Virusvaria readers will find in this article the confirmation of dozens of articles I have written on this subject since raising the issue of excess mortality in the Netherlands, from vaccination to deferred care. The article is also on Researchgate. By Herman...
Wrong treatments under a panic narrative
What was the effect of treating Covid without antibiotics? After all, they do not work against viruses and the only thing that was known about Covid: it is a new virus. Antibiotics do not help.
NNV – The Netherlands must vaccinate itself drowsy to prevent one death
Copy shortlink The latest report from UKSHA, the official Health Safety Institute of the United Kingdom, is causing quite a stir. The data have been known for FOUR MONTHS and published a few days ago. Why something like this can take four months...
Who got better from the status unvaccinated after the jab
Shortlink A different view of the figures as discussed in May. It seems that those graphs were not so crazy, despite the objections of a statistician who wanted to correct things with person-years and with ASMR, despite the fact that the...
What Covid-19 and mRNA vaccines have in common
John Campbell besteedde onlangs aandacht aan een onderzoek dat vaccin-immuniteit op basis van de "S-spike" vergeleek met natuurlijke immuniteit op basis van virusinfectie. Zijn verhaal lag 100% in lijn met wat Nederlandse wetenschapper Pierre Capel ons heeft proberen...
Approval of vaccines: authorities, processes and responsibilities
The EMA and the Health Council of the Netherlands explicitly state that the vaccination round for 60-year-olds that is planned for September cannot be advised. Who then takes responsibility for any vaccine damage on their shoulders? The accelerated approval for the vaccines will not be completed before September. Will the doctors then start vaccinating off-label with an outdated vaccine? It remains unclear.
The importance of excess mortality in a model, assumptions and scenarios
With the help of Hans Verwaart and Lilian Namink. A post on recently caused a lot of controversy. It was an exercise with extreme values. It's just like science fiction: you'll have to accept the film's premises or you'll keep thinking every time...
The pros and cons of vaccinating
Ik heb meegewerkt aan een artikel, bestemd voor (titel: "Titel: Hoe veilig en effectief zijn de vaccins?".) Onverklaarde oversterfte, waar virusvaria al sinds augustus 2021 aandacht voor vraagt, speelt een belangrijke rol in het artikel. Daarom mag het op...
UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated
A simple calculation where I compare the mortality among vaccinated people per age group with the mortality among non-vaccinated people. The latter are better off in any age group. The extent to which differs. Based on UK data, that's possible.