
The guidelines for scientific integrity

The guidelines for scientific integrity

What exactly is Scientific Integrity? It can be found in a PDF on the Academy's website, this file. It lists a few things in an accessible way. The Code of Conduct is built on the core values: Honesty Due Diligence Transparency...


Things are really starting to get tense in America now

Things are really starting to get tense in America now

Robert Malone betreurt het in zijn meest recente Substack dat de Corona-onderzoekscommissie zich focust op het productielab van de koopwaar die is gemarket als "offer you can't refuse". Hij nuanceert dat dan wel weer maar ik vind dat helemaal niet teleurstellend. Ik...

If it doesn't become a general pardon, prisons will have to be added

If it doesn't become a general pardon, prisons will have to be added

Als 'extreemrechts' zijn zin krijgt en er zouden tribunalen komen, dan moet heel besturend Nederland achter de tralies en toch zeker driekwart van de zorgsector en magistratuur. Tienduizenden doden veroorzaken of daarvan wegkijken terwijl je beter had kunnen en moeten...

Openheid in de schaduw: Hoe de overheid informatie achterhoudt

Openheid in de schaduw: Hoe de overheid informatie achterhoudt

Afgelopen weekend heb ik weer een en ander aan mogen horen uit het welgestelde deel van onze samenleving. "Rusland mogen ze van mij platbombarderen" en "de boeren zijn zakkenvullers die ons met hun afval laten zitten." Echt hele nette, intelligente, hoogopgeleide...

Analyse: de eerste 4 maanden van de coronavaccinaties

Analyse: de eerste 4 maanden van de coronavaccinaties

From the start of vaccinations in January 2021, the claim was that vaccines performed better than expected and hospitals were full of unvaccinated people. The news was that those who refused to take responsibility should be excluded...

Decent people don't snitch

Decent people don't snitch

Last week, Marcel Levi had to go back on his original promise to Maurice de Hond to participate in a panel discussion. This discussion was scheduled at the premiere of the documentary that reports on the 2020 flare-up by Maurice...

It's rumbling abroad

It's rumbling abroad

After the corona war, it is slowly becoming clear who the good guys were and who were the bad guys. Who were the liars, who stood for the truth, who were the collaborators, who were the victims, and who filled his pockets and grew from misery. Who was Good in the...

Is oversterfte een keuze?

Is oversterfte een keuze?

Accurate figures for vaccination coverage are essential for the conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines. Only by choosing the right value for this, the right conclusions can be drawn. By the end of this article, we'll be able to...

Vaccins goed voor jong en oud?

Vaccins goed voor jong en oud?

The vaccines have been offered to almost all residents, but was that justified? Was the level of protection proportionate to the risks that all medicines entail? And what do we think of the costs? Everyone had to be eligible...

CBS has revealed vaccine efficacy

CBS has revealed vaccine efficacy

On 23 February, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published figures that enabled us to calculate the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines. It appears to have been virtually nil, as these figures show. In this article (in collaboration with Hans Verwaart) we explain...

What CBS Says vs. What CBS Shows

What CBS Says vs. What CBS Shows

Last week, CBS once again took issue with the vaccination folds. Perhaps it would be better to leave the interpretation of causes of death to the RIVM. (I actually thought that was the way it was now.) These are some graphs from the...

Faltering immune systems?

Faltering immune systems?

In spite of the political statements, excess mortality is becoming more and more pronounced. We have now reached the stage where the RIVM is pulling out all the stops to keep the figures out of the spotlight. The baseline has been revised sharply upwards by...

The Retractionwatch Inquisition

The Retractionwatch Inquisition

De website Retractionwatch.com houdt bij welke wetenschappelijke studies er worden ingetrokken. Je kunt je er op abonneren. Hun pay-off is: "Het volgen van intrekkingen als een venster op het wetenschappelijke proces" (Tracking retractions as a window into the...

The illogic of virus deniers

The illogic of virus deniers

Ik ontving een email van een ex-lezer, geadresseerd aan een twintigtal redacties van allerlei media. Terugkerend thema van deze ex-abonnee: "virussen bestaan niet". We zijn er volgens die stroming allemaal ingetrapt. Virussen bestaan niet dus we zijn misleid dus de...

Oproep aan de Tweede Kamer: Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is!

Oproep aan de Tweede Kamer: Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is!

Since 2020, there has been a significant difference between the actual mortality (around 170,000 people) and the expected mortality (around 155,000 people) every year. As of this year, RIVM and CBS are trying to neutralise this difference administratively by increasing the expected mortality...

Excess mortality of 12,700 satisfies CBS and media

Excess mortality of 12,700 satisfies CBS and media

Er zijn in 2023 ruim 6.000 minder coronadoden geregistreerd dan in 2022. Dat heeft niet geleid tot een navenante daling in de sterftecijfers. In de meest recente poging tot goed-nieuws-artikel Sterfte in 2023 afgenomen schrijft het CBS: "In 2023 overleden 169 duizend...

Hoe complotpraktijk lijkt op complottheorie

Hoe complotpraktijk lijkt op complottheorie

As important drivers of panic measures and scientifically unsubstantiated policies, I mentioned earlier the covering up of irresponsible virological research and the fear of revealing the Sino-American cooperation with regard to bioweapons, in other words...

Het is erger dan je denkt

Het is erger dan je denkt

Wie het virusvaria-artikel van vorige week "Druppelvirologie, zoönose en disproportionele maatregelen passen naadloos in elkaar" heeft gelezen, kan naar punt 4 doorskippen. Maurice benadrukte de aerosol-gerelateerde punten in "De adembenemende verbinding tussen...

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