Ionization -I wrote one in June blog (with some substantiation) just like extra Vitamin D intake, is easy and cheap to achieve in every home. Scientifically proven effective against Covid-19, how easy can it be. If you were to manage that at the household level, before you know it, the whole country would be virus-poor and much less vulnerable. So I am not even talking about available, effective but unfortunately undesirable medicines, such as Ivermectin.
In terms of medication, there are now (after the first version of this post) other developments are also coming, such as This nasal spray which has already been tested on ferrets (not yet on Fret Grapperhaus, of course) and which ensured that antibodies were formed in the animals while none of the sprayed animals became ill, unlike the control group. The drug changes the targets for the virus.
Information about virus management
A solid information campaign about how people can help protect themselves and therefore others and therefore society, is that so difficult? Yes, because the learned gentlemen stop it... They would only be wrong signposts along the Celestial Path to Vaccination and after all, that was set as a goal early in the year as the only possible resort.
Celebrating Christmas one and a half meters apart does not help one meter against corona infections. A humidifier, an ionizer and a good Vitamin D level, on the other hand, do.
With easy, off-the-shelf deployment Tips (why do you keep taking that 'measures'?) For fighting infections, I really mean 'convenient'. Things like combating obesity may be more important but much more difficult, as is declining the standards in the Building Decree or providing correct information. With a number of quick fixes, the number of infections can be at least halved, is my estimate. Maybe decimated.
Ventilation is of course key. Ionization and Vitamin D are my personal toppers on a list that also includes other obvious convenient quick fixes: CO2 meters, humidifiers, zinc tablets and the like.
But without the blessing of the RIVM popes, there will be no upgrading of the building code, no obesity fighting, no lifestyle improvements, no scientifically substantiated information (let alone useful information campaigns!) so we have to make do with what we have and solve it ourselves.
Below are some immediately applicable methods. For larger rooms, of course, pay attention to the required capacity/quantity of the devices.
Turning on a fan makes no sense; That only moves exhaled air and exacerbates the spread. It's about replacing it with fresh air. Opening or ajar windows against each other is free – minus the cost of wearing an extra sweater. In winter, it can also lead to additional heating costs. Modern ventilation systems can reuse the heat from the exhaust air.
CO2 meters are available from € 50,-. Exhaled air contains CO2. If exhaled air is not sufficiently discharged, the CO2-waarde omhoog. Het is dan tijd om binnenlucht te vervangen door buitenlucht => ventileren.
In air that is too dry and too wet, the virus lingers for a long time. With a hygrometer, you can check whether the humidity remains between 40% and 60%, even when the air conditioning or central heating is on.
From € 10,-.
Allows you to maintain the optimal humidity (40%-60%) indoors, regardless of the temperature or weather. Its also available with built-in hygrometer.
From € 50,-.
In ionized air, the virus does not float. An ionizer provides a virus-free environment, even if the ventilation is not optimal. There are 18 in the House of Representatives. They are also available with built-in CO2meter, hygrometer and/or humidifier. (Read more about ionizers)
From € 50,-
Vitamin D
A healthy lifestyle with the right nutrition and without being overweight is the basis of a strong immune system. You don't just bring your weight up to standard. But there is also a lot of low-hanging fruit. That starts with kiwis, oranges and all those other fruits that provide you with essential vitamins.
An underestimated role in infectious diseases plays Vitamin D, which we mainly make from sunlight. The 'regular' shortage of Vitamin D in autumn/winter is partly to blame for the annual flu wave. For sale at any drugstore (and is easier to absorb together with Vitamin K).
Approx. € 10 per year pp.
Vitamin C is less problematic because you are less likely to be deficient thanks to fruit, vegetables (and possibly vitamin pills) – so eat healthy!
Recent studies also show that virtually all seriously ill Covid patients, apart from being overweight and aged, have one thing in common: low Zinc levels. Although Covid-19 also seems to lower zinc levels, everything indicates that it is better to make sure that your zinc level is up to standard before you contract Covid-19.
Approx. € 15 per year pp.
"The evidence found in the literature shows that a deficiency of one or more of these three elements [Vitamin D, C and Zinc] compromises the immune response, making an individual more vulnerable to viral infections and to a worse disease prognosis."
If you don't take the cheapest of everything, you can make your kitchen/reception area/business space as good as virus-safe for an amount of between € 250 and € 500 and protect yourself, your family and your visitors against infections. Controllable and without any risk of long-term effects. Scientifically proven efficacy, also in future (flu) viruses. Remember that the government's specific corona measures have so far cost approximately € 10,000 per family.
UV-C lamps
UV-C lamps have been used for disinfection purposes for 40 years. In hospitals, operating rooms are sterilized within a few minutes. A surface is made virus-free in 9 seconds. UV-C lamps were mainly used in business environments, because they can be cleaned when no one is present. UV-C light can damage skin and eyes.
The consumer market is now also becoming interesting. Philips/Signify is making progress with, among other things, a table lamp. The lamp has a sensor that automatically turns off when people are nearby. That is also a disadvantage, because it is precisely then that there is a risk of infections.
Wall-mounted luminaires that shield direct light are more effective in this respect. The fixtures hang relatively high on the wall. The ventilation plan must continuously transport the air past it. Also not something that can be done in every home.
"Air purifiers"...?
Air purifiers, air scrubbers: they are devices that suck in air and blow it away cleanly. Because they are closed systems, all the techniques mentioned can be applied and combined. So what should you choose? Considerations are, for example: noise, energy consumption, maintenance (e.g. water supply or filter replacement), capacity vs space.
The combination of ventilation with humidification is always good. Furthermore, there are combinations that I don't really like, such as ionization and UV-C, which seems like a double idea to me. But OK, if you like certainty...
Filters trap the dirt in the device, which has advantages and disadvantages that you can think of yourself.
HEPA filters
If you feel like a filter-based air purifier, make sure you have a HEPA filter. Not all air filters remove particulate matter and viruses from the air. HEPA filters do. They therefore have to be changed from time to time.
Exercise and sports
Lifestyle is long-term work. You don't just tackle your BMI and your condition. Still, you can immediately start walking, cycling, climbing stairs. It is not an 'instant quick fix' but something that allows you to take your resilience more into your own hands.
- You halve the risk of severe Covid-19
- The chance of death is 25% compared to non-movers. That is a reduction of 75%.
More about this in the post about positive tests in Olympic athletes