The International Covid Summit III was held 2-4 May in Brussels, in the European Parliament building. All scientific corona-critical leaders were present. There have been 'dissident' parliamentarians in the European Parliament for some time now, who have made no bones about it. By tolerating these MEPs, the EP will not be able to be accused of censorship. No one is worried about that because collectively ignoring those sounds is proving effective, especially since the media likes to participate in it. If you have so much butter on your head, that's the way to go: pray for it to blow over.

These conferences and meetings are held regularly. There is rarely anything new for those who follow the content of people like Alex Berenson, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Maurice de Hond, Jan Bonte, John Campbell etc. etc.
Looking ON and Blackbox also helps. But it's not about surprises. This waving of red flags is a manifestation of the scientific state of affairs, which is given extra status thanks to the signature of the European Parliament – you would think...
Usefulness and necessity
To what extent people are informed who were already uninformed is the question – but it has to be done and it is important that the sound of resistance is louder and louder, from more and larger stages. For the dissidents themselves, it is a great opportunity to summarize for each other what they are doing, although it is gradually becoming so many that you can hardly call them 'dissidents' anymore. And what can these scientists do other than organize media moments, demand attention and emphasize seriousness? Just as more than 80 years ago the imminent takeover by the Germans apparently pleased most people, the immorality of science, power and capital now seems to interest few people. If it did, the whole problem couldn't have gotten so big. Also read what Maurice writes about this.
Personal note about usefulness and necessity: I have no illusion that my blog will make a difference. But I refuse to passively watch, dive or look away and later have to conclude that since 2021 I have actually been a kind of NSB employee, or not even that, because at least they still went for something. The sheep, the waiters, those who would rather not know about it, that is the group that allows what should not happen to happen. So: keep speaking, keep pushing! Try to interest others. Join us too. Inform yourself well and take a stand. If it eats away at you too much or whatever, at least sign petitions and declarations that appeal to you, that doesn't take much time. Do not be afraid of oppression; They're going to lose. You can use the ICS3 declaration (translation at the bottom of the box) sign on the ICS website.
The core of the Summit
From video recording of the meeting takes over eight and a half hours. It is a series of scientific presentations by European scientists. Each demonstrates the harmfulness and lethality of the vaccines from their own field, especially medics and statisticians. The system corruption is exposed, also on the basis of FOIA (WOB) documents. There are calls to stop the injection immediately, among others by Theo Schetters. Terms such as legal responsibility, liability and the failure of regulators also come up. Read the declaration and discover even more terms that have found their way from the wappie world to the European Parliament. Surely you would say: Big News!?
Media impact
What has appeared in the Fake Stream Media about this big conference? Nothing at all yet. A tour of the home pages of VK, NRC, AD, Telegraaf shows: Not a word about this conference, as if the EU and the EC are not important to the Netherlands. As if the corona crisis has no impact on the population.
Perhaps the journalists waited for this morning's press conference in the hope of being able to copy-paste a ready-made piece from ANP or Reuters. After all, that is safe.
This systematic ignoring shows the system corruption in all its glory.
Shameful interpreters
I also have to say the following, because it is so telling. In the introduction to the video, it is announced that the entire conference can be listened to in seven languages. There are only six of them, Dutch is no longer one of them. There was live interpretation, but the interpreters knew nothing about the subject matter, which is quite annoying when translating scientific presentations.
During a presentation about the decreased birth rates since 2021, things went wrong: the interpreters giggled when it came to the damage to reproductive organs. The "unexplained" decline in birth rates and increased perinatal mortality led to the weak laugh, presumably because the word "testicles" came up repeatedly. It just shows how people can stand in it and at what level they are engaged. The Dutch interpreter translation may not have been included in the video for this reason. But even that is not newsworthy: after all, it could attract attention!
Below is the declaration.
We, the people of the world, declare that we have the power and obligation to reject tyranny and a duty to vigorously protect the rights granted by those who have gone before us.
We Population of the world, demand the immediate cessation of all oppressive, segregating, dystopian, tyrannical and divisive mandates imposed worldwide under the guise of a declared pandemic.
We Population of the world, demand that governments return all powers to medical and scientific professionals to treat patients on the basis of science, knowledge and experience rather than on the basis of mandates imposed.
We Population of the world, demand that the doctor-patient relationship be restored by allowing all medical professionals to practice their profession without fear of punishment.
We Population of the world, demand the freedom to choose our own medical treatments based on uncensored and transparent scientific data and research that is free from coercion, punishment or threat.
We Population of the world, demand the right to refuse medical treatment based on health, conscience or religious beliefs and demand that our violated rights to bodily autonomy be returned immediately.
We Population of the world, demand that all jobs that were terminated due to the refusal to take an experimental drug be restored immediately.
We Population of the world, demand the immediate cessation of mandates and coercion that impose medical interventions on children without the explicit consent of the parents.
We Population of the world, demand the immediate release of the medical and scientific data and statistics of all vaccines and medicines prescribed during this declared pandemic.
We Population of the world, enforce Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code which states that: Under no circumstances shall a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority supersede the informed consent of an individual.
We Population of the world, demand that all liability be imposed on the drug manufacturers and that they be held responsible for all deaths and injuries caused by the drugs.
We Population of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that every guilty person be punished and convicted for any death and/or injury caused by the mandates or coercion, including all suicides.
We Population of the world, declare that it is our inalienable right and duty to demand immediately the return of our freedoms, truth, freedoms and our right to the pursuit of happiness.
It is our duty and right to restore our world by taking away the power of the destructive leaders and returning it to the people. We have been called to fight for our freedoms to prevent our world from being overrun by selfish and corrupt hands. Thanks to those before us, we are born free and it is our duty to protect our children and leave them a world where their freedoms and rights are intact.
Any rights we give up will be lost forever. We can't let that happen.
Let this be our legacy. United we will win.
You can use the declaration sign here.
Heard on the radio news that the source and contact investigation has proved useless.
Nice, that waste of money.
Just looked up the article
Well, that impression has already been confirmed. What has actually been useful? By the way, "not useful" is an understatement. Waste of taxpayers' money without any accountability.
Anton, thank you again for your clear story.
Don't be discouraged.
Your seeds planted with people really come out.
Not today, but tomorrow.
It just has to get a lot crazier, I'm afraid, before a lot of people start opening their eyes.
I shared your story, of course.
Not by pressing the 'share' button, but by pasting your link on my social media and referring to your blogs. And of course signed the petition.
Keep up the good work, thank you!
Best regards, Sandra
Great to hear Sandra, thank you!
Thanks again for this story! I keep sharing your stories on my social
There will be a few who will open their eyes because of this, is my hope!
And of course signed the declaration.
Keep up the good work please !
Greetings Miranda
Thanks Miranda!
Keep up the good work!! Thanks for your good work.
It is sad to realize that Corona is just one of the files in which we are similarly deceived by the system corruption of false leaders, ditto media and interested mega-players. Think of all the monetary mismanagement that eats away at the euro and with it our pension pot, the warmongering, the climate religion. I hope so, Anton, that you're right about that one line you write above: "Don't be afraid of oppression; They're going to lose." Funny also that you compare it to the invasion by Nazi Germany, which took place in 1940. I sometimes compare the current situation to that when people say to me: don't worry, you can't change it anyway. Then I ask them if they would have said the same thing in 1940. Because they couldn't change that. But would they really not have bothered? I have to ask my mother, how that actually went in those days. Maybe exactly the same. Weird.
Indeed, the utter uselessness of newspapers (both print and online) and most social media is bizarre. Usually you don't see anything of a mentioned event, or it is heavily framed, twisted or at best dismissed with a few lines.
Only Twitter gives iha a complete openness, but it is quite a job to set up your own bubble properly, that is not for everyone. I think it's also a lot of disinterest from most people. Bread and games still win out.