We now know that almost everything about corona is fabled together. But how males and females have sat at conference tables - paid for by our tax money - without lifting a leg in all the suffering that took place under their eyes, it is...
The side effects of Eric Clapton revisited
More than two years ago (July 2021), worried wappies knew for sure: everything that happened to people after a jab was because of the jab. That was understandable because even then there was no proper data on the jabs; The research data was either messy or secret...
One does, the other doesn't: Robert Malone vs Medical Contact
Last week I read a number of articles that I would have translated last year and put on the site. Most virus variety readers don't really have much use for it -I think- they often follow those people themselves, most of them probably have an excellent command of English and the...
RFK and Christine Stabell Benn on the non-specific effects of vaccinations
Last week, Robert F. Kennedy cited a study by a Danish research group. According to fact-checkers, RFK thrives by the grace of conspiracy theories. All the nicer if the principal investigator himself interferes in the dispute. Christine Stabell Benn has stood out before...
Side Effects of The Narrative Part 2: Anxiety Protocols
The sequel to Part 1, from the day before yesterday. It focused on the effects of orchestrated government communication on the population. This article focuses on the effects on healthcare providers and what consequences that has had on the care itself, think of...
Side effects of The Narrative Part 1: The Nocebo effect
In addition to vaccination, delayed care is mentioned as an important driver of excess mortality. I never hear anything about the psychic component. It is greatly underestimated and I think it could be in the same order of magnitude as deferred care....
Mismanagement, incompetence, commerce and the children of the bill
So that we do not forget what has been done to the future, quite apart from the senseless billions of debts. To articles by Justin Hart and Scott Atlas. Shortlink: https://t.ly/N2Qp The policy and zeitgeist surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have had serious consequences for...
Australia underscores Cleveland Clinic study
Roland Brautigam pointed me to figures from New South Wales, Australia, following the previous post. They are indeed in line with the findings of the Cleveland Clinic study. Of course, they are only small numbers and a weekly overview is not representative - but there is...
Appeal by Australian hardliner with vaccine damage: 'We are not anti-vaxxers'
Kerryn Lyndel Phelps AM (born 14 December 1957) is an Australian physician, public health and civil rights advocate, medical educator and former politician. She was the first woman to become president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA)...
Messages from the underworld
Om virusvaria netjes en geloofwaardig te houden, beperk ik mij zoveel mogelijk tot breed geaccepteerde bronnen of bronnen waarvan ik -al dan niet met externe hulp- kan vaststellen dat ze serieus te nemen zijn. Over het algemeen is dat een veilige strategie gebleken;...
The link between thrombosis and corona vaccines
[lees ook het recentere blogartikel] Lareb, onze vaccinwaakhond, zegt niet op de hoogte zijn van enig verband tussen Vector- en mRNA-vaccins en bloedstolling.De EMA, Europese Geneesmiddelen Autoriteit, zegt bezig te zijn geweest met onderzoeken of trombose vaker...