Who got better from the status unvaccinated after the jab

Who got better from the status unvaccinated after the jab

Shortlink t.ly/WpWu7 A different view of the figures as discussed in May. It seems that those graphs were not so crazy, despite the objections of a statistician who wanted to correct things with person-years and with ASMR, despite the fact that the...

Australia underscores Cleveland Clinic study

Australia underscores Cleveland Clinic study

Roland Brautigam pointed me to figures from New South Wales, Australia, following the previous post. They are indeed in line with the findings of the Cleveland Clinic study. Of course, they are only small numbers and a weekly overview is not representative - but there is...

In the absence of data, we make data

In the absence of data, we make data

Actual data is kept away from us as hydrochloric acid in toddlers. Without transparency there is no science, it has had its day now: other things are more important. But numbers are important so corona activist Steve Kirsch decided to give his followers a...

Impffolgen II: Vaccine damage in Germany, an import error...?

Impffolgen II: Vaccine damage in Germany, an import error...?

The spectacular increase in sudden and unexpected German deaths in 2021 would stem from errors in the data. They were certainly seemingly improbably sensational figures and at the same time: if something is as rare as 'sudden death', ,...

Predicting vaccination mortality: a first model

Predicting vaccination mortality: a first model

If vaccination were really a dominant factor in the unexplained (non-covid) excess mortality, it should also be possible to find some predictability of vaccine mortality based on insightful rules. There are already several analyses that have correlations...

Infant deaths in Scotland: incident or trend?

Infant deaths in Scotland: incident or trend?

There are concerns in Scotland due to infant mortality in March 2022. A large peak had already been recorded in September 2021 (4.9 neonatal deaths per thousand births, instead of 2.0 per thousand). In March 2022 it was that time again with a peak 'above the...

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

The new sales campaign for vaccinations is ongoing. VWS buys advertising space and uses social media with statements by Ted van Essen. Vws is spreading a number of inaccuracies. Ted van Essen (think of crack grass and neutron grains) warns us urgently that we...

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3

The last loose ends of the thread of @mkeulemans on Twitter. We had stayed with a graph that, to his dismay, had two different Y axes and in which he saw a sign of severe deception. Now on with Tweet wire button 8. It still seems like a lot but...

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2

Judging by the comments under the Tweets of Maarten Keulemans, most of twittering the Netherlands does not agree with him. But it is the silent majority that he has to rely on. The newspaper readers and the Op1 viewers. Just authority-abiding...

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1

Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1

The Disinformation Think Tank is starting to get wilder and wilder. Now again on the occasion of the broadcast of Ongehoord Nieuws, in which I also figured. Of course, the attention was mainly on Theo Schetters (excellent because more impact, I was glad that he...

Approval of vaccines: authorities, processes and responsibilities

Approval of vaccines: authorities, processes and responsibilities

The EMA and the Health Council of the Netherlands explicitly state that the vaccination round for 60-year-olds that is planned for September cannot be advised. Who then takes responsibility for any vaccine damage on their shoulders? The accelerated approval for the vaccines will not be completed before September. Will the doctors then start vaccinating off-label with an outdated vaccine? It remains unclear.

Dr. John Campbell apologizes — and lashes out again

Dr. John Campbell apologizes — and lashes out again

The videos below are still on YouTube. When I wanted to secure them, I saw that they are already on bitchute. Apparently I am not the only one who considers a backup advisable. Campbell, in the first video, that of August 24, worries about the...

Denmark is the first country to ban corona vaccines (for 18-)

Denmark is the first country to ban corona vaccines (for 18-)

"Kinderen en jongeren worden slechts zeer zelden ernstig ziek van covid-19 met de omikron-variant. Daarom is het vanaf 1 juli 2022 niet meer mogelijk voor kinderen en jongeren onder de 18 jaar om de 1e prik te krijgen en vanaf 1 september 2022 is het niet meer...

The pros and cons of vaccinating

The pros and cons of vaccinating

Ik heb meegewerkt aan een artikel, bestemd voor maurice.nl (titel: "Titel: Hoe veilig en effectief zijn de vaccins?".) Onverklaarde oversterfte, waar virusvaria al sinds augustus 2021 aandacht voor vraagt, speelt een belangrijke rol in het artikel. Daarom mag het op...

Update vax/unvax mortality in England Jan-May 2022

Update vax/unvax mortality in England Jan-May 2022

The graphs below use the population data from NIMS. As a result, mortality rates among the unvaccinated, at least in some age groups, may be lower than they actually are. Because England with impure...

Vaccines: not safe – but effective...?

Vaccines: not safe – but effective...?

The benefits outweigh the risks. We hebben ruim aandacht besteed aan "the risks". Wat zijn dan de laatste bevindingen rond "the benefits"? Zijn de vaccinaties dan werkelijk zo effectief? Een rode draad door de virusvaria-artikelen van afgelopen jaar is de onverklaarde...

UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated

UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated

A simple calculation where I compare the mortality among vaccinated people per age group with the mortality among non-vaccinated people. The latter are better off in any age group. The extent to which differs. Based on UK data, that's possible.

OK, dan maar een anti-vax verhaal

OK, dan maar een anti-vax verhaal

Al eerder is mijn afkeer tegen anti-vaxxers afgezwakt na discussies op Facebook (dank aan de vasthoudendheid en overtuigende onderbouwingen van Muriel van Koppen) en, ik geef het toe, het lezen van sommige artikelen op de site van Kritisch Prikken en ook -of moet ik...

US age restrictions boosters do not apply in Europe

US age restrictions boosters do not apply in Europe

Ondersteunen de veiligheids- en effectiviteitsgegevens van klinisch onderzoek C4591001 de goedkeuring van een COMIRNATY-boosterdosis, te gebruiken bij personen van 16 jaar en ouder, ten minste 6 maanden na voltooiing van de primaire serie? Dat was de eerste vraag die...

The link between thrombosis and corona vaccines

The link between thrombosis and corona vaccines

[lees ook het recentere blogartikel] Lareb, onze vaccinwaakhond, zegt niet op de hoogte zijn van enig verband tussen Vector- en mRNA-vaccins en bloedstolling.De EMA, Europese Geneesmiddelen Autoriteit, zegt bezig te zijn geweest met onderzoeken of trombose vaker...