Wat gebeurde er in 2021?

Wat gebeurde er in 2021?

Als we het hebben over de corona-crisis, dan beginnen we altijd in 2020, maar waarom? De problemen begonnen pas in 2021 en ik zal laten zien waarom. Laten we eerst teruggaan naar 2017, toen het leven nog gewoon was. We kijken naar de sterftecijfers van 2017 tot 2021....

The vaccines can't be it: New Zealand and ASMR whitewashing

The vaccines can't be it: New Zealand and ASMR whitewashing

Heavily vaccinated New Zealand is a country that is often cited as proof that the vaccines do not cause excess mortality. After all, there is undermortality there. That turns out not to be the case, as I will show. Whether this is a matter of mistakes or of...

Persbericht Covid rapport: samenvatting en vertaling

Persbericht Covid rapport: samenvatting en vertaling

Op 2 december 2024 publiceerde de Amerikaanse Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic een uitgebreid eindrapport van 520 pagina's, getiteld “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward”. Het rapport biedt inzichten en...

'Et tu-John' – filleted, but now real

'Et tu-John' – filleted, but now real

The stunning research that resulted in 14.8 million years of life saved thanks to Covid vaccines (see earlier short response here) has now also been put through the wringer on LinkedIn. Ronald Meester posted a review of Bram Bakker and himself, in English (download...

Het rapport van Ronald Meester en Marc Jacobs is er

Het rapport van Ronald Meester en Marc Jacobs is er

In the meantime, I have listed some highlights from the report. See https://virusvaria.nl/take-aways-van-het-meester-jacobs-onderzoek-naar-oversterfte-en-vaccinaties/ After a loud drum roll, including from Jan Bonte, it is finally there. I just got the first 100...

Overgewicht en streefgewicht, oversterfte en vaccinatiebereidheid

Overgewicht en streefgewicht, oversterfte en vaccinatiebereidheid

Het normale, gemiddelde gewicht van mensen is altijd ongeveer het streefgewicht geweest. De 'norm'. Je kon te dik zijn of te mager maar de meeste mensen hadden een normaal BMI, het woord zegt het al. Je ziet het op oude strandfoto's: dikkerds waren uitzonderingen. Dat...

Drama in het Covid-lab: proefpersonen zijn niet meer ziek te krijgen

Drama in het Covid-lab: proefpersonen zijn niet meer ziek te krijgen

Even with absurdly high doses, scientists were unable to get test subjects to get Covid with the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. The researchers recommend that even higher doses and older subjects should be considered in future studies. It would also help if the...

What CBS Says vs. What CBS Shows

What CBS Says vs. What CBS Shows

Last week, CBS once again took issue with the vaccination folds. Perhaps it would be better to leave the interpretation of causes of death to the RIVM. (I actually thought that was the way it was now.) These are some graphs from the...

Ad Verbrugge and Jona Walk: a conversation to forward

Ad Verbrugge and Jona Walk: a conversation to forward

Jonah and Ad are treasures. Really sweet, observant, concerned academics. They think censorship is very bad and don't delve too deeply into it: when observing abuses and shadowiness, they don't ask by whom, from whom, why, who are these people who...

Studies show link between IQ and vaccination adherence

Studies show link between IQ and vaccination adherence

Wie slim is, laat zich vaccineren. Dat suggereren twee studies op basis van gevonden correlaties tussen IQ en vaccinatiebereidheid. In drie paragrafen schets ik hoe het ook zou kunnen zitten. De rest van het artikel (onder 'Uitwerking') is voor de liefhebber. Er is...

The media makes the scandals, not the science

The media makes the scandals, not the science

Another interview with Ronald Meester has been published, this time at Nieuwrechts.nl. Excess mortality was the central theme. The comparison he makes in the interview with the weekly Boeing falling from the sky was appealing. It should be clear that...

Turtles keep getting down – Part 1?

Turtles keep getting down – Part 1?

Ik kwam regelmatig de uitdrukking "Turtles all the way down" tegen en kon er geen soep van maken - athans ik kon de betekenis wel uit de context halen maar snapte niet wat schildpadden er mee te maken hadden. Maar Wikipedia legt het uit: "Schildpadden helemaal naar...

The Cochrane report on excess mortality

The Cochrane report on excess mortality

Een reactie op het rapport "Systematische literatuuranalyse en internationale vergelijking 'Oversterfte'", Cochrane Netherlands, 3 april 2023 Auteurs (in alfabetische volgorde): Bram Bakker, Bastiaan Geelhoed, Maurice de Hond, Jillis Kriek, Fritsander Lahr,...

Dr. Fauci cleans up with vaccines and respiratory viruses

Dr. Fauci cleans up with vaccines and respiratory viruses

I couldn't think of an appropriate response to the study Fauci recently published with some accomplices. My blood boiled but at the same time I wondered why on earth someone is seeking publicity with a confession of multiple manslaughter with...

WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

WOB documents confirm Christine Anderson's statements and she thanks us

MEP Christine Anderson probably did not fit well in the Temporary Committee on Corona. She does, however, lead the European Commission's corona investigation. Delicate coalition souls and plush stickers would complain in the Netherlands about an 'unworkable situation' and...

Lessons from Comanches on Medical Experts

Lessons from Comanches on Medical Experts

shortlink: https://t.ly/3ht0 People flourish in a hierarchy from which they derive their position, their existence, perhaps their identity and their dignity. That hierarchical constellation is the habititat in which they have proven to be able to survive or more...

Mismanagement, incompetence, commerce and the children of the bill

Mismanagement, incompetence, commerce and the children of the bill

So that we do not forget what has been done to the future, quite apart from the senseless billions of debts. To articles by Justin Hart and Scott Atlas. Shortlink: https://t.ly/N2Qp The policy and zeitgeist surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have had serious consequences for...

A razor-sharp analysis of science, politics, power and conspiracies

A razor-sharp analysis of science, politics, power and conspiracies

Very occasionally you come across ideas that are so taken from your heart that you have to do something with them. This is also the case with this 'car ride' on YouTube in which Jelle van Baardewijk lets his thoughts go about politics, science, power, policy and criticism thereof, anno 2022. Especially with the...

Marion Koopmans: Mad scientist or useful idiot?

Marion Koopmans: Mad scientist or useful idiot?

The dust around Marion is blowing up again now that Pfizer has said something they did not yet know in Hilversum: it has never been shown that the vaccines help against infection. Some there now wonder why Koopmans did not know 😂 that. It's going to be hilarious. Marion...

Bandwidths for dummies

Bandwidths for dummies

Thanks to Herman Steigstra and Jillis Kriek In discussions about excess mortality, reference is sometimes made to the bandwidth, which allows weekly deviating deaths. It is the light blue area around the predicted weekly value. If that margin is taken into account, the...

Denmark is the first country to ban corona vaccines (for 18-)

Denmark is the first country to ban corona vaccines (for 18-)

"Kinderen en jongeren worden slechts zeer zelden ernstig ziek van covid-19 met de omikron-variant. Daarom is het vanaf 1 juli 2022 niet meer mogelijk voor kinderen en jongeren onder de 18 jaar om de 1e prik te krijgen en vanaf 1 september 2022 is het niet meer...