The Dutch Safety Board has written a book of fairy tales under the watchful eye of Willy Spaan, Alma Tostmann and Chantal Rovers, among others. The latter two had already distinguished themselves before (see The Government Propagandists) and we are considering asking Willy...
About the Quintas Politica: legislative, executive, judicial + media and pharma
Montesquieu invented the Trias Politica - separating the legislature, the executive and the judiciary - in 1748, a time when there was no other important, influential mass power: the media. By that I mean...
The pandemic law: Legal backing for fatal blunders?
De pandemiewet is er om onoordeelkundig gestuntel te legitimeren. Men hoopt misschien dat er straks een terugwerkende kracht vanuit gaat: "Als die maatregelen en vaccinaties écht zo slecht waren geweest, zouden ze nooit in een wet zijn opgenomen." Dus wel. Kopieer...
Netanyahu: scene from the cutting room floor or just Deep Fake?
Is Netanyahu now saying how the Jewish people were trafficked as a trial population to learn from the effects of mass vaccination? Or is it Deep Fake?
Still pricking for people over 12: Kuipers accepts responsibility for any vaccine damage
The government wants to do something again. We don't know why. Show decisiveness? Omikron inspires less fear than the flu; a virus that for decades could have suddenly mutated into a terribly deadly attack on humanity. Under that threat...
Ernst Kuipers, Milgram and the hot potato of responsibility
Mensen zijn tot gruwelijke daden in staat als iemand hun ervan verzekert dat zij de verantwoordelijkheid van die daden zelf niet hoeven te dragen. In 1963 werd dat wetenschappelijk gedemonstreerd in het beroemde experiment van Milgram. We zien een dergelijk experiment...