Et tu, John?

Et tu, John?

Before MSM runs off with it, you should know that Norman Fenton and Martin Neil reviewed (let's say: debunked) an article that states that the vaccines would have saved 14.8 million years of life. You can download the pre-print of that paper here as a PDF. It...

NATO would rather not investigate their bioweapons

NATO would rather not investigate their bioweapons

Wat hebben zin 1 en 2 met elkaar te maken? Zin 1: "De Minister van VWS heeft verklaard dat er geen onderzoek komt naar eventuele vaccinatieschade; die gegevens houdt zij geheim." Zin 2: "Mark Rutte heeft zijn nieuwe functie als Secretaris-Generaal van de NAVO mede...

Reactions to the RKI minutes

Reactions to the RKI minutes

Een wat onhandig geformuleerde tweet van mij ging afgelopen week viraal, althans voor mijn doen (159 reacties, 463 keer gedeeld en 1,2K Likes). Een vanuit de Jumbo verzonden tweetje met een foto van voorpagina's waarop geen enkel spoor was te vinden van de Duitse rel...

Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears

Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears

Via een klokkenluider zijn in Duitsland de niet-gecensureerde "RKI-protokolle" publiek gemaakt. Niets is er nog zwartgelakt. Voor velen zal het een schrikbarend beeld zijn wat er uit naar voren komt. Voor anderen zal het een bevestiging zijn van wat we al jaren weten....

Op1 Agents Don't Hear Themselves Talking

Op1 Agents Don't Hear Themselves Talking

The Op1 talking heads still don't seem to realize why the viewing figures of the NPO have dropped so much. Presumably, they also have no idea that they are seen by part of the population as collaborators: propagandists of politicians who have elected our...

It's rumbling abroad

It's rumbling abroad

After the corona war, it is slowly becoming clear who the good guys were and who were the bad guys. Who were the liars, who stood for the truth, who were the collaborators, who were the victims, and who filled his pockets and grew from misery. Who was Good in the...

It's worse than you think

It's worse than you think

Wie het virusvaria-artikel van vorige week "Druppelvirologie, zoönose en disproportionele maatregelen passen naadloos in elkaar" heeft gelezen, kan naar punt 4 doorskippen. Maurice benadrukte de aerosol-gerelateerde punten in "De adembenemende verbinding tussen...

A cheer for the vaccines: they do things we never expected!

A cheer for the vaccines: they do things we never expected!

Yesterday I was really shocked. And at the same time, it made me a little sad. The world turned dark brown for a moment. I was sitting in an eatery in Amsterdam and a table away a rather obscure group had settled. They weren't ashamed of anything because...

Steeds meer barstjes in de dam

Steeds meer barstjes in de dam

Former U.S. Department of Health and Welfare official lies awake at night over his actions A senior U.S. Department of Health official, who consulted with Anthony Fauci on how to downplay the lab leak, says no lessons have been learned from the outbreak and...

Ron Fouchier and the Safety Board keep us safe

Ron Fouchier and the Safety Board keep us safe

The Dutch Safety Board has written a book of fairy tales under the watchful eye of Willy Spaan, Alma Tostmann and Chantal Rovers, among others. The latter two had already distinguished themselves before (see The Government Propagandists) and we are considering asking Willy...

Facebook herinnert aan kwakzalverij en datafraude

Facebook herinnert aan kwakzalverij en datafraude

Quacks who have to prove how well their snake oil works tell success stories about how their product has averted disease, even if it has only caused damage and cost money. You would almost forget how structurally that happens at vws/rivm but...

Videogemist week 38

Videogemist week 38

There is little more to add to the discourse. However, far too few people are aware of it. That's not possible because it takes a lot of time, if you want to keep track of everything. That's why I'm going to give you some viewing tips, which I think are important, from what I've already seen...

The vaccine contracts have been released — and now?

The vaccine contracts have been released — and now?

Curious about what the vaccine contracts looked like? Well, they are public, at least the contracts that South Africa has signed with the big pharmaceutical companies. South Africa is a civilised country where the rule of law is not yet in the WEF bag of a political...

Viral ideologies corrupt science

Viral ideologies corrupt science

Face masks must be used again, nothing to do. In January, a Cochrane Review was published that challenged the effectiveness of masks, pointing to problems within scientific institutions. There is no effect from non-pharmaceutical intervention...

The side effects of Eric Clapton revisited

The side effects of Eric Clapton revisited

More than two years ago (July 2021), worried wappies knew for sure: everything that happened to people after a jab was because of the jab. That was understandable because even then there was no proper data on the jabs; The research data was either messy or secret...

Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior

Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior

If the finer points of our society think that something is good for the people, people can be lied to, scammed, sacrificed, impoverished, frightened, split, bullied, sickened - anything goes. But only if society itself thinks otherwise....

Playing poker with infections

Playing poker with infections

Het aerosolendebacle leek afgesloten, maar bij het OMT is het kwartje nog steeds niet helemaal gevallen (Maurice schreef er gisteren over). Mocht je nu denken "dat verhaal ken ik onderhand wel" maar je kent het pokerexperiment niet, lees dan toch even door, het is...

Panic at CBS leads to lies for good

Panic at CBS leads to lies for good And yes, the time has come. The Dutch crime blunder of the century, perhaps of the medical history in our country has happened: children from the age of 12 are offered a needless therapy, under false pretenses. The government is hereby...

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

The new sales campaign for vaccinations is ongoing. VWS buys advertising space and uses social media with statements by Ted van Essen. Vws is spreading a number of inaccuracies. Ted van Essen (think of crack grass and neutron grains) warns us urgently that we...

Response to exclusion of aerosols in UMC Utrecht study

Response to exclusion of aerosols in UMC Utrecht study

Thu 23-7-2020 16:45 Dear Mr. Bootsma, I hope I don't bother you too much. Perhaps this is not the first e-mail you have received as a result of your article in the AD. In the AD I read that you have knowledge of a valid bibliography in which it has been demonstrated...