In the previous post One question remained unanswered: the vaccination status of test subjects who, after fruitless attempts to infect them, spontaneously contracted a corona infection. A table column in an appendix had escaped my attention, for which I apologize. This has been corrected, thanks to Cees Mul: the unvaccinated in this study were better protected, more than 4 times as good.
Of the 9 subjects with natural immunity, 1 contracted an infection (11%).
Of the 27 who had had both vaccinations and an infection, 13 had contracted another infection during that period (48%). More than four times as much.
Subjects | Corona infection contracted | No corona infection | Total |
Not vaccinated | 1 | 8 | 9 |
Vaccinated | 13 | 14 | 27 |
Total | 14 | 22 | 36 |
One subject, with basic series in group 1×102, became infected twice in the follow-up period. (See the previous post for info on dosages)
The severity of the symptoms was classified as Mild, Moderate and Severe. All but one of the subjects had mild symptoms. The one with Moderate symptoms was one of the 6 boosters.
Other than that, the dose didn't really seem to make much of a difference either:
- 1×10 am1: 2x Mild symptoms
- 1×10 am2: 6x Mild symptoms
- 1×10 am3: 3x Mild symptoms
- 1×10 am4: 3x Mild symptoms
- 1×10 am5: 1x Moderate symptoms

The appendix:
The p-value achieved with these 9 unvaccinated subjects and 1 infection yields a non-significant difference: p=0.062 (Fisher's Exact Test). That p must be lower than 0.05. So that's borderline. For example, if the group of unvaccinated people had consisted of 18 people with 2 infections, then the result would have been convincing and statistically significant.
Ashes are burnt peat, but with the mechanistic explanations we have (see below) this result is at least indicative or suggestive. And we also have previous studies (including the two Cleveland studies mentioned) that showed the increased susceptibility after vaccinations. So there is every reason to insist on follow-up research with slightly larger numbers.
There was no mention of this in the report. It is not the first time that interesting figures have been left undiscussed. Researchers measure it, put it in a table somewhere, and avoid pointing it out in the Summary or even in the Discussion. That could jeopardize publication.
Follow-up research is crucial
- It is important whether the first acquaintance with the spike protein was through natural infection or through the injection. The first exposure to a virus affects the immunological outcomes of subsequent exposures to antigenically related strains. In Sweden, the virus circulated more before vaccination was introduced. Excess mortality follows a different pattern. Who knows, they may have found something with this study.
Persistent immune imprinting after booster (article from
Omicron breakthrough infections after booster and bivalent COVID-19 vaccination primarily evoke cross-reactive memory B cells induced by prior Wuhan-Hu-1 spike mRNA vaccination rather than priming Omicron-specific naïve B cells.
In het kort: vaccinaties hebben het ongetrainde immuunsysteem onklaar gemaakt tegen latere corona-infecties. De neus is initieel de verkeerde kant op gezet. Kan dit verklaren dat Zweden een ander oversterftepatroon heeft, omdat daar de infecties al voorafgingen aan de vaccinaties? - The more than four times higher risk of a corona infection may apply to people whose specific immune system against coronaviruses has only been derailed by the vaccinations. Purely corona-related, antigenically related.
Dit sluit niet uit dat het immuunsysteem in bredere zin is verstoord. Zou het immuunsysteem na deze ervaring ook niet anders reageren op willekeurige andere virale en bacteriële infecties: gonorroe, syfilis, kinkhoest, gordelroos, verkoudheid, griep etc? (IgG shift).
We weten het niet. Een groot deel van de wereldbevolking is er mee geïnjecteerd. In deze studie kreeg bijna de helft van de gevaccineerden opnieuw een corona-infectie, tegen 1 op de 10 niet-gevaccineerden. Worden er geen aanstalten gemaakt om hierover meer te weten te komen? - The immune system has evolved to deal with integral viruses, bacteria and fungi and now suddenly receives an attack via the injection from the flank, around the mucosal defenses, with an ingredient surreptitiously inserted into the bloodstream (yes also via muscles) that evades detection thanks to the ingenious LNP packaging.
So it seems to the immune system as if the cells themselves spontaneously mutiny in all kinds of places in the body. What to do? Changing your defensive strategy because of this unexpected twist?
Immunosuppression is then obvious: the immune system puts itself on the back burner so as not to trigger one infection after another and thus cause even more damage to its own body. As a result, the signaling of tumor cells, which are normally effectively destroyed and disposed of, also weakens. Are cancer developments properly monitored for this?
These are just a few questions in response to a study with obsolete virus strains of a disease that no longer represents anything. The priorities for these researchers are not where they should be – at least not in the formal reporting.
We zien dat dan maar als een Trojaans paard voor de onderliggende data. Moeten we wetenschappelijke stukken werkelijk gaan lezen als gecodeerde boodschappen…?
This was in addition to this previous post.
Beautiful. I got it again from Substack. There I subscribe to a number of very good sites, including Jonathan Engler's. There seem to be quite a lot of people working on it, but I fear that it is only a small part of the entire population. Just saw that Wendy Mittemeijer has been removed from Linkedin again. This is worrisome.
The fiddling with immune systems through vaccinations seems scientific, but it is not. They just do whatever they want, with the mRNA 'vaccines' as the low point. Apparently, Bill Gates is now selling it (see John Campbell). We must never get sick again. That seems to me to be a very bad strategy. Life-threatening, in fact. Bill wants to fill the whole world with mRNA factories. See his TED talk:
I think the artificially fuelled fear of viruses and other pathogens is the real problem. And there's a whole industry behind that.
Also read Dissolving iIlusions by Suzanne Humphries (via the Vaccin Vrij foundation). If anyone can explain to me that it's all nonsense what it says, I'd love to hear it. But substantiated with facts...
“Dit sluit niet uit dat het immuunsysteem in bredere zin is verstoord.”
Uiteraard is dit het geval. Spike-eiwit blokkeert functie van enzym ACE2. ACE2 is al ruim 20 jaar de bekende receptor voor coronavirus Spike-eiwit (cq. SARS1/MERS). Aangezien coronavirussen al honderd jaar bekend zijn, is ACE2 sindsdien met 99% zekerheid dezelfde receptor. Ergo, gezonde mensen hebben natuurlijke afweert tegen coronavirussen.
Maar dan Spike-eiwit productie na corona modRNA spuitje. Dat Spike-eiwit bindt ook aan ACE2, maar wordt door modificatie NIET verder verwerkt. ACE2 is dus blijvend niet functioneel.
Effect van uitschakelen ACE2 functie is bekend via knock-out modellen en bevat lange lijsten aan problemen: meer infecties, meer hart-/vaat-/long-vaatziekten, leverziekten, nierziekten, diabetes, doodgeborenen, etc etc.: