Questions for journalists

by Anton Theunissen | Dec 11, 2020

Some of the many questions that are NEVER asked, not at press conferences, not in talk shows, not by 'science journalists'. Questions from a parallel universe.

I came across this list on Facebook. I don't know from whom, please report if you recognize it. I did adjust it a bit.
[Edit: original now found I think: the blog ]

  1. Epidemioloog J. Ioannidis heeft in een peer reviewed artikel aangegeven dat de IFR van sars-cov-2 voor alle leeftijden 0,23% is en <70 jaar zelfs maar 0,05%. Waarom zijn dan deze ingrijpende maatregelen (inclusief integrale vaccinatie) nodig?
  2. The reason given for the ongoing measures is the limited hospital capacity. Can you explain why the emergency hospitals were dismantled again after the first wave?
  3. You often state that it is mainly due to insufficient (trained) staff. So why were these emergency hospitals built in the first wave in the first wave at all?
  4. Why hasn't there been a strong focus on building up more capacity in healthcare since March, when it comes to ICU beds and staff? Where is the retraining program?
  5. Er zijn talloze mediaberichten uit 2016 t/m 2019 te herleiden waarin aangegeven wordt dat de ziekenhuizen en/of IC’s vol lagen met grieppatiënten, waarom is er dan bijvoorbeeld toch voor gekozen om in 5 jaar tijd >1000 IC bedden te bezuinigen?
  6. Why did you, Mr Rutte, talk about building up herd immunity among the healthy population in your speech of 16 March, but denied ever having said this in the debate of 4 June 2020?
  7. Why are the many FOI requests still not being met when it comes to matters about corona?
  8. Why do you both still talk about an "infection" in the event of a positive PCR test? Many specialists, including the inventor of the PCR test, state that you cannot make a clinical diagnosis or infectiousness at all with a PCR test. How can a House of Representatives vote against scientific facts?
  9. Are you familiar with Peter Borger's criticism and the retraction he is betting on? He argues that the PCR test contains major design flaws and cannot be used reliably. What consequences would this have for testing policies and measures? Molecular Biologist Peter Borger – the design flaws in the Corona test In this technical video, molecular biologist Peter Borger explains that the important internationally applied #SARSCoV2 #PCR test contains major design flaws ... [](
  10. You have indicated countless times until the beginning of October that wearing a non-medical face mask does not add anything and it would be a false sense of security, why do you want to make a non-medical face mask mandatory as of December 1 and give a fine for not wearing it?
  11. When wearing a non-medical face mask, you, Mr. De Jonge, often talk about achieving behavioural change. Did you know that according to the Nuremberg Code, you are not allowed to make an experiment to change behaviour mandatory? How do you feel about opposing this?
  12. Why is there no place on the corona measures roadmap for the risk level "the old normal"? At the lowest risk level (less than 50 positive tests per 100,000 inhabitants), there is still a non-medical obligation to wear a face mask. Will we ever get rid of the measures?
  13. Why has Sars-cov-2 not yet been removed from the list of A-reporting diseases? Given the now known scientific facts, this virus no longer belongs there.
  14. Why are the measures disproportionately tested for the possible effect on combating 1 virus, but the effect on the economy, (social) safety and general public health seems to be of secondary importance? Why has a vaccine been the only way out from the very beginning of this crisis, when people claimed to know almost nothing about the virus?
  15. And why are only the issued advice of the OMT made public, but not on which scientific facts/information they base this advice?
  16. Has an investigation been carried out into conflicts of interest in the selection of the members of the OMT?

These are questions that are on the minds of a large number of people. Why don't you ask these kinds of questions? There will come a time when they will be answered... And then there are other questions. It seems to me that it is better to be half-turned than to have gone astray. And then the journalists who failed to ask these questions will also have to bear the consequences. That could easily become a criminal investigation.

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