I shared this video on Facebook last week; it made me laugh a lot. Now such a video is not something I quickly post on this blog. I thought this one stood out - well executed and very touching - but I still doubted. What held me back, to my own surprise, was the potentially hurtful aspect of this sketch. For wappies and vaccine critics, it may be hilarious, but what about when you're vaccinated? Is it still so much fun? And we are talking about a large majority of the population. As a cornered minority, should we now take into account the feelings of the majority...? Usually that question is asked in reverse. Society is becoming increasingly complex.
It could be that many vaccinated people already feel like actual medical victims. A number of them are known to actually be (#prikspijt). Have we now reached the stage where it is not a choice to mock the suffering of others? I feel a bit like that myself, especially because it was the choice of good citizens with the trust in governments and institutions that I remember so well from three years ago. It can be really very sour and frustrating for a pricked person who would have decided otherwise afterwards. You can't turn back. Admitting that you feel misled is like coming out with your own naivety and subsequent cognitive dissonance.
Even if you have been vaccinated, I hope you can see the humor of this sketch. Youp also chuckled when his Wappie died of corona (see below).
As long as there continues to be pricking without regard for the person, we must continue to prick back. As long as social media is populated by hordes of fanatical pro-vaxxers, we must offer a counterbalance. And especially now that they have children in their sights. That can still be stopped – at least with us.
By the way, if anyone knows who this is or what the source of this video is, I'd love to hear it in a comment.
TRANSLATION (turn on the video, then tap your mouse here and scroll down with your cursor key)
– Great news! The vaccine is on its way.
– Oh really?
– Certainly. And it's a brand new mRNA vaccine, so...
– mRNA, that's never been done before, right?
– Oh yes, it has been done before. It just never made it through the testing phase because all the animals kept dying. But this time it will be different.
– How then?
– Well, we're not going to do animal testing.
– So you just go straight to testing on people?
– You could say that.
I mean, even then, don't most vaccines take years to develop and decades to test?
– It's already there! The vaccine is here!
– Already?
– That's right, it's there and it's 100% effective. No transmission, no infection. You no longer have to wear a mask or remain locked up.
– Wow, really?
–Yes. At least that, with the exception of things with face masks and lockdowns and stuff. Yes.
– Okay, but it's 100% effective?
– That's right, 90% effective. And honestly, 85% effectiveness is really incredible.
– So it's only 85% effective?
– Not quite, it's more 75%. But hey, 65% is still very good. I mean, they said we would never get 50% effectiveness and we almost did. So 40%, really a great achievement.
– So it's only 40% effective now?
– For a while. I mean, that's decreasing.
– Is it decreasing? After how long?
– About four to six.
– Four to six what?
– Booster shots per year.
– Okay, so it only works right after you get the jab?
– Not immediately, because we only consider you to be vaccinated two weeks after your second injection.
– Okay, so it takes a month for the injections to work, but it disappears. And even then, it only gives you mild protection. But you have to get boosters that also wear off. You still have to wear a mask, you can still get covid, and you still have to stay home. And there are rare but serious side effects. And all for a virus that has a survival rate of more than 99.5%.
– Hoho, I never said anything about serious side effects.
– But do they occur?
– Certainly none I've ever talked about.
– No, but are there reports of serious side effects?
No, except like AIDS or whatever they say.
– Yes, actually you can get AIDS and then there's that heart thing where your heart explodes and sometimes half of your face falls asleep forever. And almost everyone gets extreme nausea and pain at the site of the injection. Sometimes they just die at the injection site. But we're not sure if that's caused by the vaccine, so we won't investigate it.
I can't believe pharmaceutical companies are releasing this to the American people!
– Oh no, it's all right. They're completely immune from any misconduct, so you'll be fine, right? Look, a vaccine is literally the only plan I have. So it happens, it comes out and everyone takes it. Even if it's risky, even if you have natural antibodies, even if it doesn't stop the transmission, you take it.
– Wait, but you said it stopped the transfer.
– Oh, did I? Oopsie!
– No, I don't think I'm getting that jab now.
– Well, what if I offer you some tasty French fries?
– Okay, well, what if I throw a single glazed donut?
– You are a tough negotiator. Well, what if I give you a chance to win $1 million?
I feel like you're just trying to exploit my desperation at this point. Look, this is about bodily autonomy.
– No, there is no such thing. We checked that.
– With whom?
– The experts, of course. You know what. What if I seduced you into not losing your job.
– So it's going to be mandatory?
– Oh, no one obliges anything. It's entirely up to you whether you take the jab or lose your job and become a despised pariah, unworthy of basic decency or life-saving organ transplants.
– Yes, I feel like you're forcing me to take this jab.
– No one is forcing you. Just take the jab.
I'm not going to take the vaccine.
– Just take the Jab.
– I feel like I'm being forced.
– (picks up gun) Take. The. Prick.
–No. You know what? I don't deserve this. I have a right to my own body. Maybe I'll protest.
– Yes, that's fun. Do you like to have a bank account?
– I'm just asking. Do you like to have access to the money in your bank account?
– What do you mean by that?
I'm just saying that there's no reason to be afraid of a needle. Nothing to do with it. It is the only way to stop this pandemic.
– But you said it doesn't stop the transfer.
– That makes no sense.
– (Mumbling: Some people are so stupid). You don't trust science enough. Look, it's not me who says you should take the job. It's actually your sister Sarah.
–Yes. Your sister Sarah wants everyone who comes to her wedding to be vaccinated. So she's working for me now.
– Oh, God. I mean, you only experience something like that once in your life, I have to be there. Okay, then take the vaccine anyway.
(takes shot, falls to the ground)
– Well, what a coincidence! (Running away:) Where are the children?
Woke wappies don't make jokes
I recognize my reluctance in what John Cleese says about humor in these irritable times. Maybe it hurts someone. But what remains of humor, of creativity in general, if you first have to file off the possibly sharp edges everywhere? That leaves state comedians on state broadcasters.
Ah, in their own way also quite nice. But then we can too?!
It was Christmas morning when in 2020
I remember it so well
All streets were empty
But at wappie, that crazy viruswappie
A lot of visitors, because he knew that he did not get corona
Our wappie, does not believe in corona
That's all made up, it's one big conspiracy.
So wappie also protests very often
And then he blows a whistle and then he hits a pot.
And he had even gone to The Hague.
When Rutte made that speech
He was banging on a pan all evening.
He didn't know why he did that either.
But he does not stick to one and a half meters because
That doesn't bother you
It was Christmas Day
And wappie sat at the table
With about 20 friends
Cosier than ever
He had no dinner, wappie hadn't been able to cook
Because he had accidentally thrown his pans into the court pond.
Our wappie, that little crazy wappie
He said that he had met an angel at Christmas.
And that angel, is against vaccination
And politicians who lie and drink baby blood
Wappie had even been in The Hague
Mark Rutte who was speaking at the time
Wappie was hitting a pan very hard
He has disturbed everything nicely
Wappie thinks it's big nonsense and the whole country
Heard him
It was Boxing Day
And wappie got a cough
And soon the sweating started, so he went to the ICU
And it went very fast and on his last breath I said
Wappie, I thought you didn't do corona
In this song, people who are genuinely distraught by the worries and government interference in their lives are worn out for fools. A stereotype is set that does not know that he / she can get corona.
Youp also thinks that a disease is a matter of faith. Apparently you have to believe in Corona.
Conspiracies? The most important of the conspiracy theories that were circulating at the time of this song are now recognized collaborations.
Peaceful demonstrations are ridiculed. Too little violence probably used.
Wappies also know why they are demonstrating. And a meter and a half outside does not really fascinate an ass – but of course Youp did it himself in his pants ...
And Youp has to chuckle when his Wappie dies of corona. Just right. Nice, huh?
It was Boxing Day
And wappie got a cough
And soon the sweating started, so he went to the ICU
And it went very fast and on his last breath I said
Wappie, I thought you didn't do corona
That Joep, always laughing with him.
On the site of RTL the following was reported about our of course timely and often vaccinated / boosted Joep:
"It has been an eventful time for Youp van 't Hek (66). The comedian was diagnosed with the coronavirus two weeks ago. He gives an update on his health this week in the 'VARAgids': "All the doctors say I've been lucky." "
He was "lucky" that old comedian even though it was a "hell" that "dreaded" illness according to Joep.
Scientifically determined by doctors of course.
Fortunately, he was vaccinated and was the disease now mild for him?
No, our smart Joep is not a Wappie.
Joep mainly goes for Flappie(s) at Christmas.
Youp was always ahead of his time. In March 2020, he already had a mild variant!
Why do you suggest that van het Hek was 'of course vaccinated/boosted in time and often'. That message you are referring to had the date April 2, 2020!
And that song was over a year ago.
That doesn't make the song – as far as I'm concerned – any less disgusting, let there be no misunderstanding about that. But what you are doing here is – to put it kindly – not neat. I got the impression that Joep van het Hek had recently, and despite injections and boosters, been in the hospital because of a corona infection.
I wonder if Mr. van het Hek and the makers of 'even tot hier ́ find it such a funny song . . . Or would they hide behind the well-known with-the-knowledge-of-now argument? (Knowledge, which, by the way, was there a year ago.)
to figures like joupie?
as hard and as often as possible....
No, listen to Mattias Desmet: keep speaking with peace and reason... 😉
yes, continue to speak with peace and reason, and in the meantime keep hitting, as hard as possible..
Unvaccinated people have been so completely ridiculed and discriminated against that, as far as I'm concerned, any humorous counter-mockery is completely justified. Who are stupid?
I always have to laugh at the idea that there are hordes of people who are going to laughingly get a 4th and 5th jab under emergency approval, for something that is now less serious than the flu, but that we are the ones who are off the path, that we are the twisted wappies.
I hope that they will soon find the independent thinking ability, I am afraid that we will need it next autumn.
I don't find the video that funny or shocking, by the way. It's too close to the truth to continue as a joke. It is wmbt a nice summary of the past 2 years.
I had to laugh at the last sentence. It is absurd (but unfortunately also true).
Just that – too close to the truth.
Poe het is allemaal heftig hoor. Het heftigste vind ik persoonlijk het schaamteloze bedrog, het dwingen tot ongezond dragen van mondkapjes, ongezonde farmaprikken, het liegen over zowel de effecten als de bijwerkingen daarvan, het verdraaien, het verdonkeremanen van data, het op slinkse wijze ontspringen van de verantwoordelijkheid (eerst met een grote mond doen alsof je als groots bewindsman met navenant ego je ‘verantwoordelijkheid’ neemt maar daarna wegduiken en sjoemelen als je echt verantwoording moet afleggen). Ja… dat alles vind ik het heftigst. En dat Youp van ’t Hek smakeloze grapjes maakt, dat vind ik niet zo heftig. Dat ben ik van hem gewend al sinds die zelfingenomen grappenmaker in opkomst is, wanner was het jaren ’90? Ik heb zijn ‘grappen’ altijd al lelijk en lomp gevonden. Smakeloos en liefdeloos. Ik heb hem nooit leuk gevonden. Ik mis bij hem de spitsvondigheid. Een stukje verkapte intelligentie en humor of satire achter een grap. Nee Youp luidde een nieuw soort grappen in: die van zo lomp als je maar halen kan dan is het leuk. En de massa vond het ook leuk. What you watch is what you get. Nou ik niet. Hier zeg ik, als koekje van eigen deeg, @Youp: hee Youp ik vind jou een stomme lul. Youp je bent een oude piszak die overstroomt van zure humor en onverwerkte frustraties die je uitkotst over je teveel voor de kaartjes betalende publiek. Ja Youp leuklomp doen kunnen we allemaal. En succes met je bloedwaarden hoor, je hebt wel lef dat moet ik je nageven dat je zomaar die experimentele rotzooi in je lijf durft te laten spuiten die de farmacie in een oogwenk ontwikkeld heeft en na juridische onderhandeling over zero-aansprakelijkheid over de bevolking uitgekiept heeft. Ja Youp, een grote bek heb je maar toch dus ook wel lef.
youpy is not called guts.
he's just too stupid to realize what's going on...
I really only liked Youp in Flodder.
I reported here a while back where the video comes from. This report was censored because the source comes from something that Big Tech systematically blocks. Probably blocked from above, but nevertheless serious. I'll try again now, but in a separate reaction(s). See what happens....
The video comes from Harrison Smith, american journal presenter of prohibited website hereinafter referred to as.
Harrison Smith works and his channel broadcasts via infowars of Alex Jones.
You've probably been seen as a spammer. If you have a link with relevant information (so more than just bad infowars outrage), please place it dysfunctionally, for example with commas or spaces instead of periods.
– Your question was 'who knows who made this video?'. I had answered that briefly and concisely.
– I had no links, because I know that they rarely pass censorship anyway – especially at the relevant channel. A waste of my effort then. People who want to end up there can go via duckduckgo.
– Precisely that being seen as a 'spammer' is disturbing, because it only happens with very specific links that should not exist from the official narrative. How is spam determined?!?
– it's a pity that you write off an entire whistleblower channel as 'evil indignation'. I do not agree with many of their cases, but whistleblowers often end up there, because they are heard there. The video that you find so striking (and so do I) comes from there. It was probably placed here precisely because the source was not known and the content could therefore be judged purely on the content.
Maybe it was because of your email address, I don't know. As for those links, it's just about dropping any links, not "certain" links.
But this isn't Harrison Smith, is it? Or did he write the script?
I don't write off an entire channel, there are important videos in between, that's why I also ask for your link. Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of Alex Jones – but everyone has their own thing.
I'm pretty sure it's Harrison Smith. He has dressed up well for the sketch 🙂
The video in question is from a very long time ago. I saw him at the time of his broadcast, but which one that was again ...
My opinion of Alex varies a lot – depending on the subject. I don't need the right-wing Christian transphobic talk, but in terms of big tech censorship and false flags, he's often damn good. Also in terms of covid, they have been right from the beginning.
Thanks to them, I did not allow myself to be injected with the poison for which, as far as I am concerned, Nuremberg should still be held criminally accountable.
Indeed, it is it! I think we agree on Alex Jones.