Jan Bennink discusses a dilemma that has been bothering me for some time: should you continue to argue politely and respectfully, even when you are facing a clique that does not hesitate to cheat? Appointed by a government that has piled on-to-crime and now wants to cover it up, when potentially tens of thousands of lives are involved?
If you lose that respect, you will soon be considered radicalized and disqualify yourself. If you don't, you won't be heard. So I'm happy with a 'madman' like Jan Bennink (he says himself, just read it) who dares to open his mouth. As a communications man, he recognizes the gaslighting patterns and the crookedness in the public messages about Covid.
My patience is running out too. If that revised Nivel report is more of the same, then those learned gentlemen deserve to be driven from square to square on a cart, smeared with pitch and feathers, to be laughed at and taunted. I can't think of any appropriate punishment. Do you want to take a BIG registration? That's not a punishment, that's a safety measure. First a decent refresher course, then we'll talk further. You see: I want to convince them again...
Republication with permission of author Jan Bennink 👇 Do you think his work is good, beautiful or even important? Then share his post as much as possible! You can also support his work with a donation!
About a leveled truth. The atomization of evil.

From the point of view of my old profession, deception and mass psychology, or advertising, I follow the discussion about Ronald Meester's research into excess mortality due to the Covid jabs and the Nivel report that showed strikingly opposite results, with warm interest.
For example, today I listened to the broadcast of theOther Tableat Café Weltschmerz, with Pieter Stuurman, Professor Theo Schetters and Toine de Graaf of the Andere Krant.
From this conversation, I understood that it was used by statistician Maurice de Hond, twitterers such as@dimgrrand scientific greats such as Schetters unmasked Nivel research, which was previously jubilantly published by "usual suspects" such as Maarten Keulemansand his bat girl, has not only been withdrawn for "correction", but now also made completely untraceable by Nivel. Memoryholed, so to speak.
Curiously, however, the headline above the article about this retracted research -- a headline suggesting that"Unvaccinated people die more than vaccinated people"– is still pontifically on their site. Provided with a minuscule disclaimer.
For me, apart from the sulking improbability of the Nivel research criteria and the results that were nevertheless presented to the people like hot cakes with whipped cream and the corrosive bias and the imbalance in attention for both studies in the main stream, this was yet another sign of bad faith.
One of the many signals, that we are not dealing here with a mistake, stupidity or a mistake, of four remarkably bête looking ladies, but with an act of an organization that speaks with double tongue.
After all, if you don't want to mislead people, why would you retract your research, even get rid of it, but leave its obviously wrong conclusion on your site?
The use of this Nivel study, which was published main stream wide and thus ensured that Ronald Meester's research was not only taken out of the sails, but simply buried under an avalanche of statistical deceptions, reminds me of "noise canceling". Neutralizing waves by counter-waves, such as in your headphones.
The threat that Ronald Meester's results posed to the government narrative and the leaders who are protected by it and continue to peddle the jabs has largely been nullified by that trick.
And the sick and elderly of the Netherlands, reassured by "something they have heard on the radio or read in the Volkskrant", can unsuspectingly trudge towards their umpteenth vaccination, towards the statistics.
The publication of the erroneous conclusions from the Nivel report, set up as a counterweight to Ronald Meester's research, is perfectly timed, just before the umpteenth round of vaccinations.
And I don't think that has anything to do with making mistakes or committing stupidities.
This investigation was, in my view, a planned Public Relations act of war. 5th Generation Warfare, intended to claim an initial, pre-emptive brain position among opinion makers and the public. And especially with those who long for deliverance from their doubts, the millions who were convinced that they were doing the good, virtuous thing by pricking, but became less and less sure of it, because they saw so many people around them getting sick. The gigantic group that yearns for: "you see, I was right after all" After all, Nivel says so.
That crucial group has only remembered that report and has long forgotten Ronald Meester's research or has never even heard of it.
And it doesn't matter at all whether that Nivel investigation has been withdrawn or dismissed. After all, they have received their reassurance. They are right. And you can't tear people out of that comfortable position, with a thousand facts.
Every advertising executive knows that once a brain position has been taken, it is very difficult to reclaim. Hardly any adjustment or turning. This applies to jeans brands, car brands, football clubs, political opinions, but also to the results of these kinds of studies. Especially if those results are reassuring and meet a deep wish, give a good feeling.
The fact that these are lies hardly matters in the world of narratives. It's not about the truth. It's about reach. Whoever shouts the loudest and the most, whoever penetrates the living room the best, wins, especially if the message coincides with what people want to hear.
Especially when cognitive dissonance strikes. And it certainly does, if people prefer not to know the truth.
What bothers me is the civilized goodwill, the benevolence, with which so many eminent critics who know better still seem to assume that this is a matter of mistake or stupidity, rather than a deliberate calculated act of bad faith.
We continue to dance around hellfire in stocking feet, while the truth roars in our faces.
This was intentional.
The Nivel report, paid for with taxpayers' money, under the auspices of the government, has cleverly taken over the initiative of truth seekers, sincere scientists, whom they fear. The potential anger is extinguished in advance.
Pandora's box is closed again.
Jack is neatly back in the box.
There will be some more fiddling to come. What 'yes'. But the energy is out of the excess mortality discussion. With every word that is discussed in a veiled tone about this monumental disgrace, the elastic in the underpants of the discourse slackens.
"Hey, are we going to talk about Covid again?"
The result of the Covid jabs is a scar that people would rather not scratch open again. If we are not careful, the drama will, deliberately steered in this way, slip away in time, without a trial, without tribunals.
And it doesn't help if everyone who is someone continues to pretend that what is happening around the Nivel investigation is in the realm of incomprehensible errors and miscalculations, while the Netherlands may be deprived of the truth and the possibility of punishing the possible guilty ones in a clever way.
If no one else dares to name this grotesque publicity, psychomilitary "crime," let one madman do it.
After all, it's high time to call a spade a spade.
Because the house of cards only collapses when you dare to blow against it.
This was intentional. No accident.
You understand that I don't make friends with this. That it's not even harmless. So if you think it's necessary what I'm doing,Please help me here!
p.s. I just understand that the Dam tot Dam run has been canceled, due to too many medical incidents. According to Nivel, there were probably far too many unvaccinated people walking along.

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Malicious intent or sheer stupidity? It keeps grinding in my head.
Malicious intent AND sheer stupidity. The sheep have become ostriches. All the lessons on how to deal with narcissism are applicable and very useful. Smash old plates (not antique 😉 ones) against a wall, but keep fighting emotionlessly against evil. Support anyone who sticks his or her neck out! Jan and Anton thank you!
Wir haben es nicht " gewust"
Indeed, it is important to call the devil by his name, even if everyone finds that unpleasant, not neat, uncivilized or whatever in the Netherlands.
The comparison with the Second World War with regard to the run-up to the persecution of the Jews was and is spot on.
The Dutch are, among other things, afraid, cowardly and stupid (read ill-informed) people.
That is why no reflection has taken place after the corona hoax. Everyone keeps their mouths shut and hopes that it will blow over.
Unfortunately that will not happen , because those who are aware of what has happened here will not remain silent until justice has taken place.
Furthermore, the syringes bring so much misery, see Dam tot Dam loop with 50+ ambulances, that it also remains visible. And will also become more and more visible.
The people have been duped by their own criminal government that knew exactly what it was doing from the beginning.
The big problem, however, is that most people who have figured it out also want to stay "decent".
A good example of this is Leon de Winter.
As long as we do not call the devil and his henchmen by their names and as long as there is no accountability for the crimes committed with appropriate punishment for the perpetrators, it will fester.
It's going to smell even more. The wound will get bigger, but there will be no healing.
It is up to us to initiate the healing by opening our mouths. Without hesitation and, above all, without beautiful unctuous or decent words.
Can we still download that offending Nivel report version 1 somewhere and "save it for posterity"? (Thought I had done that right away, but I didn't.)
It says here.
Thank you! See it now.
Found with WayBack machine.
Jan Bennink expresses what we all think! Enough sweeping under the carpet and obfuscation of facts (crimes!). Openness now! Indeed, we will not remain silent or forget, the truth must be revealed and the guilty will have to answer for their actions. Strong language is needed. I am curious about the revised NIVEL study, but do not expect much clarity. Good work, Anton and Jan.
Good story, but I wouldn't call it malice. I prefer the term 'opportunism'. The truth is distorted to save reputations and protect interests. They don't want to see that this is at the expense of other people. It is a combination of opportunism and 'administrative cognitive dissonance'. For the time being, it is not possible to talk to these compartmentalized authorities in a reasonable way.
However, it is possible to talk to the people who are now being invited back to the current round of vaccinations, especially those who are already a bit hesitant.
I got very sick from the first shot and didn't take any more shots after that. The side effects were horrible and ruined about a year of my life. I tell my experiences to as many people as possible in my personal environment (but preferably not via social media). I don't only tell you all the terrible symptoms I've had and how bad I've felt, but also that you don't get any medical help at all, that it is denied from all sides (including the mainstream media) and that you are censored on social media.
I see it as a kind of mission to inform the doubters in my personal environment based on my own experiences and the information I have collected about the vaccinations since 2021.
I do it to help those people, not to prove myself right. It is very unkind and pointless to tell these people that they may have made a wrong decision. Nor does it make sense to say that they have allowed themselves to be manipulated by propaganda.
I'll start by saying that it's a matter of weighing advantages against disadvantages. I try to explain that the disadvantages of yet another booster outweigh the advantages.
I stress that the first two (three) jabs probably did provide some protection to vulnerable people. Unfortunately, this was accompanied by a relatively large number of serious side effects, such as heart problems, thrombosis and autoimmune diseases. You may be happy if you have not had any problems, but that is no guarantee for the next injection.
Next, I will briefly explain how the mRNA technology works:
The nano-fat globules ensure that the vaccine usually does not stay in the arm, but ends up everywhere in the body, in the bloodstream, the organs and sometimes in the brain. The body's own cells absorb these fat globules and are used as a kind of vaccine factories. The used cells then die. Some damage never fully heals, it becomes scar tissue. This is especially true for heart cells and endothelial cells of the blood vessels. Each additional booster increases the damage. The amount of spike protein your body produces varies greatly from time to time. Unfortunately, the dose is not easy to control with this new technology. The spike proteins produced by your body are partly destroyed by the immune system. But another part (often larger) attaches itself to body cells (via ACE2 receptors), which are then doomed. The more spike protein, the more cells destroyed. In some cases, the body continues to produce spike protein for far too long.
Usually I also add that the immune system can become exhausted or unbalanced by too many boosters (IgG4). And that can have all kinds of nasty consequences, for example when it comes to clearing other pathogens or cancer cells.
I always conclude by saying that they have to weigh up the disadvantages and advantages themselves. In my opinion, there are not many benefits, the vaccine is not very effective and corona is no worse than a common cold these days.
If they have read something about the Nivel study in the newspaper, I respond as follows:
The vaccination database used was created for purposes other than excess mortality research, namely to obtain vaccination information about the living population and not about the dead. Many people who died shortly after vaccination are not included in that database and are therefore wrongly classified as unvaccinated. The researchers overlooked this and are now looking at it again. If all goes well, the investigation will be withdrawn.
I always try to keep it simple and as short as possible. For more information, I usually refer them to the Doctors Collective. If they want to know something about excess mortality, I point them to virusvaria.nl and Maurice de Hond.
I hope that those who read this will find this useful in informing the doubters in their personal environment.
As a result of my vaccination woes, I have written a book about the 'opportunistic mentality' that prevails in our Western world and will ultimately undermine our democracy.
For those interested, the title is: 'Conspiracy or Opportunism: An Economic Essay on the Moral Decay of Capitalism'. Author: Miranda Boorsma
Thank you for the detailed description of how you go about it!
It is often difficult, also because we have a "head start" for 4-5 years – and the hardest, of course, with the not-yet-doubters among your loved ones who you still want to make think. Because of the one-sided reporting, lack of time, just not that little push to question something, many people still have a long way to go before the other side of the story.
And then I get the question: "Why would they do all that? And say it's safe and works well? And Maarten Keulemans says it too, and he's an award-winning science journalist."
I can't think of a credible answer to that. I have a good idea of how it probably is, but for the unsuspecting that is totally unbelievable.
Malice exists. If this isn't it, what is?
It's never the intention ("I'm going to act maliciously" now) but it's always a by-product, driven by something else. A desire, a higher purpose, an ideology, a system, the need to fit into a system or move up.
People who do not have the moral compass to resist those desires or the stimuli offered by the system they are in, can be called malicious. Think of camp executioners. You can also see them as good citizens or opportunists looking for a pat on the head or promotion. Then you transfer the malice to the system and they are just tools. But unscrupulous tools.
You're going to have to punish those people in some way, just like you have to reward good things. If only as a guideline for their successors. In this way, complicity in an evil system also falls under malice.
I used to run a marathon at 28 degrees. But then again, I am a die-hard m.f. who avoids dangerous injections.
Google: Bonhoeffer von der Dummheit
bonhoeffer on stupidity
written in the concentration camp before he was hanged in April 1945.
his horse wasn't fast enough....