Academische vrijheid en academische naïviteit

Academische vrijheid en academische naïviteit

Aan het woord is dr. Jona Walk MSc, MD, PhD: "Er is een soort ongeschreven regel in de academisch-medische wereld: je mag nooit iets zeggen ten nadele van vaccins, ook niet als je het wetenschappelijk kunt onderbouwen. Dat mag gewoon niet. Dat is een ongeschreven maar...

'Et tu-John' – filleted, but now real

'Et tu-John' – filleted, but now real

The stunning research that resulted in 14.8 million years of life saved thanks to Covid vaccines (see earlier short response here) has now also been put through the wringer on LinkedIn. Ronald Meester posted a review of Bram Bakker and himself, in English (download...

Et tu, John?

Et tu, John?

Before MSM runs off with it, you should know that Norman Fenton and Martin Neil reviewed (let's say: debunked) an article that states that the vaccines would have saved 14.8 million years of life. You can download the pre-print of that paper here as a PDF. It...

Decent people don't snitch

Decent people don't snitch

Last week, Marcel Levi had to go back on his original promise to Maurice de Hond to participate in a panel discussion. This discussion was scheduled at the premiere of the documentary that reports on the 2020 flare-up by Maurice...

Faltering immune systems?

Faltering immune systems?

In spite of the political statements, excess mortality is becoming more and more pronounced. We have now reached the stage where the RIVM is pulling out all the stops to keep the figures out of the spotlight. The baseline has been revised sharply upwards by...

Oproep aan de Tweede Kamer: Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is!

Oproep aan de Tweede Kamer: Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is!

Since 2020, there has been a significant difference between the actual mortality (around 170,000 people) and the expected mortality (around 155,000 people) every year. As of this year, RIVM and CBS are trying to neutralise this difference administratively by increasing the expected mortality...

Viral ideologies corrupt science

Viral ideologies corrupt science

Face masks must be used again, nothing to do. In January, a Cochrane Review was published that challenged the effectiveness of masks, pointing to problems within scientific institutions. There is no effect from non-pharmaceutical intervention...

Negative vaccine effectiveness so vaccinate more often

Negative vaccine effectiveness so vaccinate more often

People complain about people who no longer have confidence in government, science and the media. Similarly, we can complain about those clinging to remnants of credibility while it is shown time and time again that information from an official angle is large...

Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior

Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior

If the finer points of our society think that something is good for the people, people can be lied to, scammed, sacrificed, impoverished, frightened, split, bullied, sickened - anything goes. But only if society itself thinks otherwise....

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

Disinformation from VWS: 8 arguments for not taking the repeat shot

The new sales campaign for vaccinations is ongoing. VWS buys advertising space and uses social media with statements by Ted van Essen. Vws is spreading a number of inaccuracies. Ted van Essen (think of crack grass and neutron grains) warns us urgently that we...

The guidelines for scientific integrity

The guidelines for scientific integrity

What exactly is Scientific Integrity? It can be found in a PDF on the Academy's website, this file. It lists a few things in an accessible way. The Code of Conduct is built on the core values: Honesty Due Diligence Transparency...

RIVM violates Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity

RIVM violates Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity

Bijgewerkt recenter artikel: Op 31 mei 2021 vond er een verbazingwekkend event plaats: De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van...

Whistleblower KNMI: scientific integrity RIVM insufficient

Whistleblower KNMI: scientific integrity RIVM insufficient

Het rivm bepaalt beleid op basis van onvolledige kennis en houdt de deur dicht voor specialistische kennis waarmee externe experts hun onkunde zouden kunnen aanvullen. Dit blijkt uit de bezorgde woorden van KNMI Research Scientist Jos de Laat in gesprek met Ad...