Molnupiravir vs ivermectin according to Dr. John Campbell

Molnupiravir vs ivermectin according to Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell recently discussed an interesting study comparing Molnupiravir, Merck's new Covid pill, to an off-patent drug, also from Merck: ivermectin. To know how that comparison works out, it is of course best to read the...

Curious welcome NOS for ivermectin substitute molnupiravir

Curious welcome NOS for ivermectin substitute molnupiravir

Today an article on NOS about a new virus inhibitor from Merck: molnupiravir. It's a drug that effectively fights Covid-19, in capsule form, and Fauci is excited (video at the bottom of this post). The medical treatment can therefore be stopped if the...

Should we eat worms instead of ivermectin?

Should we eat worms instead of ivermectin?

The Lancet published a Dutch study on the remarkably low Covid rate in certain areas of Africa and possible link with intestinal parasites. Because I had already linked that Covid resistance to the spread of ivermectin and then in vain...

Guide country Israel gives us a glimpse of 'the only way out'

Guide country Israel gives us a glimpse of 'the only way out'

Twee berichten uit The Jerusalem Post, uit het land dat als eerste begon met massaal vaccineren en nu het hoogste percentage 'volledig gevaccineerden' van de wereld kent: 62%. Dat was het percentage dat ooit werd genoemd in verband met groepsimmuniteit. Ik stel voor...

Van Dissel also falsely informs the Chamber

Van Dissel also falsely informs the Chamber

Van Dissel bakes them brown again. Two recent achievements, the seasonal effect in the newspaper and ivermectin in the House. The seasonal effect in the AD My eye just fell on a statement by Dissel in the AD. If he has integrity, as the KNAW recently praised him, then the man...

Why Ivermectin doesn't work – or does (IVM Part II)

Why Ivermectin doesn't work – or does (IVM Part II)

This is my response to objections I received in response to my Ivermectin article of March 30, about the Africa effect. Introduction: Begging for Randomized Controlled TrialsWhy the producer of ivermectin is not pulling the cartA flawed studyA hopeful piece in...

Acclaimed miracle cure Ivermectin seems to do what was claimed

Acclaimed miracle cure Ivermectin seems to do what was claimed

This seems to be one of the many hopeless (because too small for significance) studies that will show that the effect of this potential vaccine competitor is not significant. Realized thanks to financial contributions from, among others: Sanofi Pasteur...