Now not about safety but about the effectiveness of the vaccines against Omikron. A new study from Cleveland Clinic shows that the risk of Omikron infection increases with the number of doses of the jab. See the chart below. The researchers describe that this is unexpected for them and strongly question the effectiveness of the vaccines against the variants since Omikron.
Cleveland Clinic heeft baanbrekend werk verricht op het gebied van medische doorbraken, waaronder coronaire bypassoperaties en de eerste gezichtstransplantatie in de Verenigde Staten. U.S. News & World Report noemt Cleveland Clinic consequent als een van de beste ziekenhuizen van het land in haar jaarlijkse onderzoek “America’s Best Hospitals”.

What follows in quotation marks are direct quotes from their article. Minus: people still talk about "COVID-19" while that disease is no longer there. So I replaced that with "Omikron-22".
"The association of an increased risk of Omikron-22 with a higher number of previous vaccination doses in our study was unexpected. A simplistic explanation could be that those who received more doses were more likely to be individuals at higher risk for Omikron-22. A small proportion of the persons may have met this description. However, the majority of subjects in this study were generally young people and all were eligible to receive at least 3 doses of vaccine by the start date of the study."
“Daarom waren degenen die minder dan 3 doses kregen (>45% van de personen in de studie) niet degenen die niet in aanmerking kwamen om het vaccin te krijgen, maar degenen die ervoor kozen om de aanbevelingen van de CDC over het up-to-date blijven met Omikron-22 vaccinatie niet op te volgen, en men zou redelijkerwijs kunnen verwachten dat deze personen meer kans hadden om meer risicogedrag te vertonen. Desondanks was hun risico om Omikron-22 te krijgen lager dan degenen die een groter aantal eerdere vaccinatiedoses hadden ontvangen.”
"This is not the only study finding a possible link between more previous vaccination doses and a higher risk of Omikron-22. A large study showed that those who had an Omikron variant infection after previously receiving three doses of vaccine had a higher risk of re-infection than those who had an Omikron variant infection after previously receiving two doses of vaccine. [source]"
Quote from this source (paraphrased):
The booster dose may have prepared the immune response for a specific scary pre-omicron infection; so the response was inferior when the actual omicron subvariant came along. Repeated immunological events of the same species appear to be associated with narrowed protection against a new type of immunological event.
[Let's hope this validated response only applies to Omikron.]
"Another study found that receiving two or three doses of an mRNA vaccine after previous Omikron-22 was associated with a higher risk of re-infection than receiving a single dose. [source]"
Quote from this source:
Among previously infected individuals, those who received 1 dose of vaccine had a significantly lower risk of Omikron-22 than those who did not receive a vaccine, but those who received 2 doses had a higher risk of Omikron-22 than those who received a single dose and a risk that was no lower than for those who did not receive a vaccine. Those who received 3 doses were found to have a lower risk than those who did not receive a vaccine, but a higher risk than those who received a single dose.
"We still have a lot to learn about protection from Omikron-22 vaccination, and in addition to the effectiveness of a vaccine, it is important to investigate whether multiple vaccine doses given over time may not have the beneficial effect that is widely believed."
They also admit that they cannot calculate the effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine to reduce serious illness, because there were not enough people who became seriously ill.
Obvious question: If Omikron-22 is harmless enough, now that this serious disease is so rare that it cannot even be detected in a study of the effectiveness of a vaccine, and the number of doses of that vaccine increases the risk of getting Omikron-22, why is it injected???
To a Twitter thread from Dr. Doug Corrigan, biochemist and molucular biologist.
How this works out in practice illustrates this reporting from Australia.
It may be that God does not punish immediately, but he does not forget it either apparently :))
Kan iemand uitleggen/verklaren waarom het oranje lijntje van de mensen met >3 prikken vanaf dag 70 ineens stijgt ten opzichte van het blauwe lijntje? Is dat omdat ze dan prik 4 of 5 kregen wellicht?
I don't know, but your statement sounds plausible.