Omdat Engeland vrij complete statistieken bijhield, heb ik in 2022 in verschillende artikelen gewijd aan die Engelse data. Ik ga nu niet herhalen wat de problemen waren die wij tegenkwamen. Dat hoeft ook niet meer want er is nu een heuse wetenschappelijke peer...
Who got better from the status unvaccinated after the jab
Shortlink A different view of the figures as discussed in May. It seems that those graphs were not so crazy, despite the objections of a statistician who wanted to correct things with person-years and with ASMR, despite the fact that the...
Update vax/unvax mortality in England Jan-May 2022
The graphs below use the population data from NIMS. As a result, mortality rates among the unvaccinated, at least in some age groups, may be lower than they actually are. Because England with impure...
All Cause Mortality in England – all graphs 2021-2022, vaccinated versus unvaccinated
All charts in 1 post. The data comes directly from ONS, the Office for National Statistics in England. Our experts should be aware of this. Those who, with knowledge of the development below, still recommend vaccination to all age groups, either...
UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated
A simple calculation where I compare the mortality among vaccinated people per age group with the mortality among non-vaccinated people. The latter are better off in any age group. The extent to which differs. Based on UK data, that's possible.
Safe, working? Mortality per 100,000 by age and vaccination status 2021 in England, UK
Update 10 september: toen ik twee jaar geleden onderstaande grafieken maakte van Engelse data, kon ik niet geloven dat de sterftebulten bij de NIET-gevaccineerden het gevolg waren van datavervuiling: administratieve fouten, misclassificatie, healthy vaccinee effect en...