"In het huidige onderzoek werd ongeveer 3% van de ongevaccineerden eigenlijk wel gevaccineerd. Dit heeft waarschijnlijk geleid tot een onderschatting van de gevonden verschillen tussen gevaccineerden en ongevaccineerden" schrijft Nivel op pagina 38 van het...
The Netherlands removed AstraZeneca warehouse remnants from people with disabilities, disabilities or illnesses
AstraZeneca is van de markt gehaald. Reden: "er zijn voldoende andere vaccins die misschien wel beter werken." Nobel toch? Nou: niet zo nobel dat ze zich niet achter de kleine lettertjes in de bijsluiter verschuilen. In Engeland staat in The Guardian (volgens sommigen...
A cheer for the vaccines: they do things we never expected!
Yesterday I was really shocked. And at the same time, it made me a little sad. The world turned dark brown for a moment. I was sitting in an eatery in Amsterdam and a table away a rather obscure group had settled. They weren't ashamed of anything because...
Ron Fouchier and the Safety Board keep us safe
The Dutch Safety Board has written a book of fairy tales under the watchful eye of Willy Spaan, Alma Tostmann and Chantal Rovers, among others. The latter two had already distinguished themselves before (see The Government Propagandists) and we are considering asking Willy...
The vaccine contracts have been released — and now?
Curious about what the vaccine contracts looked like? Well, they are public, at least the contracts that South Africa has signed with the big pharmaceutical companies. South Africa is a civilised country where the rule of law is not yet in the WEF bag of a political...
Deception and science fraud during the COVID-19 vaccination trials (part 1/2)
Introductory reading time: 2 minutes The lableak was the start of a series of moves that can best be described as panic chess. Every move was disastrous. It started with hasty strategic consultation between the teams involved, from lab technicians to responsible...
Data from England: vaccinations did not help against mortality
With increasing covid mortality, mortality among the unvaccinated should rise much more sharply than among people who have been vaccinated with an effective vaccine. This turns out not to be the case, on the contrary, we now know thanks to graphs that Maarten Keulemans enthusiastically shared.
One does, the other doesn't: Robert Malone vs Medical Contact
Last week I read a number of articles that I would have translated last year and put on the site. Most virus variety readers don't really have much use for it -I think- they often follow those people themselves, most of them probably have an excellent command of English and the...
Criticism of misinterpretations of Danish research
Bij het vorige artikel over een Deens onderzoek naar de variabele batchkwaliteiten, van eergisteren, had ik gisteren een kopje "Naschrift 3-7-2023" toegevoegd. Mocht je het artikel niet hebben gezien: het ging over een Deens onderzoek dat vreemde profielen in de...
Half of the death reports come from 5% of vaccine batches, German scientists say
What started as a conspiracy theory in 2021 was elaborated in March 2023 in a Danish study with Danish data on 7 million jabs. It turned out that half of the mortality reports could be traced back to no more than 5% of the batches. German scientists are further...
Turtles keep getting down – Part 1?
Ik kwam regelmatig de uitdrukking "Turtles all the way down" tegen en kon er geen soep van maken - athans ik kon de betekenis wel uit de context halen maar snapte niet wat schildpadden er mee te maken hadden. Maar Wikipedia legt het uit: "Schildpadden helemaal naar...
John Campbell temporarily banned from YouTube – censorship runs out of steam
Open, unapologetic CENSORSHIP, including from MPs. And again, there are a lot of people who don't care or who pretend.
NNV – The Netherlands must vaccinate itself drowsy to prevent one death
Copy shortlink The latest report from UKSHA, the official Health Safety Institute of the United Kingdom, is causing quite a stir. The data have been known for FOUR MONTHS and published a few days ago. Why something like this can take four months...
Hospital admissions halved in two weeks, excess mortality 65-minusners to record high. And fools don't know anything.
Shortlink: t.ly/M2H76 A very diverse article: What do we see in the latest CBS data? Something about the CBS interpretation Check with Google (part II) What do these percentages actually mean? Emotional John Campbell stunned and dismayed Herman Steigstra at Ongehoord...
Who do we believe: Wall Street Journal or Volkskrant?
The MSM dam is starting to show more and more cracks: "Anti-Vax disinformation" in the Wall Street Journal! Despite all the mop-up talk and tweets from science editors.
Excess mortality in 34 countries, failing vaccines?
More and more articles are appearing that expose the harmful effects and ineffectiveness of the vaccines. These are usually clinical studies, which show the most terrible images. But what about the bare figures, the excess mortality and the relationship with the number of vaccinations? We've got it figured out.
An article by Herman Steigstra and Anton Theunissen
Wappies are getting more and more agile: the vaccine career of critic Carlton B. Brown
Vaccine innovator Carlton B. Brown has published a 70-page study and sent it to the New Zealand government as an open letter, backed up with 604 references. Carlton C. Brown, who is that? His LinkedIn and ORCID profiles highlight a relevant...
What Covid-19 and mRNA vaccines have in common
John Campbell besteedde onlangs aandacht aan een onderzoek dat vaccin-immuniteit op basis van de "S-spike" vergeleek met natuurlijke immuniteit op basis van virusinfectie. Zijn verhaal lag 100% in lijn met wat Nederlandse wetenschapper Pierre Capel ons heeft proberen...
Eight mice but no independent experts
There was more wrong with the admission of the bivalent mouse vaccine than just the mice. The admission procedure rattled. How did that happen?
The state of play in 13 minutes: update from Dr. Scot A. Youngblood.
With this 13-minute video, you'll be up to speed. Are you a fast reader or are (English) videos not your thing: the Dutch translation is below, with the original slides from the presentation. It is a plea against compulsory vaccination where...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 3
The last loose ends of the thread of @mkeulemans on Twitter. We had stayed with a graph that, to his dismay, had two different Y axes and in which he saw a sign of severe deception. Now on with Tweet wire button 8. It still seems like a lot but...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans – Part 2
Judging by the comments under the Tweets of Maarten Keulemans, most of twittering the Netherlands does not agree with him. But it is the silent majority that he has to rely on. The newspaper readers and the Op1 viewers. Just authority-abiding...
Unheard of criticism by Maarten Keulemans- Part 1
The Disinformation Think Tank is starting to get wilder and wilder. Now again on the occasion of the broadcast of Ongehoord Nieuws, in which I also figured. Of course, the attention was mainly on Theo Schetters (excellent because more impact, I was glad that he...
Hele gewone vragen over het vaccin
Jan B. Hommel (neuroloog Jan Bonte) heeft een degelijk stuk geschreven over het Pfizer rapport. De dingen die we weten over het vaccin zijn met gepast gejubel ontvangen. Helaas weten we echt héél veel niet. Het artikel zelf is geen lichte kost, maar een serieus...
Ionization, Vitamin D and other life savers
Ionisatie -ik schreef er in juni al een blogje (met enige onderbouwing) over- is net als extra Vitamine D inname gemakkelijk en goedkoop te realiseren in ieder huis. Wetenschappelijk bewezen werkzaam tegen Covid-19, hoe makkelijk kan het zijn. Als je dat op...
A testing protocol from January, when there was no cause for concern
Martin Krijgsman vraagt zich op Facebook af: Waarom heeft Marion Koopmans de PCR-test in januari al mede-ontworpen, toen het RIVM nog ontkende dat Corona een ding zou worden? Dat riekt naar een complot "Gaat u maar rustig slapen, alles is onder controle" zei Jaap van...
What to do with all those chronically ill vaccinated people?
Nu het vaccin er komt, moet worden bepaald "wat te doen met de viruswaanzinnigen, de weigeraars en de sceptici." Dit noopt de landelijke media weer tot plaatsen van typerend incoherente MSM-verhalen, artikelen en opinies. Lees eerst het opiniestukje van Stevo Akkerman...
Eerst verpleeghuizen vaccineren, dan kijken we daarna wel verder
Een pro-vaccin artikel in de Volkskrant. Nu zou ik Maarten Keulemans echt graag geloven maar gezien de onzin die hij met betrekking tot aerosolen heeft verkondigd durf ik er niet van uit te gaan dat hij nu wel onafhankelijk en kritisch onderzoek heeft verricht. Hij...