Yesterday I contributed to this article for the website of Maurice de Hond. We wanted to be brief - but there's so much more nonsensical to get out of it so let me finish this story for a moment. Really very short (2 minutes reading time max) we look at one more...
UK Professor: "Data on mortality by vaxx status are junk"
Volgers van dit blog hebben gezien hoe we enthousiast in de UK data zijn gedoken om de All-Cause-Mortality te vergelijken tussen gevaccineerden en niet-gevaccineerden. De data van UK waren gedetailleerd genoeg om nieuwe inzichten op te doen, ook nuttig voor het...
All Cause Mortality in England – all graphs 2021-2022, vaccinated versus unvaccinated
All charts in 1 post. The data comes directly from ONS, the Office for National Statistics in England. Our experts should be aware of this. Those who, with knowledge of the development below, still recommend vaccination to all age groups, either...