The WOB documents have already revealed a lot, but these latest revelations hit everything as far as I'm concerned. For the past two years, the Corona junta has made us - at least me - think that they did not have the right scientific information. I did my best to let that sink into my own little circle. Several independent scientists and other 'corona critics' have risked their careers to put forward other, scientifically substantiated points of view. We agreed: this madness had to come from ignorance, another argument could not be imagined for the draconian antisocialization of society through mandatory face masks and the one and a half meter rule.
Excessive? Both are rules that also make other forms of social behavior impossible, such as shaking hands, a hug or a smile. Rules that cut outdoor festivals but also ordinary daily activities out of our existence. What babies and children have been done to by covering faces in their environment and denying themselves fresh air for days on end, it is almost impossible to imagine. Apart from the negative effects on teeth / gums, oxygen supply, canker sores, pimples, skin irritation, headaches etc.
They knew face masks didn't do anything.
These latest WOB documents now show that the government did know that face masks did not help. Still, they wanted face masks - it's unclear why - so they thought it might lead to safer behavior. That too turned out not to be scientifically substantiated.
Nevertheless, face masks were made mandatory and fines were imposed on violators.
They knew that the 1.5 meter rule was not substantiated
The one and a half meter rule also lacked substantiation, wrote the rivm, whose representatives shouted the loudest in talk shows that they were crucial guidelines to 'get corona underneath together'.
The advice of the 'public health advisers' to the cabinet was to use foreign countries as an example, because that's where they did it. And the WHO had recommended it too. That was indeed true, but it was known that it could also have been to please China, because the WHO also had no further substantiation and Chinese people like to hear that they are doing well. A striking number of ideas were given acquired from China. An honest scientist would say, "So we had better not do that. And if you do, I'll take it to the media."? Or else do a Monaatje – but this!?

We knew it too
Why these measures did not work was clear early on: aerosols hardly suffer from them. But aerosols were not allowed because then the measures would turn out to be wrong, unscientific and in many cases counterproductive. One of the most important advocates who also had access to the legacy media, Maurice de Hond, was balded and taunted after a few TV appearances (the wet farts of slip carrier Maarten Keulemans did not lie). Pierre Capel was thrown off Youtube. Also on LinkedIn, a purge took place among the users. Not to mention the disappeared posts, podcasts and videos. Rumble and Spotify are rampant. Decent scientists no longer appear on the mainstream media.
We know how Willem Engel was radicalized (sorry Willem) and I understand that this happens to someone who sees how the truth is so immorally violated with such devastating consequences. The stupid brutality of a government, that's to be outraged. I recognize that. We even behave very nicely when you look at it that way.
When I also think of all those good sheep - yes sorry, I am really hellish - that I have kindly tried to explain that face masks hardly work, that 1.5 meters mainly provides false safety, that you get sick from contaminated air. What are they supposed to think? Those people who said "they really know what they're doing"?
I had expected that I would still hear from deugers "Yes, but you couldn't know that at the time". In any case, that argument is invalid. Just look at the WOB documents: the Cabinet even knew it.
The media knew... not?
All the media uncritically followed this error. I also paid the necessary attention to this, I really thought that they did not know any better. By the way, I write 'error' but maybe we really should label this as a 'lie'. (Are we whining again that the debate is hardening so much.)
NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, AD, I have devoted an article to all of them to explain why what they said was not good. I'll just call that incompetence; they may have had the assignment to look no further than the rivm website. After all, they are 'editors', 'journalists' are not researchers or investigative journalists. What a level on those newsrooms, it is sad that no one could or dared to make a fist. By the way, those were also the people who wrote independent fact checks, to cry really. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: all not a hair better, but as private companies it feels different. You may wonder whether it is not gradually becoming a utility that needs special regulation.
So it's a set-up
This is a cover. They were not unfortunate misconceptions or demented scientists that society suffered from for two years. It was deliberate terror, rolled out by the slickest propaganda machine ever: national broadcasters and quality newspapers. Science journalists. The Diederik Jekeltjes who could get their moment of fame.
Officials, hailed as 'excellent scientists', did not put any obstacles in the way of that dictatorship, in fact, they gave tips on how their fabrications could be sold better, for lack of scientific substantiation. This is shameful. And the Academy praises it. And Keulemans praises and becomes journalist of the year, it really can't be filmed. Gommers and Koopmans (yes those of the lableak) receive the Macchiavelli prize.
A lot had to be covered, that much is clear in retrospect. Vrinden do that for each other, I think.
The people have been fooled and bullied
Public opinion has been manipulated, judges have been played, police officers have been suppressed. Romeos, how are they going to react when they discover that these defenseless citizens not only stood up for their rights but were actually right? That they mistreated people in the name of a lie? They have been ramming into the elderly under false pretenses! I would get angry.
By the way: in the name of the King!!! What does he think, I wonder? Those Royal Decrees with which he sanctioned the rivm advice, how does he feel about that now? He is also a Loer turned.
There is much more to say about it. All this time I have resisted conspiracy ideas but this feels like a government plot, a conspiracy of directors, intellectuals (or whoever wants to pass for it), rulers, commissioners, supervisors, you name it. The question remains: Why the hell...!? Lust for power? Despotism? Malice? Sadism? Bullying behavior? Or is this the same psychomovement that von der Leyen undergoes, who now thinks she is emperor of Europe and can fire up an army?
Or was it really just a little lie that started small, with a dubious measure that could not be admitted?
PART II – Coming soon in this theatre:
Ventilation versus vaccination
We will only have those WOB pieces in 2020. I fear that it will soon turn out that they knew that ventilation could indeed have prevented a lot of misery. Maybe they also knew that those vaccinations were not that effective and safe at all.
PART III – Coming soon in this theatre:
Excess mortality
We will only have those WOB pieces in 2020. I fear that it will soon also turn out that they knew what the excess mortality was like. But admit it. Just as the rivm-ers cooperated, they probably also put CBS in front of the same cart: this is the problem, solve it. I don't think anything is impossible anymore.
Are we just letting totalitarianism sink in?
If this is not widely reported in the media, we are the hare. Then we are a defenseless people, at the mercy of dark forces. The sincere search for correct information exists in alternative media and honest scientists are also there, but the Power has become an Omnipotence, what the government says is the Truth. The Government of Truth.
In our national history we have seen similar things before, also supported by major media, also enthusiastically accompanied by leading physicians, also under the supervision of the judiciary. But comparison is not allowed because "they have our best interests at heart" and "they know what they are doing". Indeed, they know that very well.
It's up there in that layer of government much, much worse than I thought.
The gentlemen Aukema Hotels, Van der Vegt, Van den Bos and Van der Tuin I thank them for their hard work and I wish them every success and strength in their further research. I hold my heart.
Again the link:
I turn on the comments but don't promise to respond. Messages of support are welcome, I need them for a moment. Pffff.
[Edit: and how does Keulemans react?

it remains quiet here. Am I the only one to show support? I have a huge appreciation for all the research you do, Anton. Am also angry about it, feel misunderstood, frustrated that so few people see what is going on.
Hope you get on with it.
Fr. gr. Cees Mul
Dear Anton,
The cesspool goes and must open. Thank you for your contribution to this.
Vwb conspiracies: I think it works partly that way, but partly also much more basically. People are often afraid of losing their jobs, for example. And even more such ordinary human things. Not ok, but human. In addition, a structure is built up for a long time (whether intentionally or not but power-hungry) that does not allow such human behavior to come into its own, on the contrary unfortunately.
Don't let that get you out of the way. Take a step back and enjoy life in spite of everything.
It makes me nauseous. All those Wob documents show how coercive policy has been pursued knowingly. But this about the mind caps does make sense of everything.
Also read a Jan Hommel (Bonte) his blog about Hugo de Jonge. I'm sure he's right.
And I hope that there will finally be mass outrage and anger. Because if people shrug their shoulders again, we will fall into the totalitarian trap.
Top Anton, well written.
I too have no confidence in the government at all.
Where is this supposed to go!
Above all, keep going and don't be discouraged!
For me, everything that happened is an open book:
– When, after publication of his results, Elens was forbidden to treat his patients with off-label medicines (which met all off-label requirements – if only because the risk was nil) I immediately knew: this case stinks.
What happened next was all in line with the above, without exception. I just pick out some random items:
– the publication of the results of a study by Lammers and Groeneveld (Isala Zwolle) and the reactions to them in the press and media
– refuse to examine results elsewhere (India, Japan, Peru, Africa)
– FLCCC, letter French doctors
– Worldwide the same phenomena: ban without reasonable grounds on early treatment, doctors and pharmacists are threatened with fines or deprivation of registration, complete disappearance of correct reporting in (all) media, critical people lose their jobs,
– the stories of various wistleblowers
– everything that has to do with the vice and side effects of the vaccines and the way in which they are swept under the table
– Parties with large financial interests always "win" and "lose" parties with little financial clout.
– There is plenty of censorship
I can make the row as long as I want; it is too crazy for words that this is possible: the conclusions must be:
– The power of money is great
– The whole chain: Big Pharma and their owners, WHO, science, doctors' organizations, governments, press and media, acts globally in a coordinated manner (and more effectively in the richer countries) to suppress anything that might discourage vaccination; the same tactics are used everywhere. Censorship is everywhere.
– the intellectual laziness of the vast majority of humanity is great: they believe governments and media almost blindly. Although they know that all over the world (NL!) governments and their supporters are lying / masking / trolling.
Unfortunately, the WOB documents so far confirm what I always thought: unlike many who thought they saw in RIVM / OMT the Evil Genius that misled the cabinet, it now clearly turns out to be exactly the other way around. For unclear reasons – money, power, yes, what exactly? – everyone had to be scared (while only 2% of the infected do indeed lead to serious illness, EVEN if with the pre-omicron variants!) and forced to vaccinate; mind you, for something that is now no more than a cold.
And it goes on and on. My twitter timeline is still full of scared believers... how long is it going to take for these people to realize that they have just been cheated, and are still being, cheated? Why the endless trust in (global) governments? Stockholm syndrome?
All appreciation for your work by the way Anton. Don't give up!
Many, many thanks to you and the WOB spouts. When will there finally be headlines in the newspaper?! Mattias Desmet emphasizes: keep speaking. So keep going.
Dear Anton, I too am furious. For more than a year. I hate having to know things as a non-educated person that then just come true more than a year later. If, as an electrical engineer, I already know things about vaccinations, face masks, economies, etc etc. and the people who are at the helm for a lot of money still continue with their wrong policy... then there are only two options left for those people, they can choose: with this to mr. klootje van Dissel, de Jonge, Rutte, weak opposition sufferers, weak editors-in-chief etc etc etc the choice is yours: either 1) are you unimaginably incompetent or 2) are you of unimaginable ill will? I would like to see the leaders of this scandal arrested and forced to have a blood test taken to determine whether the leaders of this totalitarian disgrace have had a vaccine injected THEMSELVES. If not, you don't have to think any longer, go for life without a process. Or at least dishonorable discharge without compensation but with a never-come-back guarantee and a forced vaccination (jab 1, jab2 and booster. Whining about side effects does not give an escape). Yes, I'm furious. And sad because it really isn't a cool country. Which I did for a long time (nice and naively thought).
Oh, Anton, and on the monetary front, there is an equally big scandal going on at the moment. Excuses, lies, silencing, critical press keep the toothless mouth shut with otherwise smelly breath, opposition swallows meekly etc etc but forward, the subject of monetary deception but just for this aside. Gosh yes how angry I am say. That's what powerlessness does to you.
SuSanna's response contains a fine spelling error. It was never about mouth caps but about mind-caps. Two birds with one stone. And then the 'damning' sheep, who then 'walked in their own created darkness', thought they could measure others and reprimand and reprimand.'
After all, you would become 'mind-e-less' yourself.
Above all, let's keep talking about 'mind caps' to make the matter clear
What makes me so deeply sad is that these Wob documents do not reveal anything, but only confirm what we have known for a year and a half:
We have known for a long time, since October 2020, that honest scientists lost their LinkedIn account.
We have known for a long time that people who did not follow 'the narrative' were in danger of losing their jobs, or actually losing them.
We have known for a long time that daring to demonstrate in the Netherlands poses a serious health risk.
We have known for a long time that the concrete rot in politics runs very deep.
We have known for a long time that it no longer makes sense to read newspapers in the Netherlands.
We have known for a long time that "medical science" is completely corrupted.
We have known for a long time that in this dystopian time we just have to take care of our own health,
because doctors can no longer be trusted in advance.
What gives me courage in this time: We are not alone! There are millions of us.
A whole landscape of organizations, new media, blogs, political parties, etc. has emerged.
That's where we meet our kindred spirits, we don't let ourselves be destroyed.
It may take a while, but we're going to win this!
Thank you, Anton, for your many valuable articles.
In order to brighten up the staff room, I am looking for the trickling factual information that can hopefully slowly bring us out of the craziness again. Your tone is unfortunately a bit too grim for that in this piece, but I share your anger behind it.
Face masks do not change our 1.5-meter behavior.
But is the chatter story of protection against the inhalation and exhalation of the virus in the WOB pieces also punctured somewhere? The face mask as Atlantic Wall against the van Dissel drops. This myth is still widely held.
Thanks for all your fantastic work Anton!
Thank you all for responding, super encouraging.!
Jos' idea for "something in the staff room" appeals to me. The articles are indeed too grim and cynical for that.
A poster-like thing? What should come of that? "The Facts at a glance" ?
Content suggestions are welcome!
(This one was also fun but really only fun for insiders I think: )
That aerosol poster is of course a real classic, beautiful!
But I fear that the message still does not reach the True Brainwashed.
It remains very difficult to bring things into the limelight of this group in a subtle tone. After all, they have been brainwashed, and anyone who has ever had to deal with friends in a cult, or who are struggling with an addiction, knows how difficult it is to get rid of them. I fear that the only real 'healer' will turn out to be Father Time.
The husband of a good friend of mine has now developed a severe anxiety disorder. First terrified of corona, now he even seems to have nightmares about a nuclear war. Fortunately, he realizes that he has a serious problem and has now reported to the GGZ, where he is now confronted with an endless waiting list.
How many more people have developed similar mental health problems by now?
Thank you very much msm, for all the unfounded fear of the past few years...!
@Eef: very recognizable Eef. I have just come from a garden center where you see some person with a face mask lugging around in the sun outside. That's how sad it is. I'll leave it at those four words for a moment before I go all the way.
Hello Anton,
I've never heard you so 'loud' before. The WOB documents document what we already knew for a long time but could not write down so hard in positions like yours. It will also feel like something of a liberation.
I agree with the rest: more than thank you for your efforts and critical research.
Very well worded, Anton! keep up the good work, it's so important to expose the 'concrete rot'
Dear Anton,
Keep going!
For me, it's nothing new, since 9/11, and even earlier. At the end of the nineties of the last century, I was already enlightened that everything was wrong with what media, government and politics presented to us. It started with all kinds of animal diseases, to which governments reacted with scathing and panic. Do you remember: all those cows and pigs that were ripped from farmyards with cranes to be 'destroyed'? And now the 'great danger' of bird flu, in which countless poultry farms are 'culled'. And how did the general public react? Have we all forgotten it or don't we want to see it? Perhaps in the eyes of many I am a very bad conspiracy theorist, if I think that these were all preparations to see if 'they' could get away with it, without too much hassle. But still, they came and get away with it.
OK, next step is an 'animal virus' that jumps over to people, almost the entire municipality falls for it and is very effectively terrified, can be pricked with experimental substances and do not pay attention when canceled experts arrive with effective cures.
Research – which you are not allowed to do as a non-expert nowadays – has taught me that our body is choking on the viruses (and bacteria) and that we would not survive without it.
We are dragged from one 'crisis' to another: viruses, war, cyber, food, climate.
We live in interesting times ... would it all be a test of whether there is still common sense or humanity in us?
Beautifully spoken and completely true. At the time, as a teenager, I whined about all the eviction of animals and saw with my own eyes that many farmers did the same; one likes to portray a farmer as a money-hungry trader, but building up a good herd takes years and many a farmer also has a heart for his animals; it is also high time that the farmer gets more value for his work instead of the profit going to the supermarket chains. Most cattle are unnecessarily tight on anti-biotics, for many childhood diseases that are considered too serious. The cow from the meadow is the worst choice ever, but they need the land (for??) so it's not about nitrogen or welfare of the beast. I too have been thinking for years that a dirty game is being played with one manipulation after another, the question is whether it can still be stopped? and whether it can still be combated? Governments and political systems act worldwide as well as autonomously and uncontrollably (which can just as easily be called authoritarian and dominant), so I think there is little to choose as a citizen!
Thank you, Anton. For ploughing through all the info. For clearly articulating in your blog. For your updates. I read them all and hope you continue with them. Hopefully people, who still cover everything with the cloak of love, will now really scratch their heads.
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A reaction that deserves support and is so recognizable. I have gone too far towards my fellow man, but I have also felt very abandoned. To give an idea, I quote Jan Hommel who states in one of his blogs that he has lost confidence in the RIVM and some other authorities. But he has also lost faith in his fellow man and wonders if that will ever come back. I know, it sounds very dramatic but unfortunately I have the same thing.
I'm also afraid that your conclusion may not even go far enough. The game is over and out. We will not have lean but dark years and it will be very hard. Like many people, I laughed at Thierry's comments. But maybe I was the fool and I didn't want his thoughts to be right.
They have always kicked the can forward, tried to close the one hole with an even bigger hole and now the emperor has been exposed to the well-known fairy tale. And the almighty emperor would rather drag his people into destruction than shamefully acknowledge that he is a monster. Because the once friendly emperor has turned into a monster.
Enjoy the coming summer and the freedom that we now have temporarily, I fear that it will only become very unpleasant after this.
Off Topic, moved to The covid blueprint on the Russia-Ukraine conflict laid
I also did not want to believe for a long time that there was an 'agenda' behind it. And maybe it wasn't behind it in the very beginning. But the occasion makes the thief. And if the power game is going well, why not always go a step further .....?
I now fear that it is far from finished. The EU passport is ready, digital money is being rolled out, more and more cameras with facial recognition, inflation is increasing, war language and sanctions that mainly affect ourselves, bizarre climate goals, and figures that are being brushed away.
People think it is over, but I also fear that they will strike again in the autumn.
totally agree.. Little by little, freedom is being restricted and everything is becoming controllable.
Cash is almost impossible to withdraw money, everything goes almost digital.
Then idd the futility of all energy rules.. windmills that cost more than what they yield.. batteries that immediately become a big polluting waste mountain and then? also dumping in Antarctica?.. What was wrong with fossil fuels? Then we had better go back to nuclear power, it is all terrible and it has already been decided before elections take place.
In addition, it seems as if everyone goes along with everything without wanting to think. It's all very scary.
Great piece, neatly restrained anger, keep it up.
We do not fall into lying, bullying, terrorizing and oppressing. Good will prevail and evil will be defeated
The play is good, but I have great difficulty with you calling William "radicalized".
The definition: Radicalization is the process by which a person or group increasingly develops views that are at odds with, or even at odds with, the democratic rule of law.
If someone 'fights' democratically (through speech, demonstrations and declarations) for the maintenance and application of the democratic rule of law, it is Willem.
If you read the definition on its merits, it is precisely our government that is radicalizing.
I would like to clarify this. I followed Willem in the beginning, but at some point he went way too far in my opinion. I didn't want to be associated with him; He was too easy prey with indefensible positions and statements/comments that I couldn't do anything with. That's what I mean by 'radicalisation', I didn't mean that in a criminal or legal sense.
What I have a problem with is the incitement from the establishment. You don't see it and it's too radical for many, but we are ruled by people, parties and multinationals that reduce people to Useless Eaters. Like you should feel guilty that you were born.
We are incited to think that the Russians are committing war crimes and that we need to do something. Where was that emotion when the Shock and Aw method of the Americans killed millions in the Middle East? To this day, deformed children are born because of the way depleted uranium was bombed there.
Thank you Mister Bush?
So I agree with you Joost that by taking sides so clearly we have blood on our hands. But fortunately there is the martyr in the form of William. Someone who, like me, has also experienced that it was no longer sustainable to continue to play the game diplomatically.
When will it be ready for the silent, the other way looking crowd and the game will stop with human lives?
Dear Rini, it is "for the silent, the other way looking crowd" not so soon finished unfortunately... They are sweetened with cheap consumer goods from the Action and advertisements and the sleep-but-sweet stories in the 'solid' media, you know, NRC, Volks(verlakkerij)krant, NOS and so on. That mass you hope for was, has been and remains lulled to sleep. The majority of people in our country may at most worry about a quarter on a can of redbull. Unfortunately, you can't expect much more from it for the time being. No, the sleep-lulled masses unfortunately attach far too much importance to the luxurious but hollow prosperity that the disposable/ welfare state has given them for years and to which they are now mind-dead. Critical thinking and perception has become a very scarce commodity. Bah what sad words from myself 🙁
What I don't understand is.. now that there is factual evidence on the table.. So why is it not acted upon and denounced and made public and punished???
This should have an immediate effect; so that the vaccination passport is discontinued for Covid and the QR code is dissolved to Covid;.. And above all, that such a thing should not happen again in the future. So that a RIVM turns out to be unreliable and is therefore no longer a reliable source. that independent science should be given a say in such issues. Just as most supervisory authorities are no longer allowed to be employed by the ones they have to audit, but rather to be independent.
This includes media manipulation and docile journalism; such a thing should not be allowed in a seemingly democratic country like the Netherlands!!!
Krijg meer en meer een beeld dat onze samenleving niet langer een gezonde is, maar 1 bestaande uit schijnvertoningen en achterbakse corruptie; wat al zichtbaar is en was met ons hele rookbeleid..waarschuwen maar niet uit de handel halen!!!… want de gezondheidszorg&overheid verdient er gewoon teveel aan. En nu gaan we nog ff de ongezonde houtsrook aanmoedigen, zodat een grotere luchtvervuiling de toename in longpatienten na de Covid nog ff een extra zakcentje gaat opleveren..wetende dat houtsrook nog ongezonder is dan bij verbranding van kolen?!
Follow this site from the beginning and it has given me a lot of support, because I could not find anyone in my area who doubted everything around the Covid event; I would like to express my thanks for this!!!
Misschien kunnen we een vlag maken met het groene Covid molecuul zoals hierboven op de site staat vermeld om met elkaar te sympathiseren in onze strijd tegen gerechtigheid, recht op openheid en inzage, en beslissen over eigen lijf&leven! (aangezien er ook ineens overal Oekrainse vlaggen in het straatbeeld verschijnen 😉 )
Dear Anton you know perfectly how to articulate my feelings about COVID that you also accurately substantiate.
Your contributions are of great value to me and give me guidance from the flood of information that is due to us. I feel your anger surprise disbelief.
Thank you for all this and I hope you keep doing this.
Much strength Anton, I just discovered your site and already eagerly read it.
With you, just like with Campbell, there is a whole change to notice,
You will keep your unvarnished opinion to yourself, until that is no longer possible.
I sincerely hope that Vanden Bossche and only others are wrong,
But I feel that's not the case. We'll know in 3 months at the next wave. If more people from the "healthy" group die, people between 12 and 45, it is completely wrong.
Then I don't have to go two years and chase away everyone with the fire hose that gets too close, except for the unvaccinated, but I only know 2.
I'm 81 years old and not pricked. I have been digging for the truth behind corona and the measures against it for more than two years. I have already sent an e-mail to a number of journalists criticizing their actions. Pieter Klok, editor-in-chief of de Volkskrant, already obliged his journalists to follow the RIVM in March 2020. "Research everything and keep the good." I thought that was the basic rule of good and thorough journalism, but nothing could be further from the truth. In Mieke Mosmuller's podcast: on Freedom: groupthink and independent thinking, she quotes U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres "Countries are using the coronavirus measures to limit human rights. Dissenters and independent media are silenced. Under the guise of combating corona, basic freedoms are being abolished. In fact, those in power are abusing the pandemic to remove citizens' most fundamental freedoms." He even talks about a vicious circle of violations.
We are well on our way to a totalitarian state. Watch Professor Mattias Desmet's podcast on the Psychology of Totalitarianism. Mass formation! He says that form is even worse than a dictatorship. It will take my time, but what will happen to our children and grandchildren?
Grandchildren do listen to a wise grandmother or grandfather, the tone and the feeling. A child does feel what is real. X
Dear Cees, I don't read all this until a year and a half later, but I still have the same feeling. I do not forgive anyone for this exclusionary behaviour of the people who did not want to be injected. And I speak to more and more people who feel the same way. Indeed, all the support for Anton! You're certainly not alone. Kind regards Jeroen.