Vaxophile Netherlands is rebounding: yet another study that shows how beneficial the vaccines were. This time I will stick to discussing statements from the press release and the study itself. These did not give reason to delve further into the figures. That takes me a lot of time...
HVE voor dummies
In de Virusvaria-serie '... voor Dummies' mag 'HVE voor dummies' natuurlijk niet ontbreken. Mijn korte 144-letters uitleg op X leek mij voldoende om het fenomeen te begrijpen. Maar Herman is daar minder makkelijk mee en bouwde een artikel met een verrassend...
A statistical fallacy: unvaccinated excess mortality in Italy and at Nivel
Wie Kaplan-Meier voor Dummies heeft gelezen, begrijpt wat de ‘buik’ van een Kaplan-Meiergrafiek zegt. Onlangs kreeg ik een Italiaanse studie toegespeeld waarin zo'n zelfde grafiek werd getoond. Ook hier was de conclusie, net als bij Nivel, dat de vaccins geen sterfte...
Oversterfte misbruik (teruggetrokken)
Note on withdrawal: In this article, I hoped to be able to reduce the bizarre excess mortality rate of 250% among unvaccinated people, as Nivel communicates, to a simple calculation error. Unfortunately, it's not a calculation error, I was wrong myself. It's purely the...
More Nivel worries
The revised Nivel report once again stirs up quite a stir. Of course, it is again said that vaccines have been shown to work, but with such bizarre figures and rattling methodology, nothing can be demonstrated at all. Maybe it could say something about the...
Kritische geluiden zwellen aan: Theo Schetters, Jonathan Engler en… Trouw!
Theo Schetters tightens up and Jonathan Engler distances himself from the Great Barrington Declaration. And last night finally a relatively realistic piece in Trouw. Catalyst: a letter from Maurice de Hond. I posted Jan Bennink's article earlier. It...
Jan Bennink takes sides in a recognizable dilemma
Jan Bennink discusses a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time: should you continue to argue politely and respectfully, even when you are facing a clique that does not hesitate to cheat? Appointed by a government that has committed misdeed upon misdeed...
Oversterfte bij gevaccineerden?
That's what it's starting to look like. On Tuesday, we already published a post in which we showed that there would be a huge "elixir of life" effect according to the figures in the Nivel article. The attachment with the calculations has since been removed from their website, but...