Tijdens het hondenwandelen verplicht ik mezelf regelmatig naar Radio1 te luisteren om een beetje bij te blijven, even horen waar ze zoal mee bezig zijn. Het wordt er niet beter op. Pieter Klok noemde gisteren kritiek op de media "gevaarlijk". Dat deed hij op Radio1 in...
Too bad, then, for the news. Let's show you something first.
Instead of trying to find the truth himself, a science journalist wants to make a portrait of those who are committed to it. Well, we've seen before how corona critics were destroyed by friendly interviewers. And then say afterwards:...
The EU war Elon can't win on his own
Het laatste salvo in de voortdurende strijd tussen Elon Musk en de EU kwam van de X-eigenaar zelf. Hij onthulde dat X in de aanloop naar de Europese verkiezingen "een illegale geheime deal" aangeboden kreeg: als het platform zou instemmen met het in het geheim...
Op1 Agents Don't Hear Themselves Talking
The Op1 talking heads still don't seem to realize why the viewing figures of the NPO have dropped so much. Presumably, they also have no idea that they are seen by part of the population as collaborators: propagandists of politicians who have elected our...
Repopulation: a contaminated term goes viral
The confusion of words such as infected and infected, contamination and infection and the random scattering of contagious and tested positive has led to great confusion and contributed to miscommunication. Ultimately resulting in wrong policy, if we make it...
Bee: a contaminated term goes viral – linguistic essay on depopulation
Dit artikel is een taalkundige aanvulling op het meer argumentatietheoretische artikel Omvolking: een besmette term gaat viraal. Taal is slordig en veranderlijk We moeten erop bedacht zijn dat taal een bijzonder slordig communicatievehikel is. Je kunt het heel precies...
Overheidsadviseur en coronadissident Dr. Scott Atlas is het volledig met ons eens
I had to share this great interview with medical specialist and top advisor Dr. Scott Atlas. But it takes an hour and a half, so that will be a bridge too far for many. That's why this summary, the link to the interview is at the bottom. If you remember this article from March...
The Corona Murder Case
The most commonly used argument against both the lab leak and aerosol theories is without a doubt: the Deventer murder case. Because Ernest Louwes has been in prison for 9 years and because even a book by a renowned NRC journalist (yes that one) has been filmed about it, that's why...
Media torpederen het Staatsbelang. Superschoof, doe iets!
In a rather annoying conversation, TV multimillionaire Jeroen Pauw, big tax collector, puts the heat on Ronald Plasterk (in the NRC, Plasterk was accused of not having acted with integrity because of a patent application, see the articles on...
It's rumbling abroad
After the corona war, it is slowly becoming clear who the good guys were and who were the bad guys. Who were the liars, who stood for the truth, who were the collaborators, who were the victims, and who filled his pockets and grew from misery. Who was Good in the...
RIVM figures: Autumn booster brings weakened protection back up to standard
Vaccinated people lack protection against corona, which can be temporarily patched up with a booster, according to figures from the RIVM.
Reflecties uit het buitenland
It's rumbling in Coronia. The data dam is about to burst and when that happens, the Dutch gossip stories will wash into the sewer. The self-examination of Tijs van den Brink (see previous article) will not play a role in this, because it only strengthens the deceived in their...
We need to regain distrust of government
The widely supported consensus on the importance of regaining trust in government should not result in an attempt to change citizens' perceptions rather than introspection and change within the government itself. Only special...
Ad Verbrugge and Jona Walk: a conversation to forward
Jonah and Ad are treasures. Really sweet, observant, concerned academics. They think censorship is very bad and don't delve too deeply into it: when observing abuses and shadowiness, they don't ask by whom, from whom, why, who are these people who...
Oversterfte, Adolf, vaccinatieterreur: wanneer is iets eigenlijk erg?
Last night I spoke with an old time buddy. A very experienced medical specialist, erudite, also active as an administrator in his field, gifted speaker at conferences in comfortable places, developed therapy, wrote successful booklets. I got it...
Facebook herinnert aan kwakzalverij en datafraude
Quacks who have to prove how well their snake oil works tell success stories about how their product has averted disease, even if it has only caused damage and cost money. You would almost forget how structurally that happens at vws/rivm but...
Journalistic correction photoshops Timmermans, rewrites Zembla, staget Bruins
There were quite a few people disappointed or shocked by the Tweets that Zembla had fabricated to demonize anti-D66 sound. A Twitter user whose tweets they had cut up even lost his job because of it. Those who are shocked by this have...
Higher educated more pricked, phd less
In de vorige post betoogde ik waarom ik denk dat 'hoger opgeleiden' een hogere vaccinatiebereidheid tonen. Herman Steigstra retweette en er volgden veel reacties. Veel in de trant van 'wat is IQ eigenlijk' en 'hoger opgeleid is niet per se een hoger IQ' en 'hoe hebben...
Studies show link between IQ and vaccination adherence
Wie slim is, laat zich vaccineren. Dat suggereren twee studies op basis van gevonden correlaties tussen IQ en vaccinatiebereidheid. In drie paragrafen schets ik hoe het ook zou kunnen zitten. De rest van het artikel (onder 'Uitwerking') is voor de liefhebber. Er is...
Data from England: vaccinations did not help against mortality
With increasing covid mortality, mortality among the unvaccinated should rise much more sharply than among people who have been vaccinated with an effective vaccine. This turns out not to be the case, on the contrary, we now know thanks to graphs that Maarten Keulemans enthusiastically shared.
The media makes the scandals, not the science
Another interview with Ronald Meester has been published, this time at Nieuwrechts.nl. Excess mortality was the central theme. The comparison he makes in the interview with the weekly Boeing falling from the sky was appealing. It should be clear that...
Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior
If the finer points of our society think that something is good for the people, people can be lied to, scammed, sacrificed, impoverished, frightened, split, bullied, sickened - anything goes. But only if society itself thinks otherwise....
Tijs van den Brink certainly not at 1
Begin vorig jaar schreef ik een artikel over Tijs van den Brink, toen naar aanleiding van een "Middenweggesprek". Het was een Zoom-recording van een uur en een kwartier, zoals Rogier Rumke die met regelmaat initieerde en publiceerde op o.m. Facebookgroep De Corona...
After the flu dip a week with 50 unexplained deaths a day
Zes weken geleden, op 5 februari, verkneukelde wetenschapsjournalist Maarten Keulemans zich om "leunstoelepidemioloog" Herman Steigstra in een "Bewaartweet". Maarten is statistiek-ontkenner en gelooft dan ook niet dat de sterfte waarschijnlijk weer naar ongeveer 40 à...
The unheard of power over the powerful media
Pfizer has shown that it can pretty much make someone disappear from the face of the earth. Digital traces of whistleblower-against-will-and-thanks Jordon Tristan Walker can no longer be found. The man was staged in an unwelcome video - against Pfizer's wishes....
Ukraine – US – bioweapons – pharma – Corona
Copy shortlink It now appears that the twitter thread - which this article of January 30 was originally about - is confirmed by 20,000 documents, found by the Russian army in Ukrainian biolabs - according to Russia Today. I didn't have the article before...
Jordon Trishtan Walker canceled for what Pfizer itself promoted
Copy shortlink A promotional glimpse into the Pfizer laboratories. Passionate researchers are working on world-saving vaccines. What Jordon Trishtan Walker told is explained in detail and proudly here, in an article from August 2021. If this is not...
Who do we believe: Wall Street Journal or Volkskrant?
The MSM dam is starting to show more and more cracks: "Anti-Vax disinformation" in the Wall Street Journal! Despite all the mop-up talk and tweets from science editors.
Manipulate the Google suggestions yourself
Manipulate your Google suggestions yourself – see what Google doesn't want you to see
A virological middle finger from Boston with fauci greetings
1) Manipulate your Google suggestions yourself 2) Raised virologic middle finger from Boston (with Fauci's fingerprint)
Fauci movie 10 days free to watch
I have often referred to the book The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy. There is now also a film. The Fauci movie can be watched online for FREE until October 27. He is in English, no DUTCH subtitles (yet). You can find the trailer and the registration form...
The covid blueprint on the Russia-Ukraine conflict laid
Guest blog by Guido Versteeg Since the invasion of Russia in the Ukraine, Covid has disappeared from the front page of the newspapers or from the live blogs of the internet pages. Face masks, infection rates, ICU admissions or booster campaigns: they don't seem to matter anymore....
Remarkable effectiveness study applauded in NRC
Eergisteren publiceerde Maurice de Hond een review van een publicatie van de CDC waarin wordt gesteld dat vaccinatie betere bescherming tegen Covid-19 biedt dan het doormaken van de ziekte. Omdat de NRC er vandaag ook over schrijft, plaats ik dat artikel hier nog een...
"NRC: 90% in ICU is not vaccinated" – Time for crowd-fact-checking
Ik krijg regelmatig interessante reacties toegezonden die beter onderbouwd zijn dan wat we in de media en door de 'onafhankelijke feitencheckers' -van diezelfde media- voorgeschoteld krijgen. De 'factchecking' daar is over het algemeen van een bedroevend niveau. Zelfs...
The English Telegraph reveals the aerosol story
Een doorbraak? The Telegraph, een van de grote Engelse kranten, wijdt een artikel aan een publicatie van Jiménez, Marr en 22 andere wetenschappers. Onderwerp is het grote-druppel-versus-kleine-druppel-debat, dat al geruime tijd wetenschappelijk is beslecht maar niet...
Curious welcome NOS for ivermectin substitute molnupiravir
Today an article on NOS about a new virus inhibitor from Merck: molnupiravir. It's a drug that effectively fights Covid-19, in capsule form, and Fauci is excited (video at the bottom of this post). The medical treatment can therefore be stopped if the...