Through a whistleblower, the uncensored "RKI-protokolle" has been made public in Germany. Nothing is painted black anymore. For many, it will be a frightening picture what emerges from it. For others, it will be a confirmation of what we have known for years.
It is very heavily to blame journalism for taking on the role of government propagandists, which is why this terrible error has been able to continue for so long and still continues in the Netherlands.
The press conference below mainly highlights what has been done to our children. Rightly so, because children deserve priority. The rest will come. How children have been treated is actually not fundamentally different from what happened to adults, but the consequences are even more poignant.
During the press conference, it was emphasized that courageous whistleblowers and journalists, such as Aya Velazquez, were crucial for making the RKI protocols and accompanying documents public. The revelations in this press conference mainly relate to the impact of corona measures on children and young people, and criticism is expressed about the approach and the scientific basis of these measures.
Key points:
School closures and measures:
Germany experienced one of the longest periods of school closures in Europe, combined with mask requirements and regular testing. Children and young people have been severely affected psychologically by these measures, not by the virus itself. Documents suggest that children did not play a significant role in the spread of the virus.
Scientific substantiation:
The RKI minutes show that there were doubts about the effectiveness of school closures and the wearing of masks by children. Children were rarely considered index cases and played a minor role in chains of transmission. The usefulness of closing schools and wearing masks was questioned.
Initially, there was no strong scientific basis for vaccinating children against COVID-19. The benefits of vaccination for children were not conclusively estimated to be higher than the risks of the disease. Political pressure played a role in promoting vaccination campaigns for children.
Communication and Political Influence:
Political influence was clearly present in the decision-making process on measures and vaccinations. There was a deliberate strategy to instill fear in children regarding hygiene rules and the consequences for their parents. There are indications that adverse reactions to vaccines were no longer adequately monitored.
Conclusion and call:
The press is called upon to scrutinize the protocols and inform the public objectively.
The revelations show that the corona measures may have caused more damage to children than the virus itself. It calls for a review of policy and a better consideration of the best interests of children in future health crises. These points illustrate the scale and complexity of the damage caused by the corona measures and highlight the need for transparency and accountability in decision-making.
Press conference on the German RKI files made public by a whistleblower
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for your interest. First of all, we must thank the courageous people with backbones who made the RKI protocols, including comprehensive accompanying documents, available to the public. We also have to thank Aya Velazquez for the good journalistic work; It's nice when you can turn to someone and know that something is in good hands.
I would like to emphasize that my remarks mainly focus on the usefulness of the Corona measures for children and young people. The incumbent Minister of Health Lauterbach has already admitted that children and young people have made the greatest sacrifices in the wake of the pandemic policy. The Federal Minister for Family Affairs speaks of 73 percent of children and young people who are psychologically stressed as a result of the measures and not because of a virus. The damage caused is extensive, partly irreversible and enormous and will worry us for decades to come.
School closures
What happened? Germany had some of the longest school closures in all of Europe, hours of mandatory mask-wearing, months on end, sometimes outdoors, regular testing for no reason (we just heard how helpful this is) of healthy children, the closure of playgrounds, social distancing requirements that completely ignore the child's need for contact, and then the promotion of a new and little-tested vaccine.
What should not be forgotten is the strategy developed by the Ministry of the Interior to deliberately frighten children and make them believe that they would be responsible for the death of their parents if they did not comply with hygiene rules.
However, according to federal law, the best interests of the child must take precedence in all political decisions.
Therefore, especially with regard to this group, that is, for our future, there is an urgent need to obtain clarification as to whether the decision-makers based their containment measures on scientific facts and whether the well-being of the child was their priority or not.
To do this, the focus must be on whether children have ever been at significant risk, according to the expertise of the Robert Koch Institute. Let's take a look at excerpts from the minutes of the crisis team, which are now freely accessible to anyone who is interested.
An RKI employee returned from China on February 26, 2020, before the closure of the schools, and stated the following:
"Children: 2% of cases in large study. Children's Hospital confirms: everyone without complications. Also not common in transmission chains.
Schools and nurseries are not the priority. Children are not important links in transmission chains. The role of children is, rather atypically, secondary, unlike the flu. More studies need to follow."
Mid-March. It's about school closures. And the following can be read in the RKI minutes:
March 11. "Reactive school closures in areas not particularly affected are not recommended."
12. March. Christian Drosten:"No more events and closing schools is something we need to do now."
March 13. Mr. Spahn ordered that (You should always enter this word in the search bar of the protocols.): "A passage on school closures will be included in the criteria for the risk assessment of major events."
Politicians wanted that. Another publication, cited by Mr. Drosten, modeled the effectiveness of school closures. But -beware!- that publication is about flu.
Maybe you already recognize the contradiction. Corona, and this was confirmed in the coming months, was less dangerous for children than the flu, visiting the swimming pool or participating in traffic.
In April 2020, i.e. after the first school closures, an overview paper is cited in the RKI minutes. Quote.
"The closure of schools is unlikely to have had a major impact on the control of the epidemic."
Even on August 21, it remains the same:
"Compared to other respiratory diseases, children have a low risk of serious illness. This, in turn, means that children must take action to protect the well-being of others, at the expense of their own health."
A historic taboo breakthrough. And also very controversial, because in the autumn of 2021 the minutes that we can now read state:
"Younger children are very rarely index subjects [the first infected]. They get infected in the family.”
Let's move on to the measures that children had to take. About the face mask.
Face masks for children
November 20. “It is troublesome and dangerous for masks to be used by lay people. Effectiveness? Not yet determined."
The consultations shall take place at the same time. The RKI was not consulted in advance. In any case, the face mask requirement was introduced and, as expected, had no medical effectiveness but significant side effects, especially in children and adolescents. When the topic of FFP2 masks came up, the RKI said that it was
"from a technical perspective, it was not unproblematic to recommend FFP2 masks in general. A general FFP2 mask requirement is not considered sensible."
13 January 2021. Nevertheless, in the 2G winter of 21, the RKI wonders whether FFP2 masks should be recommended for school: "So far, there is no convincing evidence that FFP2 is better, especially in children."
On 22 October, an FFP2 face mask requirement was introduced for children aged 6 to 13 on local public transport. How effective were these measures? Overall, it became clear in autumn 2020 that the success of measures could not be satisfactorily answered with RKI data: "We know which factors increase incidence and know sensible measures, but we won't be able to prove this with RKI data."
An unbelievable statement. On 21 January: "Measures in schools and daycare centers cannot prevent outbreaks."
On 21 July, there was an increase in consultations for respiratory diseases, which of course included Corona: "This is an indication that infection control measures in schools cannot prevent the transmission of respiratory disease."
The vaccination of children
Because Corona posed no significant danger to children, there was never a medical reason for a conditionally approved and experimental vaccine, which, as was clear from the beginning, provided some self-protection at best. What do the Minutes say about this?
May 21. Professional associations for pediatrics are cautious about vaccinating children. Politicians are already preparing vaccination campaigns so that the relevant age groups are vaccinated by the end of the holidays. The minutes show that the STIKO, the Permanent Vaccination Committee, "The benefit of a vaccination still does not exceed the risk of the disease."
Nevertheless, the vaccination advice for all 12 to 17-year-olds will come on 16 August.
The RKI also recognizes this and is looking for arguments to justify the vaccination of children. This leads to a sudden turnaround: it is now important to show what long-term effects the disease can have on children.
Not much later, thinking is given to changing the vaccination targets: "If, in the mild cases, the prevention of psychological consequences through measures etc are also included as a vaccination goal, that could change acceptance. Modelling: vaccination of adolescents has no influence on the course of the fourth wave."
There was then, and there still is, no valid data showing that SARS-CoV-2 infections in children lead to particularly long-term effects. The Stiko chairman also agreed that there is no such thing as Long Covid in children.
On the same day that the booster vaccination is given (although it has already been quoted, you can do it twice, quote) "Recommendations for boosters are complex, especially requested by politicians and Pfizer, and there is not enough data yet."
21 July: How to approach the younger target group? For example, with a flu vaccination challenge on YouTube?: "It must be cool to get jabbed." There are other indications of political influence: "A booster vaccination for children can also be considered from a ministerial perspective, although there is no recommendation and in some cases no approval for it."
As for monitoring the safety of the previously advertised vaccines, it says on January 23, the quote, monthly report and vaccination dashboard will be discontinued in May. Assessment of the side effects of vaccination will no longer be possible.
"This needs to be professionally supervised with good communication, so that it doesn't backfire on the RKI."
In principle, all these medical facts are not new. Doctors and internationally respected scientists pointed this out early on, but often in vain, because the measures pose a greater danger to children than the virus.
The RKI knew that too. An unbiased look at Sweden was enough to consider these indications proven. However, these voices were removed from the debate room from the start.
It is now undeniable that the RKI was also aware of this medical madness.
Now, finally, it's time for the press to do its job, scrutinize the protocols, and inform the public objectively and comprehensively.
Anything else would represent a further betrayal for the children and youth of this country after the politically controlled child-hostile pandemic policies supported by so many educators, associations, doctors, parents, and journalists.
Ik heb van de volledige RKI-notulen een wat handzamere 20MB PDF gemaakt, de originelen en de losse Word-bestanden zijn available here.
First reactions to the RKI files
Prof. Karl Lauterbach's first reaction to X: "The @rki_de was already planning to publish the RKI files of the Corona crisis team, with my permission. Now it happens without the rights of third parties, including employees, being protected in advance. Yet there is nothing to hide"
MSM Netherlands
My prediction about the reactions in MSM: Shut up.
At most: "Did we already know, no news, heap of fuss about nothing, wappies don't understand how science and advancing insight works, anti-vaxxers have cherry-picked from minutes they don't understand" etc.
Twisting facts and then trying very hard to hide the truth from view.
From the start it was clear that the measures were no good, you didn't have to be a student for that. If a product works as intended, then the results count.
So if the results disappoint it's clear, the solution doesn't work.
That reminds me of another problem that is also so stupidly managed.
Solving the mountain of debt by incurring even more debt.
Is it stupid or are they doing it on purpose to take away your freedom?
The goal is always to maintain one's own positions. No one cares about your freedom. And stupid or evil? Now.
If we have learned anything from corona, it is that mistakes made are covered up until they are 'exposed' in the media. At that level, the financial stronghold is, if possible, even more closed than the medical-pharmaceutical complex. In pharmaceuticals, it's about means to make a lot of money. With the financials, it's just about money. No health, no nice stories, no moral compass, no excuses: only money counts.
They just keep going until everything is broken, no one can get a pin in between. The whole thing has to collapse and then fingers crossed that something better will emerge.
I say that without knowing much about the financial markets, but people are reacting the same now as they did in the Second World War, when we (including the directors) were also under great pressure for a period. That is why I fear that they will always and everywhere react the same when they have blundered because of too little control and therefore too much power that has allowed them to cause disasters.
That's right
But I would still like to know how that works in pharmacy.
They are companies with shareholders
Can indeed make a lot of sales and profits
They've always done that
But now, corona time, an attempt to generate even more money
Evil, in other words
But how does the flow of money go when the profits are distributed?
Small shareholders get a little more, they are probably already satisfied
Then the big one
This group is relatively small but powerful
And, plausibly, have easy access to politics
In short.... I would like to know names
I can name a few, better is a big research and evidence
Unfortunately, politicians will have to take the first step
Looking for those responsible within their own bubble
It doesn't stop at You'll own nothing, I get that.
And maybe by then you'll be a little happy because you're still here at all.
Could it be that if a war economy is set up and they get their way with war against Russia that they make emergency laws and can collect all kinds of things, including the pension pots? Or am I going too far?
Hief je geen studieboeken voor te wezen? In dit z.g hoogopgeleide land geloofd de massa klakkeloos wat ze wordt voorgezet. Juist dat wordt ons met de paplepel in t onderwijs ingegeven.
The image that emerges from this is 'the end justified all means'. Hopefully, this will also reach reasonable people who until now thought that the measures were appropriate (proportional) with the uncertainty of the moment and who are still scratching their heads.
Deliberately frightening children, in the hope that they will exhibit more behaviors that protect adults from the disease... Painful.
Am reading the Covid Consensus (Toby Green and Thomas Fazi). Would love to see MSM journalists read that. No assumptions, just facts. More than enough to see how wrong it all is. We sometimes forget how important Neil Ferguson's idiotic predictions have been. Incidentally, all his previous predictions never came true (BSE, swine flu, bird flu). Idiotic models from which they conclude that millions of lives have been saved. When you read something like that, you realize again how many factors have played a role. Rancourt's recent report fits in nicely with this. I'm going to read it all the way through first.
Oh yes, and I still think social media is poison. It creates an unreal image that people start to mirror themselves against. And it results in one-liners that fuel polarization. I don't see Substack and these kinds of sites as social media, but more as forums. On the other hand, there are also advantages to it. Thanks to Elon Musk, Twitter is emerging as a source for facts that would otherwise never be shown. So, well, every disadvantage has its advantage.
Yes, but I know a teenager who is still suffering from Long Covid. But I think the real cause is that this teenager thinks she is responsible for the death of her grandfather. More than enough trauma to devastate a child. What a society that throws children under the bus. I'd rather see it the other way around if it were either-or.
Can the effects of mixing the different brands in the vaccinations also be looked at? If you had received the first vaccination with Pfizer, you could just get the booster with Moderna or vice versa. There was no possibility of participation in the mark to be administered. In my opinion, this was done deliberately to ensure that side effects could never be attributed to the vaccinations because the brands start pointing at each other.
Kijk ik er overheen of ontbreekt er een brondocument voor al die citaten?
The video that accompanies it is the source. More info here:
There's nothing in it that we didn't already know. And since no one writes about it any further, it's not going to convince anyone. The problem is not a lack of information, the problem is that most people, also, or especially, 'highly educated' do not think critically. That's what I learned from this.
People should learn to do their own research. And not specifically about what is happening now, but how it could have come about. Its genesis began more than 120 years ago with the malicious practices of the Rockefeller family and they have been given every opportunity to poison humanity, in collaboration with the, bribed, rulers. It started on a large scale during and after WWI. The infamous, so-called, Spanish flu. What have we heard and learned about it in our education, sincere cause, etc., at the behest of the alleged government? Nothing to almost nothing. Just a footnote. The government has contributed to everything, structurally corrupt, and not the inhabitants, its task. I've been preaching it for over 25 years. The largest criminal organization is the government in all its forms, none excepted. Drug criminals are just petty crooks in relation to that.
It is very striking in the reactions that everything is now minimized. 'We already knew this', 'that's not new', 'that's been known for a long time',....
These kinds of reactions are the reactions that are ALSO imposed by the writers of the corona narrative, in case the deception would come true.
Don't be fooled even more by these responses.
What comes out of the RKI files is a real BOM !!
The man in the street KNEW and DOES NOT KNOW THIS!!
These reactions of 'everyone knew that' are filthy reactions to minimize the truth and are therefore just as criminal as what has been done to us – the people – for the past 4-5 years.
Nee bedriegers, het volk wist dit NOG NIET !!
Maybe off-topic, or not: which I think is a positive reaction to this large-scale psy-op; There are also people on it who make mincemeat of the narrative. For the attack on Trump, I am currently following Peakprosperity. This man carefully constructs the facts before coming up with hypotheses. With this approach, he forces the narrative to invent more and more twists and turns until it has become untenable. On the other hand, I don't understand how it can be widely reported on YouTube.
I think the worst thing is that the judiciary is also corrupt, so that justice is not done to people and the government and the so-called royal family can do whatever they want.
(Editor's note: I was unsure whether I should post this comment. It's quite off-topic and I've had this conversation ('viruses don't exist') too many times. It distracts from the problem we are facing and in the end it comes down to the fact that infections would not exist, that would never have been proven. I refer to this article, that is understandable for everyone. Because I don't like censorship, I post this comment anyway, albeit with slight reluctance. So please don't insist any further. If anyone experiences this as too annoying, let us know.)
" 💣🚨 RKI files: Genetic sequences are not evidence of a virus (RKI = German RIVM)
The RKI Crisis Team Protocol of 22 February 2021 ( states that genetic sequences are not evidence of a pathogen:
'BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) is of the opinion that sequencing results are not necessarily evidence for pathogens'
⚠️Why is this important?
The definitive investigation into the existence of SARS-CoV-2, 'A novel coronavirus associated with human respiratory diseases in China (', by Fan Wu et al. in the journal Nature, has been used worldwide as a template for further sequencing, 'variants', tests, and vaccines, and was based ONLY on genome sequencing.
💥Since the RKI files ( 'virus cultivation' was not strictly speaking possible, and sequencing is by definition not evidence, this is – quite officially – a refutation of the claim to the existence of the 'SARS-Cov-2 virus'.
source: NEXT LEVEL Telegram (”
Other viruses do not exist either because it has never been possible to prove that even 1 disease is contagious. That is no more than an assumption!!
All virology is 100% pseudoscience and ALL so-called vaccines are only harmful!