Impffolgen II: Vaccine damage in Germany, an import error...?

Impffolgen II: Vaccine damage in Germany, an import error...?

The spectacular increase in sudden and unexpected German deaths in 2021 would stem from errors in the data. They were certainly seemingly improbably sensational figures and at the same time: if something is as rare as 'sudden death', ,...

Impffolgen 1: German vaccine damage from official sources

Impffolgen 1: German vaccine damage from official sources

The quality of the data turned out to be inadequate. Read the next article about this in which objections are considered. With the latest figures from Germany, a turning point has been reached: we can now really speak of vaccine damage and vaccination deaths. The indirect...

German haggling with side effects

German haggling with side effects

BKK-directeur Andreas Schöfbeck werd ontslagen nadat hij erop wees dat er te weinig melding werd gemaakt van bijwerkingen na de 'coronavaccinatie'. Dit op basis van de gegevens van zo'n 11 miljoen BKK-polishouders. Nu schiet er een andere mol omhoog. De Duitse...