Last week, CBS once again took issue with the vaccination folds. Perhaps it would be better to leave the interpretation of causes of death to the RIVM. (I actually thought that was the way it was now.) These are some graphs from the...
Excess mortality of 12,700 satisfies CBS and media
Er zijn in 2023 ruim 6.000 minder coronadoden geregistreerd dan in 2022. Dat heeft niet geleid tot een navenante daling in de sterftecijfers. In de meest recente poging tot goed-nieuws-artikel Sterfte in 2023 afgenomen schrijft het CBS: "In 2023 overleden 169 duizend...
Presentatietechnieken van RIVM- en CBS-statistici
At the beginning of December, a renewed/updated study by the RIVM (1) and a statistical calculation by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) (2) on the corona period and the continuous excess mortality was published. Various media responded to this, including science journalist Maarten Keulemans of the...
Statistics Netherlands again positive about mortality in November
How do you tell for the umpteenth time that at least 40 more people a day die per day than you had thought? You would say: by clearly naming that terrible fact, which has been occurring since April 2021. But what if your job is to...
Panic at CBS leads to lies for good And yes, the time has come. The Dutch crime blunder of the century, perhaps of the medical history in our country has happened: children from the age of 12 are offered a needless therapy, under false pretenses. The government is hereby...
CBS and RIVM see negative Vaccine Effectiveness; White House recommends 8-week booster
Aanstaande dinsdag (morgen dus) zit ik in Ongehoord Nieuws om iets te zeggen in hun nieuwsitem "Oversterfte". In de voorbereidingen stuitte ik op onderstaande grafiek uit het oversterfterapport van rivm en CBS. Het werd ook weer tijd voor een Virusvaria-artikel, bij...
Excess mortality for years
Virus variation has been beaten on the excess mortality curve for years. Maurice de Hond was the first to respond and soon the tweets and interruptions of Thierry Baudet, irritation of Minister de Jonge (dangerous misinformation!) and parliamentary questions from...