I have often referred to the book The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy. There is now also a film. The Fauci movie can be watched online for FREE until October 27. He is in English, no DUTCH subtitles (yet).
The trailer and the registration form can be found here: The Real Anthony Fauci (therealanthonyfaucimovie.com) if you have the fomulier you can look right away. The film lasts 1 hour and 50 minutes.
Watch the film now and share the news. The limited availability is of course just a sales trick but honestly I hope it works. And the urgency alone justifies it. Everyone will have to be informed as soon as possible. (I experienced things again this weekend... it's unbelievable how poorly people are informed.)
I registered and got instant access. I look at it for half an hour now, I have every confidence that the rest is also good. Look! Pass it on to your friends and share!
(What impressed the most in the book begins in the movie at 1:28.40)

Fauci movie watched. No discussion about the Covid narrative. The HIV/Aids story is new to me. There is quite a lot of claim there. Don't just take that as truth. But can't rule it out either. In other words: homework.
I also found that the most shocking thing about the book. Kennedy has not been dealt with legally. There are witnesses, there is evidence. He just can't get through it.