Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3

The last loose ends of the thread of @mkeulemans on Twitter. We had stayed with a graph that, to his dismay, had two different Y axes and in which he saw a sign of severe deception. Now on with Tweet wire button 8. It still seems like a lot but...

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2

Judging by the comments under the Tweets of Maarten Keulemans, most of twittering the Netherlands does not agree with him. But it is the silent majority that he has to rely on. The newspaper readers and the Op1 viewers. Just authority-abiding...

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1

The Disinformation Think Tank is starting to get wilder and wilder. Now again on the occasion of the broadcast of Ongehoord Nieuws, in which I also figured. Of course, the attention was mainly on Theo Schetters (excellent because more impact, I was glad that he...

[name removed]: Russian State propaganda via Social Media?

[name removed]: Russian State propaganda via Social Media?

Dit artikel is geanonimiseerd vanwege honderden bedreigingen aan het adres van de schrijfster van een bijzondere brief over de oorlog in Oekraïne. Er gaat een bericht viraal op Social Media dat geschreven zou zijn door ofwel de half-Oekraiense [naam verwijderd], ofwel...