In the free West, censorship was seen as a form of abuse of power that keeps dictators and other undemocratic regimes in power. Meanwhile, according to the regimes in the West, censorship is the only thing that helps against misinformation. Valid arguments are no longer there or they are not convincing. They don't realize that their colleagues in the dictatorships feel the same way.
We see it at all levels. In the media, the phenomenon is by far the most evil: journalism is supposed to protect citizens from such tendencies, par excellence. Justice should be a refuge. It is precisely in totalitarian countries that the media conform to the ruling power. In fascist countries, the media, industry, science and government speak with one voice. And Lady Justice does her best as a cheerleader.
Censorship takes many forms and always comes from the wrong side, as do misleading narratives of actors who believe themselves to be above the law.
Three cases: LinkedIn vs Herman Steigstra (his own story), The Public Prosecution Service against Mona Keijzer, Nivel against Maurice de Hond.
LinkedIn vs Herman Steigstra
Herman himself writes (also can be read on X):
Liquidated on LinkedIn. Censored in the media. Ignored in the #papierenkrant. That is the situation we have now arrived in. After what started on 16 March 2020 with an admittedly intense, but open and honest speech by Mark Rutte, we have now arrived in a situation where countries, which we believe do not sufficiently respect freedom of expression, are jealous of our own country. First, read this excerpt from Rutte's speech:

Here are a few important facts. It is assumed that herd immunity will be achieved within a period of a few months: "those who have had the virus are usually immune afterwards". It's really there! And so it is, the experts have spoken. Herd immunity must be built up in a controlled manner, hospitals must not be overloaded. "Flatten the curve". Avoid contact between people, as long as there is no decrease in infections and hospitals are still in the danger zone.
How different is the situation that arose not much later. Constantly monitoring our behavior became the new norm: the 1.5m society, gatherings were banned for a long time. A few months turned into more than four years. Herd immunity was replaced by immunity from a syringe on the WHO's prescription, which you have to replenish several times a year from now on. In the meantime, the eighth syringe has been circulated and a large part of the population thinks that is normal. We don't have to protect each other anymore, the syringe does that for you. After all, herd immunity no longer exists.
Not only was our behaviour controlled, but also any form of criticism or contradiction of the new policy was brutally suppressed. BIG registered doctors who did not conform to the new regime were persecuted, threatened and their BIG registration was at stake, imposed by the government. And we tolerated it. All based on the trust in the vaccines that the government instilled in us.
However, step by step, the truth is coming out, but the long arm of pharmacy is strong. Step by step, the failure of the protective effect of the vaccines is coming to the surface. It seems that the excess mortality we have seen since April 2021 has a strong relationship with the vaccines.
The traditional media are still willing to spread the message of pharmacy. In fact, platforms like LinkedIn are actively liquidating accounts that don't follow government guidelines. Nivel presented a study, the outcome of which was too ridiculous to be true. The calculations were therefore withdrawn, but the conclusion remained: unvaccinated people died up to ten times as fast as soon as the vaccine was available for their age group. So the availability suddenly created a tenfold chance of dying from any cause. Of course, this goes against all logic.
Now that the death rates have followed the vaccination figures for the third consecutive year since the end of September, reports about this are particularly painful for the pharmaceutical industry. LinkedIn thought this was a good opportunity to go along with requests to liquidate unwelcome accounts. Unfortunately, it is impossible to discuss this with LinkedIn, because only active registrants can contact the helpdesk. An extra lock on the door of this organization.
The immediate reason for blocking my account (I assume, no reason has been given to me) will have been to show this graph, based on the latest published RIVM figures:
For the third time in a row, there was an exact synchronization of the vaccinations and the excess mortality wave, and a slightly less synchronous course with previous vaccinations. That must hurt as a pharmaceutical company when that becomes visible. You'll do anything to stifle that sound.
The figures now make it painfully clear that the vaccines have not had any positive contribution to our health. You should expect mortality to decrease after you have vaccinated the vast majority of the population. You see just the opposite: an increase in excess mortality after each round of vaccinations. Up to eight times. Only studies from 2020 are cited, as evidence that vaccines appear to prevent deaths from covid-19. This is probably where the fallacy lies: only mortality from covid-19 is avoided in this way, not the mortality itself.
The natural immunity that Rutte talked about on March 16 no longer counts. People who agree with Rutte's statements no longer count. Their accounts on LinkedIn are liquidated, their calculations and charts are ignored by the media.
Even young people were encouraged to take the vaccine, resulting in hundreds of deaths, as shown in this graph.
Until 2020, there was no excess mortality in the two youngest age groups. In 2021, it was among the previously vaccinated 20-30-year-olds. In 2022 also for 10-19 year olds. Nearly 600 more young people died than average. They are the canaries in the coal mine. In this age group, there is normally virtually no mortality. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry will deny any connection with vaccination.
By now, we are almost used to the idea that the burden of proof has been reversed by the government. Normally, a drug is withdrawn from the market after a few suspicious deaths. The manufacturer is then given the opportunity to demonstrate that the suspicious deaths were not related to the drug. But now the burden of proof is placed on the deceased. For 50,000 suspicious deaths, consumers must prove that the vaccines were the cause. Any publication that could contribute to this evidence is banned, censorship is rampant in this once democratic country."
Public Prosecution Service vs Mona Keijzer
Earlier, we paid attention to the peculiar handling of the lawsuits filed by Virus Truth and the way in which Willem Engel was prosecuted (which led to nothing but harassment). In Germany, we see something similar with Reiner Fuellmich. The banishment of troublemaker (because truth-seeker) David Icke has been extended for another two years.
Now it's Mona Keijzer's turn. A minister who is being tackled for what she, still as a member of the House of Representatives, said in a talk show. At the time, she resigned from the Rutte cabinet because she could not reconcile her conscience with the unsubstantiated and therefore ill-considered and harmful corona policy. She is now found guilty by the Public Prosecutor's Office of another counter-narrative, which concerns the views on Islam. There seems to be a woke virus going around in administrative circles. Common sense must be eradicated root and branch.
In Elsevier's Weekblad criticizes Afshin Ellian 1Afshin Ellian is a Dutch-Iranian jurist, philosopher and publicist. He is Professor of Social Cohesion, Citizenship and Multiculturalism at Leiden University. Ellian was born in Iran and fled to the Netherlands in 1983 because of political persecution. He is known for his incisive analyses of democracy, the rule of law and freedom of expression, and has regularly been critical of radical Islam and political issues of integration and security. His work often focuses on defending democratic values and the importance of freedom of expression. the verdict of the Public Prosecution Service (OM) on Mona Keijzer's statements about anti-Semitism in Islamic cultures. The Public Prosecution Service found her comments offensive and contrary to the law, although she is not facing criminal charges. In this way, you inflict reputational damage without legal consequences. Ellian argues that the Public Prosecution Service is acting unjustly and that Keijzer's political freedom is being violated. He argues that Keijzer should go to court to defend her freedom of speech and argues that the Public Prosecution Service undermines the principles of the democratic rule of law.
Afshin Ellian cites the following arguments:
- The Public Prosecution Service has insufficient knowledge about Islam and anti-Semitism in Islamic cultures.
- Mona Keijzer has the right to freedom of expression and political statements.
- The Public Prosecution Service undermines the democratic rule of law by assessing political statements without sufficient legal basis.
- Keijzer would have to obtain a court ruling to protect her freedom of expression.
He substantiates this with:
- A report by the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) about anti-Semitism within radical Islamic groups, documenting anti-Semitic views in Islamic circles.
- Reports of the European Parliament and the European Commission who identify Islamic anti-Semitism as problematic in certain communities.
- Investigations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and NGO Monitor, which discusses anti-Semitic statements in Islamic circles.
Mona Keijzer's remarks are factual observations. But Lady Justice doesn't like anti-narratives. What does that say about how we have organized our society?
Nivel vs Maurice de Hond
The conclusions of Nivel's excess mortality report lack any basis, that was soon clear. Maurice de Hond, already chased back into his hole because of the aerosols, does not allow himself to be muzzled. He is now in serious correspondence with Nivel about the excess mortality report, with at least one disconcerting answer.
More on that in detail at
The Nivel problems in a nutshell:
The Nivel2knowledge organisation with 400 affiliated GP practices that are considered representative wanted to investigate the link between mortality and vaccination status. To this end, they created comorbidity profiles of both unvaccinated and vaccinated people in CIMS3 CIMS is one of the databases in which vaccination statuses and dates are tracked. They have superimposed the characteristics of both groups on top of their own (historical) patient databases. This created a group that matched the CIMS vaccinated in terms of health characteristics and one that corresponded to the CIMS unvaccinated. Based on this, mortality forecasts were made for both groups. These mortality expectations were then compared with the actual mortality among the CIMS vaccinated and among CIMS unvaccinated people. The difference between the Nivel forecast and the observed mortality was referred to as "excess mortality" and "under-mortality".
This resulted in implausible, impossible figures (I'm not going to retype Maurice's articles here, I've contributed to them as well). Nivel concluded from those figures that there was under-mortality among vaccinated people and a huge, unprecedented excess mortality among unvaccinated people.
Now it turned out that a significant part of the "unvaccinated" consisted of vaccinated people who had not been registered because of administrative problems and/or because of objections to their registration. More than half of the deceased 'unvaccinated' people over the age of 60 are said to have been vaccinated. As a result,
- The health profiles were compiled on the basis of the wrong people, so the expectations were already wrong
- The observed mortality per vaccination status does not correspond to the actual vaccination statuses, as a result of which a significant proportion of deaths have been wrongly attributed to 'unvaccinated'.
Nivel has recognised this and mentioned it in a revised report. Because it is mentioned in the report, according to Nivel, the figures do not need to be adjusted and the conclusions can stand. The entire scientific community is watching as Maurice once again fights a lonely battle.
Withdrawing is not: taking offline
Nivel also says they don't want to retract the report because they want to keep it online so others can learn from it. The general practitioners and the highly learned supervisory committee members are apparently not aware that withdrawn studies will also remain online. In fact, it should be so that others don't make the same mistakes, preferably with an explanation from the authors as to why they decided to withdraw the article.
Then everyone can judge for themselves how understandable, sloppy or malicious the intentions were – or something in between.
If, despite this, the conclusions are still prominently communicated, it is against scientific mores.
Take, for example, Andrew Wakefield's offending article, in which he had looked for common characteristics of children with autism. That article is still common can be found on the website of The Lancet.
Very instructive by the way, to read through that!
Counter-arguments and justifications today look like the image below. But this is about something else: DNA pollution that the establishment believes the public doesn't need to know about.
If you don't want transparency, you have a reason to be sneaky.

- 1Afshin Ellian is a Dutch-Iranian jurist, philosopher and publicist. He is Professor of Social Cohesion, Citizenship and Multiculturalism at Leiden University. Ellian was born in Iran and fled to the Netherlands in 1983 because of political persecution. He is known for his incisive analyses of democracy, the rule of law and freedom of expression, and has regularly been critical of radical Islam and political issues of integration and security. His work often focuses on defending democratic values and the importance of freedom of expression.
- 2knowledge organisation with 400 affiliated GP practices that are considered representative
- 3CIMS is one of the databases in which vaccination statuses and dates are tracked
The firewall of the company I work for blocks arcmedic with a vague reason about certificates. I don't think my company does that on purpose, but because they have a subscription to firewall rules. Also bad.
You mentioned Wakefield. Then I am always triggered again :)Have followed his case.
Career of a scientist with integrity destroyed.
Did you know that one of his co-authors has been acquitted and actually the same applies to Wakefield on the same grounds.
Little has changed over time. Interests and money must be protected.
You may already be familiar with these articles
I'm going to read them. I know Tess Laurie's, I think,
I have asked fierce opponents of Wakefield several times if they had also looked at his study: No one.
When I had looked at it for the first time I thought I probably had the wrong piece in front of me, this couldn't have caused so much controversy, could it!? Now, much later, I understand that he touched on something that really wasn't meant to get attention. A revenue model that involves billions. How do we ever get that power curbed...
Because of all the seeds that are also planted here! We keep our spirits up and persevere! Recently, a family member had to deal with a bizarre discussion in a nursing home. While keeping vigil with the dying person, that person breathed his last. The breathing had happened before, but this time it turned out to be true, so my family member checked the heartbeat. Sad but also relieved that the inevitable death had gone so peacefully, the nurse was called. It took a while... Upon entering, the nurse said, "Died? My mat says no!" "Yes, but..." Welles vs Nietes... There was already less and less money for staff, and there was money for alarm bracelets, cheap bedding without sheets and therefore mats that measure the heart rate, among other things, but also restlessness or getting out of bed/falling. That mat had failed but was still believed by the user of this technique. British comedians of the past would know what to do with it, but nowadays critical comedians are visited at home by the police. This story did not make us happy at all. Reactions from those around me: "I had that nurse on the hair..." "Well he had been told something" "complaint not yet filed???" Tough talk from the followers and howlers of a.o. D66 MPs who are now once again endangering our children and grandchildren. There will come a day when WE will be heard because we are the decent people!
Voltaire, the great philosopher of our Western Enlightenment (and around that time only protected by a King from the East, but that aside) wrote (in French... Anyway..)
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities
He also wrote
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
Just some thoughts about what 250 years of enlightenment thinking has brought to our society.
I thought Voltaire was a Frenchman.
What is also involved in the case of Keijzer is that our government apparently thinks it is fine that Israel is committing genocide and even supports it ... But if you criticize that, it is dismissed as anti-Semitic ... while in fact the only true Semites are the original inhabitants of (the area around) Israel, namely the Palestinians who are now predominantly Muslim.
So those same Muslim Palestinians and the people who support their views are anti-Semitic. But... at the same time criticizing anti-Semitic currents in Islam is also ... does not compute ...
'War is peace' shall we say ...
Today's Palestinians are by no means the Philistines of the time, but are predominantly 19th and 20th century migrated Arabs and Egyptians (such as Yasser Arafat).
Semitism is defined by the (origin of the) language one speaks (in short) and not by which religion one adheres to. In that respect, the Palestinians have more right to claim Semitism than Jews. I would like to go along with the fact that this is now seen that way in society (in terms of definition) in this discussion.
Because the point of measuring with 2 standards also just remains, in a slightly different way, without just standing upright:
Enerzijds is kritiek op Islam(item) ongepast vindt het OM & de mainstream, zodanig dat er getolereerd & aangemoedigd wordt dat er wordt vervolgd, en anderzijds wordt gebruikt diezelfde overheid geweld dat verklaart wordt door diezelfde overheid & mainstream vanuit islamitisch extremisme wat wordt verafschuwd. Hoe Orwelliaans wil je het hebben? Kritiek wordt simpelweg niet geaccepteerd als het niet in het pulletje past. Ongeacht hoe je verder denkt over wat er in het M-O gebeurt: dat is toch absurd en contraproductief?
Everyone can say anything at any time! Where previously people usually quickly arrived at the Second World War in conversations and discussions, it is now Israel vs. ....... Again, unfortunately. Let's all go for peace!
I am answering myself here because I do not seem to be able to respond to the following reaction of "c" and this is therefore a reaction to his/hers:
Of course, like almost everyone else, I also want to go for peace. But then you have to be able to speak freely, of course. And apparently that is not possible.
And the fact that the government is hypocritical on the bone does not help. On the contrary. Certainly not if the theme in question concerns an ongoing genocide.
And with that, your reaction imo is an anti-pascifysy. Because suggesting that we are not allowed to talk about that genocide in the Middle East while it is raging is of course diametrically opposed to contributing to that need for peace that you profess with your mouth. Very cheap too. Unfortunately.
Silence is no longer an option.
I'm looking for some advice on whether or not to do vaccinations.
I am 61 years old. I'm a little overweight. 93 kg by 189 cm. My health is good and my condition is reasonable.
Because of my age, I have been invited for 3 vaccinations.
Corona Vaccination:
• There is of course no doubt about that: The Corona vaccination is an MRNA vaccine and of course I do not take it.
• It is now common knowledge that the side effects do not outweigh the possible minimal and short-term protection of the corona flu.
Flu Vaccination:
• I'll skip that one too.
• I never actually have the flu and never have a cold.
• What would be the added value of the flu shot?
Pneumococcal vaccination:
• I am still in doubt about this.
• The GP has not responded to my request for information. The assistant only managed to tell me that this is not an MRNA vaccine. A leaflet was not available.
What now?
• I don't consider myself a wappie. My yellow booklet is bulging with vaccination stamps. I just like to travel. And I still think vaccinations against diseases such as polio and rabies are a good thing.
• But, I have followed Mr. Steigstra's studies closely and I know that the MRNA vaccines are simply no good. My trust in the RIVM has now fallen far below zero.
• After the corona campaign, I eventually became reluctant to blindly accept other regular vaccines.
So now I am just looking for objective and reliable advice about the advantages and disadvantages of pneumococcal vacination.
So my question is: can anyone advise me on the usefulness and necessity of this pneumococcal vaccination?
I am looking for advice on whether or not to do vaccinations.
I am 61 years old. I'm a little overweight. 93 kg by 189 cm. My health is good and my condition is reasonable.
Because of my age, I have been invited for 3 vaccinations.
Corona Vaccination:
• There is of course no doubt about that: The Corona vaccination is an MRNA vaccine and of course I do not take it.
• It is now common knowledge that the side effects do not outweigh the possible minimal and short-term protection of the corona flu.
Flu Vaccination:
• I'll skip that one too.
• I never actually have the flu and never have a cold.
• What would be the added value of the flu shot?
Pneumococcal vaccination:
• I am still in doubt about this.
• The GP has not responded to my request for information. The assistant only managed to tell me that this is not an MRNA vaccine. A leaflet was not available.
What now?
• I don't consider myself a wappie. My yellow booklet is bulging with vaccination stamps. I just like to travel. And I still think vaccinations against diseases such as polio and rabies are a good thing.
• But, I have followed Mr. Steigstra's studies closely and I know that the MRNA vaccines are simply no good. My trust in the RIVM has now fallen far below zero.
• After the corona campaign, I eventually became reluctant to blindly accept other regular vaccines.
So now I am just looking for objective and reliable advice about the advantages and disadvantages of pneumococcal vacination.
So my question is: can anyone advise me on the usefulness and necessity of this pneumococcal vaccination?