The covid blueprint on the Russia-Ukraine conflict laid

The covid blueprint on the Russia-Ukraine conflict laid

Guest blog by Guido Versteeg Since the invasion of Russia in the Ukraine, Covid has disappeared from the front page of the newspapers or from the live blogs of the internet pages. Face masks, infection rates, ICU admissions or booster campaigns: they don't seem to matter anymore....

The vaccination flop: an (omi)kronology

The vaccination flop: an (omi)kronology

Just after corona made its appearance in Europe and the Netherlands, Frank Ruesink, himself the father of a child with vaccine damage, had a short conversation with Hugo de Jonge about alternative solutions to combat the corona virus. Hugo de Jonge's answer to the question of...

Antibodies vaccinated halved in two months

Antibodies vaccinated halved in two months

"The amount of antibodies against corona in the blood of blood donors who have been vaccinated has been approximately halved in just over two months." That says Sanquin on the basis of research among 2200 blood donors. Sanquin hereby confirms the previous studies from...

The fine art of selling a booster shot

The fine art of selling a booster shot

Last week, the director of Pfizer Netherlands Marc Kaptein was a guest at Op1 to talk about booster shots, among other things. In this conversation, a number of interesting and remarkable statements were made, worth analyzing. In this article Guido Versteeg discusses...

Curious welcome NOS for ivermectin substitute molnupiravir

Curious welcome NOS for ivermectin substitute molnupiravir

Today an article on NOS about a new virus inhibitor from Merck: molnupiravir. It's a drug that effectively fights Covid-19, in capsule form, and Fauci is excited (video at the bottom of this post). The medical treatment can therefore be stopped if the...

Do you vaccinate for someone else?

Do you vaccinate for someone else?

Vaccination: you do it not only for yourself, but also for someone else. That is the mantra of many health ministers such as Hugo de Jonge. By getting vaccinated, we achieve herd immunity - at least that's the promise. At Radboud UMC they find out...