About the Blog Owner

This page is clicked on quite often so I'm looking at what to do with it.

After all, it's not about me. I'd rather you read the articles and base your opinion on that. It's my private blog, a mixture of sometimes furious and usually cool analysis (which often gives rise to anger).

If you want to judge whether what I write is worth it, look back to see if I have made claims in the past three years that were not true or turned out to be nonsense. I think I've always been right, even where I gave my intuition a bit more free rein. (That's the "there's no other way" mistake that easily leads to conspiracy thinking. And sometimes it can't be any other way and it turns out to be so. Sometimes it can indeed be done differently, and it turns out that even if after six months or a year the real facts become public. But often it seems that there is no other way and the true facts are kept secret.

Perhaps make a timeline of virus varia hypotheses and observations and how they have been dangerous.

You won't find any information about my corona-related work anywhere on the Internet. An article here and there, perhaps. As far as I know, there are no fact checks on virus varia. Unfortunately, that indicates that I write really disastrous nonsense because it's only when they start fact-checking you that you're in the neighborhood, I always read... 😉

Unless you stay under the radar. That's a special talent of mine, which I benefit from a lot. My articles are read by opinion leaders and leading scientists. I know that because I am now in personal contact with them. Like me, they want to operate independently. I work closely and publicly with the research team around (co-productions). Until now, these were also fairly anonymous people, except for Maurice himself, of course, but he acts more as a kind of editor-in-chief when it comes to whether or not to post on and in what form. In the meantime, Herman Steigstra is starting to cause a furore via Twitter. Statistician Hans Verwaart has his own Substack, which is also very readable.

I made one mistake: at the very beginning I resisted the people who refused to wear masks. At the time, I thought it helped a bit. And it was also at the very beginning, when I still found my own conviction sufficient to dare to take a stand. So I made the same mistake that the OMT has continued to make for three years.

That sort of thing.

Work and hobbies

Married, two children (out of the house) and two boomers.

My job is marketing communication. In retrospect, it turns out that my Language Proficiency study (at the University of Amsterdam) was actually about marketing communication. I benefited greatly from my minor courses in Computer Science, PR/Mass Communication and Statistics and Methodology.
I only found out how important IT and statistics were in practice, originally as a strategy concept creator and copywriter. Over time, with more and more specialism and pleasure in the means (the information carriers) that have to convey a concept.
For most of my career I have been a preferred supplier to several multinationals, as a design/production studio. In the thirty years that they encouraged me to join a large advertising agency (as a small studio you are seen as a liability) I was pretty much the only constant factor in the communication departments. Those big boys merged, reorganized, broke up, had staff turnover anyway so they didn't learn anything as a company... well.
For me, more efficient marketing communication started with creating company magazines, automating translation processes, DTP workflows and prepress work and later devising and creating Flash banners and micro-sites for product launches. When the large print runs began to evaporate, the PDF and online work remained. For the last 10 years I have been focusing on designing, building and managing WordPress websites, with everything that comes with it in terms of positioning and presentation. Especially for SMEs, foundations and sole proprietorships. So if you have a job in that area, think of me! 😉

Anton Theunissen

Anton Theunissen


Started blogging in 2020, out of bewilderment about the corona policy.