozac, Singular, Tumeric, Panothetic acid, Hemp oil, Allegra, Famotidine
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pounding headache, heart racing to over 145 bps, chest burning and tightness and hard to breath. I was taken to the Emergency Room at Hospital immediately. Reaction occurred within 30 minutes of the injection. An EKG was administered. I was prescribed prednisone and Benadryl. I was diagnosed with Anaphylaxis.NoneVitamin C and D
UnknownUnknown DateAnaphylaxis Allergic reaction COVID-19 vaccine: dizziness, vomiting and shortness of breath. Received vaccine and about 5/10 minutes later developed symptoms of chest tightness shortness of breath wheezing. Arrived to ED at 1156 and discharged at 1507. Given epi IM Solu-Medrol, Pepcid, Benadryl, albuterol.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHEST PAIN18-29 yearsJan., 2021Patient presented with myalgias, fevers, and chest pain on 1/10/21 and was found to have diffuse ST elevation and elevation troponin. He was evaluated by cardiology and diagnosed with acute myopericarditis. He was treated with NSAIDs and colchicine. He improved with this treatment and was discharged on 1/12/21 with ibuprofen and colchicine and outpatient cardiology follow up.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
Jan., 2021-0715 vaccine administered. -0735 started to feel dizzy/off and right side of tongue felt like it was mildly swelling and itchy. -0735 asked to have blood pressure taken as know when I am having anaphylaxis my blood pressure escalates. -0740 took blood pressure and it was 141/86 in right arm. Normal is 110s/60s-70s. No anxiety feelings. -0740 throat started to have increased mucous production. Had the tickle and tightness in throat. Asked and received 25mg Benadryl with cup of water. -0742 started clearing throat frequently and slight cough. Knew it was anaphylaxis and told the team I need to go to the ER. Asked for additional 25mg Benadryl. Also took 20mg Famotidine and 2 puffs Albuterol inhaler--this is my prescribed anaphylaxis routine. Had Epipens on standby. -0743 put on O2 saturation monitor and watched O2 drop into 90-92 range. Asked for epipen on standby as I know when I need to start it. Didn't want to take that when I knew I was about to get it in the ER and knowing self hadn't progressed that far. Felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. Voice started becoming hoarse. -0800 EMS arrived (delay as team didn't know if they were supposed to call 911 or a Code--they chose EMS even though in hospital). Then staff at COVID vaccine clinic kept emphasizing need to go in ambulance while EMS and self fought to go through hospital (much quicker route). Finally cleared to go through hospital to ER. To get some air via breathing in had to sit up leaning forward. Voice completely hoarse by this time. -About 0817 arrived to ER bay. At this time, frequently coughing and cough started to sound stridorous. Difficulty getting breaths in. Had chest pain near heart. Greeted by MD, 2 RNS, and technician. -0819 received IM epinephrine. Attached to 5 lead EKG monitoring and O2 monitoring. Blood pressure done again. Higher than previous. -About 0821 had working IV (previous two attempts failed as veins were constricting). Given IV Solumderol. Started bolus of 1L Normal Saline. -Not sure how long after by cough subsided, increased mucous production subsided, as well as hoarseness decreased. -Held for observation for 2hours (would be longer if not resolved). - Discharged around 1015. At this time, hoarseness almost all gone. Minimal throat clearing. Cough resolved. -Prescribed epipen inhalers (mine expired) and Prednisone. Prednisone is PRN for mild breathing difficulties if it starts again tomorrow 1/13/21. -At 1400 took 50mg Benadryl and 20mg Famotidine as previously prescribed for anaphylaxis maintenance. Will continue this as previously prescribed every 6hours until symptoms stay resolved. -Made follow up appointment with Primary Care Physician per protocolSeasonal allergiesLexapro, Synthroid, One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins, Culturelle Women's Health probiotic, Flonase, Tylenol.
Cardiac event; Paralysis; Fever; Numbness; Chest Pains; Dizziness; Weakness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 30-years-old female patient started to receive first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in Left arm on 15Jan2021 14:15 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient was not pregnant. Medical history included tachycardia, Pre-ventricular contractions, allergies to Latex, covid-19 (reported as covid prior vaccination: Yes). Concomitant medication included metoprolol and multivitamin. No other vaccine received in four weeks. On 15Jan2021 14:30, the patient experienced chest pains, dizziness, weakness. On 15Jan2021 18:20, the patient experienced cardiac event, paralysis, fever, numbness, chest pains. The events resulted in: [Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event)]. Treatment received for the events. No covid tested post vaccination. The outcome of the events was recovering. Information on batch/lot number was requested.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsDec., 2020listed beforeMigraineI developed tingling all over body with disorientation, rise in heart rate to 140 mint/mints with New onset of severe HTN into 190 mmHg and diaphoresis, followed by SOB and Chest pain. I required IV solucotef, IV tendril and pepcid. Then i
Pt. began to feel weak with palpitations about 8-10 minutes after vaccination, her pulse was extremely fast, she then began to complain of lower mid-esophageal burningdeniedunknown
Jan., 2021At 6 days after my second COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine (first dose given 12/17/20), I had acute onset of chest pain and shortness of breath prompting a trip to the Emergency Department. A chest CT Angio to rule out pulmonary embolus was done and negative for pulmonary embolus. My EKG showed some mild ST changes and a troponin I level was elevated at 0.08 (normal 0.04). Subsequent troponin levels 90 minutes apart showed a rising troponin at 0.18 and 0.38. An echocardiogram was performed which showed regional wall motion abnormalities consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and an ejection fraction of 45%. I was then taken to cardiac catheterization lab for coronary angiograms which were normal. My LV angiogram was consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and my LVEDP was elevated. I was started on a beta blocker and sent home the following day.noneEthinol Estradiol Levothyroxine
Patient got her 2nd dose of Pfizer covid vaccine on 1/8. On 1/11 she had intermittent chest pain that lasted a few days and started to notice small purpura rash on left breast. She didn't think much of it but noticed the same type of rash on her pant line and then right thigh. On 1/15 she called Occupational Health who advised her to go straight to the ED.none known.melatonin 3mg daily, magnesium 500mg daily, gabapentin 300mg BID
Chest pains, trouble breathing . Diagnosis: Non ST segment elevation myocardial infarctionNoneTums, Pepcid AC
Day 1. Fatigue. Sleepiness. Loss of appetite Day 2. Muscle aches. Headache. Chills. Loss of appetite. Episode of severe abdominal pain, chest pain, right shoulder pain, shortness of breath, syncope, diaphoresis, vomiting Day 3. Fatigue. Headache. Chest pain.NoneSertraline Nexium Vitamin D Melatonin
coronary spasm; STEMI COVID vaccine induced; slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off; fever of 101 to 101.7; diffuse severe muscle aches; tachycardia of 110 to 130; painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient). A 45-year-old male patient received the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL0142), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 13Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Concomitant medication included alfuzosin. The patient previously took the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EH9899) in the left arm on 23Dec2020 16:00 at the age of 44 years old for COVID-19 immunization. On 14Jan2021, the patient started having fever of 101 to 101.7, diffuse severe muscle aches, and tachycardia of 110 to 130. Thursday evening (14Jan2021) through Sunday (17Jan2021), the patient also had painful lymphadenopathy of the ipsilateral axilla and clavicular lymph node (LN). Thursday evening (14Jan2021), the patient had slight 1-2/10 substernal chest pain on/off. Friday evening around 23:30 (15Jan2021), the patient had chest pain substernal 7-8/10 that lasted for one hour. The burning sensation was worse with cold air. It resolved with paracetamol (TYLENOL) and ibuprofen. Monday early morning at 04:00 (18Jan2021), the patient experienced STEMI COVID vaccine induced wherein the patient woke up with 10/10 chest pain and shoulder pain which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes and resolved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The patient also decided to check blood work Monday morning (18Jan2021) while in the hospital. Trop came back 16.28 ng/ml. This is the old trop not high sensitivity. Normal high is 0.30 ng/ml. The patient went to the hospital. ECG showed ST elevation inferior lead. Left heart catheterization was done. The patient have clean coronaries. No evidence of any atherosclerosis. Echocardiogram showed normal EF. No wall motion abnormality. It was concluded that the patient also had coronary spasm. The patient underwent other lab test and procedure which included nasal swab COVID test showed negative on 18Jan2021. Outcome of the lymphadenopathy was recovered on 17Jan2021, of the chest pain was recovered on Jan2021, of the coronary spasm and STEMI was recovering, while of the remaining events was unknown. The events coronary spasm and STEMI resulted in hospitalization and life threatening illness.; Sender's Comments: The reported coronary spasm with chest pain and suspected STEMI were likely related to the second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) due to plausible temporal relationship, and no evidence of any atherosclerosis during left heart catheterization. The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.ALFUZOSIN
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On Dec. 20, 2020 around 11:30 PM, 2 days after patient received her COVID-19 vaccination, she was found on the bathroom floor , obtunded, very pale, diaphoretic, nauseous, and complaining of severe chest pain. Paramedics was called and patient was transported to the nearest emergency room. According to paramedics, on the way to the ER while patient was in the ambulance,she was noted with a sudden drop in heart rate about 19 beats/minute and have to be given Atropine IV Push, oxygen and was connected to transcutaneous pacing which improves her heart rate. In the ER patient continued to have chest pain and she was given Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. IM had an EKG which showed Sinus Bradycardia with a Right Bundle Branch Block. She had serial ekgs, a chest x-ray, laboratory testing which included Troponin. Her first Troponin level came back elevated prompting her hospital admission to Telemetry. Her next 2 Troponin level improved and return to normal range and her chest pain has resolved.. She underwent a Stress Test which came back negative. Patient was admitted for a total of 20 hours in the Telemetry unit with Cardiology consultation before being discharged home last . She was re-evaluated by the cardiologist yesterday which diagnosed her a chest pain of unknown origin.noneAmlodipine 10 mg daily
Jan., 2021On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
60-64 yearsJan., 2021"Myocardial Infarction: patient began to complain of severe chest pain 3 hours after the vaccine was given .. Vaccine NDC # 59267-1000-1. 0.3 ml given by RN. Patient called his PCP: ""... I had very bad chest and shoulder pains, neck pains and slight fever from 9 pm until early this morning (Jan 8). My blood pressure was 155/95 mmHg. Should I see you today? Still feel sore all upper body. Above message received at 0720 am (Jan 8) and the patient was called back at 0757 am (Jan 8): patient was told that many of the side effects above were related to the vaccine but the chest pain was worrisome and the provider requested the patient go to the emergency room. Patient understood the importance to seek medical attention..... Emergency Room notes: seen by MD on Jan 9. Note at 0749: patient complained of chest pain on/off since received COVID vaccine on Jan 7. Pain was substernal and radiated to the left shoulder, assoc with some SOB. EKG obtained and revealed ST segment elevation and a ""cardiac alert"" was called."malignant melanoma HTN hypothyroidism GERDzinc sulfate omeprazole metoprolol levothyroxine sodium HCTZ echinacea purpurea extract cholecalciferol
Pt had 3 vessel CABG on 1/14/21 after presenting to ED with chest pain on 1/9/21. Pt is critically ill following OR after cardiogenic shock, bleeding. Requiring inotropes and Impella.12/1/20 head congestion, double ear aches, post nasal drip. SARS-CoV-2 NAAT test 12/3/20; result not detected.Allopurinol 100mg BID; Adderall XR 30mg 1 capsule po BID is how pt takes--prescribed as 60mg po daily; Adderall 20mg po daily at noon; aspirin EC 81mg po daily; clopidogrel 75mg po daily; Lisinopril 20mg po BID; metoprolol XL 25mg po BID;
Pounding headache, heart racing to over 145 bps, chest burning and tightness and hard to breath. I was taken to the Emergency Room at Hospital immediately. Reaction occurred within 30 minutes of the injection. An EKG was administered. I was prescribed prednisone and Benadryl. I was diagnosed with Anaphylaxis.NoneVitamin C and D
65+ yearsJan., 2021I became weak and thought I was going to faint. I called the medical professional over and they brought me into a staged area for triage. My blood pressure was 171/ 104 or 114. I had chest pain. The EMT did and EKG, listened to my heart, and started an IV. The ambulance was called and I was transported by ambulance to the hospital. At the hospital another EKG was taken, blood pressure and blood work. Repeated blood work was taken. I was admitted to the hospital due to elevation of tyoponin level and chest pain. The following day 1/22/21 I saw my PCP and he thought it was related to the vaccine and recommended a cardiologist for the increased levels of tyoponin and chest pain. The cardiologist performed another EKG< more blood work and performed a cardiac catheterization and a ECO. Both were normal. Prior to that I was given a nitro pill as my chest pain was between a 7 and a 8; a few minutes later the nurse asked about my pain level and it was a 3-4. I was given another nitro pill and shortly after I felt extremely faint and my blood pressure was 56/32. I was immediately given a bolus of saline IV . The chest pain continued through the day. The following day, I had no further chest pain, my tyoponin levels returned to normal and I was released from the hospital.Malignant melanoma; pernicious anemia; hypothyroidism;Opdivo; Citalopram; clonazepam; levothyroxine; predisone; lysine; biotin; calcium with vitamin D; Vitamin c; magnesium, Vitamin B shot
Felt like his throat was closing. He was given 25mg benadryl and then developed dizziness, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, jaw pain. Was in SVT on arrival to EDDeniesKcl, Furosemide, Enalapril, Lactobacillus, Bisocodyl, Spironolactone, Cyanocobalamin, Vit D3, Darolutamide, omeprazole, alendronate, multivitamin
UnknownDec., 2020HYPOTENSION; Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT); CHEST PAIN; DIZZINESS; NECK TIGHTNESS; ERYTHEMATOUS RASH; LOCALISED ITCHING; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist and from the Regulatory Agency. The regulatory authority report number is GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209123237. A 54-year-old female patient with a medical history of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) who has been symptom free for one year with no treatment after four episodes (date of diagnosis not provided) with no reported concomitant medications who received BNT162B2 (Reported as COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE BIONTECH; Lot number EJ0553) intramuscular on 09Dec2020 at 30 ug for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient experienced hypotension and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) on the day of vaccination , at 12:00, associated with chest pain, dizziness, neck tightness, erythematous rash and localised itching. All the events were considered life-threatening. Clinical course was as follows: On 09Dec2020,he patient was noted as fit and well, prior to the vaccination. The first dose of vaccine was given at 10:37. At 12:00, the patient developed a sudden onset of SVT. The patient was visited by anaesthetist, monitored with a crash trolley and given oxygen. The patient's heart rate was found variable at 180 to 230 beats per minute (BPM) and non-responsive to vagal manoeuvres/carotid sinus massage. Chest pain, dizziness and hypotension was associated with a heart rate greater than 200 BPM . Non-specific erythematous rash was visible on the neck with no evidence of angioedema, tongue swelling, mouth swelling or bronchospasm. The patient started complaining of neck itchiness and tightness awaiting for the ambulance. The patient was given chlorpheniramine, hydrocortisone and normal saline (1000 ml). Adrenaline and adenosin were withheld. The patient was in SVT with intermittent chest pain when she entered the ambulance. The medicines administered in the hospital hub setting were in line with the national vaccination program. The patient had not experienced symptoms associated with COVID-19. The patient had not been tested or has had an inconclusive test for COVID-19 (as reported). The patient was not enrolled in a clinical trial. The clinical outcome of SVT was reported as recovering. The clinical outcome of hypotension, chest pain, dizziness, neck tightness, erythematous rash and localised itching was unknown.; Sender's Comments: The events of supraventricular tachycardia, chest pain, hypotension, dizziness, muscle tightness, rash erythematous and pruritus are unlisted in the BNT162 Investigator's Brochure. The reported information is limited (e.g. lack of full cardiologic workup, blood testing etc.). Based on the close temporal relationship between vaccination and onset of the events, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine in a subject with a medical history of SVT.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHEST X-RAY18-29 yearsDec., 2020Anaphylaxis. The COVID shot was given, no reaction then. After 7 minutes, congestion, severe cough, vomiting phlegm, feeling like throat closing started happening. Code was called, Benadryl was immediately given intramuscular in the left arm, blood pressure, pulse ox was taken, and then was taken to the Emergency Department. In the ED, I was given prednisone, one EPI, anti-nausea medication all through I.V. and many more medications given to me via I.V. that I don't sincerely remember. I was under observation for 4 hours. I was discharged after all symptoms dissipated and was given Prednisone 20 MG (3 tabs a day) to take to help my lungs. Management followed up almost immediately, everyone from the moment I had the anaphylactic reaction was quick and prepared.NONEESCITALOPRAM 20 MG TAB VITAMIN D3 5000 IU (125 MCG)
30-39 yearsDec., 2020HIVES, SOB, THROAT CLOSING UP, WHEEZINGNoneZoloft, vitamin d, vitamin b, zinc, Wellbutrin, singular
I was having episodes of dyspnea and non productive cough starting from 1/1/2021. On 1/13/2021 I experienced severe dyspnea and had loss of consciousness for 5 seconds and was found down. I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolus (about 9) which was treated with direct TPA via catheterization. I then recovered in the ICU and transitioned to oral anticoagulation and discharged home on 1/15/2021.NoneMultivitamin
Jan., 2021The patient presented with left eye peripheral visual loss, left upper and lower extremity and facial numbness sensation and weakness. This started 1 hour after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at her place of employment. Pt was brought to CRMC via EMS.nonewith past 24 hours prior to vxn pt reports taking: One a day women's vitamin, Benadryl, Allegra
40-49 yearsDec., 2020patient felt slightly nauseated at 10 minutes after injection, then developed slight sweating; BP 160/81; 83 at 5:45 and then 158/87 with HR 82 at 5: 52 pm. Her lungs were clear, she was speaking in full sentences and was denying any chest pressure, her usual sense of asthma exacerbation. At 6:05 it was 164/83 with HR 79 and patient developed a dry cough; we decided to have her wait just a bit longer, then cough worsened, so at 6:25, decision was made to have patient seen in ER for further assessment, and en route in wheelchair to ER the dry cough became persistent, spasmodic and patient was unable to speak. Epi-Pen was injected in right mid thigh, and patient transported to ED urgent eval. She noted immediate palpitations, and slight improvement of breahting, was able to speak in four word sentences. On arrival to the ED, patient was administered Duonebs, Albuterol neb, IV Benedryl, IV Solumedrol; CXR was obtained, with results pending. Patient was sent to observation for ongoing monitoring and assessment of breathing. at 6:30 PM in the ER, shehad been feeling slightly under the weather two weeks ago; no current asthma exacerbation, but has very labile asthmaSIngulair, advair, Duonebs, dupixent, albuterol, zyrtec, chlorpheniramine; wellbutrin, Sertraline;
right after the vaccine she felt light headed felt better in observation after about 7 minutes employee c/o heart racing,Chest pressure, feeling light headed, throat scratchy and tight. allergy to MRI contrast dye only - Gadolinium. Has had lots of vaccines in the past without problems. Taken to ED via W/C was talking all the way not SOB admitted to ED. 12-28 States she was admitted to the hospital overnight for anaphalaxis on a second trip to ED. She will not be able to get her second dose of the vaccine. this should be entered into the VAERS reporting system. She is till using the benedryl.noneThryoid 250 mg qd, Benedryl 25 mg q 6 hours, prednisone 40 mg daily, ibuprophen 200 mg prn for chest pressure,
Anaphylactic Reaction, facial swelling, facial Redness, Face felt like it was burning, face flushing, throat swelling, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing , feet swelling, light headed, anxiety. Hospitalized from the 12/23/20 to 12/26/2020 . Medications now on Epinephrine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, famotidine, prednisone, lorazepam, cephalexin. on 1/1/2021 was taken to E.R. by ambulance around 11:00 am left hand was tingle started to go numb traveled up my arm into left side of my face ,ear, tongue, and then down to the left side of my leg and into left foot, could not move left side of body for a good 7 to 8 mins then went away transferred to ambulance enroute to ER blood pressure was high and and started having right ear pain and right side frontal severe headache, arrived to ER and was given diphenhydramine ,ketorolac, metoclopramide HCI, lorazepam. MRI was ordered and Neurologist found two small lesions on right side of frontal brain, following up now with neurologist. added more meds naproxenNoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020On Dec. 20, 2020 around 11:30 PM, 2 days after patient received her COVID-19 vaccination, she was found on the bathroom floor , obtunded, very pale, diaphoretic, nauseous, and complaining of severe chest pain. Paramedics was called and patient was transported to the nearest emergency room. According to paramedics, on the way to the ER while patient was in the ambulance,she was noted with a sudden drop in heart rate about 19 beats/minute and have to be given Atropine IV Push, oxygen and was connected to transcutaneous pacing which improves her heart rate. In the ER patient continued to have chest pain and she was given Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerine and Aspirin. IM had an EKG which showed Sinus Bradycardia with a Right Bundle Branch Block. She had serial ekgs, a chest x-ray, laboratory testing which included Troponin. Her first Troponin level came back elevated prompting her hospital admission to Telemetry. Her next 2 Troponin level improved and return to normal range and her chest pain has resolved.. She underwent a Stress Test which came back negative. Patient was admitted for a total of 20 hours in the Telemetry unit with Cardiology consultation before being discharged home last . She was re-evaluated by the cardiologist yesterday which diagnosed her a chest pain of unknown origin.noneAmlodipine 10 mg daily
I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
Jan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
Within 5 minutes, throat closing and generalized itchiness, tongue swelling, joint ache, skin on fire, short of breath. 2 doses of PO Benadryl at clinic, transferred to ED where she received epinephrine and 4 days of prednisone and allergy consult. Nausea began evening of 1/21/21 with headache. Fever 100.6 began 1/22/21. Headache and nausea still remain, not fully recovered.NoneCalcium, magnesium, vitamin E, multi-vitamin
CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 202030YO F ICU nurse obesity (BMI 35) COVID 19 on Dec 2 symptoms, Dec 3 tested positive for COVID-19. never hospitalized, outpatient only. 12/12 completed isolation 12/21 received vaccine 12/7 developed Fever chills diarrhea SOB cough Urgent care visit. RLL consolidation on CXR given doxycycline 100 mg po bid worse, fever 40 targetoid lesions to LE (started before doxy) WBC 22K tachycardic tachypneic admitted requiring 2-4L oxygen CT angio without clot, diffuse ground glass and RML dense infiltrate DDimer 7.8 LDH 599 CRP 41 procal 0.67 ferritin 500 Viral respiratory PCR negative Sputum cx with oral flora (pending) COVID ag testing neg COVID PCR 1/3 targets positive (called as indeterminate).COVID-19 Dec 2 Not hospitalized, mild symptomscyclobenzaprine 10mg po tid mirena 52mg IUD
40-49 yearsDec., 2020The patient was well prior to vaccination (12/17). The day after, he felt mildly unwell and had a low grade fever. The following day, he had a fever of 102. He received 1L of fluid at Urgent Care and had a BP ion the 80s. Shortly thereafter, he felt palpitations and developed AF. He came to the hospital where he was tachycardia to 200 bpm and hypotensive to SBP70s. He received aggressive fluid resuscitation (4L), IV metoprolol and was started on empiric Abx. Within several hours, the HR lowered, BP increased, and AF spontaneously converted to sinus. He had no dysuria. Curtures so far have not shown growth at our hospital. Urinary culture from urgent care has reportedly shows 20k gram positive cocci.Enterococcus faecalis UTI diagnosed 11/2520 associated with ureteral stent removal 11/10/20 treated successfully with AugmentinFlomax 0.4mg Daily
Jan., 2021Patient got her 2nd dose of Pfizer covid vaccine on 1/8. On 1/11 she had intermittent chest pain that lasted a few days and started to notice small purpura rash on left breast. She didn't think much of it but noticed the same type of rash on her pant line and then right thigh. On 1/15 she called Occupational Health who advised her to go straight to the ED.none known.melatonin 3mg daily, magnesium 500mg daily, gabapentin 300mg BID
65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
CHEST X-RAY NORMAL40-49 yearsJan., 2021first day after shot, nausea, body aches, 2nd day Sunday headache, Monday 5 am woke up itching, then 9 am hives everywhere, trouble breathing, anaphylaxis, went to ER, got epi X 2, solumedrol, benadryl, pepcid, then still with hives, tachycardia, dyspnea, iv fluids were influsing and epi drip started, went to ICUnon systemic vasculitis bilat feetmg, vit b complex, calicum with vit D, zyrtec, singulair, klonopin, omeprazole, prednisone
chest tightness, cough, runny nose, nausea, dizzy, red chest, high pitch voice, difficulty speaking. anaphylaxis EKG monitoring, IVF, IM Epinephrine, IV Benadryl, IV Pepcid, Albuterol dual neb, CXR, Labs sent home after 6 1/2 hours of treatment and monitoring. Sent home with Epi penfelt fine at the time of vaccination. Had a mild cold Dec 15-18. runny nose, scratchy throat, mild cough. COVID test negative.allegra, Xolair, pulmicort, prozac, singular, trazadone. dexilant, gabapentin, allergy shots
65+ yearsJan., 2021patient began with vomiting and diarrhea the day after administration, leading to bowel and urine incontinence. patient was hospitalized on 01/16/20 with sepsis. no origin discovered yet. still waiting on blood/urine/stool cultures.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CHILLS18-29 yearsJan., 2021Employee was awaken at 5:30 am on 1/13/2021 by chills and a feverish feeling. She then became nauseous and faint. She passed out and was noted by her mother who is a RN to have a seizure. She remained out for several minutes and then aroused. She has remained groggy the rest of today but has improved. She has a history of non-epileptic seizures since she was 14 and has been on medications for this. Employee stated she has not has any seizure activity in over a year. She did not see medical attention due to recovering quickly from this.NoneEmployee is currently taking anti seizure medications
30-39 yearsDec., 202030YO F ICU nurse obesity (BMI 35) COVID 19 on Dec 2 symptoms, Dec 3 tested positive for COVID-19. never hospitalized, outpatient only. 12/12 completed isolation 12/21 received vaccine 12/7 developed Fever chills diarrhea SOB cough Urgent care visit. RLL consolidation on CXR given doxycycline 100 mg po bid worse, fever 40 targetoid lesions to LE (started before doxy) WBC 22K tachycardic tachypneic admitted requiring 2-4L oxygen CT angio without clot, diffuse ground glass and RML dense infiltrate DDimer 7.8 LDH 599 CRP 41 procal 0.67 ferritin 500 Viral respiratory PCR negative Sputum cx with oral flora (pending) COVID ag testing neg COVID PCR 1/3 targets positive (called as indeterminate).COVID-19 Dec 2 Not hospitalized, mild symptomscyclobenzaprine 10mg po tid mirena 52mg IUD
had a positive COVID test; had a positive COVID test; O2 Saturation of 80% / Hypoxia; shortness of breath; He has a CT scan which showed extensive infiltration in the lungs; muscle pain; chills; body aches; low grade fever; cough; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (pulmonary medicine). This physician reported similar events for 2 patients. This is 1st of 2 reports. A 35-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 18Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19 immunization. There were no medical history and concomitant medications. Caller stated that his close friend who was ER physician (front line worker) and within 24 hours after receiving the COVID vaccine, developed COVID or symptoms of COVID. Patient received the COVID vaccine on 18Dec2020 and the same night patient started with a low grade fever, body aches, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath, cough, O2 saturation of 80% (hypoxia) and was in the intensive care unit now. Patient swore this was related to the vaccine. This patient tested positive for COVID. He had a CT (computerised tomogram) scan which showed extensive infiltration in the lungs in Dec2020. Patient was admitted to the hospital on 24Dec2020 and then was moved to the ICU 2 days later, on 26Dec2020. Caller thought patient had a positive COVID test at another hospital. Caller did know that tested positive at the current hospital on 26Dec2020 which was done to confirm the previous positive test. Caller thought patient had his first positive COVID test either the same day or the next day after receiving the vaccine. Event of O2 Saturation of 80% / hypoxia was reported as hospitalization from 24Dec2020 and life threatening; infiltration in the lungs and shortness of breath caused hospitalization from 24Dec2020, muscle pain, chills and positive COVID test was reported as medically significant; and other events were reported as non-serious. Outcome of O2 saturation of 80% / hypoxia and shortness of breath was not recovered, outcome of cough was recovering; and outcome of other events were unknown. Information about lot/batch number has been requested. ; Sender's Comments: Based on the information currently available, a lack of efficacy with suspected vaccine BNT162B2 in this patient cannot be completely excluded.,Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2020519020 same reporter/drug , different patient/AE.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021within 1 hr post-vaccine on 1/7 I had a mild headache that resolved with Tylenol. At about 12 hours post-vaccine I developed nausea, fever (100.4) and chills and secondary to this had poor sleep. The next day I took scheduled alternating Tylenol & ibuprofen during the day and then overnight 1 episode of chills that woke me up. no events Saturday or Sunday. Then Monday 1/11 in the early morning I started to develop a rash on my b/l elbow and right foot 3rd toe. I applied mometasone topical cream to these locations. while at work the rash extended down both forearms then by 5pm it was on both hips and extending along both legs. I applied Benadryl cream to the most irritated sites and took PO Benadryl 50mg at bedtime and again at 1am when the itching woke me up. I repeated Benadryl 25mg at 8am. The rash seems to be getting better on the arms but then by noon I had a new breakout on my neck and face. I took Benadryl 50mg at 1pm. The rash continued to have a rapid progression over the next hour and resulted in angioedema with my throat swelling, lips puffed and numb and eye swelling. I was injected with an epi pen and sent to the ED where I received PO prednisone, famotidine, and Benadryl. The face/neck rash then greatly improved and I was sent home on prednisone 40mg daily for 3 days.nonemetformin, Ocelle (cOCP), vit d, women's multivitamin, cholestyramine
Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Saturday had. Sweating. Chills. Headache. Nausea.; Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis.; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 34-year-old female patient (pregnant: No) received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) via intramuscular (lot number: EL1283) on left arm on 08Jan2021 at 6:30 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The relevant medical history included celiac, anemia, known allergies: Sulfa and Gluten. Concomitant medications were not reported. The patient received first dose of BNT162B2 via intramuscular (lot number: Ek5730) on left leg on 18Dec2020 at 11:00 AM at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient previously took Codeine, fish oil and experienced allergies. Friday at 3pm, the patient had numbness and tingling to left hand, lips and throat. On Saturday the patient had sweating, chills, headache, nausea. On Sunday had emergency appendectomy for actuate appendicitis. Post surgery had allergic reaction unknown reason with head to toe rash. It was also reported that the adverse event started on 08Jan2021 at 03: 15 PM (as reported). The patient had 1-day hospitalization. The patient received treatment for the events. The adverse events resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The events were reported as serious due to life threatening and hospitalization. The most recent COVID-19 vaccine was administered at hospital. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: A causal association between BNT162B2 and the reported events cannot be excluded based on a compatible temporal relation between vaccination and onset of events. Medications administered during appendectomy may confound reactions experienced post-surgery. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to RAs, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsJan., 2021The day after receiving the second vaccination, I began to have mild intermittent abdominal pain2-3/10. The pain gradually increased, became more intense, and more constant. Mild fever and chills started happening, and I took Ibuprofen. By about 4 days after the vaccine, the abdominal pain was severe enough that I had some difficulty walking and I couldn?t sleep at night. Pain was 6-8/10. I went to the ER, and CT scan with IV contrast showed 18 mm appendicitis. I underwent laparoscopic surgery and it was found to be perforated. It was removed. I am currently recovering in the hospital. I received the vaccine as a health care provider at my hospital, specifically I am a practicing pediatrician physician for over 10 years.Strep throat about a week prior to vaccinationNone
Tachycardia, Shortness of breath, headache, dizzyness, weakness, chills, nausea, feverN/AN/A
Day 1. Fatigue. Sleepiness. Loss of appetite Day 2. Muscle aches. Headache. Chills. Loss of appetite. Episode of severe abdominal pain, chest pain, right shoulder pain, shortness of breath, syncope, diaphoresis, vomiting Day 3. Fatigue. Headache. Chest pain.NoneSertraline Nexium Vitamin D Melatonin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Chills Hip painNoneSertraline 25mg, Aspirin 81 mg, Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3, Multivitamin with Iron, Hair Skin & Nails soft gel, Probiotic, Cetirizine
"Per husband, was in usual state of health on the AM of 1/10/20, AOx3 able to perform all I/ADLs. At around 2:30pm that day was complaining of chills and generalized malaise. Then at ~9:30pm when husband returned home from work found patient diaphoretic, confused (stating things like ""not now, I want to go to lake""), and complaining of chills and weakness. Unable to provide any additional hx regarding other sx. Initially presented to ED, where mental status had deteriorated to AOx0, unable to respond to verbal commands. Initial vitals notable for T102.6F (unclear other vitals). Patient is now AOx0 most concerning for encephalopathy."No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021anaphylaxis; throat tightening; throat tightening/tingling; throat tightening/tingling/soreness; dry wheezy cough a little dizziness; dizziness; tachycardia; Itching; chills; numb R foot; Low grade temp; h/a today; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse (patient). A 51-years-old female patient (no pregnant) started to receive bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number el3248), via an unspecified route of administration on 06Jan2021 11:00 at the first single dose at left arm for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included supraventricular tachycardia, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypermobility syndrome, developmental hip. Concomitant medication included hydrocortisone, trazodone, levothyroxine sodium (LEVOTHROID), bupropion hydrochloride (WELLBUTRIN). The patient previously took erythromycin, morphine and experienced drug hypersensitivity. The patient experienced anaphylaxis, throat tightening/tingling/soreness, dry wheezy cough a little dizziness and tachycardia. Itching, numb R foot, Low grade temp and chills and headache on 06Jan2021 11:15. Seriousness criteria reported as life threatening. Taken to ER had IV benadryl, solumedrol, pepcid for anaphylaxis. Placed on O2 and given albuterol nebulizer. Had IV fluid bolus. Now on benadryl and 5 days of prednisone. The patient felt completely fine prior to vaccine. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included sars-cov-2 test: negative on 06Jan2021. The outcome of events was recovering. No other vaccine in four weeks; No covid prior vaccination.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset of anaphylaxis presented as throat tightening/tingling/soreness, dry wheezy cough a little dizziness and tachycardia. Itching, numb R foot, Low grade temp and chills and headache cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship and the known adverse event profile of the suspect product. The underlying predisposing condition of drug allergies may put the patient at high risk of anaphylactic reactions. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.; ; LEVOTHROID; WELLBUTRIN
60-64 yearsJan., 20216-7 hours after the vaccine she developed arm pain, fever and chills. About an hour later she started to have abdominal pain which worsened over the course of the day to excruciating. She went to the Emergency Room where a CT scan revealed a perforation of her sigmoid colon and had a resection of the area of the colon and a diverting colostomy surgery done the evening of 1/3/2021.No current illness for this event.Tylenol 350 mg as needed Valium 5 mg as needed
65+ yearsJan., 2021At approximately 4pm on Jan 11, 2021, I began to have hard chills and fever that reached 104.9. I was admitted to ICU at the Hospital. My blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels. I was diagnosed with sepsis and the doctors determined it was caused by the vaccine.DiarrheaLomotil, Pantoprazole, Trametinib, Alprazolam, hydrocortisone cream, doxycycline, immodium, clindamycin, multivitamin,
CHOKING18-29 yearsJan., 2021Day after vaccine : mild shortness of breath, sensation of swelling in my throat/neck area. Took Benadryl 50mg before bedtime. 2 days after vaccine: woke up with voice changes, coughing/choking with speaking. Used epipen once, felt full relief for about 1-2 hours. Trouble speaking again. Then went to ER, had epipen again twice, over two hours, Benadryl 50IV and Pepcid and steroids. Sitting in the ER now debating admission. Likely being admitted., home epipen are too expensive to treat q2h by myself.NoneMontelukast, Allegra, omeprazole
40-49 yearsJan., 20212230 feeling of unease, body aches, site arm tingling, general mild aches 0220 awoke from sleep choking, having difficulty breathing, felt very SOB, worse with exertion or trying to speak, great difficulty swallowing and speaking even in brief words. Took 50mg of Benadryl PO and went to the ED, about a 15 minute car ride. Had tingling and numbness of the tongue and back of throat by arrival but still able to breath with focus. Exertion of just walking into the ED greatly increased the SOB. Was triaged, Benadryl starting to help, was able to speak a little better, 3-4 words without too much SOB caused. Was walked to a room, SOB milder with that exertion. Seen by Dr. Given IV Sol-u-Medrol and 50mg Benadryl. Was observed on cardiac monitor/Q15VS for a few hours and discharged home around 5:30. Given Rx of Prednisone 20mg -3tabs x2 days, 2tabs x5 days all once a days and told to take 50mg of Benadryl Q4H for the next 24 hours at least and to return prn. I did need to stay on Benadryl, as the Sol-u-Medrol wore off some of the swelling in thr throat did return but not severe, Benadryl did help, along with taking my Asthmnex I already had. I also continued my normal HS antihistamines. I had SOB on exertion, progressively better from the 6th-10th with it mostly resolved to yesterday. Body aches have continued but also progressively better. Yeasterday1/12/21 the Rx of prednisone was completed and I did have some mild swelling /tingling in the throat/face/mouth return in the evening, took Benadryl 50mg again and inhaler used. I have an appointment today to seek further care at my primary doctor's office. Asthmnax used again this morning as well, only mild tightness in the throat currently with mild body aches this whole time.n/aZyrtec 10 mg at HS Omeprazole 20mg at HS Estrodol 2mg at HS Multi Vit. GNC energy+metabolism x1 tab HS Asmanex HFA-2puffs swallowed PRN esophageal swelling /reflux-last used 2 plus months prior to vaccination
CHOLECYSTECTOMY40-49 yearsDec., 2020Acute pancreatitis with sepsis; Acute pancreatitis with sepsis; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist, the patient. A 48-year-old non-pregnant female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: EK5730), via an unspecified route of administration on 17Dec2020 at 15:00 (at the age of 48-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included penicillin allergy. Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Concomitant medications included fexofenadine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN). The patient did not receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. On 28Dec2020, the patient experienced acute pancreatitis with sepsis, which were reported as serious for hospitalization and being life threatening. The patient had gone to the emergency room due to the event and was hospitalized for a total of 6 days. On 29Dec2020 and 31Dec2020, the patient had COVID-19 nasal swabs performed and both results were negative. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of acute pancreatitis with sepsis and included gall bladder removal. The clinical outcome of acute pancreatitis with sepsis was recovering.; Sender's Comments: Based on the temporal relationship, the association between the events pancreatitis with sepsis with BNT162b2 can not be completely excluded. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
COAGULATION TEST40-49 yearsDec., 2020I am not sure if related on not. This event was 13 days after my COVID-19 1/2 immunization. Otherwise, I am a very healthy physician, normal BMI, I have also been tested 5-6 times negative for COVID. I do get exposed in my job, but wear proper PPE. Viral infection in FEB that was like COVID-19 sx, I did AB test as soon as it was available, and negative. ---The Event: Monday morning (1/4/21), after getting out of shower, I was talking to my husband (who is MD)and started having BROCA's aphasia sx (could not get words out coherently), then fell into bed and started right wrist and right foot posturing. This lasted 10 min. I have non-memory of it, but my MD husband witnessed it. After 10 minutes, I was back to normal, except shaky and some word finding difficulties. After 30 min, totally back to normal.none.xyzal 10mg 1/day, Sudafed 12 hour XR 1 po qAM, Nasonex nasal spray 2 puffs q AM, Emgality 120mg once a month (last 12/17), carisoprodol 350mg q 6 hours, prn; norco q 6 hours, prn; zanaflex 8 mg qhs, prn. DID take a diflucan the prior nigh
COAGULATION TEST NORMAL50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcsNo acute illness. H/O Diverticulosis August 2020Diltiazem 120 mg bid, Metoprolol 25 mg qd, Lisinopril 10 qd, Clopidogrel 30 qd, ASA 81 mg qd, Metformin 500 mg bid, Pioglitazone 30 mg qd, L thyroxine 88 mcg qd, Ezetimibe 10 mg qd, Silodosin 4 mg qd; Centrum Silver Multivitamin 1 qd, and
COGNITIVE DISORDER65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had a fall at extended care facility, patient had worsening cognitive function. CT reveals subdural hematomaNo current illness for this event.ASpirin 81mg, Symbicort, vitamin C, finasteride, synthroid, losartan, fish oil, multivitamin, tamsulosin, Spiriva, trazodone
COLONOSCOPY ABNORMAL65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcsNo acute illness. H/O Diverticulosis August 2020Diltiazem 120 mg bid, Metoprolol 25 mg qd, Lisinopril 10 qd, Clopidogrel 30 qd, ASA 81 mg qd, Metformin 500 mg bid, Pioglitazone 30 mg qd, L thyroxine 88 mcg qd, Ezetimibe 10 mg qd, Silodosin 4 mg qd; Centrum Silver Multivitamin 1 qd, and
COLOSTOMY60-64 yearsJan., 20216-7 hours after the vaccine she developed arm pain, fever and chills. About an hour later she started to have abdominal pain which worsened over the course of the day to excruciating. She went to the Emergency Room where a CT scan revealed a perforation of her sigmoid colon and had a resection of the area of the colon and a diverting colostomy surgery done the evening of 1/3/2021.No current illness for this event.Tylenol 350 mg as needed Valium 5 mg as needed
COMPLICATED APPENDICITIS50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM30-39 yearsDec., 2020Unprovoked seizure (clonic tonic) 13 days later, requiring hospitalization and testingNoneZoloft, buspirone, multivitamin, protonix
65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute ischemic stroke, basilar occlusionNo current illness for this event.amlodipine, atorvastatin, esomeprazole, metoprolol, omega-3, ticagrelor, cyanocobalamin
Fatigue, muscle aches, vomiting, hematomaCovid 19losartan, doxazosin, metoprolol, Areds 2 eye vitamins
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN30-39 yearsJan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
60-64 yearsJan., 20216-7 hours after the vaccine she developed arm pain, fever and chills. About an hour later she started to have abdominal pain which worsened over the course of the day to excruciating. She went to the Emergency Room where a CT scan revealed a perforation of her sigmoid colon and had a resection of the area of the colon and a diverting colostomy surgery done the evening of 1/3/2021.No current illness for this event.Tylenol 350 mg as needed Valium 5 mg as needed
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Began medication (follitropin 200 units) for assisted reproductive technology on evening of 01/02/21. Added ganirelix injections on 01/06/21. Trigger injection with leuprolide administered at 20:00 on 01/11/21. Immediately prior to oocyte retrieval on 01/13/21, given 1L IVF and ampicillin (dose unknown) at approx. 07:30am. Retrieval at 08:00am was uneventful, but notable for 17 oocytes retrieved and only 10 were mature. Post-procedure vitals were WNL. Discharged home from facility (Family Health Center) at approx. 09:30am. At approx. 12:00pm, noted increasing abdominal girth. At approx. 14:00, noted mild shortness of breath. Abdominal distention and shortness of breath continued to worsen. Unable to recline even moderately due to difficulty breathing.No current illness for this event.prenatal vitamin
Jan., 2021I am a resident physician/ employee at the Hospital. I developed acute perforated appendicitis 56 hours after receiving the 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I received the vaccine on 1/12/21 and developed symptoms of epigastric pain and vomiting on 1/14/21. On 1/15/21, I developed fever and right lower quadrant pain that was sustained. I presented to the Hospital Emergency Department on 1/17/21 and was diagnosed with acute perforated appendicitis by CT with contrast. I underwent emergency appendectomy at The Hospital on 1/17/21 and was hospitalized from 1/17/21-1/19/21.NoneNone
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
65+ yearsJan., 2021Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding per rectum with massive bloody diarrhea, transfer to Emergency room by EMS with IV placement and fluid resuscitation, vital signs unstable, emergency assessment and massive transfusion over next 4 hours of 4 units of PRBC and 2 units platelets, dual 16 gauge IV's, intrarterial line. ER Summary available and can be scanned and sent. Low HgB, Low platelets in 60 k range and multiple consultants and diagnositcsNo acute illness. H/O Diverticulosis August 2020Diltiazem 120 mg bid, Metoprolol 25 mg qd, Lisinopril 10 qd, Clopidogrel 30 qd, ASA 81 mg qd, Metformin 500 mg bid, Pioglitazone 30 mg qd, L thyroxine 88 mcg qd, Ezetimibe 10 mg qd, Silodosin 4 mg qd; Centrum Silver Multivitamin 1 qd, and
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020had a positive COVID test; had a positive COVID test; O2 Saturation of 80% / Hypoxia; shortness of breath; He has a CT scan which showed extensive infiltration in the lungs; muscle pain; chills; body aches; low grade fever; cough; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (pulmonary medicine). This physician reported similar events for 2 patients. This is 1st of 2 reports. A 35-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 18Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19 immunization. There were no medical history and concomitant medications. Caller stated that his close friend who was ER physician (front line worker) and within 24 hours after receiving the COVID vaccine, developed COVID or symptoms of COVID. Patient received the COVID vaccine on 18Dec2020 and the same night patient started with a low grade fever, body aches, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath, cough, O2 saturation of 80% (hypoxia) and was in the intensive care unit now. Patient swore this was related to the vaccine. This patient tested positive for COVID. He had a CT (computerised tomogram) scan which showed extensive infiltration in the lungs in Dec2020. Patient was admitted to the hospital on 24Dec2020 and then was moved to the ICU 2 days later, on 26Dec2020. Caller thought patient had a positive COVID test at another hospital. Caller did know that tested positive at the current hospital on 26Dec2020 which was done to confirm the previous positive test. Caller thought patient had his first positive COVID test either the same day or the next day after receiving the vaccine. Event of O2 Saturation of 80% / hypoxia was reported as hospitalization from 24Dec2020 and life threatening; infiltration in the lungs and shortness of breath caused hospitalization from 24Dec2020, muscle pain, chills and positive COVID test was reported as medically significant; and other events were reported as non-serious. Outcome of O2 saturation of 80% / hypoxia and shortness of breath was not recovered, outcome of cough was recovering; and outcome of other events were unknown. Information about lot/batch number has been requested. ; Sender's Comments: Based on the information currently available, a lack of efficacy with suspected vaccine BNT162B2 in this patient cannot be completely excluded.,Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2020519020 same reporter/drug , different patient/AE.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
40-49 yearsDec., 202012/23- began to experience intermittent right lower quadrant pain in the morning, fever of 100.4 F in the evening which subsided with ibuprofen. 12/24- no fever noted but intermittent right lower quadrant pain continued, seen at the Health Clinic, sent to Hospital ER for CT scan, diagnosed with appendicitis, appendectomy performed.NoneNo other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Severe right lower quadrant pain, anorexia over 12 hours. Went to the emergency department. Lab results showed elevated WBC and CT scan showed acute appendicitis. Admitted for urgent surgery: laparoscopic appendectomy. Was hospitalized from 12/26/20-12/28/20.NoneValtrex Wellbutrin Abilify Fish Oil Multi-Vitamin Biotin
60-64 yearsJan., 20216-7 hours after the vaccine she developed arm pain, fever and chills. About an hour later she started to have abdominal pain which worsened over the course of the day to excruciating. She went to the Emergency Room where a CT scan revealed a perforation of her sigmoid colon and had a resection of the area of the colon and a diverting colostomy surgery done the evening of 1/3/2021.No current illness for this event.Tylenol 350 mg as needed Valium 5 mg as needed
65+ yearsDec., 2020Low grade Fever, headache needing admission Intracranial hemorrhage with hypertension Medical management for hypertensive emergency Received surgical evacuation admitted in Intensive care,HypertensionNot on medications
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM CORONARY ARTERY NORMAL40-49 yearsDec., 2020Near syncopal episode approximately 2.5 hours after vaccination. Sudden onset of dizziness, nausea, and diaphoresis. Was admitted to ED and observed overnight. Full cardiac work up was done and shown to be within normal limits. I have no pre-existing conditions and considered to be a healthy adult.NoneBupropion HCl XL 300mg tablet QDay Bupropion HCl SR 100mg tablet QDay Escitalopram 20mg tablet QDay Buspirone HCL 7.5mg tablet TID
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD30-39 yearsJan., 2021The patient presented with left eye peripheral visual loss, left upper and lower extremity and facial numbness sensation and weakness. This started 1 hour after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at her place of employment. Pt was brought to CRMC via EMS.nonewith past 24 hours prior to vxn pt reports taking: One a day women's vitamin, Benadryl, Allegra
50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
65+ yearsDec., 2020Low grade Fever, headache needing admission Intracranial hemorrhage with hypertension Medical management for hypertensive emergency Received surgical evacuation admitted in Intensive care,HypertensionNot on medications
Jan., 2021Patient came into the emergency department on 1/8/21 with an acute ischemic stroke with complete occlusion of her left MCA. She had acute and complete flaccid paresis of her right face, arm, and leg, complete aphasia, and neglect of the right side of her body. NIHSS of 27. Onset of deficit was between 6:30pm-7:10pm. She recieved her 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose that morning at 10:31am.Hypertension, hypothyroidismNo other medications for this event.
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot. When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation. The outcome of the event thrombocytopenia was recovered with sequel on 06Jan2021; for the event stroke was recovered with sequel on 30Dec2020; while for bleed in the brain was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events thrombocytopenia, bleed in the brain and stroke. Additional information regarding relevant medical history, underlying conditions and concomitant medications will aid in comprehensive assessment of the case. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
50-59 yearsDec., 2020He collapsed with left sided hemiparesis; Stroke; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect.; Low platelets, 114; His bp as high as 200s/100; Hand weakness; Myalgia; Fever; Severe fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician. A 58-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech COVID vaccine), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Concomitant medication included hypertension medications in two weeks. The patient was presumed neg covid status prior to vaccine. He worked as a Pulm/critical care physician. He reported fever, myalgia, fatigue on 16Dec2020. Next day (17Dec2020), he took off from work due to his symptoms. The following day (18Dec2020), he came to work. He c/o ongoing severe fatigue & hand weakness in am. Staff noted him to be evaluating his hands during clinic. At 12:15, he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis. The reporter had suspicion for stroke. He was transported to the Emergency Room (ER), head CT showed Rt basal ganglia hemorrhage w/ edema and mass effect. Labs notable for Low platelets, 114 (unknown baseline) on 18Dec2020, normal coags on an unspecified date. BP recorded as 179/101, but it was noted in trauma room his bp as high as 200s/100. He had a history of hypertension with reported med noncompliance in the last few months due to stress. Patient was transferred for further care. Full course was unknown but had rebleed there with low plts. Adverse event (he collapsed with left sided hemiparesis) resulted in hospitalization (22 days), life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability/incapacitating or permanent damage. Treatment was received for adverse events. Results of tests and procedures for investigation of the patient: on 18Dec2020, Nasal Swab test: negative. The outcome of events was not recovered. Unknown if any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient was not tested for COVID-19. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Collapsed with left sided hemiparesis/suspicion for stroke are as consequences of basal ganglia hemorrhage with edema, which is caused by worsening of hypertension. Low platelet also contributes to brain hemorrhage. All these serious events are unrelated to the vaccine use. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 2021Patient had a fall at extended care facility, patient had worsening cognitive function. CT reveals subdural hematomaNo current illness for this event.ASpirin 81mg, Symbicort, vitamin C, finasteride, synthroid, losartan, fish oil, multivitamin, tamsulosin, Spiriva, trazodone
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD NORMAL50-59 yearsJan., 2021Pt received vaccine and developed HA with left hemianopsia, left upper ext and left lower ext weakness. Stroke Code activated at clinic where she works CT head neg TPA administered, transferred to ED for CTA and stroke care CTA neg MRI pending but clinically improvednonesynthroid
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM PELVIS50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM PELVIS ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020Began medication (follitropin 200 units) for assisted reproductive technology on evening of 01/02/21. Added ganirelix injections on 01/06/21. Trigger injection with leuprolide administered at 20:00 on 01/11/21. Immediately prior to oocyte retrieval on 01/13/21, given 1L IVF and ampicillin (dose unknown) at approx. 07:30am. Retrieval at 08:00am was uneventful, but notable for 17 oocytes retrieved and only 10 were mature. Post-procedure vitals were WNL. Discharged home from facility (Family Health Center) at approx. 09:30am. At approx. 12:00pm, noted increasing abdominal girth. At approx. 14:00, noted mild shortness of breath. Abdominal distention and shortness of breath continued to worsen. Unable to recline even moderately due to difficulty breathing.No current illness for this event.prenatal vitamin
50-59 yearsDec., 2020I had no side effects after my vaccine on 12/24/20 until 1/8/21. On Friday, 1/8/21 at 830pm I began with severe abdominal pain, low grade fever, nausea and loss of appetite. My abdominal pain persisted and worsened over the next 24-36hours. I presented to the ER on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 8am with severe right lower quadrant pain, pelvic pain, nausea and low grade fever. I was promptly diagnosed with appendicitis and taken to the OR at approximately 2pm on the same day. In the OR my appendix was gangrenous, there was pus in the pelvic area nd fluid in my peritoneum. My appendix was not ruptured. My appendix was removed as well as part of the omentum. I remained in the hospital on IV Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin for 2 days and was discharged on 1/13/21 at 9pm. I am continuing to recvoer at home on the same 2 antibiotics in oral form. I have a JP drain that is still in place. Of note I had two negative COVID 19 tests on 1/9/21 and 1/10/21. Both were PCR tests.Recent doagnosis of SVT (12/20)Synthroid 112mcg once per day
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM SPINE50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX30-39 yearsDec., 202030YO F ICU nurse obesity (BMI 35) COVID 19 on Dec 2 symptoms, Dec 3 tested positive for COVID-19. never hospitalized, outpatient only. 12/12 completed isolation 12/21 received vaccine 12/7 developed Fever chills diarrhea SOB cough Urgent care visit. RLL consolidation on CXR given doxycycline 100 mg po bid worse, fever 40 targetoid lesions to LE (started before doxy) WBC 22K tachycardic tachypneic admitted requiring 2-4L oxygen CT angio without clot, diffuse ground glass and RML dense infiltrate DDimer 7.8 LDH 599 CRP 41 procal 0.67 ferritin 500 Viral respiratory PCR negative Sputum cx with oral flora (pending) COVID ag testing neg COVID PCR 1/3 targets positive (called as indeterminate).COVID-19 Dec 2 Not hospitalized, mild symptomscyclobenzaprine 10mg po tid mirena 52mg IUD
Severe Right sided chest pain, right sided muscle spasms and difficulty breathing two weeks after vaccine was administered Diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism was made on presentation to ER. No personal or family history of clots in arteries or deep veins or any risk factors in patient. Received heparin drip, pain medications, muscle relaxants inpatient. Pain progressively improved over days. Was discharged after 6 days on admission. Was discharged on oral anticoagulant (Rivaroxaban aka xarelto)NoneIbuprofen, Tylenol
40-49 yearsJan., 2021At 6 days after my second COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine (first dose given 12/17/20), I had acute onset of chest pain and shortness of breath prompting a trip to the Emergency Department. A chest CT Angio to rule out pulmonary embolus was done and negative for pulmonary embolus. My EKG showed some mild ST changes and a troponin I level was elevated at 0.08 (normal 0.04). Subsequent troponin levels 90 minutes apart showed a rising troponin at 0.18 and 0.38. An echocardiogram was performed which showed regional wall motion abnormalities consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and an ejection fraction of 45%. I was then taken to cardiac catheterization lab for coronary angiograms which were normal. My LV angiogram was consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and my LVEDP was elevated. I was started on a beta blocker and sent home the following day.noneEthinol Estradiol Levothyroxine
50-59 yearsJan., 2021on 1/8/2021 17:30 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysmnone mentionedmultivitamin; vitamin D
65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL30-39 yearsDec., 2020I was having episodes of dyspnea and non productive cough starting from 1/1/2021. On 1/13/2021 I experienced severe dyspnea and had loss of consciousness for 5 seconds and was found down. I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolus (about 9) which was treated with direct TPA via catheterization. I then recovered in the ICU and transitioned to oral anticoagulation and discharged home on 1/15/2021.NoneMultivitamin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pulmonary embolus developed 8 days after second injection. No previous history of vascular events. No known risk factors.noneOmeprazole
CONDITION AGGRAVATED18-29 yearsJan., 2021Employee was awaken at 5:30 am on 1/13/2021 by chills and a feverish feeling. She then became nauseous and faint. She passed out and was noted by her mother who is a RN to have a seizure. She remained out for several minutes and then aroused. She has remained groggy the rest of today but has improved. She has a history of non-epileptic seizures since she was 14 and has been on medications for this. Employee stated she has not has any seizure activity in over a year. She did not see medical attention due to recovering quickly from this.NoneEmployee is currently taking anti seizure medications
she was diagnosed with bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE); she was diagnosed with bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 22-year-old female patient received 2nd dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot# EK9231), via an unspecified route of administration in left arm on 06Jan2021 13:45 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included allergy to all fish, and clots. The patient was not pregnant. There were no concomitant medications. The patient previously received 1st dose of BNT162B2 (lot numer: EH9899) in left arm on 16Dec2020 13:45 for COVID-19 immunisation and experienced left sided lower back pain on 20Dec2020. No other vaccine received in four weeks. It was reported that the patient had the first covid vaccine on 16Dec2020 and on 20Dec2020 started with left sided lower back pain and then received the second on 06Jan2021 and then on 09Jan2021 11:00 her legs became blue and swollen and she was diagnosed with bilateral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The patient otherwise healthy and had never had covid. Other than the clots, she had no other health issues. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included nasal swab: negative on 09Jan2021. Events resulted in doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, emergency room/department or urgent care, hospitalization, and life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), hospitalized for 2 days (in Jan2021). Adverse event treatment: heparin drip and xarelto at home. Recovered with lasting effects on an unspecified date of Jan2020. This case was reported as serious, serious criteria was life threatening, caused/prolonged hospitalization.; Sender's Comments: The underlying risk factors/predisposing condition of thrombotic diathesis have been assessed to have played a contributory role toward the events.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
30-39 yearsDec., 2020Monitored x 15 min per guidelines. Began to experience SOB and throat swelling, after which pt presented to the ED for tx, dx acute hypertensive urgency with severe hypertension.unknownunknown
40-49 yearsJan., 2021ITP Plt 2NAAtorvastain 10mg Levothyroxine 112mcg Prilosec 20mg Insulin
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Observed in her room having seizure activity and unresponsive to stimuli. BP of 200/120, oxygen level dropped to 86%, HR was 116. She was transferred from Hospital A and later transferred to Hospital B and placed on a ventilator. This remains her current statusNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsJan., 2021Resident had been monitored and had shown no signs or symptoms of any kind until 2 pm on 1/14/2021. Resident was found in the floor of her room. She had fallen and was having a seizure, temperature was 99.7F and Oxygen saturation was 82%.NoneAlendronate Sodium 70 mg, Diltiazem CD 120 MG daily, Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, Loratadine 10 mg daily, Multi Vitamin Daily, Pantoprazole SOD 40 mg Daily, Trazadone 50 mg at bedtime, CalCarb 600+D Daily, Fiber Lax tablets twice daily
UnknownDec., 2020HYPOTENSION; Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT); CHEST PAIN; DIZZINESS; NECK TIGHTNESS; ERYTHEMATOUS RASH; LOCALISED ITCHING; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist and from the Regulatory Agency. The regulatory authority report number is GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201209123237. A 54-year-old female patient with a medical history of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) who has been symptom free for one year with no treatment after four episodes (date of diagnosis not provided) with no reported concomitant medications who received BNT162B2 (Reported as COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE BIONTECH; Lot number EJ0553) intramuscular on 09Dec2020 at 30 ug for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient experienced hypotension and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) on the day of vaccination , at 12:00, associated with chest pain, dizziness, neck tightness, erythematous rash and localised itching. All the events were considered life-threatening. Clinical course was as follows: On 09Dec2020,he patient was noted as fit and well, prior to the vaccination. The first dose of vaccine was given at 10:37. At 12:00, the patient developed a sudden onset of SVT. The patient was visited by anaesthetist, monitored with a crash trolley and given oxygen. The patient's heart rate was found variable at 180 to 230 beats per minute (BPM) and non-responsive to vagal manoeuvres/carotid sinus massage. Chest pain, dizziness and hypotension was associated with a heart rate greater than 200 BPM . Non-specific erythematous rash was visible on the neck with no evidence of angioedema, tongue swelling, mouth swelling or bronchospasm. The patient started complaining of neck itchiness and tightness awaiting for the ambulance. The patient was given chlorpheniramine, hydrocortisone and normal saline (1000 ml). Adrenaline and adenosin were withheld. The patient was in SVT with intermittent chest pain when she entered the ambulance. The medicines administered in the hospital hub setting were in line with the national vaccination program. The patient had not experienced symptoms associated with COVID-19. The patient had not been tested or has had an inconclusive test for COVID-19 (as reported). The patient was not enrolled in a clinical trial. The clinical outcome of SVT was reported as recovering. The clinical outcome of hypotension, chest pain, dizziness, neck tightness, erythematous rash and localised itching was unknown.; Sender's Comments: The events of supraventricular tachycardia, chest pain, hypotension, dizziness, muscle tightness, rash erythematous and pruritus are unlisted in the BNT162 Investigator's Brochure. The reported information is limited (e.g. lack of full cardiologic workup, blood testing etc.). Based on the close temporal relationship between vaccination and onset of the events, there is a reasonable possibility that the events are related to BNT162 vaccine in a subject with a medical history of SVT.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
CONFUSIONAL STATE30-39 yearsDec., 2020Started feeling a reaction immediately after the vaccine, felt blurred vision, dizziness, racing heartbeat, chest rash and face, itching all over, difficulty swallowing, tongue tingling and wheezing. Sent to ED. EPI and Benadryl. 1800 Went to see her in the ED, room 33. She has red rash to neck, shaky hands itching to neck and chest. ED Dr to discharge, she stated husband to pick her up and she will follow up with OH tomorrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RN ED gave her Epinephrine 0.3 mg, Methylprednisolone 125mg, Diphenhydramine HCL 50 mg, Zofran 4mg, Lorazepam 1 mg, Hydroxyzine HCL 50 mg Sumatriptan 6mg , Discharge from ED at 1902 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RN 12/29/2020 1715 called to check on patient. left voicemail for her to call OH. ???????..? 12/29/2020 1838 left voicemail for patient to call OH. ??????????????????????. 12/30/20 2030 spoke with her. Tuesday 12/29 3pm-4pm dizziness, confusion, sob. Wheezing. Ambulance called. Hospital admitted. Intubated for less than 24 hours. Breathing treatments, epi drip. Now just on steroids and walking around and feeling better. Still admitted at hospital. Hoping discharged tomorrow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------RNNo current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Internal brain bleeding 10 days after 1st dose covid vaccine; Brain damage; confused; suffering memory loss; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician (patient). This 39-year-old female patient received the 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) intramuscular on 18Dec2020 14:30 at single dose (lot number: EJ1685) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were unknown. The patient experienced internal brain bleeding and brain damage on 30Dec2020 07:30 after 1st dose covid vaccine. Brain surgery received on 29Dec2020. Events were still recovering. Patient was confused and suffering memory loss on 30Dec2020 07:30. Events resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Hospitalization, Prolongation of existing hospitalization (vaccine received during existing hospitalization), Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event), disability or permanent damage. Days for hospitalization was 16. The patient received treatment for events as brain surgery due to internal brain bleeding. The patient was not pregnant. The patient had no COVID prior vaccination, no COVID tested post vaccination. Outcome of the events was recovering.; Sender's Comments: The reported internal brain bleeding and brain damage with confused and memory loss more likely represented intercurrent disease, and less likely causally related to 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE). The case will be reassessed should additional information become available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
thrombocytopenia; Stroke; bleed in the brain; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patient's sibling). A 39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm deltoid on 18Dec2020 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter is calling about the COVID Vaccine. She is calling on behalf of her sister (patient). The patient had her first dose on 18Dec2020, then she had thrombocytopenia (reported to be life threatening) causing her to bleed in the brain which led to a stroke (reported to be disabling). The reporter stated that she is a doctor herself, as well as her sister who experienced the stroke is a doctor also. The thrombocytopenia was diagnosed on 30Dec2020, which is the same day she had the stroke on 30Dec2020. They did the Tensilon Test when she was admitted to the emergency room on 30Dec2020. When admitted her platelets were Low, it was 36, that is dangerously low. They did a CT scan and found a large massive amount of blood clot. When queried if this is an infarct or hemorrhage, the reporter stated that this was an internal bleed for the stroke. She's in the hospital and had brain surgery. The thrombocytopenia at the moment was gone now. They gave her 6 units of blood and 4-5 units of platelets. The thrombocytopenia ended about 7 days after the diagnosis. Her sister is still in the hospital at this moment but in the Neuro Rehab unit. She is now confused after the stroke. Her sister has had no positive tests for Covid prior to the vaccine and no Antibody Test prior to the vaccine. Her sister has had no issues with vaccines in the past. Her sister had no vaccines on the same as the covid vaccine. At the end of the call, the reporter stated that because this was an injury caused by the vaccine, she is looking for compensation. The outcome of the event thrombocytopenia was recovered with sequel on 06Jan2021; for the event stroke was recovered with sequel on 30Dec2020; while for bleed in the brain was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events thrombocytopenia, bleed in the brain and stroke. Additional information regarding relevant medical history, underlying conditions and concomitant medications will aid in comprehensive assessment of the case. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics committees and Investigators, as appropriate.No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
Jan., 2021Started to feel lightheaded, weak, faint like I was going to pass out, heart rate increased, confusion, trouble speaking, brought to the ED, throat started to swell and started having thick spit and clearing my throat excessively. Diagnosed as anaphylaxis.NoneMontelukast 10mg, magnesium 200mg
50-59 yearsDec., 2020"Per husband, was in usual state of health on the AM of 1/10/20, AOx3 able to perform all I/ADLs. At around 2:30pm that day was complaining of chills and generalized malaise. Then at ~9:30pm when husband returned home from work found patient diaphoretic, confused (stating things like ""not now, I want to go to lake""), and complaining of chills and weakness. Unable to provide any additional hx regarding other sx. Initially presented to ED, where mental status had deteriorated to AOx0, unable to respond to verbal commands. Initial vitals notable for T102.6F (unclear other vitals). Patient is now AOx0 most concerning for encephalopathy."No current illness for this event.No other medications for this event.
65+ yearsDec., 2020Patient presented with signs and symptoms of sepsis, developing over 12 to 24 hours 6 days after vaccination. was hypotensive and confused (beyond baseline)UTILevothyroxine, vitamin D, Naproxen, Namenda, Aricept
UnknownDec., 2020Acute allergic reaction; Unsteadiness; Confused; Dizziness; Exhaustion; Feeling drunk; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician manually downloaded from the database: GB-MHRA-WEBCOVID-20201211215403, Safety Report Unique Identifier GB-MHRA-ADR 24542614. An adult female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 11Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was reported without any specified term but with precise dates from 16Mar2020 to 28Mar2020, other history included depression, gastrooesophageal reflux disease and anxiety. Concomitant medication included influenza vaccine (INFLUENZA VIRUS) in Oct2020 for influenza immunisation, lofepramine hydrochloride for depression, omeprazole for gastrooesophageal reflux disease, propranolol for anxiety. The patient experienced unsteadiness, confused, dizziness, exhaustion, feeling drunk, acute allergic reaction on 11Dec2020. All events were reported as serious (medically significant, life threatening). Outcome of dizziness was recovered in Dec2020, outcome of exhaustion was not recovered, and outcome of other events were recovering. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.No current illness for this event.; ;
CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE65+ yearsJan., 2021EMS brought patient to ED stating patient was bright red and tachypneic with oxygen saturation of 81-82% on RA. Failed on CPAP. Given Benadryl 50mg IVP, Solumedrol 125mg IVP, 0.3mg of IM Epi and a duoneb with no relief. Was RSI'd and intubated and transported to the ED.UnknownPrednisone 10mg daily; Finasteride 5mg daily; Omeprazole 40mg daily; Simvastatin 40mg q hs; Advair Diskus 250mg/50 bid; Spiriva 18mcg inhalation daily.
CONTUSION65+ yearsDec., 202012/18/2020: COVID19 vaccine received. 12/19/2020: Patient noticed petechiae/bruising on arms, legs and face. Worsened over next 48 hours. 12/21/2020: Patient had blood drawn (CMP, PT/INR, CBC) at lab. 12/22/2020: Labs resulted; CMP and PT/INR WNL (exceptions: SCr 1.24, TBil 1.7); CBC with platelet count of 1,000 resulting in patient admission to Hospital. At admission he received 80 mg of prednisone, 40 g of IV Ig and a unit of platelets. 12/23/2020: Continued hospitalization. Patient's platelets improved to 20,000 and he received another 35g of IV Ig. 12/24/2020: Patient discharged with platelets of 38,000.Vague symptoms (anorexia, fatigue) 11/29/2020 - 12/6/2020; Received high-dose influenza vaccination on 11/25/2020 at employee health department. On 11/29/2020 patient began having generalized fatigue, anorexia, and occasional chills. Presented to Urgent care on 12/4/2020 and reported same symptoms for past 5 days with 10-12 lb weight loss and worsening fatigue. Pfizer rapid PCR COVID test negative. Patient's symptoms improved and he returned to normal activities of daily living until 12/19/2020, 1 day after COVID19 vaccination.Comprehensive list displayed in additional information below. ascorbic acid daily, atorvastatin 40mg daily, cholecalciferol daily, docusate 100mg daily, levothyroxine 100mcg daily, losartan 100mg daily, zinc 50mg daily
CORONARY ARTERIAL STENT INSERTION50-59 yearsJan., 2021On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pt admitted with a STEMI three days after vaccination with pzifer COVID-19 vaccine. Short time (<2hr) between symptoms onset and medical care. PCI on 1/14. Acute subtotal occlusion of proximal LAD and severe diffuse disease extending to distal LAD. Two DES to LAD (99% occluded) but RCA 50% and OMI1 60-65% also stenosed. Echo cardiogram 1/15. Pt noted to have severe wall motion abnormalities (severe hypokinesis of anterolateral and anteroseptal wall; akinesis of mid to distal anterior wall extending to the apex and distal inferior wall ) on echo. EF 30-35%. Received life vest on discharge.None notedCandesartan 4mg daily
CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pt had 3 vessel CABG on 1/14/21 after presenting to ED with chest pain on 1/9/21. Pt is critically ill following OR after cardiogenic shock, bleeding. Requiring inotropes and Impella.12/1/20 head congestion, double ear aches, post nasal drip. SARS-CoV-2 NAAT test 12/3/20; result not detected.Allopurinol 100mg BID; Adderall XR 30mg 1 capsule po BID is how pt takes--prescribed as 60mg po daily; Adderall 20mg po daily at noon; aspirin EC 81mg po daily; clopidogrel 75mg po daily; Lisinopril 20mg po BID; metoprolol XL 25mg po BID;
CORONARY ARTERY OCCLUSION40-49 yearsDec., 2020I had a myocardial infarction on December 27, 2020. I had received my first vaccination for COVID-19 on December 22, 2020. Not sure if these are related but I felt I should report it.NonePropranolol, Pepcid,cetrizine, losartan
50-59 yearsDec., 2020Acute NSTEMI with symptom onset 4 days after vaccinationNoneBupropion
Jan., 2021On 01/13/2021 at about 11pm I began having pain in both arms and across my chest. Also nausea and vomiting. At midnight I went to the Emergency room and was diagnosed with a heart attack, underwent emergency catheterization and stent placement. I had complete occlusion of the right coronary arteryHTN Hypothyroid hyperlipidemiaSynthroid 100mcg/day lisinopril 10mg/day pravachol hydroxychloroquin 200mg twice a week Zinc 5mg/day Vit D 6000iu/day VitC
60-64 yearsJan., 2021Pt admitted with a STEMI three days after vaccination with pzifer COVID-19 vaccine. Short time (<2hr) between symptoms onset and medical care. PCI on 1/14. Acute subtotal occlusion of proximal LAD and severe diffuse disease extending to distal LAD. Two DES to LAD (99% occluded) but RCA 50% and OMI1 60-65% also stenosed. Echo cardiogram 1/15. Pt noted to have severe wall motion abnormalities (severe hypokinesis of anterolateral and anteroseptal wall; akinesis of mid to distal anterior wall extending to the apex and distal inferior wall ) on echo. EF 30-35%. Received life vest on discharge.None notedCandesartan 4mg daily