Verdween Covid met of door vaccinatie?

Verdween Covid met of door vaccinatie?

Disinformation about the beneficial role that vaccines may have played is on the rise again. Time to highlight some crucial figures. No claims based on models, but the original figures. Had corona already disappeared before there was...

Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears

Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears

Via een klokkenluider zijn in Duitsland de niet-gecensureerde "RKI-protokolle" publiek gemaakt. Niets is er nog zwartgelakt. Voor velen zal het een schrikbarend beeld zijn wat er uit naar voren komt. Voor anderen zal het een bevestiging zijn van wat we al jaren weten....

The final bill

The final bill

Now that corona has virtually disappeared and more and more is becoming clear about the role that the vaccines have played, it is time to take stock. How many years of life have been lost to corona? And how much protection did those vaccines give...

Drama in het Covid-lab: proefpersonen zijn niet meer ziek te krijgen

Drama in het Covid-lab: proefpersonen zijn niet meer ziek te krijgen

Even with absurdly high doses, scientists were unable to get test subjects to get Covid with the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. The researchers recommend that even higher doses and older subjects should be considered in future studies. It would also help if the...

Analyse: de eerste 4 maanden van de coronavaccinaties

Analyse: de eerste 4 maanden van de coronavaccinaties

From the start of vaccinations in January 2021, the claim was that vaccines performed better than expected and hospitals were full of unvaccinated people. The news was that those who refused to take responsibility should be excluded...

Is oversterfte een keuze?

Is oversterfte een keuze?

Accurate figures for vaccination coverage are essential for the conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines. Only by choosing the right value for this, the right conclusions can be drawn. By the end of this article, we'll be able to...

Vaccins goed voor jong en oud?

Vaccins goed voor jong en oud?

The vaccines have been offered to almost all residents, but was that justified? Was the level of protection proportionate to the risks that all medicines entail? And what do we think of the costs? Everyone had to be eligible...

CBS has revealed vaccine efficacy

CBS has revealed vaccine efficacy

On 23 February, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published figures that enabled us to calculate the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines. It appears to have been virtually nil, as these figures show. In this article (in collaboration with Hans Verwaart) we explain...

The Retractionwatch Inquisition

The Retractionwatch Inquisition

De website houdt bij welke wetenschappelijke studies er worden ingetrokken. Je kunt je er op abonneren. Hun pay-off is: "Het volgen van intrekkingen als een venster op het wetenschappelijke proces" (Tracking retractions as a window into the...

Does excess mortality go hand in hand with vaccinations?

Does excess mortality go hand in hand with vaccinations?

Noot van de redactie: LinkedIn heeft weer een post van Herman Steigstra verwijderd. Dan plaatsen we hem toch gewoon op Virusvaria? Delen maar! Op LinkedIn mag ook 😉 "Gaat oversterfte gelijk op met vaccinaties?" Die vraag wordt mij met name door de critici van mijn...

When Germany sneezes...

When Germany sneezes...

It's a bit short on yesterday's revealing post, but this tweet deserves immediate attention. It was placed by lawyer Tobias Ulbrich (@AnwaltUlbrich) who has focused on vaccine injuries in recent years. The reason for this is a broadcast of Die...

Videogemist week 38

Videogemist week 38

There is little more to add to the discourse. However, far too few people are aware of it. That's not possible because it takes a lot of time, if you want to keep track of everything. That's why I'm going to give you some viewing tips, which I think are important, from what I've already seen...

The side effects of Eric Clapton revisited

The side effects of Eric Clapton revisited

More than two years ago (July 2021), worried wappies knew for sure: everything that happened to people after a jab was because of the jab. That was understandable because even then there was no proper data on the jabs; The research data was either messy or secret...

Dutch vaccines superior to Swedish ones

Dutch vaccines superior to Swedish ones

If you accept an exceptional country like Sweden as a reference, you will come to surprising insights. Sweden has different mortality rates. The course of covid mortality is also different. This leads to surprising insights.

Data from England: vaccinations did not help against mortality

Data from England: vaccinations did not help against mortality

With increasing covid mortality, mortality among the unvaccinated should rise much more sharply than among people who have been vaccinated with an effective vaccine. This turns out not to be the case, on the contrary, we now know thanks to graphs that Maarten Keulemans enthusiastically shared.

Criticism of misinterpretations of Danish research

Criticism of misinterpretations of Danish research

Bij het vorige artikel over een Deens onderzoek naar de variabele batchkwaliteiten, van eergisteren, had ik gisteren een kopje "Naschrift 3-7-2023" toegevoegd. Mocht je het artikel niet hebben gezien: het ging over een Deens onderzoek dat vreemde profielen in de...

Turtles keep getting down – Part 1?

Turtles keep getting down – Part 1?

Ik kwam regelmatig de uitdrukking "Turtles all the way down" tegen en kon er geen soep van maken - athans ik kon de betekenis wel uit de context halen maar snapte niet wat schildpadden er mee te maken hadden. Maar Wikipedia legt het uit: "Schildpadden helemaal naar...

Vaccination effectiveness: can it be something more?

Vaccination effectiveness: can it be something more?

The last remnants of vaccine effectiveness are being picked out in all kinds of ways. From shifting vaccinated to unvaccinated (because they did not consent to registration of their data) to comparing subgroups of vaccinated people in...

European Parliament – International COVID Summit III

European Parliament – International COVID Summit III

The International Covid Summit III was held 2-4 May in Brussels, in the European Parliament building. All scientific corona-critical leaders were present. There have been 'dissident' parliamentarians in the European Parliament for some time now, who have made no bones about it.

Dr. Fauci cleans up with vaccines and respiratory viruses

Dr. Fauci cleans up with vaccines and respiratory viruses

I couldn't think of an appropriate response to the study Fauci recently published with some accomplices. My blood boiled but at the same time I wondered why on earth someone is seeking publicity with a confession of multiple manslaughter with...

Excess mortality on a continent without deferred care

Excess mortality on a continent without deferred care

That Australia hasn't had Covid makes it an interesting case. Without an epidemic and with controlled lockdowns, there would never have been any problems with care capacity. Long-Covid also cannot be an explanation for excess mortality. Wilson Sy, an analyst with 62...

WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

MEP Christine Anderson probably did not fit well in the Temporary Committee on Corona. She does, however, lead the European Commission's corona investigation. Delicate coalition souls and plush stickers would complain in the Netherlands about an 'unworkable situation' and...