This is the sequel to the Yesterday's article, in which we pointed out that post-Covid research most likely does not consist only of post-Covid patients. What makes that 'highly likely'?
What did the participants look like? The recap in a few highlights (excusez le mot):
- average 49 years
- 93% were vaccinated at the first measurement (!)
- 43% were vaccinated between the first and second measurement (the total will have been close to 100% by then)
- 43% of the total, now almost fully vaccinated group has been symptomatically infected again between measurements 1 and 2, some several times (so much for robust protection)
- 76% of the participants were women (We also see these percentages in similar studies on this subject women)
- 54% highly educated
- 49% had one or more chronic conditions in addition to post-COVID (this seemed like a lot to me but turns out to be quite normal in terms of osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, depression or anxiety disorder and COPD... ☹)
A vaccination rate of 93% and then 43% reinfections, some several times. This is reported but nothing is said about it. Shouldn't you conclude from this that vaccination has in any case not helped against post-Covid? Surely that percentage should be much lower than the national average? It is now many times higher. Genetic predisposition? Or could this not be a reason to (especially together with that tinnitus, see previous article) also think about possible vaccine damage? Still not for the Post-COVID research by Erasmus/C support.

A quarter of the respondents had recovered at measurement 2. These were mainly the people who had not had a serious infection: a shorter duration of illness and did not end up in hospital because of Covid. That sounds familiar, it is also the case with PAIS. Good news or not? A quarter seems like little to me, after a year. But at least it is decreasing! (We hope then.)
And then the ladies...
Everyone who gets complaints looks for a cause. If you can put a name on it, that can help a lot. Not only for the treatment but also for your own peace of mind. So if you are one of the approximately 600,000 women aged 45, 50 years old and you have just recovered or are still recovering from Covid, you are worried if you get symptoms that are -according to C-support- the most common complaints of post-Covid.
To get an impression: if 1% of the 600,000 women between the ages of 45 and 50 were to (rightly) sign up for this study with their menopausal symptoms, then you already have more women with "post-Covid symptoms" than participated in the study. So some pollution from the pure 'post-Covid' is something to be aware of. At least if you pretend to want to pay attention to 'post-Covid'.
The 20 most frequently reported complaints show striking similarities with the 20 most common complaints in menopause. (As a reminder, 76% were women, mean age was 49). The typical hormonal phenomena such as temperature disruption and altered libido are not seen in post-covid, but otherwise... Compare for yourself.
- Fatigue (5)
- Difficulty with stimulus processing (4 and/or 8)
- Concentration problems (8)
- Loss of Fitness (5)
- Memory problems (8)
- Word finding problems (8?)
- Shortness of breath during exertion (5)
- Irritability (4)
- Sleep problems (3)
- Headache (11)
- Muscle pain (9)
- Pain in extremities (~19)
- Muscle weakness (9)
- Palpitations (10)
- Dizziness (16)
- Joint pain (9)
- Sadness (and anxiety) (4)
- Tinnitus (17)
- Tingling in extremities (19)
- Chest pain (10)
Menopausal symptoms
- Flushes – Sudden heat attacks, often with sweating and redness.
- Night sweats – Heavy sweating during sleep.
- Sleeping – Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping throughn.
- Mood swings – Irritability, anxiety or depressive feelings.
- Fatigue – Constant lack of energy.
- Weight gain – Especially more fat storage around the abdomen.
- Vaginal dryness – Less fluid production, which can make sex painful.
- Memory and concentration problems – Also called 'brain fog'.
- Muscle and joint pain – Stiffness and pain in joints and muscles.
- Palpitations – Irregular or accelerated heartbeat.
- Headache or migraine – Often due to hormonal fluctuations.
- Thinning hair – Hair loss or brittle hair.
- Dry skin – Less elasticity and faster wrinkles.
- Changes in libido – Less desire for sex.
- Bladder problems – Faster bladder infection or urine loss.
- Vertigo – Lightheadedness or balance problems.
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) – Ringing or ringing in the ears.
- Burning mouth syndrome – Sensation of burning in mouth or tongue.
- Tingling – Prickling or numbness in hands or feet.
- Gastrointestinal complaints – Bloating, flatulence or digestive problems.
Menopausal symptoms also include tinnitus, which was initially not seen as a relevant post-Covid complaint. And it may not be at all, because just like the other complaints, it also fits with the menopause and even more with post-vax. And I am not surprised if it also occurs with one of those other 'misunderstood diseases'.
Risers or hot flashes
Most complaints are reduced between the first and the second measurement. This is reassuring in view of the possible genetic misery from the Vandenbossche scenarios, the DNA pollution, etc., because you would expect that to be more stubborn, or even increasing complaints. The decreased complaints now seem to be transient.
However, there are also some risers, complaints that were more often than in the first measurement – and that is all the more worrying. With an increase of 10%, the biggest riser is: Menstrual complaints among female participants between 18-50 years of age. From 28% to 31%.
So almost one in three women who reported post-Covid are still experiencing problems with their reproductive system a year after the first measurement and it is becoming more rather than less.
I find this shocking. Especially now that I have just been working on Hans Verwaart's analysis (in between) and have seen that in 2024 there were almost one-third more deaths than expected among women between the ages of 40 and 50. And on top of that, the Yale study that I cited in the previous article, with 69% women in the PVS group.
This is dealt with remarkably easily in the report. This very long-term disruption of the reproductive system is in place 24 between shortness of breath and confusion. Now I don't want to trivialize being short of breath or confused, but if reproduction is at stake, other alarm bells should go off. Not to say: sirens.
Our reproductive systems, like our brains, are exceptionally well protected (Immunological privilege). There are specific barriers, and there is a unique immune environment around these organs. They should not be affected by a virus. And they won't be. We do know from autopsies that the vaccine spikes are simply found in it. This is really of a different order. Think of declining fertility, so even fewer births, think of the transferability of deformed DNA to the offspring... Or rather not think about that actually. So what percentage of those women with menstrual symptoms were vaccinated? If only we knew.
What helps?
The best-rated treatments for post-COVID complaints appear to be alternative treatments Meditation (83%) and Coaching program (73%). The first regular medication is in third place. Coping is key, apparently. But whether that also helps against those menstrual complaints, a year later...


Might an extra shot help against post-Covid?
Do we remember that the shot no longer worked against infection, then no longer against getting sick, then no longer against hospitalization and then no longer for someone else? And also no longer against general mortality? Especially with a view to young people, protection against 'Long Covid' was at one point the only means of pressure. That also turned out not to be true. In any case, a severe infection is a blow to your entire condition.
For example, there have undoubtedly been post-Covid patients who have taken another booster in the hope that the (supposed) beneficial effect would reduce their symptoms. The 18% of post-Coviteers who, despite everything, had themselves vaccinated again and actually experienced an effect, were unfortunately disappointed. In two-thirds of the cases, it turned out negatively: new complaints and/or worsening of complaints.

That's crazy actually. You talk about post-covid symptoms and they are exacerbated by a jab – against Covid! How is that possible? Wasn't that already the case with those earlier shots, it can hardly be otherwise, can it?
In the report's conclusion, this is described as "no significant differences in terms of the change in recovery status based on any reinfections and/or vaccination(s)."
It could be a reason to find out how the interaction between menopause, covid and/or vaccination is in that almost fully vaccinated group. Maybe there is something more to find out. This last table invites you to do so – at least, if you are blessed with scientific curiosity. And: if you think your subsidy provider is happy with that.
Not so. We are looking at a system entanglement that is unprecedented and continues to make victims ruthlessly. The next round of vaccinations is already on the docket.
If all vague mortality is written similarly on Covid, there is no arguing with it in NL. Dutch science falls short in the sense that it is collaborating with a NATO-led takeover.
"Ve're penettrating ze guvernments!" (could have been Rutte).
People, think carefully. They have even urged pregnant women to get vaccinated. I repeat my call from years ago: For heaven's sake, don't get your children vaccinated.
I also repeat the conclusion of the previous article: The report does not do justice to both post-Covid and Post-vax patients. It shows a kind of disinterest. As if it is a sweetener for the post-vaxers (and the post-Coviteers who have not had primary care just as well). And women in menopause could have been reassured. All this apart from the fact that everyone with similar complaints is now being handed a very fragile straw.
Or is it just file building for the parliamentary inquiry (vaccines good, covid bad)?

I miss 'brain fog' in the list of post-covid complaints and menopausal symptoms.
A few years ago I read that post-covid was three times more common in women between the ages of 40 and 50 and even nine times more common between the ages of 50 and 60 than in people over 60 or under 40.
The RIVM already concluded in May/June 2021 that they could not demonstrate that vaccinations reduce or prevent post-covid.
Why do you miss that, where do you get your top 20 from?
The terms differ a bit, but I count Concentration problems, Memory problems and Word finding problems well for Memory and concentration problems – Also called 'brain fog'.
Zo kun je het ook zien. Als je een aantal klachten tegelijk hebt is de kans op hersenmist sowieso groter. Ook in het Frans, Duits enz.
Er zijn slechts 2 vrouwen met wie ik het over het onderwerp “menstruatie” heb gehad en laten die nu allebei (!) na prik in de overgang zijn beland: mijn zus 44 jaar (die keihard voor de oorzaak wegkijkt) en een andere dame 32 jaar bij wie het na prik 2 gedaan was met vloeien, zich wel volbewust van de prik-oorzaak die tevens tot een zware hersenoperatie leidde (!!). Daarnaast sprak ik recent een jonge vent in een studentenhuis die me vertelde dat zo’n beetje alle meiden daar menstruatiestoornissen na de prik kregen waarvan sommigen tot op de dag van vandaag nog niet hersteld zijn.
Dat ^ is nog maar een heel kleine greep uit alle health issues die ik om me heen zie/zag. T’is compleet absurd.
Wauw. Wat vinden ze in dat studentenhuis daarvan? Roeren die zich niet? Als dat zo is, begrijp ik daar echt niks van.
Ja dat vroeg ik ook. Het antwoord was in de trant van “Ja, wat kunnen ze, er wordt gedaan alsof het niet bestaat, er wordt niet over gesproken.. alles wordt onder tafel geveegd”… of terwijl, ze kunnen niks als er geen ruchtbaarheid aan gegeven wordt.
Laat ze een artikel schrijven, ik plaats het wel!
Dat gaan ze niet doen. Het niveau van de student is dermate gekelderd dat men zo stom is geweest om zich te laten prikken. Voor vakanties en feesten terwijl ze al die tijd al menig slaapfeest achter de rug hadden tijdens de avondklok o.a. (Mijn zegen hadden ze toen). Uitsluiten van de ongeprikten deden ze volop aan mee. Nog nooit zoveel ernstige miskramen met operaties tot gevolg en ook onvruchtbaarheid door verkleefde weefsels meegemaakt in mijn omgeving. Ook baby’s met verkleefde darmpjes of andere afwijkingen zijn schering en inslag. Met de kindjes heb ik uiteraard wel medelijden. Ik hoop dat ze het lef nog ergens vinden om wel in actie te komen. Al begin 2021 zocht o.a. het longfonds samen met een bedrijf net afgestudeerden biomedische wetenschappen of andere relevante studie om “longcovid” op de kaart te zetten.
Nog even een toevoeging. Recentere onderzoeken laten zien dat ‘slechts’ 30 tot 55 procent van de vrouwen tussen 40 en 55-60 jaar meer post-covidklachten hadden dan mannen van die leeftijd.
Maar omdat ook mannen dan geregeld bepaalde overgangsklachten/ penopauzeklachten hebben was het beter geweest als ze de percentages hadden vergeleken met andere leeftijdsklasse en sekse. Ook hebben na 2021 de meeste gezonde mannen en vrouwen in de meeste landen geen booster meer genomen. Dat er (dan) na 60-jarige leeftijd overal een lagere postcovidkans wordt gevonden ten opzichte van 60-minners is volgens de inentingsadepten een bewijs dat injecteren helpt. Critici zullen terecht zeggen dat de postcovidklachten met name bij vrouwen tussen 40-60 worden vervuild door overgang en menopauze.