Our number juggernaut Herman Steigstra produces one "bombshell" after another. Please note: each article is the result of a lot of texting back and forth with many other contributors, statisticians, scientists and researchers, with the last week a leading role for @leon1969, who knows how to link data aberrations to real-life events and ministerial decisions. I'm in a chateau in France at the moment, so I'm a bit less active. But this new finding had to be posted! It is part of a series in which we witness real "revelations", in the most literal sense of the word. Let's go team Herman!
Progressive insight sometimes continues for a long time. Again. In this article: Is dit de smoking gun? we made it plausible that the law means that a vaccination is not included in the vaccination register if the vaccinated person had died in the meantime. We showed this graph:

This graph was published earlier this year in the article Which vaccination coverage to use? We see here that the vaccination coverage as "seen" from the CIMS figures (black) lags behind the vaccination figures as published by RIVM (blue). We understand o.a. dat as a result, the VE value (Vaccine Effectiveness) calculated by RIVM is presented very much more favorably than it actually is.
In a previous article, we already described that the VE was even negative in the first 4 weeks. At the time, it was supposed to be due to lagging administration and the refusal of some to have their data included in the vaccination register.
So, as we now know, there is even a legislation behind the, which prevents persons who have died shortly after vaccination from being registered in the CIMS vaccination registry. Hence, the black and blue lines diverge.
But what happened in the first two months, because the lines are still the same. People who died in the first months after vaccination also seemed to have been included in the register. Of course that's great, because it allowed our calculation for the VE in the first 4 weeks to remain correct, but we want to understand the sequel.
What is CIMS?
After vaccination, the personal data of each vaccinated person is stored in CIMS, the registration system of the RIVM. After arranging the legal basis in November 2020, this system was built at a rapid pace from 8 December 2020, to be ready for the registration of the first vaccinations on 8 January. Our Leon has been able to find out the process behind this through WOO documents. He tweeted about this, among other things, on September 3, 2024.
We see that the vaccination figures have indeed ended up neatly in this system, but why are RIVM and CIMS still running at the same level until the end of February 2021? Were deceased people entered against the rules of the government if they died shortly after vaccination? It seems that something in the automatic links to data was not yet ready and had to be added manually, but of course we don't know that for sure. If you have to deliver a new system in a very short time, it is of course conceivable that not everything will be ready right away.
Leon found the explanation...
New software
In a context of the WOO declassified document of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport mentions in passing the production of a new version of the CIMS: version 2.0. This happened on 25 February 2021. Leon found in it this statement:

Ah, so on February 25, 2021, a new version of CIMS was put into use: CIMS 2.0. So an older version was used for this, let's call it 1.0 for the sake of convenience. Apparently, therefore, new functionality became available on that date, which is not further described in that report. Now let's zoom in on this date in the graph above:
And indeed, it is precisely from that date that the lines start to diverge. It is almost inevitable that specific functionality will have become effective on that date. From that date on, we see the difference arise. Was the legal requirement only implemented at that time? It's all very coincidental.
But now we have to go back to the drawing board, because in our original calculations we assumed that there was only an administrative backlog, regardless of how it would have come about. But what's going on here is that a vaccinated death is now being added to the number of unvaccinated deaths. The death is therefore used twice in the statistics: both to apparently reduce the vaccination coverage we calculated, but also to increase the number of unvaccinated deaths counted in this way.
And now the VE again
But what does this mean for calculating the VE? That was already a difficult matter and that we solved from the ratio of vaccinated to unvaccinated deaths. First, let's take another look at the graph with our calculated VE, which I published earlier in e.g this post:

Again, we zoomed in on the first few months and indicated when the new version of CIMS was put into use. And yes, here too we only see the VE increase after the new version was put into use. Until 25 February, we could still rely on reasonably reliable data, so the calculated negative VE based on the CBS figures must be correct. But from 25 February, we will have to deal with the incomplete vaccination figures. We just don't know exactly how many people died in those first weeks, because they are outside the administration.
A death short after 25 February 2021 two Effects: it lowers the effective vaccination rate and It seemingly increases the number of people who died unvaccinated. So even our calculated effectiveness based on the CBS figures is still too favourable, we can now determine. How much lower should that VE be? Those figures can no longer be traced. We must therefore regard the 60% as an upper limit, and a 0% LU will certainly be a possibility.
Last week, an extensive study by NIVEL was published with the promising title Under-mortality among COVID-19 vaccinated and excess mortality among unvaccinated people. Of course, this study is also based on these CIMS figures, the background of which we all now know. And indeed, they too see the sacred elixir effect. In the first 3 months, the risk of mortality for vaccinated people almost halved and ten times as much mortality among unvaccinated people (all causes). And that while we know that the excess mortality was only around 10%. But it was clearly necessary to counterbalance the scientific research by Meester and Jacobs. So not very successful from the NIVEL.

The negative protection we calculated until the end of February seems to be based on correct figures. After the introduction of CIMS 2.0, systematically vaccinated people who die in the weeks after vaccination will be considered unvaccinated. The conclusions of CBS and RIVM are then based on these rewritten figures. NIVEL also bases itself on these figures and, like the RIVM, comes to the conclusion that the vaccine is as beneficial as an elixir of life. People who refuse the elixir are more likely to die.
The real conclusion should be that even the previously calculated effectiveness of the 60% vaccine has not been achieved by a long shot. Meticulous analysis of the microdata might change this, but we doubt that it will happen. The CIMS database has been written with a fork.
What has been bothering me all the time and even stronger with this, is:
So then you die as a result of the vaccine and/or wrong, late or incomplete treatment or all together or whatever and then even that simple fact is still being peddled. What a government we have. Totally disrespectful.
"Booster until you weigh 25 ounces" has happened several times in my immediate environment and not being able to prevent it feels powerless. Very soon again... The fact that they don't count and/or even add up to the unvaccinated makes it even more intense.
Thank you again for your clear explanations Anton. All in all, I suspect it is rather despondent to have to beat the drum every time to (deliberately) denounce erroneous representations. However, the "frapper toujours" will have to have an effect at some point
, although unfortunately that will not be tomorrow.
And have a good holiday in "La Douce"
‘ … a VE of 0% would certainly be a possibility'.
Agreed, but it remains speculation with observational research (too much bias). See e.g. criticism https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36967517/
Fortunately, we still have the most ignored meta-research based on the industry's own RCTs from Stabell and Benn et al.
For a quick overview, scroll down to figure 1.
Overall, the mRNA has a 0% effect!
The vector vaccines did better but unfortunately didn't make it for some reason (less close relationships with U v/d L?)
The suggested (by Nivel and co) non-specific positive vaccine effect on all-cause mortality does not apply to mRNAs.
(Not even if the industry has let go of the entire bag of tricks to sell this product.)
To what extent is this still relevant now that the WEF writes on its own webpage that COVID-19 was a beta test in obedience. Why bother with how many people have died when it was in the context of a much larger operation for the good of humanity? An operation conceived and directed by the finest of the elite. Come on. You don't want to know any better than crowned heads, top virologists, Grande Dames and financial wizzards, do you? How dare you!
So what's happened in the last few years? they have created a virus that has caused quite a slaughter among the old and unhealthy people, a gene therapy that did not work has been pulled out of the closet and fraudulently "tested" by Big Pharma and finally the Western governments have knowingly manipulated the data for the desired docility of the sheep.
Peter, you are forgetting the consequences for the healthy people, children and babies of pricked mothers. Well, what are we worried about, you might think, but fortunately people like Anton, Herman, Wouter, Ronald, Maurice, Marc(s), Willem, Gideon, Jeroen, etc., continue until the bottom stone comes up for the future of my family. The generation above me has been all but exterminated, many years earlier than expected and their good health suggested. Friends and other acquaintances struggle with the many side effects, it is too much to mention.
For me personally, the situation is already so bizarre that a sincere advice is questioned in advance because I have become a "conspiracy theorist". And thank you previous government for creating this polarization. If the steering wheel is locked on the left, you have to jerk to the right, right?