The now infamous Chapter 6 in the excess mortality report of Meester-Jacobs, by Bram Bakker, has caused quite a stir. The pictures that caused the most controversy were the Kaplan-Meier graphs. All kinds of things were written about it. But not...
LinkedIn vs Herman Steigstra, OM vs Mona Keijzer, Nivel vs Maurice de Hond
In the free West, censorship was seen as a form of abuse of power that keeps dictators and other undemocratic regimes in power. Meanwhile, according to the regimes in the West, censorship is the only thing that helps against misinformation. There are valid arguments...
Too bad, then, for the news. Let's show you something first.
Instead of trying to find the truth himself, a science journalist wants to make a portrait of those who are committed to it. Well, we've seen before how corona critics were destroyed by friendly interviewers. And then say afterwards:...
Pandemie van ongevaccineerden?
That has been the position of politicians for a long time, without clear substantiation: the hospitals would be full of unvaccinated people. We had a pandemic of the unvaccinated. With today's knowledge, we know that the administration of vaccinated people by...
Jan Bennink takes sides in a recognizable dilemma
Jan Bennink discusses a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time: should you continue to argue politely and respectfully, even when you are facing a clique that does not hesitate to cheat? Appointed by a government that has committed misdeed upon misdeed...
Covid-19 does well on vaccinations
Covid-19 is de meest gemelde bijwerking van Covid-vaccinaties, zo stelde Wouter Aukema vast na bestudering van de database van het European Medical Agency. Zien we dat ook 'temporeel' terug in de cijfers? Zien we stijgingen en dalingen waar we ze zouden verwachten?...
Worden overlijdens met een vork geschreven?
Ons cijferkanon Herman Steigstra produceert de ene "bombshell" na de andere. Let wel: elk artikel is de weerslag van veel over-en-weer- geapp met vele andere meedenkers, statistici, wetenschappers en onderzoekers, met de laatste week een hoofdrol voor @leon1969, die...
English translation of Kennedy's speech
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sluit zich aan bij de Trump campaign. Zijn indrukwekkende, soms hartverscheurende speech resoneert 100% met de terugkerende thema's op dit blog en ik vrees daarom dat er in onze media niet de juiste aandacht aan zal worden besteed. Kennedy...
Dutch health authorities trump excess mortality
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) now claims that there is no longer excess mortality. The fact that excess mortality has been successfully combated can be concluded from a letter written by Prof. J. Brug (Director-General of RIVM) in response to a question from Gijs van Loef. The most remarkable passage...
Minutes of the German OMT confirm our worst fears
Via een klokkenluider zijn in Duitsland de niet-gecensureerde "RKI-protokolle" publiek gemaakt. Niets is er nog zwartgelakt. Voor velen zal het een schrikbarend beeld zijn wat er uit naar voren komt. Voor anderen zal het een bevestiging zijn van wat we al jaren weten....
Onverklaarde oversterfte kostte nu al ruim 10x zoveel levensjaren als Covid
When we wrote about unexplained excess mortality in August 2021, it was a world first. In that article, we pointed out that corona was no longer the main cause of excess mortality. That was easy to see: we subtracted the covid mortality from the total mortality and...
Overheidsadviseur en coronadissident Dr. Scott Atlas is het volledig met ons eens
I had to share this great interview with medical specialist and top advisor Dr. Scott Atlas. But it takes an hour and a half, so that will be a bridge too far for many. That's why this summary, the link to the interview is at the bottom. If you remember this article from March...
Nederland-België: 13-4
Een financiële man heeft mij wel eens het volgende uitgelegd: "Als je in België bij een notaris komt en je wil iets met een tweede of derde huisje in de Ardennen, dan moet je niet raar opkijken als hij vraagt: 'linkerlaatje of rechterlaatje?'" Het rechterlaatje is...
The chaos of the numbers
We are now in a phase where everyone is trying to analyse historical figures and draw their own conclusions. But at the heart of the problem is the chaos that reigns in the numbers that the government distributes. The February 23 figures...
More Nivel worries
The revised Nivel report once again stirs up quite a stir. Of course, it is again said that vaccines have been shown to work, but with such bizarre figures and rattling methodology, nothing can be demonstrated at all. Maybe it could say something about the...
Volgtip: @leon1969. Lees hem. Trust me.
We now know that almost everything about corona is fabled together. But how males and females have sat at conference tables - paid for by our tax money - without lifting a leg in all the suffering that took place under their eyes, it is...
10 reasons to get the autumn jab – with three new up-to-date booster tips!
Not sure if you'll get a Covid jab next fall? We give you 10 reasons to be at the front!
Wanneer ben je gevaccineerd volgens CIMS?
This question has been around for a while and all kinds of things are being shouted, but the image is getting sharper and sharper. And the nice thing is that it is supported from all sides by government documents. Let me start on that side first. What do we know, also thanks to...
Is dit de smoking gun?
More and more is known about the unexplained excess mortality that we have seen for more than 3 years now and the possible relationship to vaccination. On February 23, 2024, CBS published figures that I had already worked with many times. This chart now seems to be the key to the...
Het rapport van Ronald Meester en Marc Jacobs is er
In the meantime, I have listed some highlights from the report. See After a loud drum roll, including from Jan Bonte, it is finally there. I just got the first 100...
Reactions to the RKI minutes
Een wat onhandig geformuleerde tweet van mij ging afgelopen week viraal, althans voor mijn doen (159 reacties, 463 keer gedeeld en 1,2K Likes). Een vanuit de Jumbo verzonden tweetje met een foto van voorpagina's waarop geen enkel spoor was te vinden van de Duitse rel...
The EU war Elon can't win on his own
Het laatste salvo in de voortdurende strijd tussen Elon Musk en de EU kwam van de X-eigenaar zelf. Hij onthulde dat X in de aanloop naar de Europese verkiezingen "een illegale geheime deal" aangeboden kreeg: als het platform zou instemmen met het in het geheim...
Op1 Agents Don't Hear Themselves Talking
The Op1 talking heads still don't seem to realize why the viewing figures of the NPO have dropped so much. Presumably, they also have no idea that they are seen by part of the population as collaborators: propagandists of politicians who have elected our...
The Corona Murder Case
The most commonly used argument against both the lab leak and aerosol theories is without a doubt: the Deventer murder case. Because Ernest Louwes has been in prison for 9 years and because even a book by a renowned NRC journalist (yes that one) has been filmed about it, that's why...
Een kopje koffie met mijn vriend(in) Chat: Nieuw-Zeeland
He/she is not always right, but he knows a lot. So I took him/her aside for a moment and asked if there was anything to say about New Zealand and the excess mortality there. I recently learned that they had not had excess mortality except from Covid-19, contrary to what...
Oversterfte misbruik (teruggetrokken)
Note on withdrawal: In this article, I hoped to be able to reduce the bizarre excess mortality rate of 250% among unvaccinated people, as Nivel communicates, to a simple calculation error. Unfortunately, it's not a calculation error, I was wrong myself. It's purely the...
Impossible batch figures: USA, Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic... Belgium-Netherlands?
In de studie "Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in the United States" wordt de veiligheid van verschillende batches (partijen) van het Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19-vaccin geanalyseerd. Een dergelijke aanpak kenden we al van Denemarken en later...
Kritische geluiden zwellen aan: Theo Schetters, Jonathan Engler en… Trouw!
Theo Schetters tightens up and Jonathan Engler distances himself from the Great Barrington Declaration. And last night finally a relatively realistic piece in Trouw. Catalyst: a letter from Maurice de Hond. I posted Jan Bennink's article earlier. It...
Oversterfte bij gevaccineerden?
That's what it's starting to look like. On Tuesday, we already published a post in which we showed that there would be a huge "elixir of life" effect according to the figures in the Nivel article. The attachment with the calculations has since been removed from their website, but...
Vaccin-effectiviteit voor dummies
"In het huidige onderzoek werd ongeveer 3% van de ongevaccineerden eigenlijk wel gevaccineerd. Dit heeft waarschijnlijk geleid tot een onderschatting van de gevonden verschillen tussen gevaccineerden en ongevaccineerden" schrijft Nivel op pagina 38 van het...
Takeaways from the Meester/Jacobs study on excess mortality and vaccinations
Omdat het volstrekt begrijpelijk is dat het doornemen van een 168 pagina's tellend cijferrapport door deze en gene op de lange baan wordt geschoven, leek het mij een idee om er wat elementen uit te plukken. Dat geeft een indruk van wat er behandeld en aangetoond...
Monkeypox – what the hell!? A round of OWID.
I thought I had finally gotten rid of that virus thing, we are going to get monkeypox. The WHO's Tedros declared a state of emergency on Wednesday. Exactly the kind of no-brainer that the new Public Health Act is waiting for in the Netherlands. We can only hope...
Verdween Covid met of door vaccinatie?
Disinformation about the beneficial role that vaccines may have played is on the rise again. Time to highlight some crucial figures. No claims based on models, but the original figures. Had corona already disappeared before there was...
Overgewicht en streefgewicht, oversterfte en vaccinatiebereidheid
Het normale, gemiddelde gewicht van mensen is altijd ongeveer het streefgewicht geweest. De 'norm'. Je kon te dik zijn of te mager maar de meeste mensen hadden een normaal BMI, het woord zegt het al. Je ziet het op oude strandfoto's: dikkerds waren uitzonderingen. Dat...
Repopulation: a contaminated term goes viral
The confusion of words such as infected and infected, contamination and infection and the random scattering of contagious and tested positive has led to great confusion and contributed to miscommunication. Ultimately resulting in wrong policy, if we make it...
What about the QALYs?
After 5 seconds, this page automatically redirects to advancing insight: a more recent article that also includes under-mortality. Since the arrival of...