Het oversterftedebat inspireerde Herman Steigstra tot een analyse die de uitspraken van staatssecretaris Karremans bij de enkels afzaagt. Daar werkten we graag aan mee want die waren inderdaad hemeltergend.
Het oversterftedebat. Kijk maar niet.
This afternoon, 20 February, The Excess Mortality Debate took place. My expectations were not high anyway, but what was shown beat everything. I have co-written something1 with the intention of making a small report but the suds are not worth the cabbage....
2024: éénderde meer 40- tot 50-jarige vrouwen gestorven
Tomorrow, Thursday 20 February 2025, a debate will take place in the House of Representatives on excess mortality, a subject that we have been studying and writing about on virus varia since the summer of 2021. Let's see on Thursday whether the MPs are again in politicized...
The art of prediction
An important update on the advancing insight into excess mortality, also available on steig.nl We have been dealing with persistent excess mortality since 2020, something that has now been contradicted by the RIVM. But when is mortality excess mortality? That is of course...
Wat gebeurde er in 2021?
When we talk about the corona crisis, we always start in 2020, but why? The problems only started in 2021 and I will show you why. First, let's go back to 2017, when life was still normal. We look at the mortality rates from 2017 to 2021....
The vaccines can't be it: New Zealand and ASMR whitewashing
Heavily vaccinated New Zealand is a country that is often cited as proof that the vaccines do not cause excess mortality. After all, there is undermortality there. That turns out not to be the case, as I will show. Whether this is a matter of mistakes or of...
Persbericht Covid rapport: samenvatting en vertaling
Op 2 december 2024 publiceerde de Amerikaanse Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic een uitgebreid eindrapport van 520 pagina's, getiteld “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward”. Het rapport biedt inzichten en...
CBS ziet nog 5 jaar oversterfte…!?
Zoals aangekondigd is Herman Steigstra aan het rekenen geslagen en zijn we verder door gaan denken. Het resultaat postte hij net op steig.nl. Ik heb zijn titel (het enige waar ik nog een vraagteken bij had) wat ingekort want of CBS 'oversterfte' ziet en hoeveel hangt...
Pleidooi voor een ‘normsterfte’
Het CBS probeert zo exact mogelijk te voorspellen. In relatief rustige tijden, zonder rampen, oorlogen of andere aanslagen, was die voorspelling goed te gebruiken als norm voor hoeveel mensen er ongeveer zouden 'mogen' doodgaan, komende jaren. Zat de werkelijke...
Nederland-België: 13-4
Een financiële man heeft mij wel eens het volgende uitgelegd: "Als je in België bij een notaris komt en je wil iets met een tweede of derde huisje in de Ardennen, dan moet je niet raar opkijken als hij vraagt: 'linkerlaatje of rechterlaatje?'" Het rechterlaatje is...
Een kopje koffie met mijn vriend(in) Chat: Nieuw-Zeeland
He/she is not always right, but he knows a lot. So I took him/her aside for a moment and asked if there was anything to say about New Zealand and the excess mortality there. I recently learned that they had not had excess mortality except from Covid-19, contrary to what...
Oversterfte misbruik (teruggetrokken)
Note on withdrawal: In this article, I hoped to be able to reduce the bizarre excess mortality rate of 250% among unvaccinated people, as Nivel communicates, to a simple calculation error. Unfortunately, it's not a calculation error, I was wrong myself. It's purely the...
Oversterfte bij gevaccineerden?
That's what it's starting to look like. On Tuesday, we already published a post in which we showed that there would be a huge "elixir of life" effect according to the figures in the Nivel article. The attachment with the calculations has since been removed from their website, but...
Worden overlijdens met een vork geschreven?
Ons cijferkanon Herman Steigstra produceert de ene "bombshell" na de andere. Let wel: elk artikel is de weerslag van veel over-en-weer- geapp met vele andere meedenkers, statistici, wetenschappers en onderzoekers, met de laatste week een hoofdrol voor @leon1969, die...
Is dit de smoking gun?
More and more is known about the unexplained excess mortality that we have seen for more than 3 years now and the possible relationship to vaccination. On February 23, 2024, CBS published figures that I had already worked with many times. This chart now seems to be the key to the...
Takeaways from the Meester/Jacobs study on excess mortality and vaccinations
Omdat het volstrekt begrijpelijk is dat het doornemen van een 168 pagina's tellend cijferrapport door deze en gene op de lange baan wordt geschoven, leek het mij een idee om er wat elementen uit te plukken. Dat geeft een indruk van wat er behandeld en aangetoond...
Dutch health authorities trump excess mortality
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) now claims that there is no longer excess mortality. The fact that excess mortality has been successfully combated can be concluded from a letter written by Prof. J. Brug (Director-General of RIVM) in response to a question from Gijs van Loef. The most remarkable passage...
Onverklaarde oversterfte kostte nu al ruim 10x zoveel levensjaren als Covid
When we wrote about unexplained excess mortality in August 2021, it was a world first. In that article, we pointed out that corona was no longer the main cause of excess mortality. That was easy to see: we subtracted the covid mortality from the total mortality and...
RIVM bandwidth decoded: "we're going to die sooner, get used to it"
RIVM assumes that something happened in 2021 that increased the mortality chances in the Netherlands, also for 2024. This can be seen from the figures for the increased mortality expectation (baseline), which also foresees higher exceedances. The cause...
The final bill
Now that corona has virtually disappeared and more and more is becoming clear about the role that the vaccines have played, it is time to take stock. How many years of life have been lost to corona? And how much protection did those vaccines give...
Is oversterfte een keuze?
Accurate figures for vaccination coverage are essential for the conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines. Only by choosing the right value for this, the right conclusions can be drawn. By the end of this article, we'll be able to...
Faltering immune systems?
In spite of the political statements, excess mortality is becoming more and more pronounced. We have now reached the stage where the RIVM is pulling out all the stops to keep the figures out of the spotlight. The baseline has been revised sharply upwards by...
Oproep aan de Tweede Kamer: Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is!
Since 2020, there has been a significant difference between the actual mortality (around 170,000 people) and the expected mortality (around 155,000 people) every year. As of this year, RIVM and CBS are trying to neutralise this difference administratively by increasing the expected mortality...
Excess mortality of 12,700 satisfies CBS and media
Er zijn in 2023 ruim 6.000 minder coronadoden geregistreerd dan in 2022. Dat heeft niet geleid tot een navenante daling in de sterftecijfers. In de meest recente poging tot goed-nieuws-artikel Sterfte in 2023 afgenomen schrijft het CBS: "In 2023 overleden 169 duizend...
What would our Committee of Inquiry do with a statement like this?
A succinct, unmistakable statement to the Australian Senate's Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee of Inquiry, made by Prof. Ian Ernest Brighthope, Director of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative...
Does excess mortality go hand in hand with vaccinations?
Noot van de redactie: LinkedIn heeft weer een post van Herman Steigstra verwijderd. Dan plaatsen we hem toch gewoon op Virusvaria? Delen maar! Op LinkedIn mag ook 😉 "Gaat oversterfte gelijk op met vaccinaties?" Die vraag wordt mij met name door de critici van mijn...
The donate button on the mortality monitor
Quote from https://www.city-journal.org/article/unscientific-american (add. May 2024) In recent weeks, the offices of virusvaria have been dominated by the creation of sterftemonitor.nl. A logical addition to virus varia, which we discovered in 2021 with the very first...
Verdwijntrucs in het mortuarium: RIVM en Pfizer
In the healthcare industry, everything revolves around the patients, but once they have passed away, the deceased are not exactly treated with respect. At least not at the top of that industry. And certainly not if there is a relationship between death and vaccinations...
Kerstcadeautje: veel minder oversterfte in de toekomst
As a Christmas present, we received a substantial reduction in excess mortality rates last week. We recall a similar previous attempt from May 2022, when the bandwidth was suddenly increased without notice. Temporary expansion of the...
Reflecties uit het buitenland
It's rumbling in Coronia. The data dam is about to burst and when that happens, the Dutch gossip stories will wash into the sewer. The self-examination of Tijs van den Brink (see previous article) will not play a role in this, because it only strengthens the deceived in their...
An analysis of excess mortality based on age and sex; the possible role of Covid-19, delayed care and vaccines
Virusvaria readers will find in this article the confirmation of dozens of articles I have written on this subject since raising the issue of excess mortality in the Netherlands, from vaccination to deferred care. The article is also on Researchgate. By Herman...
Videogemist week 38
There is little more to add to the discourse. However, far too few people are aware of it. That's not possible because it takes a lot of time, if you want to keep track of everything. That's why I'm going to give you some viewing tips, which I think are important, from what I've already seen...
Dutch vaccines superior to Swedish ones
If you accept an exceptional country like Sweden as a reference, you will come to surprising insights. Sweden has different mortality rates. The course of covid mortality is also different. This leads to surprising insights.
Actual excess mortality in 2022 may be much lower than expected
Half of the Netherlands is triggered when people talk about excess mortality. One person cites Covid as the main cause, while another claims that the corona mortality has been overestimated and that there must be other causes. No one doubts the 'hard' CBS figures of the...
The media makes the scandals, not the science
Another interview with Ronald Meester has been published, this time at Nieuwrechts.nl. Excess mortality was the central theme. The comparison he makes in the interview with the weekly Boeing falling from the sky was appealing. It should be clear that...
Negative vaccine effectiveness so vaccinate more often
People complain about people who no longer have confidence in government, science and the media. Similarly, we can complain about those clinging to remnants of credibility while it is shown time and time again that information from an official angle is large...