Heavily vaccinated New Zealand is a country that is often cited as proof that the vaccines do not cause excess mortality. After all, there is undermortality there. That turns out not to be the case, as I will show. Whether this is a matter of mistakes or of...
Persbericht Covid rapport: samenvatting en vertaling
Op 2 december 2024 publiceerde de Amerikaanse Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic een uitgebreid eindrapport van 520 pagina's, getiteld “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward”. Het rapport biedt inzichten en...
Pleidooi voor een ‘normsterfte’
Het CBS probeert zo exact mogelijk te voorspellen. In relatief rustige tijden, zonder rampen, oorlogen of andere aanslagen, was die voorspelling goed te gebruiken als norm voor hoeveel mensen er ongeveer zouden 'mogen' doodgaan, komende jaren. Zat de werkelijke...
A statistical fallacy: unvaccinated excess mortality in Italy and at Nivel
Wie Kaplan-Meier voor Dummies heeft gelezen, begrijpt wat de ‘buik’ van een Kaplan-Meiergrafiek zegt. Onlangs kreeg ik een Italiaanse studie toegespeeld waarin zo'n zelfde grafiek werd getoond. Ook hier was de conclusie, net als bij Nivel, dat de vaccins geen sterfte...
Kaplan-Meier voor Dummies
The now infamous Chapter 6 in the excess mortality report of Meester-Jacobs, by Bram Bakker, has caused quite a stir. The pictures that caused the most controversy were the Kaplan-Meier graphs. All kinds of things were written about it. But not...
The chaos of the numbers
We are now in a phase where everyone is trying to analyse historical figures and draw their own conclusions. But at the heart of the problem is the chaos that reigns in the numbers that the government distributes. The February 23 figures...
Pandemie van ongevaccineerden?
That has been the position of politicians for a long time, without clear substantiation: the hospitals would be full of unvaccinated people. We had a pandemic of the unvaccinated. With today's knowledge, we know that the administration of vaccinated people by...
Covid-19 does well on vaccinations
Covid-19 is de meest gemelde bijwerking van Covid-vaccinaties, zo stelde Wouter Aukema vast na bestudering van de database van het European Medical Agency. Zien we dat ook 'temporeel' terug in de cijfers? Zien we stijgingen en dalingen waar we ze zouden verwachten?...
Wanneer ben je gevaccineerd volgens CIMS?
This question has been around for a while and all kinds of things are being shouted, but the image is getting sharper and sharper. And the nice thing is that it is supported from all sides by government documents. Let me start on that side first. What do we know, also thanks to...
Vaccin-effectiviteit voor dummies
"In het huidige onderzoek werd ongeveer 3% van de ongevaccineerden eigenlijk wel gevaccineerd. Dit heeft waarschijnlijk geleid tot een onderschatting van de gevonden verschillen tussen gevaccineerden en ongevaccineerden" schrijft Nivel op pagina 38 van het...
Worden overlijdens met een vork geschreven?
Ons cijferkanon Herman Steigstra produceert de ene "bombshell" na de andere. Let wel: elk artikel is de weerslag van veel over-en-weer- geapp met vele andere meedenkers, statistici, wetenschappers en onderzoekers, met de laatste week een hoofdrol voor @leon1969, die...
Is dit de smoking gun?
More and more is known about the unexplained excess mortality that we have seen for more than 3 years now and the possible relationship to vaccination. On February 23, 2024, CBS published figures that I had already worked with many times. This chart now seems to be the key to the...
Het rapport van Ronald Meester en Marc Jacobs is er
In the meantime, I have listed some highlights from the report. See https://virusvaria.nl/take-aways-van-het-meester-jacobs-onderzoek-naar-oversterfte-en-vaccinaties/ After a loud drum roll, including from Jan Bonte, it is finally there. I just got the first 100...
Dutch health authorities trump excess mortality
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) now claims that there is no longer excess mortality. The fact that excess mortality has been successfully combated can be concluded from a letter written by Prof. J. Brug (Director-General of RIVM) in response to a question from Gijs van Loef. The most remarkable passage...
Onverklaarde oversterfte kostte nu al ruim 10x zoveel levensjaren als Covid
When we wrote about unexplained excess mortality in August 2021, it was a world first. In that article, we pointed out that corona was no longer the main cause of excess mortality. That was easy to see: we subtracted the covid mortality from the total mortality and...
What about the QALYs?
After 5 seconds, this page automatically redirects to advancing insight: a more recent article that also includes under-mortality. https://virusvaria.nl/onverklaarde-oversterfte-kostte-nu-al-ruim-10x-zoveel-levensjaren-als-covid Since the arrival of...
RIVM bandwidth decoded: "we're going to die sooner, get used to it"
RIVM assumes that something happened in 2021 that increased the mortality chances in the Netherlands, also for 2024. This can be seen from the figures for the increased mortality expectation (baseline), which also foresees higher exceedances. The cause...
The final bill
Now that corona has virtually disappeared and more and more is becoming clear about the role that the vaccines have played, it is time to take stock. How many years of life have been lost to corona? And how much protection did those vaccines give...
Analyse: de eerste 4 maanden van de coronavaccinaties
From the start of vaccinations in January 2021, the claim was that vaccines performed better than expected and hospitals were full of unvaccinated people. The news was that those who refused to take responsibility should be excluded...
Vaccins goed voor jong en oud?
The vaccines have been offered to almost all residents, but was that justified? Was the level of protection proportionate to the risks that all medicines entail? And what do we think of the costs? Everyone had to be eligible...
Vaccines: protection to zero, budget standard exceeded by a factor of 20
Samenvatting CBS heeft bekend gemaakt welk deel van alle overledenen in de periode 2021-2022 gevaccineerd was, op weekbasis. Deze gegevens, gecombineerd met de sterfte met corona, wijzen uit dat er in 2021-2022 ruim 8.611 'met corona'doden zijn voorkomen dankzij de...
Higher educated more pricked, phd less
In de vorige post betoogde ik waarom ik denk dat 'hoger opgeleiden' een hogere vaccinatiebereidheid tonen. Herman Steigstra retweette en er volgden veel reacties. Veel in de trant van 'wat is IQ eigenlijk' en 'hoger opgeleid is niet per se een hoger IQ' en 'hoe hebben...
Data from England: vaccinations did not help against mortality
With increasing covid mortality, mortality among the unvaccinated should rise much more sharply than among people who have been vaccinated with an effective vaccine. This turns out not to be the case, on the contrary, we now know thanks to graphs that Maarten Keulemans enthusiastically shared.
Actual excess mortality in 2022 may be much lower than expected
Half of the Netherlands is triggered when people talk about excess mortality. One person cites Covid as the main cause, while another claims that the corona mortality has been overestimated and that there must be other causes. No one doubts the 'hard' CBS figures of the...
Negative vaccine effectiveness so vaccinate more often
People complain about people who no longer have confidence in government, science and the media. Similarly, we can complain about those clinging to remnants of credibility while it is shown time and time again that information from an official angle is large...
Vaccination effectiveness: can it be something more?
The last remnants of vaccine effectiveness are being picked out in all kinds of ways. From shifting vaccinated to unvaccinated (because they did not consent to registration of their data) to comparing subgroups of vaccinated people in...
Machiavelli whitewashes transgressive behavior
If the finer points of our society think that something is good for the people, people can be lied to, scammed, sacrificed, impoverished, frightened, split, bullied, sickened - anything goes. But only if society itself thinks otherwise....
Excess mortality by cause of death
Which causes of death have contributed the most to the #oversterfte since summer 2021?
"Not wanting to be vaccinated goes against all common sense." A fact check.
Ze maken me wat paraat, die academische intelligentsia. "Je kunt zeggen van die vaccins wat je wil maar ze hebben wel een hoop goed gedaan!" hoorde ik dit weekend van een niet nader te noemen Prof. Dr. in de geneeskunde. Een mooi haakje om de laatste analyses van Hans...
Zero hypothesis: the corona vaccine does not affect total mortality
Guest blog by Hans Verwaart (in collaboration with Anton), who has worked around the omissions in the UK data and comes to a remarkable conclusion. The article can be seen as a follow-up to the exercises with last year's UK data. There, the graphs showed a large mortality bump...
Choose your own explanation for the sudden disappearance of excess mortality
CBS gassed us with the new figures. The lower mortality of two weeks ago appears to have increased somewhat, then we were a negligible bit above expectations and this week we are just below it again. At least for now, because there may still be...
Questions for the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport
In the run-up to the parliamentary inquiry, we would like to help our representatives ask (chamber) questions. Below are a number of questions. If they are picked up by this or that, we are particularly interested in the Minister's answers.
NNV – The Netherlands must vaccinate itself drowsy to prevent one death
Copy shortlink The latest report from UKSHA, the official Health Safety Institute of the United Kingdom, is causing quite a stir. The data have been known for FOUR MONTHS and published a few days ago. Why something like this can take four months...
Hospital admissions halved in two weeks, excess mortality 65-minusners to record high. And fools don't know anything.
Shortlink: t.ly/M2H76 A very diverse article: What do we see in the latest CBS data? Something about the CBS interpretation Check with Google (part II) What do these percentages actually mean? Emotional John Campbell stunned and dismayed Herman Steigstra at Ongehoord...
Scenarios and news
Kijkend naar de toename aan plotselinge doden, ambulanceritten en drukte in de uitvaartbranche, in combinatie met lage ziekenhuis/IC-bezetting, zou je van CBS niet de conclusie verwachten: "De belangrijkste oorzaken: griep en corona". Temeer daar de PCR-testen...
Excess mortality in 34 countries, failing vaccines?
More and more articles are appearing that expose the harmful effects and ineffectiveness of the vaccines. These are usually clinical studies, which show the most terrible images. But what about the bare figures, the excess mortality and the relationship with the number of vaccinations? We've got it figured out.
An article by Herman Steigstra and Anton Theunissen