Yesterday I contributed to this article for the website of Maurice de Hond. We wanted to keep it short – but there's so much more nonsense to be made out of it, so let me finish this story just a little longer. Really very briefly (2 minutes reading time max) we look at the English graphs one more time, this time to the second half of 2021.
According to UK, about 2.5 times as many unvaccinated people died as vaccinated people during those six months. We are projecting this fact onto the Netherlands.
That factor of 2.5 is a mild estimate, as you can see from the graph of 50-59. We look from July-December because young people are just as overestimated as the over-50s a little later, only from July onwards. Facts and conclusion:
- In six months, approximately 85,000 people die in the Netherlands.
- 80% of the population has had one or more corona vaccinations, which means that 3.5 million unvaccinated people are running loose with a 2.5x higher mortality risk (according to this graph).
- These mortality rates lead to 52,307 vaccinated and 32,693 unvaccinated deaths1, a total of 85,000.
- Those 32,693 unvaccinated deaths would have been 13,077 without vaccination, 2.5 times as few.
- In absolute terms, therefore, there were 19,6162 more deaths among unvaccinated people than if there had been no vaccinations. What did they die of?
- The Covid vaccination is the differentiating factor, so corona is the main suspect.
- According to the WHO and About 4,000 people died of Covid-19 in those six months.
- Conclusion: Even if they were all unvaccinated people, according to these figures, we are still stuck with 15,616 unexplained deaths among unvaccinated people.
We just have to hope that CBS realizes that these are unsound figures.
Maarten Keulemans tried to use these graphs to disqualify Jeroen Pols because of his alleged 'juggling with figures'. As an award-winning science journalist and corona reporter, Maarten must have seen at a glance that these graphs don't make sense. No matter how you approach them, it doesn't work out, It hasn't been for a year and a half, which was also quickly confirmed by the British authorities. Anyone who has studied corona knows that. Maarten doesn't.
This is not the first time. So be warned: the disinformation that Maarten spreads is the creation of dossiers for the deliberate large-scale deception of the Dutch people, including politicians and scientists who follow him, which plays into the hands of a fledgling government and an all-powerful health industry.
- 14 million x 0.37% mortality = 52,308
3.5million x 0.93% mortality = 32,692
Total = 85,000 ↩︎ - Corrected figure, previously it said 21,616. The figure in the conclusion has therefore also been corrected. ↩︎
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