Predicting vaccination mortality: a first model

Predicting vaccination mortality: a first model

If vaccination were really a dominant factor in the unexplained (non-covid) excess mortality, it should also be possible to find some predictability of vaccine mortality based on insightful rules. There are already several analyses that have correlations...

Panic at CBS leads to lies for good

Panic at CBS leads to lies for good And yes, the time has come. The Dutch crime blunder of the century, perhaps of the medical history in our country has happened: children from the age of 12 are offered a needless therapy, under false pretenses. The government is hereby...

Scotland: even worse than previously reported

Scotland: even worse than previously reported

Infant mortality after a vaccination campaign is a bright red flag, complete with flashing lights and alarm bells. Because reported infant mortality hardly receives any attention, here is an addition to the article of 16 October. about Scotland. It turns out to be even more serious than...

Alarmism that fits the trend

Alarmism that fits the trend

Since the start of the ongoing repeat vaccination campaign, Theo Schetters has noticed a sudden increase in mortality that requires further investigation. Ideally, this should be done by parties who have relevant death dates. Because it's not about the...

Dr. John Campbell apologizes — and lashes out again

Dr. John Campbell apologizes — and lashes out again

The videos below are still on YouTube. When I wanted to secure them, I saw that they are already on bitchute. Apparently I am not the only one who considers a backup advisable. Campbell, in the first video, that of August 24, worries about the...

Excess mortality breaks all records

Excess mortality breaks all records

We have been seeing since spring 2021 that there is excess mortality, which cannot be explained by corona alone. This excess mortality now even seems to be increasing. This is not clearly visible in the graphs on the Corona Dashboard, which is why we present a...

Excess mortality for years

Excess mortality for years

Virus variation has been beaten on the excess mortality curve for years. Maurice de Hond was the first to respond and soon the tweets and interruptions of Thierry Baudet, irritation of Minister de Jonge (dangerous misinformation!) and parliamentary questions from...

Bandwidths for dummies

Bandwidths for dummies

Thanks to Herman Steigstra and Jillis Kriek In discussions about excess mortality, reference is sometimes made to the bandwidth, which allows weekly deviating deaths. It is the light blue area around the predicted weekly value. If that margin is taken into account, the...

The pros and cons of vaccinating

The pros and cons of vaccinating

Ik heb meegewerkt aan een artikel, bestemd voor (titel: "Titel: Hoe veilig en effectief zijn de vaccins?".) Onverklaarde oversterfte, waar virusvaria al sinds augustus 2021 aandacht voor vraagt, speelt een belangrijke rol in het artikel. Daarom mag het op...

Update vax/unvax mortality in England Jan-May 2022

Update vax/unvax mortality in England Jan-May 2022

The graphs below use the population data from NIMS. As a result, mortality rates among the unvaccinated, at least in some age groups, may be lower than they actually are. Because England with impure...

Vaccines: not safe – but effective...?

Vaccines: not safe – but effective...?

The benefits outweigh the risks. We hebben ruim aandacht besteed aan "the risks". Wat zijn dan de laatste bevindingen rond "the benefits"? Zijn de vaccinaties dan werkelijk zo effectief? Een rode draad door de virusvaria-artikelen van afgelopen jaar is de onverklaarde...

UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated

UK reports up to 50% more mortality among young vaccinated

A simple calculation where I compare the mortality among vaccinated people per age group with the mortality among non-vaccinated people. The latter are better off in any age group. The extent to which differs. Based on UK data, that's possible.

VWS corrects graph, interpretation remains tendentious

VWS corrects graph, interpretation remains tendentious

Last weekend I blogged that for 4 months on the corona dashboard it has been pretended that the remarkably increased mortality (even recurring excess mortality) in last summer was not so bad. Nice if you notice that prominent people react with interest. Maurice the Dog...

Fraud or progressive insight? In any case: falsification of history.

Fraud or progressive insight? In any case: falsification of history.

Suppose the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management is flashed. He drives 80 on a road where you are really only allowed 60. An annoying issue that requires a solution and it is also found: his ministry orders the speed limit at that location to be...

Health in times of corona: CBS celebrated

Health in times of corona: CBS celebrated

The article below is an adaptation of part of the CBS report Health in corona time ( Virusvaria attaches great importance to the theme of 'excess mortality'. However, cbs' explanation is of such a nature that the final editing of virusvaria some...

Finally, excess mortality is trending

Finally, excess mortality is trending

Virusvaria was too early in August 2021 to draw attention to excess mortality. The first signals, both in figures and in warnings from a single expert, called for further investigation, but that did not happen. Even then obviously a strange excess mortality...

Youth mortality in the UK

Youth mortality in the UK

Open letter to the MHRA regarding data on infant mortality More than 80 doctors in the UK are sounding the alarm. The open letter from speaks volumes: based on observations, they think it is possible that 3 children a week...

Bayesian global big data study: vaccinations exacerbate the matter

Bayesian global big data study: vaccinations exacerbate the matter

Another translation. There is now so much loose about excess mortality that I like to make room for a good piece with my own contributions, especially if there is better research behind it than I can do myself. I then let Google do the heavy translation work and screen the...

Excess mortality disappeared like snow in the sun

Excess mortality disappeared like snow in the sun

Baudet's parliamentary questions in November had little influence on excess mortality. When Pieter Omtzigt started to interfere with it, things turned out very differently. The media first suggested, not really contradicted by muttered mumbling CBS and rivm, that the unexplained...

CBS figures: unexplained mortality is not due to delayed care

CBS figures: unexplained mortality is not due to delayed care

CBS has formally issued a preliminary report on the causes of death up to and including August 2021. We have been looking forward to this report for a long time because the causes of death may contain indications about the role of vaccinations in the excess mortality peak of late 2021. If...

Week 50 2021: Peak vaccination deaths seems to be over (for a while)

Week 50 2021: Peak vaccination deaths seems to be over (for a while)

For the first time in more than six months, in weeks 49 and 50, excess mortality fell two weeks in a row. In the spring, mortality rates began to rise and in the summer they continued to grow into December. Plausible explanations have not been given for it and...

Week 48 2021 – rectification: some less good news

Week 48 2021 – rectification: some less good news

The mortality rates of the last few weeks have been adjusted in such a way that we have to speak of a continuous increase in unexplained excess mortality over the past eight weeks. Last week, that upward trend seemed to have been broken for a while. Those numbers are...