If the government unjustly puts a group of people under financial pressure for a year and mistakes them for criminals, then the world is too small: "Regent culture! Tunnel vision and control!“
If society is unjustly split for a year, people are mistreated, the economy destroyed, hundreds (thousands?) of unnecessary deaths occur, tens of billions of euros evaporate due to mismanagement, if the media facilitate the necessary propaganda and courts defend the incumbent, then it is just 'news' at the NOS when that comes to light. NOS has of course been leading in this error of gigantic proportions. That's a tricky position to do it justice to scandal. It's just about aerosols, isn't it? A little extra on top of it then.
"Yes, but ventilation has always been recommended by the rivm" or "Yes, but we already knew that, but it is still unclear how important aerosols are"
Various MSM readers and van Dissel fans
Such a message in MSM and the cover of the CDC (American rivm) does not mean that our rivm is refreshed with skilled scientists and independent researchers, or that the Ministry of Health could play a substantive role. Let alone that Maarten Keulemans will be prosecuted. They have proved incompetent with devastating consequences. They should all be driven around with pitch and feathers on a farm cart because neither individuals nor systems have proven to be worth a cut when it comes down to it. If that seems a bit exaggerated to you, you don't quite realize the scope of this paradigm shift yet.
Small droplets, big consequences. That is why I will give a few examples of what this means in a moment because "aerosols as the dominant transmission route" does not only mean that the measures were not optimal (or succeed in the air) or that opponents of the measures are not always backward wappies. That "middle finger to society" was usually an outstretched hand, an offered lifeline.
The physical ignorance of state doctors has had – and still has – had dramatic consequences. In the future, it will reverberate for a long time, especially for our children. Not surprisingly, there are still fools who claim "we already knew that" and "the one and a half meter rule also protects against aerosols" as if they still think they can be right. I say 'fools' but there are also smart people. Terrified I think, otherwise I don't get it.
Where the NOS gets the information from 'WHO admits that aerosols are dominant' is unclear. Similar articles state something completely different: "WHO acknowledges that 'evidence is emerging' of the spread of COVID-19 from the air". That sounds more plausible: the state doctors, experts and their executors will not just allow such a landslide, they have dug in too far for that. They are going to try to move millimetre by millimetre unnoticed. But let's assume that the day will come when the actual route of infection is valued. After all, CDC has already dared to make the change clearer (see previous blog).
"A new scientific truth triumphs not by convincing its opponents and showing them the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up familiar with it."
Nobel Prize winner Max Planck, 1949
So "they" go around anyway. Developments are faster than in Max Planck's time. After a year of sulking, pleading, whining and name-calling, it starts to dawn on them: gosh, the infections take place differently than we knew. For the time being, they still stick to one and a half meters and face masks, but that is because they may have to accept it but do not yet fully contain it.
no conspiracy
So at least the CDC is not in a conspiracy to change the world order. Here again to reassure friendly wappies: there are indeed lobbies, there are force fields, there are currents of power, there is pharma, there is big tech. There are also just bad, unscrupulous people (deforesters, for example, animal abusers, drug trafficking). That's how the world works. If you call that a conspiracy, you're putting yourself out there. As an unworldly idealist, you are difficult to take seriously.
At the same time, the policy has given every reason to think that there were evil intentions behind it. After all, such callous stupidity is hard to imagine. But the stupidity of systems squares the weakest points of the executives, as the surcharges affair has shown.
Charlatans in power
Jaap van Dissel is a civil servant, unworthy of the title 'scientist'. And that wins a prize for his contribution to the corona crisis. Inconceivable. The equally barren minds he has around him, such as Andreas Voss, have caused untold social, societal, economic and health damage with measures that they could and should have known missed the mark through vanity, arrogance and lack of insight. They must be nice people. I would like to let them know how they came across in the media. Then I leave aside any malicious intent and conflicts of interest: involvement in PCR testing, shares in test lanes, cross-links and even family relationships with interested vaccine manufacturers, financial considerations of hospitals. I now understand where the term 'care mafia' comes from.
The OMT turns out to be a regent-like clique of upwindlers. The House of Representatives, well, those are politicians, they don't know very much and are generally not mathematical wonders. It is not for nothing that they are representatives of the people, advocates.
Scientists and researchers, led by scientists such as pensionado Pierre Capel and the equally independent Maurice de Hond, have been ridiculed, censored, balded or fired, and they deserve at least generous apologies. The total bankruptcy of established (read: government-claimed) science is appalling.
Would it help if Maurice succeeded De Jonge? Well, then we end up in Maurice's tunnel vision. The system should be more open to counter-noise. If Maurice could arrange that... but Rutte can probably do that better, provided with the right advisors: philosophers of science, statisticians, engineers, public health experts – not to be confused with (livestock) doctors. And preferably without politicians, who better not deal with things that you can investigate or just have to calculate.
Conclusions at the beginning of the end of the corona crisis
It's really 1984: Big Tech and MSM are driving the people
It is clear: Big Tech unscrupulously collaborates with the incumbent, no matter what. They censor, they blacklist, they spread disinformation – if the government wants it to. 1984 is really now, in that respect this was an instructive experiment.
MSM - a term I refused to use until recently - serves as a propaganda channel for the government. Journalists are generally reporters, not Tintins with a nose for injustice or other smelly things with news value. They don't do source research or they get stuck in it because they can't read studies. The science journalists, the fact-checkers — all incompetent wax noses. What kind of society do we live in...
And now what? no idea if this can be reversed, or how.
Zigzagging Judiciary
The legal officials, the judiciary, they are of the same cloth a suit. They have effortlessly allowed themselves to be pulled in front of the cart of a minister who also privately flouted his own laws. It's of a *** content that I didn't think possible. In the court rulings are incomprehensible violations of basic fundamental and civil rights based on nothing but fearful docility. They look away. Hearings are hastened or trained, a judge is replaced at the last minute because he would have a cough. It's Kafkaesque, but then narrowed down by an obvious double agenda: pricking because nothing helps. No, you think it's crazy: if you don't want to see how something works, you can't fight it.
RIP Freedom
Free speech was only for those who agreed with the State Narrative. The others had better keep their mouths shut or at least had to walk on eggs. I myself was warned by friends that I had to watch out for the AIVD, that they probably had me in the nick of time. Protests against this repression were crushed, even though the dissident conviction was scientifically substantiated.
Freedom was lost. If there are large groups of people who feel that their freedom is being taken away, the rest should not start shouting that those complainants should keep their mouths shut. That does happen and that underlines the complaint. For example, there is disgrace of the FVD campaign in which 4/5 May is linked to the current crisis of freedom. Coarse? Yes, tasteless, I think. Abuse of the 4/5 May 'brand'? Sure. But untrue? Well no. Our acquired, virtually unbridled freedom has crumbled in 2020 due to false regulation and manipulative fear-mongering. Freedom of movement, freedom of opinion, freedom of publication, freedom of vaccination, freedom of contact... much has been tarnished on arbitrary grounds with a mask of science. That is an abuse of authority.
End to life-threatening false security
Finally, people can be taught how to protect themselves. Then there will soon be no more corona pandemic. That is not to say that respiratory infectious diseases no longer exist, but if a group of people still contract something like this, they have been careless, in dirty rooms. But at least then we are not gullible, relying on abused trust, sent into the battlefield with a rubber sword. That is equivalent to murder.
IC does not need to be scaled up
The IC capacity no longer needs to be increased. If everyone learns how to protect themselves against the virus, large outbreaks will hardly occur again. Public spaces are becoming virus-free. The annual flu wave will halve. Maybe decimate; those winter mortality peaks become more spread over the following months or over the entire year. The average life expectancy is going up a bit thanks to corona (which will cause healthcare costs to rise further).
And now? Pointing the finger at the guilty?
Excuses zijn er niet. Men wilde het gewoon bewust niet geloven. Als ik alleen al mijn eigen overdenkingen teruglees dan weet ik al een jaar wat nu zogenaamd is ‘ontdekt’ en ’toegegeven’. De bronnen die Maurice de Hond destijds aandroeg waren al doorslaggevend. Wie daar kennis van heeft genomen en dat niet heeft ‘geloofd’ is een wetenschappelijk onbenul, een angstige zetelklever of een kwaardaardige winstgraaier. Misschien niet voldoende gestudeerd of gewoon kortzichtig maar ik denk vooral te bang – en dan stokt het verstand. Bij burgers mag dat. Van leiders, journalisten en wetenschappers verwacht ik een onversaagde en beter doordachte houding. Is angst dan voor wetenschappers geen te accepteren excuus? Nee, zeker niet. Het is een signaal van afhankelijkheid, verstrengeling, corruptie, subjectiviteit, eigenbelang. Onwaardig en zichzelf diskwalificerend.
Science says: guilty
A few weeks ago, a study was published. (see blog article) in which 80 publications were checked on how scientific insight has progressed last year. The conclusion must be that after April 2020, the adherence to lockdowns, with the encapsulated aerosol denial, is culpable mismanagement. Reprehensible and even prosecutable given the ruthless damage that has been knowingly done. Ferdje Grapperhaus can wet his chest.
We look at the bankruptcy of the rule of law, of journalism, of politics. Those three have not been able to keep the country in a sensible, sustainable, substantiated course. You can replace the dolls, but that does not solve the system errors.
There is still a lot to do: to get the biomass and the rest of the Green Mafia out of the climate tunnel, on the way to physically and biologically substantiated and feasible solutions for a liveable, free world – and not only for people.
But first, an indoor climate plan: clean breath for everyone.
N.B.: I'm curious how Reiner Fuellmich is going to cut his class action. Started as a freedom advocate, after months of research, he is completely on the conspiracy track. Will he make it so that the CDC is now suddenly changing course because the WHO/WEF plan has failed? The first rat to leave the sinking ship? Or is it a mitigating circumstance that they still repent after their error?