Two years ago, the Eucalyptic Society in this article with the prophetic words: "It is unacceptable when governments, institutions and press get away with "wir haben es nicht gewusst"... It is time to hold people firmly responsible for all the suffering that has been caused. If the Republicans come to power in the United States, it is not excluded that Fauci will go to prison for life. And rightly so." And now, two years later, after a damning report from the official American Covid Commission, Joe Biden is actually considering granting amnesty to Anthony Fauci. The "Pandemic Amnesty" is in full swing – but again no attention in the Dutch media after this new stunt by the Democrats. In a moment, some clarification from abroad, from Ivor Chudov.
But first: would Fauci manage to get away with this? He apparently has a lot on his record and Biden knows about it, otherwise the amnesty would not be necessary. De Capo protects an important accomplice. Fauci is an essential link between the top of government institutions on the one hand and the fieldwork in the labs on the other. Possibly Ralph Baric too, because he remains remarkably unaffected in the report of the Covid Select Committee. State interest perhaps?
It is entirely questionable whether we will ever find out to what extent the highest top, the secret services and the Ministry of Defense, eyeing bioweapons, commissioned the virus handymen in Wuhan. That really seems like a case of 'classified information' to me. In any case, they wisely kept an appropriate distance and never wanted to know the details of what exactly was happening in the workplace. If you are a bit slow to understand, you easily go along with it: "they are not guilty because they had no idea what exactly happened." No, no...
In any case, it is true that they had no overview and that there was no supervision, that is what is in the report confirmed. Fauci was also not well informed, everything shows. Why would he want to know? He is not a micro manager. The fewer details the better. Fauci (and also Daszak) thought it might be too dangerous to know the ins and outs of it. That could only suggest involvement.
And now the last lines are being cut to those 'above' them, the institutions with the real interests and the deepest pockets.
Fauci's protégés ('under' him) will want to shift their own responsibility by throwing him under the bus – and nothing can happen to him. We will see to what extent this is accepted.
Biowapenprogramma of niet, we zullen het nooit weten als een paar toppers hun mond houden. <sarc>En dat is maar beter ook want wie wil het belang van de Staat nou schaden, toch? Dat is anti-institutioneel! En voor het belang van de virologie geldt hetzelfde. Net als voor de vaccinatiebereidheid! </sarc>
Translation of a Substack article by Igor Chudov
06 Dec 2024
Despite Previous promises never to do something so unacceptable, Joe Biden has given his son Hunter pardoned for all the federal crimes he has committed. While the pardon isn't very "virtuous," it's understandable: For years, Joe and Hunter ran an international scam, with Hunter Biden receiving money meant to be shared with "The Big Guy”. Joe and Hunter therefore benefit from the pardon together.
Hunter's ways of receiving money were almost comical. His amateur paintings fetched millions. Among the buyers were large donors to the Democratic party who were looking for certain favors from the president.
[Note vv: The full and unconditional 'pardon' for federal tax and weapons crimes starts retroactively from 2014 to December 1, 2024. The pardon applies to violations that he "has committed or may have committed or in which he may have participated". 2014 is the year in which Biden Jr. joined the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. 2014, the year of the Maidan revolution. (source)]
Finally a good way to sell your amateur paintings for top money
Many people love to draw, paint or make art in any other way. Sometimes we wonder how great it would be to make some money selling those creations, for top prices of course?
Well, one private person has figured out how to sell his self-made art! The best way to do that, it turns out, is to be a son of the president of the US.
Read more about Igor Chudov's Substack
But so is Fauci!?
Now this is not a political blog and I wouldn't spend energy on such things if it weren't for today's news. Politico reports namely, that Joe Biden is also considering pardoning no one other than Dr. Anthony Fauci (paywall-free link):

Anthony Fauci, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who became a lightning rod for criticism from the right during the Covid-19 pandemic, is also being named by Biden's aides for a pardon.
The effort to pardon Fauci and other officials is being led by none other than Jeff Zients of the White House. Do you remember him? In 2021, Mr Zients talked about "the winter of illness and death for the unvaccinated". [see video in the original article, doesn't add much else]
Strikingly, the pardon proposal does not provide details about the specific crimes that would be pardoned; instead, the pardon would protect the person from all Persecutions. Such a general pardon is unprecedented. The legality or even logical validity of such a general pardon is questionable:

Can a president exempt someone from responsibility for all possible Crimes? Joe Biden and his henchmen don't seem to care about such secretive questions and protect themselves from future prosecutions for crimes they know occurred that they don't want to openly admit.
Do you remember "Pandemic amnesty" and "forgiveness"? Apparently, such a self-granted amnesty is underway, skipping the forgiveness part for convenience.
Will Dr. Fauci escape legal responsibility for the crimes that are the reason for his pardon?
Let us know what you think!

How can someone be pardoned who has not yet been convicted?
Or will he be pardoned in advance for everything he has done and still does?
Is that legally feasible?
Yes, you can. Trump did it too with Steve Bannon, who had not yet been convicted either. To us that sounds more like "amnesty" but it works the same.
If he is pardoned for everything for a whole period of time – just like the Biden crack and whore scion – then they will eventually hang up too (proverbially of course, it's not Nuremberg here – imagine). They cannot then invoke the right to remain silent during interrogations by Congress.
If they lie, it will be discovered and it will be a new crime after the pardon period. Who knows.
They can checkmate themselves in so many ways.
I have no illusion that the straw men of the real unscrupulous will be hanged or sacrificed, because then the entire WEF house of cards would collapse. As soon as a few leaders die in the light, it has major consequences for the men in the dark.
Also so. We'll see!
All politicians are rotten and corrupt to the core, no matter who pulls the strings. They always get away with their crimes and corruption. They don't serve humanity, they only serve themselves and their crooks, friends of the WEF. It will not change as long as these clubs will continue to exist. But there are more of these clubs that want to decimate humanity, so there is still a lot of work to do for the time being to dismantle all these criminal clubs, so that we humans can break free from the slavery that these clubs impose on us. But fortunately another dictator has been overthrown in Syria, who is next?
I consider that Covid was intended to decimate the population as a myth. There is nothing to indicate that and I am not averse to plausible scenarios. I am even accused of going too far in that. Other than that, I can follow you.
Hi Anton, you don't think covid was meant to decimate the population?
In the short term, I agree with you. But Covid itself was not the means to the end, that is the vaccinations. Covid was only the scare maker that made everything possible. If you see the extent to which the vaccinations have gone off the rails, I can only conclude that it is intended for thinning out the population, which has even been confirmed by some W3F members. The facts, You see an explosion of cancer cases after vaccinations, an explosion of health diseases due to increasingly poorly manufactured food and irresponsible use of dangerous nature-destroying and widely pathogenic pesticides and agricultural seed pesticides. And much more and as icing on the cake, an excess mortality of 20%. So I see an elephant in the room where you may stop at Covid yourself in this column? Covid was just a tool, a tool with tentacles that intervene everywhere like the EU that can siphon off hundreds of billions under the guise of Covid, the corruption around Covid is gigantic and far from fully visible or even comprehensible. And much more. The Covid pandemic itself is a joke compared to the bycatch. But that's my amateurish analysis 🙂
I think it's more likely that the pharmaceutical companies saw a golden opportunity to get their doomed mRNA platform through and tackle its teething problems after the rollout. The product was simply far from finished, the experiments gave poor results.
They have not stipulated indemnification for nothing.
In the very beginning, they were still interested in cases of vaccine damage, but that soon turned into a disaster and then they switched to the denial strategy.
The vaccines came too late and too little in the beginning, the DNA contamination is uncontrolled, the quality differs per batch etc., it is far too big a mess to be able to speak of a planned operation. The bioweapon was simply far from ready. Because I find it very plausible that it is about bioweapon development. So no, it doesn't stop with Covid.
Such a WEF is a club of power-hungry opportunists who seize on every instability to centralize power and get it in the clutches. But the real power is in America, with the government and institutions (Secretary of Defense, CIA, NATO, war lobby). WEF is certainly an elite-binding and empowering element, but not the instigator.
I completely agree with you that it went sloppy and it seems to have failed as you seem to indicate with the facts. But I see the great success they have achieved and how they have completely empowered and convinced people and media to this day. Most of them don't even realize that they are at a club that is equal to or worse than the NSB in the war. There is not one Hitler now, but a thousand who control everything. And that the execution seems so amateurish... They are mainly civil servants in that implementation, have they ever done something with great success? I'm one myself and know all about it.
The result remains that almost the entire world population is heavily infected by vaccines with, among other things, spike proteins that never go away and still achieve results in the long run and the media and government on a global scale is still largely completely in their power, what more do you want as intensely bad people. Stopping vaccination will take years and cost millions of victims. I see the Covid 19 project as 100% successful. The only hope now is Trump who can possibly stop and hopefully destroy the train, the latter requires, I think, 10 Trumps. I also see W3F only as the association and not evil itself, that's clear 🙂 to me too. It's just easy to use as a collective name for the deepstate club. The 2nd hope for a good future is ourselves.
In any case, we agree that Covid did not have the goal but did provide the opportunity for globalist and institutional power grabs.
Ik heb de verkorte vertaalde samenvatting gelezen van het rapport (dank voor het plaatsen en vertalen) en het meeste van wat ik las wist ik al in april 2020. Sommige dingen op gevoel andere met verstand verbanden leggen.
These 'pardons' are a cunning political game.
With those exaggerations (such as granting a pardon for people who have not yet been indicted) the Biden regime is looking for the incoming Trump regime to challenge this at the US Supreme Court. This means: that court must come up with a binding ruling on (the limitation of) the authority of the American president according to the constitution. But the president is Trump at that time, who himself is also carrying a number of legal conflicts in his wake. So Trump is put on the spot. Won't Trump himself be the victim of such a ruling?
Fauci is just a pawn in the game. By the way, one can always extradite Fauci to another country. After all, his crimes have had worldwide consequences.
Or else there is always Guantanamo Bay where you can dump Fauci, right?
It is far from finished. Because the Demlibs have submitted a counter-paper. With the support of ...................................... Marion Koopmans.
And the Republicans still believe 100% in the vaccines in their report.
So "The Truth" oven table is going to take a while...
Would they really still believe 100 percent in the vaccines? Or there is the fear of huge lawsuits and damages. Or even worse, they are also partly in the vaccine business themselves. I can hardly imagine that they don't know.