The dust around Marion is blowing up again now that Pfizer has said something they did not yet know in Hilversum: it has never been shown that the vaccines help against infection. Some there now wonder why Koopmans did not know 😂 that. It's going to be hilarious. Marion Koopmans received a price from € 10.000,- for the excellent scientific interpretation during the corona crisis. She has the Machiavelli Prize Gotten. Prices were plentiful, but what they still do not realize in Hilversum: the poor (or false?) person has constantly been completely wrong. And not only in terms of the vaccines and the measures.
It all started with the aerosol denial. After 40 years in the field and 7 years head of the department "Viroscience" at Erasmus University, this eminent Prof. Dr. still had no idea how transmission of respiratory viruses works.
What she explains here in the youth news is clear and easy to understand but simply incorrect, wrong, unsubstantiated. If you explain to children in this way how to protect grandma, you really have deaths on your conscience.
"The grandchildren can't have infected grandma, they sat at the table all afternoon playing sweetly."
And no, it wasn't "new knowledge" either. Hardly any novel. It was already established in 1980 how respiratory viruses spread and actually much earlier, if you read back. There was no scientific reason why this "new" virus should not behave like this. (See for example this meta-study from 2009, or read what Maurice de Hond writes about Wells, with a 1955 study.) In addition: Coronaviruses are not new at all. They experimented with it for a reason. The first, I believe, was identified in the sixties. Part of our flu viruses.
An appealing experiment showing the dominance of aerosol contamination is described in a later article a later article "Playing poker with infections"
PCR test?
Marion's understandable clarity was also immediately apparent from the Corman-Drosten paper, which explains the basis for developing the PCR test:
“Before the virus sequences of 2019-nCoV cases were made public, we relied on social media posts announcing the detection of a SARS-like virus. So we assumed that a SARS-related CoV is involved in the outbreak.”
(source: justification of the RT-PCR test of a.o. Koopmans and Drosten) Sounds solid, doesn't it?
Tja, ik vraag me af hoe je anders kunt verklaren dat je zó snel een paper en een test klaar hebt voor dit specifieke virus? Op Twitter een voorspelling langs zien komen natuurlijk. Hoe had ze anders kunnen weten dat het om dit SARS-virus ging? Ze kon moeilijk zeggen dat die test allang in gebruik was bij het Chinese virusonderzoek dat ze in de Q&A video ook noemt. Nee, dat onderzoek leek erg op Gain of Function-onderzoek en dat was nu eenmaal verboden. Maar hoe kunnen virologen nieuwe vaccins ontwikkelen als er zich geen gevaarlijke varianten aandienen? Die virussen maakten ze dan maar zelf, die vaccins moet je toch ergens op kunnen testen.
In any case, the internal paper underlying the test was never published. Confidential, and that in China quickly means Military Classified. The Chinese army is closely involved in virological research there. You might not say it (think of Marion Koopmans' voice) but Chinese army generals are really very broadly interested, very nice, you can really tell that you have ended up in a completely different culture. I told her, in her calm, calm tone with that charming North Limburg accent.
Maybe she didn't even know about the hat and the brim. All the more revered she was when there were a few prominent people had to be found who wanted to put their signatures on that PCR study set up by Chinese - the Chinese, of course, could not cheer triumphantly: "We already have the test!". And then, after a Fauci-directed "done-while-you-wait" peer-review-in-a-day, people could just get on with it in public.
It remains a beautiful plot.
Mad scientist of useful idiot?
Marion Koopmans. Whether it's incompetence or cunning... You can't be that stupid, can you? But not so evil, is it?
Perhaps I am also naïve, just like Tijs van den Brink who still defends even her expertise. She remains the chief virologist who is allowed to tell on the talk shows how things are going and how well the measures and medical interventions are working.
A tweet from Tijs was the reason for this post. A straw that broke the camel's back. This information may not be new, but it remains as relevant as ever – and does not expire, as evidenced by Tijs' chatter.

Very good response, Anthony.
It is indeed time that all the lies and pseudoscientific banter were exposed. MK seems to be a mistress in covering up or hiding or distorting the facts: SARS-CoV2 comes from the lab, the test was already there, and the vaccines do not work and are also blood-dangerous. Continue the good work, one wakes up slowly...
Selfish psychopath?
Het is mijn persoonlijke mening, dat het niet anders kan dan dat zij er geld mee heeft verdiend. Haar carriere is er zeker mee gediend. Haar Dr Strangelove, ongetwijfeld ge-outsourced, onderzoeksclub is er mee gediend. >> Selfish
Ze kan niet anders dan weten dat ze liegt en meewerkt aan de grootste doofpot uit de recente geschiedenis. Blijkbaar zijn de talloze doden, zowel door covid als de experimentele injecties, voor haar van mindere zorg dan haar beeldbuisplek in de hart van die sukkels die, getuige hun gedrag en intolerante geschreeuw, blijkbaar een Darwin Award willen winnen. >> Psychopath
Or, in terms of our policy makers and government: one of us, a reliable soldier for the greater good.
Joh, she deserves a Nobel prize.
"The first one, I think, was isolated in the sixties."
No virus has ever been isolated..... of any cut.....
Koopmans expresses himself more cautiously and correctly here: "Before the virus sequences of cases of 2019-nCoV were made public .....". There is sprinkled with 'sequences'; they are not isolated but patented and published.
Yep: "identified". I think that's a good thing.
How the hell she got those diplomas is one big mystery. The fact that she has risen so high on the academic ladder must therefore have something to do with corruption. Science has sunk deep into my esteem during the pandemic.