If internationally and globally operating institutions continue to expand their power, things will inevitably go wrong. @JillianMichaels put it all in the video: Big Farming makes the cheap bad calories, Big Food makes it addictive and even more unhealthy, Big Pharma then provides the matching medicines and Big Insurance spins yarn on the side. This requires a system revolution.
Trump and Kennedy to the rescue! If they deliver even half of what they set out to do, we will experience something unique: a revolution without bloodshed.
During the corona crisis years, the power grabs were not off the air. Organizations that find a large public reach important, such as the WEF and the WHO, saw their opportunity and blew the whistle. Other organizations didn't need that audience because they already have direct access behind the scenes at the government level. The UN and NATO, for example, which, like the WEF/WHO, like to bind politicians to them because of the European and/or global responsibilities that they feel are weighing on their shoulders and that they have to give substance to. This is only possible with strong control over the member countries. But how do you get a grip on that as a warhawk, with all those half-hearted pacifists in Europe?
The theme of Health turned out to be a perfect means of pressure during Corona - just think of the face mask experiment. As a government, you can instill fear, you can threaten death, you can threaten the death of family members, you can disregard human rights, you can control justice, arrest people for nothing – and all within the rules of the law, on one condition: that you can pull the health trump card.
This offers perspective for everyone who is forced to coerce and enforce for the higher good. So then the question becomes: how can a peace/war organization like NATO with good decency use 'health' as an argument? How do we make that connection?
They won't easily get the public to come up with a slogan like "War is bad for your health."
These bioweapons could be a link to health interference. If you ever get into a bio-war, the entire population needs to be immunized quickly. Then you do end up in the healthcare domain via the hand-rubbing pharmaceutical companies, but that is not a useful connection at the moment. No one needs to know that about these bioweapons, that is not good for the image and certainly still contains the danger of a reference to Wuhan, which would be a pity. Those conspiracy theorists get the weirdest things in their heads: America working on bioweapons in China together with the Chinese... Ridiculous.
The pharmaceutical/military-industrial complex had other ruses to try, including enshrining disciplinary measures such as lockdowns, isolation, masks, and vaccinations into law. But in a Health Act. Such a lockdown/isolation/vaccination operation must be internationally coordinated and strictly enforced, and that requires decisive, large-scale, uniform preparedness. Such disciplinary measures have to be coerced, there is no other way.
If one country were to include this in the law, it would open the doors to other NATO countries via the various NCTVs and so the ripe apple would eventually fall into the basket itself. So it's worth a try. But what useful idiot lends himself to that? Then you need someone with a backbone of putty.
Then Rutte came by, with his WEF bag.
He was in favour of it, there were opportunities there. With the amended WPG and the 'Pandemic Preparedness' policy programme, the military thus got its first foot in the door and pharma looked on approvingly. And so NATO boss Rutte can proudly put the Netherlands back on the map as a leading country...
Minister Kuipers, who insisted on keeping Covid on the list of serious A1 diseases and thus begged the WPG including enforceable 'nonsense measures' through the Chambers, could perhaps tell more about it, but after his efforts he has suddenly left for a very distant country from which not known whether it has an extradition treaty with the Netherlands.
The system needs to be completely overhauled. Elites must be dethroned. This is called a revolution, and revolutions are often accompanied by uprisings and civil wars: violence. The best-case scenario is hopefully about to begin. That can show that it can also be done through a democratic process.
I fear that we have little to expect from America. In other words: just as much as here from Wilders1.
The future will tell, we keep hope.....
We'll see. Here, everyone is stuck in the system, it seems as if things are different there. Fingers crossed.