Als 'extreemrechts' zijn zin krijgt en er zouden tribunalen komen, dan moet heel besturend Nederland achter de tralies en toch zeker driekwart van de zorgsector en magistratuur. Tienduizenden doden veroorzaken of daarvan wegkijken terwijl je beter had kunnen en moeten...
Decent people don't snitch
Last week, Marcel Levi had to go back on his original promise to Maurice de Hond to participate in a panel discussion. This discussion was scheduled at the premiere of the documentary that reports on the 2020 flare-up by Maurice...
Drip virology, zoonosis and disproportionate measures fit together seamlessly
The stubbornness with which our government virologists continue to deny evidence-based facts has given the impression that we are dealing with a petrified field. Or with an unfortunate selection of incompetent officials. Think of the...
The guidelines for scientific integrity
What exactly is Scientific Integrity? It can be found in a PDF on the Academy's website, this file. It lists a few things in an accessible way. The Code of Conduct is built on the core values: Honesty Due Diligence Transparency...