Heavily vaccinated New Zealand is a country that is often cited as proof that the vaccines do not cause excess mortality. After all, there is undermortality there. That turns out not to be the case, as I will show. Whether this is a matter of mistakes or of...
Goede voornemens
What are we going to do in 2024? I have muted Ruben van Gaalen on X because I no longer wish to be confronted with the last convulsions of a misleading government. The man must regularly wake up bathed in sweat from a dream that he...
Maarten Keulemans spreads disinformation
Yesterday I contributed to this article for the website of Maurice de Hond. We wanted to be brief - but there's so much more nonsensical to get out of it so let me finish this story for a moment. Really very short (2 minutes reading time max) we look at one more...
The media makes the scandals, not the science
Another interview with Ronald Meester has been published, this time at Nieuwrechts.nl. Excess mortality was the central theme. The comparison he makes in the interview with the weekly Boeing falling from the sky was appealing. It should be clear that...
After the flu dip a week with 50 unexplained deaths a day
Zes weken geleden, op 5 februari, verkneukelde wetenschapsjournalist Maarten Keulemans zich om "leunstoelepidemioloog" Herman Steigstra in een "Bewaartweet". Maarten is statistiek-ontkenner en gelooft dan ook niet dat de sterfte waarschijnlijk weer naar ongeveer 40 à...
Who do we believe: Wall Street Journal or Volkskrant?
The MSM dam is starting to show more and more cracks: "Anti-Vax disinformation" in the Wall Street Journal! Despite all the mop-up talk and tweets from science editors.
Your vaccine cocktail: eight disinformation tricks in a row
Juggling with words and false logic is not always easy to see through. Tips for recognizing disinformation can be helpful. De Volkskrant published a list and Maarten Keulemans gave it away for free on Twitter. Despite the obviously propagandistic...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3
The last loose ends of the thread of @mkeulemans on Twitter. We had stayed with a graph that, to his dismay, had two different Y axes and in which he saw a sign of severe deception. Now on with Tweet wire button 8. It still seems like a lot but...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2
Judging by the comments under the Tweets of Maarten Keulemans, most of twittering the Netherlands does not agree with him. But it is the silent majority that he has to rely on. The newspaper readers and the Op1 viewers. Just authority-abiding...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1
The Disinformation Think Tank is starting to get wilder and wilder. Now again on the occasion of the broadcast of Ongehoord Nieuws, in which I also figured. Of course, the attention was mainly on Theo Schetters (excellent because more impact, I was glad that he...
Bandwidths for dummies
Thanks to Herman Steigstra and Jillis Kriek In discussions about excess mortality, reference is sometimes made to the bandwidth, which allows weekly deviating deaths. It is the light blue area around the predicted weekly value. If that margin is taken into account, the...
So they did know what they were doing: bullying.
The WOB documents have already brought a lot to light, but these latest revelations make sense as far as I'm concerned. For the past two years, the Corona junta has made us - at least me - think that they did not have the right scientific information. I...
Fact checking Geert Vanden Bossche. What is still true 1 year later?
A reader asked me to shed light on a Belgian fact check of gezondheidenwetenschap.be. Now reviews are much more work than writing something down yourself and the fact check is already a year old so not really worth it anymore, not up to date,...
Maarten Keulemans agrees with us: Covid-19 has disappeared
Op de redactie van de Volkskrant wordt geklaagd dat ze toch eigenlijk best wel behoorlijk beroerd worden van een A-Lijst ziekte. Zelfs hoofdredacteur Pieter Klok moet erkennen dat het hem erg tegenviel, "met een vervelende kriebelhoest en aanvallen van hoofdpijn en...
Maarten Keulemans is a lying slip carrier
One more act against the propagandistic indoctrination of Maarten Keulemans, a mole pretending to be a science journalist. I always try to keep it tidy but Keulemans keeps getting the blood out from under my nails with his hypocritical...
Acclaimed miracle cure Ivermectin seems to do what was claimed
This seems to be one of the many hopeless (because too small for significance) studies that will show that the effect of this potential vaccine competitor is not significant. Realized thanks to financial contributions from, among others: Sanofi Pasteur...
De Volkskrant spreads disinformation
From a 'quality newspaper' I expect carefully compiled information. They may even boast the self-proclaimed 'corona reporter' Maarten Keulemans, who - presumably at the request of the ministry - is conducted by the rivm with in the...
Maarten has been scrubbing shopping carts for nothing
© Foto Rodenburg Bouw Na een klein jaar verspreiding van desinformatie biedt wetenschapsjournalist Maarten Keulemans nog steeds geen excuses aan. Keulemans gebruikt in zijn stukje frasen als "intussen schreed het wetenschappelijk inzicht zich voort" en woorden als...
Answer to a silly question from Maarten Keulemans
Science journalist Maarten Keulemans, famous copy-paster of RIVM mantras, wondered yesterday how a Leiden choir could have become infected, despite open windows. I answered this a few months ago. See the link below. Keep...
More infections due to voice use than from coughing and sneezing
The aerosol discussion has passed a station in the scientific world, as evidenced by the medical follow-up studies on aerosol generation. Via-via I came across a study in which it is shown that singing and speaking generates many more aerosols than...