WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

MEP Christine Anderson probably did not fit well in the Temporary Committee on Corona. She does, however, lead the European Commission's corona investigation. Delicate coalition souls and plush stickers would complain in the Netherlands about an 'unworkable situation' and...

Amnesty? No way. Though...

Amnesty? No way. Though...

Last week I shared on Twitter (@infopinie) and on Facebook a blog article by moreelkompas.nl that discussed a column in The Atlantic. That column, an amnesty proposal for corona policymakers, caused a lot of controversy. The author, Emily Osters, is...

From WOB to WOO for a public government

From WOB to WOO for a public government

Maurice de Hond heeft 70 pagina's aan WOB-documenten aangaande de Maassluis-kwestie doorgesnuffeld, zo blogt hij vandaag. Dat ging over die zorginstelling waar een aantal ouderen de dood had gevonden omdat de overheid nalatig was geweest in het nemen van adequate...