The critical think tank to which this site was often referred to is no more. Rigorously, the website has been blacked out. The Society presented itself as a Moral Compass (Twitter and, initiated the website "" with all the data to efficiently cancel your MSM subscriptions and claimed, among other things, the domain name
Since they have calculated how limited the impact of delayed care is in the context of the disproportionate excess mortality, we are surprised that this is still being pushed around in the academic world. The Society would answer: "They do that because they can ask for more money."
In short: one of the most colorful fighters against the corona madness is leaving the battlefield. We wish the gentlemen all the best and thank them for their efforts. Whether this also brings an end to the internal deliberations of the Society has not been announced.
Below is the farewell email that the Society sent to the subscribers.
Dear readers of Moral Compass,
Moral Compass and underlying domains such as Eucalyptic Society, and were initiated during the corona crisis. Out of curiosity and concern about the corona policy. Corona policy that has knowingly led to the erosion of democracy by deliberately withholding information from the House of Representatives of the States General, the systematic lying to the population by governments, institutions and the media, the deliberate violation of the Constitution and the Public Administration Act and the denial of scientific facts regarding corona (including aerosols), medication, side effects of mRNA vaccines, the harmfulness of lockdowns, etc. A government that edits unwelcome (RIVM) reports and uses security services (in accordance with WOB documents) to monitor citizens who provide government policy with critical comments (not because they practice terrorism or crime but because they wonder whether the policy pursued is so wise ...). A government that has proven to be the biggest spreader of fake news of all, witness the completely worthless RIVM corona models and the nonsense about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines. And knowingly and with demonstrably manipulated data, society has torn apart with its incitement against the unvaccinated. We live in a time when the government is apparently no longer there for the citizen but for itself, institutions do not seem to function, science turns out to be a corrupted business model, supervisors have whipped cream in the spine and the press is no longer a critical louse in the fur of the government, but has become the government's news agency.
Over time, we have tried hard, researched a lot and always dutifully documented our articles with relevant source references. On balance, a less than positive image of politics and government has emerged. But it has exposed and clarified the "state of the union" for ourselves and the readers. And that's what it was all about.
As amateur researchers, we have fought tiredly. We'll stop. The site is on black.
Thank you for the many contributions, critical notes, suggestions, corrections and compliments.
Remain critical, media-savvy, inform yourself broadly and always ask yourself: "is the information from the government correct and complete?".
You're doing well!
For news about corona and the handling of that file in the coming years, we wholeheartedly recommend "". It is good that there remain critical voices that continue to follow the madness of government and institutions.

It is a great pity that all articles are gone.
Don't understand that because I referred to it regularly.
I understand that they don't want to be tired anymore, but I find everything away special.
It's a pity that all the articles are gone.
I always liked the moral compass!
Is it not possible to continue to make an archive of the articles available somewhere on the internet?
I understand that they have grown tired, because I am of all the disinformation of the government.
And what's in store for us?
And I would like to thank the moral compass for the much good work they have done!!
Too bad they stop! It remains so important to have unbiased news and news interpretation available as a "weapon" against government news manipulation. A clean task, Anton, much appreciated!
@Floor & @SuSanna: die zijn vast nog wel terug te vinden via de wayback-machine zsm wat ik daarvan begrepen heb (ben daar zelf nl. niet in thuis helaas).
here it says a.o.:
Idd very unfortunate; through this site I was alerted to Moral Compass/Eucalyptic Society and I followed them with interest. Would they have received an 'urgent/imminent indication' from this or that ....?