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10 reasons to get the autumn jab - with three new actu...( 1837 / 87 )23/09/2024
Is dit de smoking gun?( 131 / 3 )02/09/2024
Too bad, then, for the news. Let's see what happens first.( 120 / 0 )08/10/2024
Takeaways from the Meester/Jacobs study on excess mortality...( 105 / 1 )26/08/2024
Oversterfte misbruik (teruggetrokken)( 96 / 0 )09/10/2024
Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears( 90 / 5 )23/07/2024
Reactions to the RKI minutes( 89 / 0 )04/08/2024
Dutch health authorities trump excess mortality( 89 / 0 )15/08/2024
Jan Bennink takes sides in a recognizable dilemma( 89 / 0 )24/09/2024
Het rapport van Ronald Meester en Marc Jacobs is er( 88 / 2 )20/08/2024
LinkedIn vs Herman Steigstra, OM vs Mona Keijzer, Nivel vs M...( 84 / 0 )19/10/2024
Overgewicht en streefgewicht, oversterfte en vaccinatieberei...( 81 / 0 )21/07/2024
Most viewed last year
Most viewed (always)
- 10 reasons to get the autumn jab – with three new up-to-date booster tips! (91.018)
- The vaccine contracts have been released — and now? (22.521)
- Week 45 2021 – Excess mortality and yes: vaccination deaths (18.902)
- Engel vs EMA, Kirsch vs FDA/CDC, wappie vs Anne Frank, Sucharit Bhakdi (NL subs) (14.302)
- Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears (13.286)
- Excess mortality on a continent without deferred care (8.533)
- Bhakdi Transcript (8.272)
- Panic at CBS leads to lies for good (7.952)
- New RIVM study inadvertently shows the lack of effectiveness of the Corona vaccines (7.312)
- Studies show link between IQ and vaccination adherence (6.181)
- Manipulate the Google suggestions yourself (4.986)
- Ode to Jan Bonte (4.748)