In the free West, censorship was seen as a form of abuse of power that keeps dictators and other undemocratic regimes in power. Meanwhile, according to the regimes in the West, censorship is the only thing that helps against misinformation. There are valid arguments...
The EU war Elon can't win on his own
Het laatste salvo in de voortdurende strijd tussen Elon Musk en de EU kwam van de X-eigenaar zelf. Hij onthulde dat X in de aanloop naar de Europese verkiezingen "een illegale geheime deal" aangeboden kreeg: als het platform zou instemmen met het in het geheim...
John Campbell temporarily banned from YouTube – censorship runs out of steam
Open, unapologetic CENSORSHIP, including from MPs. And again, there are a lot of people who don't care or who pretend.